(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

I guess coz durian is heaty so it keeps our body warm. As for crabs, I heard that it's best not to eat too. Else bb will be with an allergy.
hi sinkor, i called some others and they charge about 1,500 for normal delivery. hence the shock.

just called them again to clarify. 2,500 include the hospital stay. phew. but her earliest appt is 1 apr. =(
ya...still can eat durian but have to control.... else too heaty also no good... and easy to put on weight...
Devilina, so really have to avoid crabs.... last preggy control for 9 months.. then i kena E csect and another 3 months cant eat...so torture!

Hi Swanston,
ya... she super "long q" one.... i book appointment on end Feb and manage to get 18/3 slot! last time not this way....haiz...
Ladies, what is the best way to tell if your baby is growing without going to the scan cos my next scan is in 2 week's time.
Hi Ladies,

Just gotten a BPF tis morning, and I went to gynae afterwhich. Can see my little beanie's heartbeat. But gynae unable to cfm EDD yet.

Would like to check with you gals, for now apart from taking FA, what other stuffs we can take to nurse our health?
Hi Nello,
Beside folic acid, i was given prenavit (bright pink pill) by my gynae.

I notice there are more pimple popping up from my back eversince i took prenavit.. or maybe i'm jus too heaty ...
Ooops, I took a mouthful of raw korean beef dish yesterday, and a couple of sips of those chilled korean tea.

I hope my baby won't be affected!!
I have decided to quit my job cos i do not want to allow my daily work stress to affect my baby. It's pretty bad and I do not enjoy my work at all. Plus whenever I rushed to do something or received another bad news, my tummy would cramp a bit
I don't care if my hubby is going to say I'm useless. I will look for a less hectic job while serving my notice.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Are u asking which part of S'pore I stay? Am staying at Pandan Gardens, somewhere between Jurong East and West Coast there.

Whoa, getting more & more new mum-to-be joining this thread!
All rushing for Ox baby huh? :p

I think 1 tablet of folic acid is sufficient every morning. I just went to polyclinic this afternoon to confirm my pregnancy and got referred to NUH, scheduled to antenatal 1st visit/checkup on Mac 23rd.

Haha, when thinking back of my 1st pregnancy, I really put on MUCH weight in just 2 weeks alone beginning of pregnancy-about 5-6 weeks)!! I think in 2 weeks' time, I gained about 3-4kgs!! Oh boy, all my levi's jeans all of a sudden cannot fit liao! =P Damn scary!!

Now don't dare to eat so much liao, haha. But anyway, don't feel like eating tho and lost appetite. Another reason is due to avoid bloatedness. So now still can maintain the weight so far, hehe. Hope not to gain too much this time round :l
wah.. lots on food restriction.. :p for me, i will still eat as per normal.. but will try to stop taking food tt's not fully cooked..

ham n cured meat dun take too.. can result in miscarriage if the ham/cured meat is contaminated with listeria bacteria...

as for durian, hee.. it's my love... :p will still eat.. but dun take too much during last tri.. can result in big bb.... :p

ohhh... and i juz had crab... hehehe.. :p

and congrats to all new MTB...
Jing Hui,
u going for antenatal checkup at NUH ah.. me too leh.. which gynae u looking for? i will be visiting prof mary ruff..

Am on subsidized rate, can't choose
If private patient, quite costly la :p Esp those senior level gynae.
i considered Mary last time i recalled
on food, i still eat as per normal. in fact befre i knew i was preg i juz ate crabs!

i had a few pimples on my face but now all gone. must hve been body hormones adjusting to new status
Hi Ladies,

Tis thread had been pretty quiet since 11pm. I came in to pen in a few words cos I cant sleep.

Too many things on my mind now... sighz...

1st I hope my driving lessons wont be too stressful for me to handle =P
2nd I actually planned to go to BKK for shopping in late May with my Gfs, now I am hesitating should I go anot? Will it be safe for me to do so.

