(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

kimifin> haiz. dunno how to help u. good luck! no need to apologise for anything. i dont owe u and u dont owe me... jus like how everyone is responsible for their own life!

anyone watched 3D movies yet? apparently science centre having pixar 3d films. those with #1 as toddleers can consider going!
morning! ahh...so we have more takers for the 6 apr lunch? yeah! i plan way in advance so that i can also "capture" those who are working ma, cos u gals need to take leave

if sporty can make it then we do nelly's one for one on 6 apr
if she cannot then we go marche ar 313?
kimifin, juz take things as it comes la...u control ur own life
after having 2 kids, i realised tha having family support makes a diff lor... if u have ILs or parents tha can help, it really make ur life easier...if not, then juz have to DIY lor! i have frens who have 2 kids and still go out and party/holiday etc cuz they dun have to worry abt care taking issues of the kids as they have parents/ils to jaga... so its how u want ur life to be lor!

mm6j, 3d movies are addictive!! love the effects!

superwalker, wahh...i'm so honoured...the lunch like tailored for me...hahhaha... how can i say NO rite?? oh ya, ask jocelyn han along leh!!
Good morning! : ) I not preggy lah! Or at least I think so... But wanna be preggy so that hubby won't keep harbouring hopes of me going back to work. Two kids will give me more 'bargaining power' LOL. I might be sahm now but actually it's not something which my hb totally supports : ( Sad lor, I give up my $ and financial independence wor. Strange right, I thought men like the wife to take care of children. Don't they like their flesh and blood to be happily with the mother?
superwalker, must be a tuesday/6th april ah? Fri 9th april have one more leh... haha..
(cannot get enough of u...haha.. or rather Timmy and the other babies..!)
sporty> i haven watched any. shall watch the dragon one u recommended.
i have not been in cinema for more than a year!!

nvfm> i think as society progresses, men and women are seen to be "more equal" although NEVER equal so first thing on the guys' minds before talking abt natural things they can't change - likehow we menstrate and go through labour, they will talk abt army and their wives working lo!

chris> i think superwalker org on tues cos tues morie convenient for momo mummy??
Sporty... My target is min 1 yr max 2 yr.. If by 1 yr, I damn tired n can't take it den I will give up..

Rachelle... Ever thot of changing job but like damn tough. Unless I switch line.. But if switch, I dun tink other co will offer mi my current pay. Haiz got to ren.. ReAlly sacrifice alot.. ESP my beauty slp.. Imagine waking up every weekday at 530.. Faint
superwalker> marche opened at 313 ?? i only knew they had one at vivo..

myboyjovan> did u eat ur popcorn and "watch" the show? :p no catfight lah. i am "clawless" after giving birth. Long fingernails all GONE!
talking about taking care of 2 kids, i also many diy. from pregnant till now, sometimes diy till almost depression.
somemore recently my husband's colleague always suan us, sometimes people without kids yet won't understand how much effort we put in at home, so i very fed up.
last night went to sms the colleague without my husband knowing, to stop adding unwanted pressure on my husband cos we are all trying to make things work.
sorry to keep complaining here. haiz.
mm6j, i was about to take popcorn, but no more cat fight liao lei, haha.

nvfm, what's baby's day out? sorry i very slow here lei, what lobang is that?
so hungry now, bb sleeping, thought of ordering mac, (reminds me of the time when i was pregnant, almost three four times mac delivery per week), but now budget budget liao, think just settle for noodle at kopitiam la.

mm6j, you stay near me right, the kopitiam claypot frog's leg very good ar! yummy yummy
WAH... I think u mummies need some JOKES or SOME X-rated Jokes from Momo Mummy... Whahahaha....

ToDAY is my off day again and I am digging nose at home... later pretend to anyhow mop my whole house abit and wash smelly lucas clothes and tidy up my bedroom then go Orchard to hv my pedi and mani done...

