(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

To me, not important
Eg: Baby bottled food. Although it is written organic and all natural, it's not fresh and contains lots of starch.

Not sure how natural is organic soya though.
My col just told me, it is more advisable to use a manual scrape and not a food processor to blend the foods when we are starting on solids.

Reason is, bb stomach may get too used on the "overblended" food n not able to absorb more fibre-type as compared to manually scrape food, if he grows up, may rely and always take blended food. so take note.

duno anyone knows what i m talking about
Superwalker & blessedcyn thanks for sharing on the weaning machine. i bought a manual version fr combi but wan get an electronic. but i saw the tray from the link u share. thinking if i should buy.

btw, i jus back fr th expo baby fair, alot ppl buying pampers. small size 3 pack @$49.90. but i find noting interesting to buy so left in an hr with my baby.
will be a SAHM next month, so more free now. For the first few month, S is having diaper rash, even when we switched her to cloth nappy. In the end, we used cotton wool to clean her bottom. Now she is better. But still cried aggressively when changing her nappy. Louder than when she is hungry. Buay Tahan.

Wat to buy at Expo fair? Can buy pamper, nestle snacks, avent bottles, etc if you need it.
I'm gng there to buy Cadi thermometer $89. I think it is worth. =)

I understand. I also did that for #1. Beside that, I also used a small siever to scratch up the food easily.

Interested in food.
S drooling when she watch us having meal. Likely to start weaning when she turned five month.
Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
3. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. zentan - oatmeal x 2 and multigrain x 1(north)
6.rachelleling - brown rice x 2
7. ariesgal - oatmeal x 1 , brown rice x 1
8. MM6J- oatmeal x 1

1.saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)
2. Shihui - brown rice x 1 (west)

1. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)

Total 15 cans. ANY MORE ORDERS??????
sporty/pei pei, my gal trying to flip but tink she's chubby chubby like mummy so having difficulties lor... :p

blueginger, long time no see u post liao...hw r u & bb huh? Hope all is well...so u r going to be sahm to take care of ur 2 lil ones huh??

tanly/saphira, same here...hair dropping alot alot...so scary...wondering when will it stop b4 i become bald!!!!
on flipping, my girl also haven't flip yet lor..... and she is born end of oct somemore....
she seems slower than her elder sis who flipped around 3rd month.... but nvm lah..... just let her learn at her own pace... each child is different anyway..
My hair also drop like nobody business. I see liao also scare.

My gal now not interested to flip, she more interested to sit up and stand. Put her on tummy also, she want to crawl but cannot move, end up she vomit a bit of milk. And now she like to hold her legs, as long as she lay down or sit, she will hold her legs.
blueginger, cadi thermometer only selling for $79! i just bought one. :p

Saphira, tanly/bearycue, me too! my whole house, everywhere has my hair... even on my gal when i carry her! everyday when i clean the floor, there is nothing but my hair... think i'm going botak soon. will our hair grow back? *worried*
My girl just started to do complete flip 2 nights ago. When she on her tummy too long she will also puke some milk then she will make lots of noise to ask us to flip her back.
*nob nob* one goes to school, so more relax now.
S is very talkative now. Talk to everyone except my MIL. When S see or hear my MIL, she will cry non-stop. Don't know y.

Hair fall.
Last time I stopped my #1 is 8months. This time dun know yet.

Mine too, not interested in flipping. She is not interested in playing with her bolster and her hankies.

don't worry. Mine also haven't flip. By 6month still haven't, den consult a doc.
My hair oso dropping like stick ons, floor covered with a carpet of my hair and my girl keep picking it up to put into her mouth. *faint*
babylele n Peipei,
today i ask my PD abt the growling sound of stomach.. she didnt say is wind.
Coz i told her i always hear the growling sound in the middle of night when i feed her then PD say in the day also have just that day time too noisy so probably cant hear the growling sound.

I ask abt when to start cereal, PD say 6th month then start.
Oh bb is 7.2kg liao.. opps.. hehe.

Today hor.. me make full use of my cc leave, after bring bb for jab, bring her home then me n hubby went to Expo bb fair then follow by fp sale then follow by Taka bb fair.

Pampers active baby is cheap at the expo fair.

Haha didnt buy a single thing at the fp sale. Waste petrol oil leh...haha.

BB taka fair.. bought some clothings and some toys.
blessedcyn, my gal takes 7 times a day, 140 ml each.

starrz, such a fruitful day for you!! So if it's not wind then what?? Did ur PD explain why got the growling sound?? I'm at expo this afternoon too, got quite a bit of offers lah, but more suitable for MTB. I only bought the cadi thermometer, latex pillow and some NUK products.
Peipei, pd didn't say it's wind.. From what she say.. It's probably really hungry sound.. Hehe funny hor.. Diff pd say diff thing..
Today finish 2nd dose of rotavirus liao..

Oh u are st the expo fair also ah.. Actually nothing much there hor.. Pampers really cheap.. I kiasu even go n buy L size de liao. I also bought clothes frm d baby cultures.. And also palmers baby bottom butter.. Wanted to go see the heintz (duno the spelling) baby food but too crowded liao..
Rather crowded de hor..