Btw talk about raw food, tho I m nt a fan of sashimi but I am a great fan of Subway.. so not sure will those raw vegs like tomatoes & cabbages be bad for me, ladies any ideal?
Hi I'm from Jan 2009 thread. I have a Brand new Medela Mini Electric for sale, with a 3 pack of medela bottles absolutely free!

The pump alone retails at $193.90 and the bottle pack at $31.50. I am letting go the brand new package for just $150 and will deliver to any MRT station. Thats a saving of over $70!!!
Conatct me on 93223995 if keen thanks =)
Good morning ladies.....
I woke up at 5+am and couldn't fall asleep again. Been like this since my 5th week.

Ashley, would you be able to seek the understanding of your boss to assign you less hectic workload? As you know, getting a job in times like this is not easy and there'll be more expenses to come with the baby. But if your boss is not an understanding person, then I support your decision.

Nello, i actually plan to go Hokkaido in July but have to call it off because of baby. no point going now since I can't eat my fav sashimi and go for hot spring bath. I'll do so after baby is a few months old bah. Any suggestions on where can we go for a short holiday in our 2nd trimester?

Btw, my gynae said Subway is fine. you got to ask them to heat it up for you.

Oh ya, I had a glimpse of my bb last evening. It's just a tiny weenie little bean of 5mm, estimated to be about 6 weeks old. Heartbeat can be heard, with heart rate at 120+. Estimated due date is 4 Nov.
Good morning Ladies.....

Hi Shill,
my face also have a few pimples, skin also quite oily, be going for facial later =(
Tok abt Subway actually I am abit hungry now =p

Hi Dingdong,
what abt HK? Geez... my brain now is jus full of shopping, just kept thinking wanna get BB's stuffs =p

Btw when will you ladies start applying stretch mark cream?
Nello, my colleague told me that there's a baby fair at taka. can see see look look first.

i started to apply baby oil on my body and boobs. anyone experience itchy nipples?
Hi Dingdong,

Yes yes.... I experience tat too... gynae told me dun soap tat area during shower... but errr... dun soap? Me intend to get sebamed to pom pom think is safer.
hmmm for driving lesson, i was preg with #1 when i juz started my lessons.. drop out halfway coz morning sickness was too much for me..

as for travelling, can postpone? we r still in 1st tri in May leh.. usually not recommended to travel in 1st tri.. 2nd tri shd be fine.. i even went melbourne free n easy during my 2nd tri.. :p

i think as long as the trip is relaxing n not rushed, anywhere shd be fine..

as for raw vege, i will suggest tt dun take... even those pre washed salad mix fr supermarket shelves.. got lots of bacteria on them..

can start applying moisturiser or stretch mark cream liao.. but hor, i still got stretch mark for #1 although i was diligently applying anti stretchmark cream...
this time, i will juz apply normal moisturiser lah... :p

me too.. i hope i will be able to go hokkaido aft giving birth... ohhh.. i will miss my sashimi....

i went melbourne during my 2nd tri for #1.. was really nice.. went in Aug.. the weather is cool...
super relaxing on the great ocean road..
enjoyed it much more than sydney's blue mountain.. :p

i experienced itchy nipple too.. kept applying lanolin but no use.. den, i realised it's actually due to allergies not dryness... the moment i change the softener i normally used, the itchiness is gone...
facial? eh, gd idea! i mite also do tat juz as a treat later in e wk. prob may skip facials when 3rd tri bec lying dwn is prblm

ding dong
doc gave u a scan pic to keep of yr little one? starting to get exciting hor?
re:insomnia i get tat sometimes too .. i usu get a warm glass of milk
for raw veg, last time my gynae told me not to eat too bcos we dunno how the restaurant/cafe handle those raw veg....unless is prepared by ourself....
for holiday, same as shihui, i went to korea when i am in 2nd tri.... more safer....