These few days Lucas over slept and ended up hubby and me oso overslept. Hubby is late for work again today.. Whahahaa... madness for him but good for me and Lucas.. can sleep more!
Frankly speaking I prefer being a working mum. So that I can have some 'me' time and spend quality time with my gal on weekend or evening. This makes me a happier mother.
Going for a girls outing with my gf later. So happy, haven't been doing this for months already.
momo Mummy...
ya we need JOKES from u... cheer up our days...

good hor.. every tues n thurs off ah?

freaking cold in office.. make my sinus attack me.. feel like sleeping liao..
kimifin, u still having a hard time at ILs? hubby not back yet? i get what u mean about part-time mum.. every night after i get back from work, it's almost 9pm when i can finally see and play with bb.. then he gets ready for bed and I'm so tired i want him to sleep early..but if he sleeps early, the time we have together is lesser.. such a dilemma.. And everytime my mum tells me about some antics lil L performed, I'll be very sad I cannot witness them myself.. guess more time with him means sacrificing something else i.e career.. not that i wanna climb the corporate ladder either.. super laid back already.. think will try for part-time work arrangements .. i will not be able to stand working 5 days a week when ML finsihes.. the weekend just flies..

NVFM (+other SAHMs), u r wei da one! jiayou.. maybe can try some freelance thingy that u can do from home lor, if financial independence is needed.. i can see that u r very resourceful.. surely something can fit..;p
myboyjovan> mus be guys and their ego. we all are entitled to "complain" at times lah, but jus be sure what u did will not have repercussions on ur husb and ur rlationship. cheer up! scroll up to see the link nvfm posted on bb's day out.. i cant remb where u staybut erm, i am scared of frogs and i don eat frog's legs. lollllll

momo mummy> shiok for ur off day i have a LONG meeting at 1:30pm today but brightside: i am off tml, long weekend!!

tanly> u can be more happy also when u have mummies lunches with me aries and zen next week!
myboyjovan, hey come out with us some day leh... i think we havnt met u in person hor??? u SAHM right? Free free come out leh... U so funny still say take pop corn eat and see cat fight... u got facebook or not?? add me leh... want to see u noti mummy... Hehehehe

im pumping now and reading posts again.

Chris, wow 6mths ML, if its true, yipeeee

MM6J, u at RH issit?

wow all the lunch outings sound so fun, but all in town, got anyone organize lunch at JP hehehe
hehe wat u wearing today?
yest u say u going to have meeting with a whole bunch of guys huh?
today got wear revealing top or not.. *winks*
talking about freelance at home, got any lobang here or not.

oh ya, i thought sso baby prom is annual event, this yr dunno got or not, feel like going cos i missed one when #1 was younger.
nvfm, ur son already show signs of #2 coming by sucking his toes lor...whahhah :p think nowadays men very clever la, they dun wanna be sole breadwinner anymore like our parents' time...thas why some are against women to become sahms...

mm6j, or go watch alice in wonderland! i juz went marche at 313 on sunday!!

tanly, everything is nice at nelly's lor :p yeah, i agree tha i myself prefer to be a ftwm too! heheh...but when i'm on leave, i will be a sahm :p must like what mm6j said, chu de liao ting tang and jin de liao chu fang! hahha

anise, jia you...u are almost half way thru 1 yr

myboyjovan, no prob la...everyone need their avenue to complain! esp sahm...its not an easy job!

momo mummy, so shiok...still can go pedi/mani!! i totally lost all my ME time! hahah
mm6j: managed to go to toysrus again to grab more gd deals?

RE: SALES - taka got rebate promo, instead of the usual 6%, now 12%! starting on friday.