Pd keep saying my gal nose dirty n wan me to spray nose spray 3-4 times per day.. Haiyo but my bb hates me to spray that on her..
i bought the fp learning room from fp sale , went expo got 6 packs of pampers, 3 pairs of socks thats it .. went sembawang ntuc .. no more pigeon cleanser left so didnt manage yet ..
i wanted get alot from fp sale pity abt the condition of the toys tho ... i wanna get the bb playzone and this peekaboo music thing but quite dirty haiz .. hb din allow me get jumperoo sian .. i was v insistent on gettin learning rm ..
oh regarding uss tix .. i intend to get the annual pass so that i can go with bb ... unless got lobang gt cheaper tix? anyone gt lobang for checper uss tixs ?
neubriliser - i took once quite effective for me but duration nt v comfy tho ...

my gran b4 she passed away use it for a v v v long time le~
sporty, how much fresh milk you taking daily. Any other supplement. I am worried, gum bleeding. Heard its calcium deficiency. I am taking pre-natal multivits, calcium and iron. All prescribed by my gynae. These are the same suppl i took during preg. Just half the dosage.
hmm what is learning room?

i wish got the learning kitchen!!

my hair also dropping like mad.. my sil (who has had 2 kids) said it would continue for 6 to 12 months..
kimifin, my son took ventolin and flixotide for quite sometimes. He took them for almost 8 months. These are the same medication used in neubiliser. They are steroid. He became very pale looking, skinny and doesn't seems to grow fast. These med also weaken his immunity. Luckily with tui na, he is wean from these med. Ever since tui na, he also no longer require these medication.
Hi Bidosoh, Karen & Sporty

thk u for sharing your experience and opinion with me.

I guess i have yet to establish the trust on the nanny. And tends to worry a lot especially when bb is out of sight. I will give myself a least a mth to try out before jumping into conclusion.
Hiaz.. really not easy to be a FTWM.
blueginger, so u quitted ur job already to be a sahm?

bearycue, bb chubby then cute mah :p LOL

ariesgal, u so cute lor...juz say ur gal haven flipped and she flipped for u to prove u wrong lor :p

blessedcyn, my gal drinks 4 to 5 bottles of 125ml a day every 3 hrs in the day...sometimes lesser...

peipei. ur gal drinks alot lor...7 times a day!

ayukie, u referring to the learning HOME isit...i dun rem FP have learning ROOM leh :p hahha

bidosoh, i usually take 1 to 2 glasses a day plus one serving of yogurt to up my calcium levels as i already have weak teeth tha i'm seeing a specialist since i bfed my #1... other than tha, i take vitamins and fish oil (if i rem) and chix essence once in awhile...

jasmine, FTWM or SAHM...both are never easy
oh ya i bought the bbjorn bib!! but it's only for 8 months & older.. urmm just buy first la. And another long-sleeved coverall bib from mothercare :p
oh ya i wanna share abt my unpleasant experience at hwa xia.. Brought my bb for a swim at northpoint this afternoon cos only that branch has big pool (ie for 4 babies). Brought along 1 pc of my huggies swim diaper as usual but the staff said cannot use that for the big pool! instead gotta use a goon swim diaper bcos apparently the huggies one cannot hold in poo and it's not hygenic enough for the big pool... And the goon one costs $3 a pc!! angry lor!

but when i kept asking her why why why, she gave in and said i could just exchange my huggies one for their goon one with a $1 charge (since they charge $2 for the huggies diaper for use in the small tub).

i had intended to 'upgrade' my 10-session package to 20 sessions but when i asked, they said cannot just top up the difference in price ($140).. gotta sign another 10-session package ($190).. so forget it la, since they dun wanna earn my $140, i just bring my bb to public pool after he finishes his current package in 2 weeks' time lor
Hi ladies,

I went to the expo fair just. Nothing much to buy. Bought pampers, playmat & MIM nursing bras. Other than that, nothing interesting. May be going to fp sale tomorrow.

Happy bday to fieda!!!!!
morn all!

nvfm, the hwa xia pple really quite unreasonable leh...ya la, can bring ur bb to the normal pool after he finishes the package lor

devlina, u said nothing much to buy but u bought quite abit of things leh...hahha... happy shopping at fp later

fieda, happy bday...enjoy

starrz, really hungry ah? Haha... Maybe they have diff ways to diagnose?? But my gal one is really wind, since she pass gas very often, even the IFC teachers said her gas very loud! Haha...

Ya, I was there from 1+ for 2 hours. Too bad I never seen any one of you, meet you also dunno it's you. Hee...

sporty, my gal drinks a lot hor. I feed her once in the morning ard 5 or 6am, then 4 times @ IFC (3 hourly), come back in the evening feed again. Before we sleep, feed again @ 11+. But these 2 days she cannot finish her milk, only takes in abt 100ml and stop drinking liao. Dunno why...