Hi Ashley, maybe u can ask for part time basis for ur job? NOw the economy is not really good, i believe ur boss will be glad u work as part time to help company cut cost and at the same time u can relax...
Hi ladies...are you going to start a blog on your pregnancy? I have started one....as a way to document my pregnancy as well as a "record" of my days from being a MTB to becoming a mummy
Hi Sinkor, I can try to ask about such an arrangement for my job but it's rather unlikely to be possible. I work in an ad agency and we are all super busy. My friend suggested that I asked to switch to a lower position like an account coordinator. I would love to, but in my company we don't have any account coordinators or openings for any "lower" positions.
So you think is not advisable to go during 1st Tri, I kept "comforting" myself thinking is safe cos past 1st Tri.. hmm I will think twice again. Better dun play play....

Just now my beautician told I will prone to have more outbreaks, meaning more to come :'(

Talking abt the itchy nipples.. is really unbearable sometimes... I will tend to scratch them but boobies are feeling sore too. Geez... really dun knw wat to do.
Nello, maybe use the ph neutral soap to wash nipples should be ok ba. i use sebamed too...to wash face only.

shihui, i love melbourne too, esp. the great ocean road and phillips island. i'm thinking of going to tasmania instead else may end up going on a cruise, depending on my workload by then.

shill, yup
i got the scan of my little one. i'm thinking of what to do with it. you know bookshops like kino and borders sell those kind of pregnancy planner or journal kit where you can jot down notes on a daily/weekly basis of your pregnancy? i'm thinking of buying one, then i can also slot in my bb scans and photos of my tummy
. but it's kinda costly though, around 40-50 bucks.
i have a blog for my #1... but it was started few mth aft he's born.. hee.. :p hmmm.. u reminded me to start the blog early for #2...

yes.. i love philips island too.. and the cute little penguins...
heard fr my fren tt tasmania is like mini New Zealand.. lots of natural scenery..

i bought a preg diary b4 too... but i juz fill in the first page.. den aft tt MS came.. no mood to write.. den stop writing totally.. hahaha... :p

40 bucks is quite ex leh.. i bought fr spring maternity 2 years ago.. it's 19.90...

ya.. maybe wait till 2nd tri, preg more stable liao.. den go tour...
u will enjoy urself more too.. coz 2nd tri is the honeymoon period of the whole preg.. no MS.. n tummy still not too heavy...
hi gals,
my EDD (according to internet calculator) is 9th nov, are most of u experiencing MS yet? Cos i dun feel anything yet lei, was hoping to have some MS so can reassure that everything's ok. 1st scan with gynae is next wk.
dingdong and Shihui,
Yes tasmania is a lovely place to visit. Very nice sceneries and is a relaxing place. I went there for my honeymoon.

Ur baby should be fine, some mummies dun experience MS at all throughout their pregnancy and i really envy them.
Ashley, try to ask for alternative option from ur boss...or work 3 days per week also good....

Hi dosb, i do not have any MS for #1... as for now, also not yet.... so not to worry...
hi dosb,
i'm still not experiencing MS yet but i suspect it's coming... :p now i will feel nausea whenever i'm hungry... so i try to eat whenever hungry...

dun worry.. not having MS doesn't mean tt things not OK..
it's gd to hav a MS free preg...

ohh.. u r making me wanting to go tasmania...
hope i will get the chance to travel during the 2nd tri..
Hi mummies - so many posts to catch up! Congrats to all MTB! I went to my gynae this morning as i have been feeling bloated since yesterday afternoon until now... the sac is now 1.6cm and can see a tiny heartbeat when he was doing the scan today. I cooked some ginger tea to ease off the bloatedness but still dont feel comfortable...

I did not have such symptoms when i was preggy with #1....sigh.....

Anyone started to experience what i am going through now?

