(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Dropping order for ANISE

Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)
2. piggym - brown rice x 1
3. piggy - brown rice x 2

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
3. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. zentan - oatmeal x 1 (north)
5. fritt - brown rice x 1, oatmeal x 1, multigrain x 1 (north)
9.rachelleling - brown rice x 2

1. chris- brown rice x 2 (west)
2. esther - brown rice x 2, oatmeal x 2, multigrain x 2 (west)
3. ardenz - brown rice x 1 (west)
4. celine - brown rice x 1 (west)
5. Babylele - brown rice x 1 (west)
6. Karen - brown rice x2 (west)
7. saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)
8. shirlin - brown rice x 1 (west)
9. Shers83 - brown rice x 1

1. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)

chris! thanks! i will arrange with you again after you collected the HB. Most prob i will collect it at Dover.

I replied you also.

I can collect on behalf of West people...
Pioneer after 7pm on weekdays, weekends or Dover weekdays 9am-6pm

Karen, Ardenz, Pei Pei-- captured yr orders..

Anymore? Closing date is tomorrow as stipulated by mm6j so do hurry ya.. ;p
Lunch 23 mar (tues) at 12pm
Saizeriya Japanese-Italian

177 River Valley Road, #02-22 Liang Court Shopping Centre, Singapore
Tel . 6337 9001

1. Superwalker
2. Momomummy
3. Xuanxuan
4. Novbaby
5. Nvfm
6. Shirlin

anyone else interested to join us, please add your name
hello ladies!

mm6j, i wanna order HB.... can bo?

Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)
2. piggym - brown rice x 1
3. piggy - brown rice x 2

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
3. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. zentan - oatmeal x 1 (north)
5. fritt - brown rice x 1, oatmeal x 1, multigrain x 1 (north)
9.rachelleling - brown rice x 2
10. ariesgal_76 - oatmeal x 1

1. chris- brown rice x 2 (west)
2. esther - brown rice x 2, oatmeal x 2, multigrain x 2 (west)
3. ardenz - brown rice x 1 (west)
4. celine - brown rice x 1 (west)
5. Babylele - brown rice x 1 (west)
6. Karen - brown rice x2 (west)
7. saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)
8. shirlin - brown rice x 1 (west)
9. Shers83 - brown rice x 1

1. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)
re fp sale..... i took half day yesterday aftern and blew near to $400 there lor...... so many things to buy.... i finally got the learning home... the most exp item of all.... think must stop buying toys for a while already....
waaaaaa finally one place near me whahaha .. saintbaby wanna join in? whahaa but i must figure out how to walk there 1st (bad directions ..) whahhaa so i erm kiv?

Lunch 23 mar (tues) at 12pm
Saizeriya Japanese-Italian

177 River Valley Road, #02-22 Liang Court Shopping Centre, Singapore
Tel . 6337 9001
Hi Mummies,

I have 4 pairs of brand new Medela Softfit breastshields (Size M 24mm) available for sale at S$15 per pair (purchase price: S$20 per pair).

Interested mummies please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
blessedcyn, i feel like going to the expo fair but dunno what to buy also...hahha...maybe will go over the weekend if i have nothing to do... thot FS's funnel size is standard one? 24mm??

ariesgal, ur gals must be damn happy to have so many new toys
Hi ladies,

I went to the FP warehse too..It is REALLY dusty..thank goodnss brought wet wipes to clean hands after the shopping.. I din buy much coz my girl moves from pl to pl during the week..so bought small items only

But for those of u interested in Learning hse N Jumperoo..there are at least 10 boxes..which all look new..like the boxes like brand new! So help urself..i bought only the learn n laugh toolbox n the 2 in 1 singing walker =) Hve fun!!!

Overall i think its a good deal hee heeh
haloo mummies :D

hahaha been MIA to pack my place... phew... a bit more to go :D

hohoho, went taka fair with rachelle today :D Bought my pink bumbo, the bumbo tray + some toys + 3 pkts of huggies diapers M size and shared a pkt of swimming trunk with Rachelle!!! Cant wait to bring my bb to swim :p heehee...

anyone know when can we buy a thermo swim suit for baby? Worried no size nw or later she outgrown too fast...
hi... i went back to the fp warehouse this afternooon.. didn't buy a single thing!! so sad...

peipei, i wonder if we saw each other? hahaha.. iwas there around 2pm for just a while.. walked 3 rounds but couldn't find anything to buy... sad lor..

