(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Raerae, still busy. Busier now. Can only check out the websites very early morning or during lunch time if i lunch in.

sporty, since you have so much milk, maybe it all attribute to the cow, hahahaha.....

Can mummies share with me your little ones prefer flipping to the right or left. Mine prefer the left. My gal is rather competent in the left now. My hb says she is practising on the right now. I am very surprise, she is really a perfectionist :)

But she is a scorpio leh, not virgo. Ever heard from my scorpio friend that when she wanted to achieve something, she will keep doing it. Like she wanted to lose weight she keep jogging until her kneels got problem, then she keep swimming until her ear infection many times.


I can collect on behalf of West people...
Pioneer after 7pm on weekdays, weekends or Dover weekdays 9am-6pm

Karen, Ardenz, Pei Pei, Shers-- captured yr orders..

Anymore? Closing date is today as stipulated by mm6j so do hurry ya.. ;p
superwalker> ur sil c-sect? very kind of u to offer fbm to ur sil but hor i thot the "nutrition value" in bm changes in the mom according to baby's "age" so i don think ur fbm is suitable for the twins since they have "months difference" as the nutrients required by them and what u express for timmy is different? jus a thought, anyway, ur sil may be able to tbf herself. hehehe
mm6j: Need to hit $120 for free delivery right?
Now only 8 cans so not there yet... most likely to tag along yrs... will let u know final number end of today okie..
chris> yup, u can also look at the site taurus provided and see if u wanna get other things, not end of today lah, 5 pm today

Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
3. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. zentan - oatmeal x 1 (north)
6.rachelleling - brown rice x 2

1. chris- brown rice x 2 (west)
2. ardenz - brown rice x 1 (west)
3. celine - brown rice x 1 (west)
4.saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)

1. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)
tanly, u can google for "rent a toy"... then the website will come out...

superwalker, so fast ur sil is due...so she's gonna be c sec-ed?!

bidosoh, hahhaha...maybe lor...i drink milk more to replenish my nutrients and calcium lost lor...if not i kept "giving out" my nutrients!! scorpios hor...are very persistent and determined pple, thas why ur gal kept trying and ur fren too :p

mm6j, ya...what u said is true la...but then i still feed my #1 with the ebm as he very gian to drink milk and it saves the FM cost...hahha
hmmm... the happy baby cereal, where can i find more info? coz i'm so outdated tt there's too many archives... tried going thru but still can't fish out the info leh....

interested in the weaning class too... but, oso unable to fish out more details.. :p are we going to do enrolment together? or juz call TMC ourselves?

i shd be going to the gathering on 11th Apr.. but hor, still got to make sure tt my gal din get chicken pox fr her bro.. she will be out of baby gathering quarantine in 1st wk apr... :p
Hihi gals!!!!
tgif....really looking fwd to the wkend to spend more time w my gal and catch up on zzzz :p

sporty, u flexi-work hrs these 3 weeks huh...coping ok? must be tiring handling everything on ur own as ur hubby on reservist, do take care hor

shihui, the $140 USS tickets incl all the ride or not huh??
Sporty & mm6j, yes...via c sec
on the fbm k let the mummy decide. At least having this offer will hopefully relieve her of fearing that she has insufficient milk
If she dun need then more milk bath for my boy

shihui, for weaning class on 21/4, call tmc. For happy bellies, u google.
mm6j, u very bad .. enticed me do more shopping and spend more $$$..hahaha.. yes, i "realized" i can hit $120 after all! so will order myself le.. So no need wait for my orders le.. ;p
shihui, ur gal must quarantine for how long?

tanly, u not stingy la...if u are...u wun even think of renting the toys!

bearycue, so far so good but next week my hb have to stay in for a few days...so dunno how then, still thinking of how to settle the kids...

superwalker, icic...ur mil will be damn excited lor...so many grandchildren now...ehhe
swanston, superwalker,

the $140 tickets shd include all rides lah..
but with a baby n a kid (who can't take most rides due to height limit), we can only take those kiddy family rides together.. :p
mm6j, u very bad .. enticed me do more shopping and spend more $$$..hahaha.. yes, i "realized" i can hit $120 after all! so will order myself le.. So no need wait for my orders le.. ;p
shihui, mm...then abit wasted hor coz read on the newspaper, most of the rides seem exciting and fun :p

sporty, mm...lil A will in school so shld be ok, as for lil M...can ask ur mum to help take care for a few hrs??

chris, if u r starting the happy bellies cereal spree for west side pple can help me order 2 x brown rice, tks...i'm staying @JE so maybe can get from u @pioneer mrt???
shihui, if u bring kids to theme park is like tha one...like i went tokyo disneyland last yr, we basically juz took the "safe" kinda rides as i was preggy and my #1 was too young...mainly we took pics and enjoy the other things in the theme park lor...its more for the experience lor!

bearycue, ya...my mum is taking care now in the day but its juz the sending and fetching her to and fro from my mum's as i dun feel safe to let her stay there for tha few days lor...

mm6j, ya la..cuz my son eats his 3 main meals of rice/bread etc and other snacks...so milk is like "snack" for him lor...LOL
my gal got to quarantine till 1st wk of apr... if she doesn't devlop chx pox, shd escape liao..

pls include me in the BP..

Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
3. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. zentan - oatmeal x 1 (north)
6.rachelleling - brown rice x 2

1. chris- brown rice x 2 (west)
2. ardenz - brown rice x 1 (west)
3. celine - brown rice x 1 (west)
4.saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)
5. Shihui - brown rice x 1 (west)

1. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)
haha... ya lor... like wat hb said.. go take photos with #1's fac cartoon characters... :p i think shd be quite fun even without the rides lah.....
sporty, oic...but if u gotta fetch her to & fro then super siong for u leh...

chris, tks...btw i've pm u my contact number so easier to make arrangement, let me know how to make payment to u and arrangement for collection
shihui, so #2 never go IFC ah? since being quarantined?! ya...even without rides, it shd be very fun lor...i'm still toying with the idea whether to bring them to disneyland again this yr...hahah

mm6j, ya la...shihui's son very guai...i rem he guai guai sit down during our hi tea...

my sis is at the expo bb fair now...she said already got queue liao lor to GO INTO the fair...kua zhang!!
Morning all,

after a week of cough + runny nose and sleepless struggle, bb finally show some improvement n can play n smile more now.

Yoday he had his 2nd dose of neubriliser.
Tml 1 more to go, cos PD worry if not, sunday clinic not open, if condition worsen, wait till morning is no good

ANy mummies, got experience on neubirliser? got side effects or reliant?
bearycue, diff for me to fetch her to and fro with #1 la...thas why still cracking my head on what to do...

kimifin, is ur boy ok with neubuliser? i always hear the bbs/tods cry when they were on it...so ke lian!

when put on the neub, he cried the whole clinic down, he make noise, not really cry...
When I come out from the room and go to the waiting area, bb was still BU SHUANG, other toddlers v ke lian him n offer their toys..

today, my mother in law took care, he was on the neub n smiling with the nurse...

thk he knws wats good for him

but when he took med, he nearly choke n got his face red nearly every time

I feed using syringe, n squeeze his nose brielfy for him to swallow in, is this the right method?
sporty> ya, i remb i tok to shihui's son , he so shy. hehe, but i also like ur lil a lah, my husb jus said last nite, he told ur husb to return him "his iphone" at mel's place. wahhaahah

M went for expo sale ah? sure got Q lah, cos hor first 1000 got goody bag. Typical singaporeans. lol

ladies who are ordering with me the HB, swanston provided the site again, u all wanna get anything else? now like haven "hit" $120. whahahahaha
tanly, what u wanna buy? her main thing is she wanna get cot etc la cuz she's a mtb mah...so maybe she "aim" diff things lor...LOL

kimifin, if u feed him med, juz "shoot" the med into his mouth behind the tongue...

mm6j, yeah...my lil A always say "uncle and aunty" when he saw ur pics on FB...hahha... ya la, i told her she typical singaporean, she went becuz the first 50 cust to buy bb cot got foc bedding set...
sporty> wahahah, u been spying my fb is it? kena "caught" lol
ok lah, if can get good deal then go early good .. if me, if i had gone to expo fair, i will also try to make myself go early to get into the "top 1000" (bu na bai bu na) good that she got good deal!
kimifin, so far no prob of tha lor...

mm6j, never spy la...like status updates will have ur small lil pic and my son saw it!
sporty> wow! very clever boy

tanly> i am looking for u, wanna ask whether u still interested to swap ur unused milk bags for my unused napkin liners. if so , i can go over ur mom's place from tonite onwards. pls let me know
MM6J, sporty,
my boy act guai only lah... he's a terror at home.... :p once he warm up to the environment, he will start all his patterns liao... :p

#2 still attending IFC leh.. her teachers ok leh... i'm still observing her everyday checking for spots... so far so gd leh.. maybe like wat PD said.. she may still be protected by the antibodies she 'inherited' fr me...
mm6j, he likes to peep at my screen whenever i using the lappy la...hehhe

shihui, icic...at least the teachers helped to monitor her rather than u have to take leave or what...
ardenz, it's ok... ur bb is a smart one! she knows mama is around and wants to latch! haha...

bidosoh, really? maybe let me try tonight and see if it yields the same result. hee... my gal has no intention to flip yet! she is happy with lying on her back... maybe she is still young, born end of Nov (haha.. trying to console myself). :p

tanly, you can check on www.toyrentalclub.com for rental of toys.
Mm6j, you can have the milk bag. My gal do not need nappy liner. I found out that her skin is so sensitive until put nappy liner also got rashes. So now I use cloth nappy without the liner and it seems better.

Don't have to purposly drop by my mum pl. If u want we can meet for lunch and i pass to u next week.
tanly, next week lunch i can't, very bz with meetings and gg out to work.. u sms me ur mom's pl , i drop over tonite? cos i also gg to the seamstress near ur mom's to collect my stuff..
sporty, pei pei...my bb oso duno hw to flip, tink they r e relax relax type hor...maybe juz let them take their own sweet time lor..hahaha :p
sporty, bearycue, i would say my gal is lazy lah... like mama~

now she is only very interested to catch her cot mobiles. but when she couldn't catch any after a while, she will get very pek chek and scream! haha... so funny. :p
I am glad u are aware about cow's milk is no good. Actually soya is not good too as it's ginetically modified because they need to mass produce.

Breast milk will come according to demand. Feed and pump 3 hourly and empty your breast everytime. I don't consume milk or soya and still have lots of milk
i am now fully feeding my bb, my 3 year old girl and providing access milk to pair of twins.

Eat a balanced healthy diet and avoid processed food (eg: packet and refined food) is the way to go.
no wonder for soya milk, my boobs hurt after i drk, i thk also increase the supply.

i drk a lot during preg cos my bb weight gain is too slow. cos for the protein.

hmm, wat veg food we can eat for more protein?