- metro got storewide 20% off at paragon branch on sat!

momo: u free, u come over to my place. It's your turn!

sporty: me also no ME time liao... except when i go take a dump or bathing, hiaz... ask u hor, if we go and do filling, can bf or nt? i scared tt i accidentally swallow some amalgam...
MyBoyjovan, Bo Lahz... how to bring Lucas along? If lucas goes means he has to paint his nails too... lucas at nanny today, i had him the whole day on tues until my shoulders breaking liao... bring lucas out to meet some other mummies and carried him the whole day, until today my should like breaking off liao... Lucas is small and i guess the smallest here but u see I am oso very small in lenght lahz... Lucas is almost half my lenght liao so to carry a 6kg baby is like madness!
sneaking some time at work to post.. :p

re 2 kids,
really very tiring lor... sometimes i do grumble y i hav to start my childbearing years so early.. most of my fren still not married or no kids.. but hor, when my son says 'i love u' with a great big hug, or when i see my gal who grin so widely when she sees me, everything else dun matter liao...

re 3D movie,
been wanting to watch... but hor, i hav motion sickness... can't even tahan 30min of omni max theatre... dun dare to sit thru the whole movie... wait i halfway vomit... got to bring plastic bag if i really want to watch.. hahahahaha.. :p

ok lah.. if all the clothes fold nice nice liao, will be very fast... 5min will finish packing.. problem is, i hav a whole mountain of unfold clothes.. hahaha.. :p

i cook v simple dishes only... usually a soup which i use thermal pot to cook in the morning... and another side which is usually stew meat, steam fish or those seaweed chicken etc... :p

hahaha.. ya!! worried if not enough detergent, cannot remove the fatty deposit... worried abt detergent residue, so muz rinse with lots of water... hahaha... me very very mafan lah... :p

if there's 6mths maternity, i may consider too.. hahaa... but if it's till 1 year old like some of the european country, would be even better.... n heavily subsidised childcare.. hahahaha... i think i'm dreaming.. :p

i custom made mattress for my gal at seahorse... quite gd..
n not too ex too... they hav this ongoing 50% promo.. so quite worth it lah...
chris> i also more "forgetful" after i give birth.. but if my "memory cells" were given to my son then i don mind lah, if not I WANT IT BACK!

melodie> hahaha, don tempt me to go again. u gg shopping at metro ah? or is it taka?

starzz> today my left eye swollen, dunno plus factor or not, will "wink" more during meeting later. got lah but i also got wear sweater in office erm maybe for now, i was telling ayukie earlier post later i don wear sweater go meeting room then everybody sit down on table then i "action" wear sweater. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

sporty> ooh, i thot u went to vivo branch one.. okok i try to go and watch..

ardenz> i prefer not to discuss abt "work" lah

momo mummy> i very tempted to do acrylic nails again. but no one to c and admire. LOL
normally u gals bring bb out alone for lunch gathering hor.. is take cab or take mrt/bus?

i havent try bringing out bb alone for long hours yet... i gonna try soon
chris,but even if the 6mths ML is true and made effective, we already missed the boat this time round mah...unless we go for #2, then can reap the benefits of this "rumoured" new policy. So how, you onz for #2? hehehehehehe
momo mummy, i funny also not as funny as you, heard you are the queen of jokes. haha
ya lor, i SAHM.
my facebook hor, is very stale one, cos not really sure of all the functions, my husband is the one very on facebook. keke.
[email protected], add me lei. keke.

got anyone keen tea break at compass point or not, haha, sorry ar, i very selfish lei, ask people come near mear me.
cos normally lunch time bb sleeping and i'd prefer her to sleep properly in cot, can sleep longer and i can do some surfing and post here, then normally is after lunch then she wakey wakey want to play.
Mm6j, lunch. No prob. Onz...

Momo, I also like to dig nose leh. But hor cannot do infront of my girl girl now, if not nxt time she like her mummy no composure.
Mel: U shopping queen leh....
i dun drive leh... ur place no MRT so must wait for hubby to drive me there... i come over to u on weekends ya... weekdays hubby super tired... hahaha... he got panda eyes serious case one... hehehe.. dun miss me ya.. Hahahaa

Sporty/Myboyjovan: simi is SSO Baby Prom?