Starrz> my baby also got growling sound in his stomach! when he is drinking and it happens pretty often, also thought he must be very hungry!

Would like to drop my order too.

Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)
2. piggym - brown rice x 1
3. piggy - brown rice x 2

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
3. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. zentan - oatmeal x 1 (north)
5. fritt - brown rice x 1, oatmeal x 1, multigrain x 1 (north)
9.rachelleling - brown rice x 2

1. chris- brown rice x 2 (west)
2. esther - brown rice x 2, oatmeal x 2, multigrain x 2 (west)
3. ardenz - brown rice x 1 (west)
4. anise - brown rice x 1 (west)
5. celine - brown rice x 1 (west)
6. Karen - brown rice x2 (west)
7. saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)
8. shirlin - brown rice x 1 (west)
9. Shers83 - brown rice x 1

1. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)
the carrier bib! i bought it in black. I saw thelong sleeve bib at mothercare! got thomas the train. I bought the normal bibs .. yet to buy long sleeved bib
Hi mummies

my baby was also born in Nov09. Would like to check with mummies who send their bb to nannies.

i have started to send my bb to nanny since last week. Noticed that bb gets cranky easily nowadays and not falling asleeping easily like before. Previously bb can ko immediately after her last feed and she will wake up only the next morning. HOwever, nowadays not only is she not falling asleep after last feed, she's oso cranky and kept waking up in the middle of the nite!!
I'm aldy back to work & feeling extremely exhausted now!! i'm in the thots of changing my nanny as i suspect that my bb is sleeping too long in the day.

Things that i'm not happy with the current nanny:
1) not using the bb detergent that i've given to her. The scent from bb's clothes is different.
2) Suspect she nvr shampoo bb's hair. No shampoo smell.
3) Suspect that she nvr use the pigeon cleanser that i've given to her. i volunteered to sterialise the milk bottles and realised that it's quite oily.
4) Have been telling her that bb has been wakeful @ nite. But it seems like nthg was done to improve the situation. She told me that i shd bear with it since it's still a transition period for bb.

Wanna seek for more opinions before taking any actions.
blessedcyn, u see if anyone has a bib of another color, so that u can have 1 of each. I exchanged with momo mummy and i now have one blue and one black. helps to have 2 different colors, as I always forgets which is the dirty one when I carry 2 bibs in my bag! LOL!

I send my bb to nanny too. My bb also get cranky easily as compare to last time, but i don't think is due to nanny. I feel bb is now older and she cranky as want me or my hubby to entertain her. In fact feeding her also sometimes can be challenging as she will look around and fuss to drink, got to coax and etc...
I guess whether bb sleep too much during the day and they sleep less at night, i think is not really related, at least not for my bb. There are few nights, my bb just very alert and dont' want to sleep even though she hardly sleep in nanny place during the day. That few nights end up we got to rock her to sleep but after that she is fine. Sometimes just their pattern and temper. Could it be possible that after you bring your bb back and you play your bb till overstimulated and result bb hard to fall asleep?

Things that you not happy with current nanny, hm... is your nanny experience? She take care of bb before? For mine, my nanny is not a pro nanny , is more an ah ma, nothing much to do and just want to pass time so become a nanny. When she started, I stay half day at her place for 3 days, kind of like let my bb get use to it and kind of monitor how she take care my bb , if not correct , i will tell and "teach" her e.g. bath bb with what, how to change and what to put on bb, when feeding , bb prefer what way and etc...
Untill now, we still on and off tell her how to handle my bb especially bb grow and have different patterns

as for the things you not happy, maybe you can ask her instead of suspect, and teach her the correct way to do it, like the amount of detergent to use and etc...

You just send to nanny last week, you might need to monitor longer and try to tell your nanny how to take care your bb on your preferred way.
Nvfm, I'm sure we passed each other somehow, cos I'm there at that time too!! I also walked a few rounds before I made payment. Haha... I can't recognize all of u leh, never see before. :p
blessedcyn, I use the standard 24mm funnel

superwalker, ya come to think of it, good idea to swop bib colours. Blessedcyn I bought the pink bjorn bibs but not used yet. Anyone want to swop with pink?