Travelling - Travel in 2nd trimester is better and you would also enjoy even more. I was in Hk and BKK when i was 4, 5months preggy. We are going to HK again most likely in May.... This time round i am thinking of bringing my son to Bali before #2 arrives...heeheehee
so far, i will feel tummy cold cold like lots of wind if i'm hungry... it's quite unbearable and i muz eat something.. juz finished the double cheeseburger hubby got for me fr Mc..

if this goes on, i think i will gain lots....
hi ladies, i just found out i'm pregnant a few days ago. It's my 1st one. May i know when do i need to see a gynae for the 1st checkup? is it during the 8th week? i'm 5 weeks according to online calculator. Your replies are appreciated! thanks!
hi xynn, welcome and congrats.
usually the first checkup is around 6-8 weeks. the heartbeat will start at around 6 and a half weeks. if you're not gan jiong, can see gynae at 8 weeks as the legs and arms are starting to form by then
morning ladies....

i lazy to start a blog leh....i'm not very good in writing too. whereas the preg diary would be better cos i can bring it around and pen down whenever the thought occurs.

as for MS, none yet **cross fingers**
Sorry to interrupt mummies...i have the following for sale:

1. Pigeon Fridge to go (Totally new) - selling at $40 with free 3 pcs of pigeon storage bottles worth $15+

2. Lucky Baby warmer (used once) - bought at $34.90 selling at $25.00

Self collect at Geylang or Sembawang, PM me for details please.
Morning Ladies...

Think my eating habits are turning weird. Craved for something but after taking a few mouthful... suddenly jus dun hv appetite anymore.

Btw wanna ask you gals...my best gf will be getting married in Aug. Can I help her with her preparations or is really a no no.. cos will clash (pantang). Sighz.. I didnt tell her I am preggie already. Really dun feel comfortable. Hoping to wait till after 1st tri. then announce to frens & relatives
Hi Xynn, first have to decide which gynae to see first and then try to book the date first. bcos some gynae need long waiting time...so by that time think u are in wk 7 or 8 already and just nice...

Hi Nello, i dun think u can help ur friend wedding on aug ....not bcos bandung... is bcos that time i think u are in 3rd tri liao.... that peroid will be super tired one....
Hi Xynn,
Congrats!! ya.. i think u can call in to book appt once u confirm the gynae.. sometimes, the nurse will advise when u can go for the first appt too.. when i had #1, the nurse asked for my last menstrual date and did a calculation for me.. den she advised me to go during 7th wk coz by den definitely will see heartbeat...

ya lor.. 3rd tri u will be so tired tt u dun feel like moving ard much.. n being jie mei can be abit too tiring for u.. if u really wish to go, it will be gd to tell her tt u preg liao.. see if she/family minds anot.. sometimes, it's not the bride who's pantang but the family members lor...

hahaha.. for me, i prefer to type more than write.. :p tt's y my preg diary remains blank other than the first page.. :p
thanks taurus, sinkor, shihui, dingdong,

good to hear from u all,thanks a lot. Cos this is my #1, and somemore i tried so long to conceive, so rather kan cheong. :p
thanks ladies! i will call up my gynae and check with the nurse tomorrow.

right now, i would have abdominal pains on and off. Something like stomach cramps... is this normal?
Xynn, my gynae says that it's normal. the cramps are caused by the uterus expanding. warnings sign to look out for would be severe pain, spotting or bleeding.
dosb, first time mummy is this kind one...sure kan cheong... that time when i preggy #1, before reaching 2nd tri...i had more or less bought bb things liao... haha... that time super kiasu! :p
Xynn, like dingdong mentioned, cramp is common.... so not to worry....

hi all,
Congrats to mummies here. Yesterday i tested +ve on the kit
It's exactly 4.5wks from my LMP. Bought Watsons kits to test. Couldn't believe it and today tested again (couldn't wait to wait for 48hrs hahaaaa coz the line looked faint). Anyway, 2times tested the line oso look faint.

I'm a mum to dec07 baby. He just recovered from hfmd. and i got it from him last wednesday. my blisters are starting to dry up since yesterday. hope this won't affect the little one inside. I'm still bf-ing #1 till today (at work I express and provide to the infant care). Anyone else who's still bf-ing their older children? Any advice to that? Thanks heaps!