Sporty: My Me time ending soon... after 19 April I wont hv Tues and Thurs off liaoz... Sien...

MMJ: Jiayou is almost half a day gone and tmr is FRIDAY.... hehehe
haha u wana make the guys canot concentrate in the meeting ah...

its lunching time soon... oh i miss bubble milk tea..
shihui, ya lor...i seen pple puke after 3d movie before! hahhaha... aiya, u are not alone la, my hse also have loads of unfolded clothes, juz slowly fold at nite after the kids are asleep or on weekends lor ... which thermal pot is good ah? i thot of doing tha but in the end, i decided to go for easy way out...tingkat! so my boy can have early dinner before i'm home! hehhe

mm6j, i given up on my nails after i had #1...cuz with the nails and stuffs, how to do housework and feed bb rite?! hehe

ardenz/chris, u two work in same company ah??!!

momo mummy, u go google for SSO bb prom...sure can find info one...its an SSO performance for kids... why so good now have tues and thurs off? clearing ML eh?
Swanston, how can we help with this? I'll make sure I'll help with the cleaning aftermath but for now, how can we help with the prep?

Ardenz, join us for this leh.. wanna see Lil A and yr hubby... haha..

date: 11th april (sunday)
venue: hillington green condo fn room (hillview ave, near bt batok)
time: lunch (11am-2pm or 12-3pm?)
cost: (to be advised)

1. swanston (2AA + bb)
2. sporty (2AA + 1 tod + bb)
3. MM6J (2AA + bb)
4. tanly (2AA + bb)
5. Piggy (2AA + bb)
6. Raerae (2AA + bb)
7. Chris (1AA + bb)
8. devlina (2AA + bb)
9. saintbaby (1AA + bb)
10. wendy lim (2AA + bb)
11. celine (2AA + bb)
12. sponge (3AA + 1 tod + bb)
13. ayukie (2AA + bb)
14. dingdong (2AA + bb)
15. zen kiv
16. ariesgal kiv

add ur name if you are keen
starrz, bubble tea...slurp..me too miss bubble tea
thank i later go downstairs buy.
wa now talk like pregnant days hor. all the cravings starting to come out
i think u live near my side....

bubble tea.... but me is like to drink the tea but not the bubble... strange hor me..keke.
swanston: oh, no wonder didn't see u... haha. the big toy for 20 bucks very wu hua! u were with 2 other ladies right? from our thread?

mm6j: i'll go to both sales, taka and paragon metro on sat, hohoho

momo: ok, i know ur hb got serious case of "orh bah kak" eyes, poor him. but weekend, i shld be bz shifting... see hw, mabbe end up i go over again.
Sporty: yup yup claering my ML cos i went abck work in end Jan ma... my ML suppose to be till March buy boss wants me back earlier... so now off tues and thurs loh... Orh i know wat is SSO baby prom liao.... hahahaha

Tanly: Hahaha.. dig nose liao remember to clean fingers if not baby take our hands and suck suck all the salty pisai.. hwhahaha
Chris, we shall do 9 apr (fri) lunch too if we get a few more responses
orrhhhh....u only miss the babies n not the mummies! Then u just come pick up our kids n babysit for us la! Keke!!

Sporty, so 6 apr on ya? I SMS rayofjoy
definitely worth having #3 if your pay is high. My gf has 3 kids and hardly pays income tax (her income is quite high).

tanly, I m not sure nelly got branches at orchard. Everything is nice there. I like the sheperds pie, beef pie, fish n chips. Yum!!
Ardenz, number 2 ah.. parents want lor.. haha.. But i wanna give some good years to Lil L and Big L first.. will consider after 4-5 years maybe.. but by then i old le.. dun know can still pop a little pig out or not (pig year)

Superwalker.. of coz the sweet mummies too! But the mummies are incomplete without the babies...hahahaha.. .
Yes pls, Fri too .. i dun mind Liang court again! haha..