Peipei, sorry was delayed as my bb made such a big fuss @ my mom's. Was wailing and refused to sleep unless latch!
I noticed that everytime I take fresh milk my milk supply will increase. I refrain from milk for about 2months (1st 2). As my baby have bloated tummy every time i consume it. Then i noticed that my ss increased immediate after i drink fresh milk. I wonder if its the cow hormone residue that was injected into the cow to produce more milk. So if we drink it, we produce more milk too. Ever read from one of the baby caring books that if we drink more cow milk during preg, baby tends to be bigger. Its due to the injected hormones from cow milk. So the same principles might apply to nursing. Though got more milk supply, but its not naturally lor. I think I should drink more soya bean instead. Else these hormone residue will also get into my girl making her mature faster.

Last night, I didn't drink any milk, tis morn my milk is not very full. While previous night I drink alot of milk, so last morn I feel like bursting. I think its not mere coincident.
jasmine, sometime baby get cranky as there is a change in their routine and environment. They need time to adjust. Every baby is different, some adjust immediately while other may take slightly longer time. My girl didn't sleep much in MIL place in her first week there. After that she is adjusted, but her sleeping pattern varies everyday, but total only 5-5.5hours daily. Only night time she needs to sleep exactly at 10pm. Else cranky.

I also remember that last time we shifted to my mil when my son is 1.5 mths old. He took a week to adjust. He can't sleep at night, extremely cranky. Sleep at 3am daily for a week, after which he is adjusted.

As long as you feel that he is with good hands that is most important. Washing 2 loads is time consumming. Nanny might want to save the time for taking care of baby. You may wish to discuss with your nanny about it. But i know that as long as your baby skin is ok with mix washing, its actually ok.
super long din post n read here... was very bz aft i got back to work... esp the work i'm rotated this mth.. super siong.. already drained by the end of the day... :p

planned a 'holiday' at resort world in May.. wondering if shd bring the kids to universal studio.. the kids enter for free... BUT, got to pay $140 for 2 adults!! abit lugi leh... coz most prob we will be taking only the family rides... :p hubby was saying tt my son can take photo with the Madagascar characters as he loves them lots... aiyo... waste money leh.... :p

the FP sales sounds gd leh.. i still haven't go.. no time.. :p but hor, dun dare to splurge on toys... anyone considered toy rental? i tried renting toys for my #1 b4... usually by 3rd wk of the rental period, he will loss interest in the toy... so luckily i never buy the big toys for him.. :p

i hav been drinking cow's milk everyday when i was carrying both kids... but they are normal size leh.. in fact, my #1 is underweight although i drank more cow's milk as compared to #2 leh... but the hormone residue is a scary thot... i won't want my gal to get exposed to it too.... gals are going thru puberty earlier nowadays... wondering if it's the food we eat...
Hi ladies =) good morning!

Guess we are the pumpin ppl hee hee

Bidosoh!good to see u again!!Is it true abt the cow's milk? I will try out n let u know hee hee hee..How's ur schedule going? getting better??
Morning Shihui!

Really v long time nv see u he hee Quite exp hr the universal studio tickets! I m kinda shocked..maybe kids abit bigger esp ur #2 den bring..haha but it would b nice to take a holiday la..after so long..i am dying to go actualli juz tat the breastfeeding deterin me!!

FP sales is really nt bad..just need to b selective n tink hard on wat u wanna buy if not really will splurge!!

Hey we having a gathering in Apr at hillview area! u shld come since so near!
morn all...finally its fri!

bidosoh, really eh...i drink milk everyday leh... didnt kno it "helped" in ss...

jasmine, my gal also woke up at 1am now for milk as she had been at my mum's pl for the past few days in daytime...i hope this is juz temp as she's still adjusting to it...

shihui, since u are going to resorts world liao, might as well go universal studios...anywyas u dun go there often mah
Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
3. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. zentan - oatmeal x 1 (north)
6.rachelleling - brown rice x 2

1. chris- brown rice x 2 (west)
2. ardenz - brown rice x 1 (west)
3. celine - brown rice x 1 (west)
4.saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)
5. shirlin - brown rice x 1 (west)

1. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)

Based on my poor memory, any more orders?
Shihui, I also intend to rent toys for my girl so that my girl can play with more variety. Btw, where did you rent your toys from?
morning ladies! its friday! hubby is coming home today! yeah!!!!
for those who are working, weekend is just around the corner and u can finally look forward to spending loads of time with your family

my sil's twins are arriving next week! so excited! my boy now has more playmates! kekekekeke!! i offered to give some fbm to the twins if they ever need them...dunno if the mummy wants or not...see how la....
