(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i almost want to make you faint the 3rd time! tot of creating a new one but too troublesome lah..saw the pics liao the bumpies (bbies on bumper) so cute!

saw your pic with my gal..for sure not convincing to pass off as yours coz she so chubby and you so slim lor!

>> btw my fb under name of Tracy Tee sorry if cause confusion ah

I try make it for coming gathering..tbc
sporty: yah lor... i can't resist carrying guai guai gers, wahaha

ayukie: yah, didn't manage to get many small grp pics... too bz attending to our bbs lah

nvm, nxt tm sure got chance
i dunno if i can make it for e nxt outing yet, but will try my best

sporty: nxt tm can we bring lil e and my lil k to ur place for swims? my new place no swimming pool le

stacey: yah, not convincing... my hb say i dun carry my own ger go and carry other mummies' ger :p ur ger really very guai...

to those who brought mats: sorry tt u gers had to bring it all e way here & didn't get to utilise them
ayukie, ya lor...have to wait till next outing liao!

stacey, luckily u never make me faint the 3rd time...hahha :p i agree the bbs all looked so cute in their bumbos!

mel, can...Lil E and Lil K are welcomed for a swim with Lil M
Raerae, I have alot of Medela bottles from my son's days. About 10 of them. I dare not use them and is planning to dump them. But saw a shop that they willing to do an exchange for new bottles with lower price. But promo ended, so they are still in my storeroom. Why do you need them?
wahhh then my lil E gd fortune whahaha gt 2 beauties acc him swim .. i better bring him hwa xia soon for his swimming lessons wahhahaa
oh yea regarding flashcards i bought lil E 3 packs of brainybaby flashcards over the weekend .. alphabets , numbers and colors & shapes packs .. i saw the vcd for brainbaby but it was 9.90 each not buy 1 get 1 free wor and alot of chioces dunno what to get so didnt get ..
hello all!

Been ages since i've last login! Miss out so much esp the great bb party ystd..

Thanks to Jane n superwalker for informing me on the next gathering
Better book myself 1st!

Dim Sum Lunch for families Sunday, 4th April in TOWN (buffet style about $20 / head)

1. MM6J (2AA + BB)
2. Sporty (2 AA + 1 TOD + BB)
3. Ayukie (2AA + BB) ---> to confrim later
4. Raerae (1A + 1bb)---> TBC
5. sponge (2A 1 tod + 1bb) - TBC

I have 2 unused Medela bottles. Let me know how to pass them to you?
Ayukie: where did u get the flashcards..I went to Popular to get some ..quite cheap say abt $4 per box but the pic not so nice le..is not real pictures but cartoon!
Bidosoh: I used bottles to store my EMB lor..Actualli am using the Avent ones.. but my MIL say very hard to open..sometimes cannot open..Once she even submerge the bottle into warm water! *faints* i was wondering why the bottle/container wet..so better change lor..coz the avent one sometimes not very tight i scared she put in water..scali water go in instead!
raerae - i gt from popular ard 5+ bucks per pack not alot left but i saw got 3 different packs types so i got 1 of each .. mine is real pic not cartoon kind .. some left 1 pack only .. got from sembawang sun plaza popular ..
Dim Sum Lunch for families Sunday, 4th April in TOWN (buffet style about $20 / head)

1. MM6J (2AA + BB)
2. Sporty (2 AA + 1 TOD + BB)
3. Ayukie (2AA + BB) ---> to confrim later
4. Raerae (1A + 1bb)---> TBC
5. sponge (2A 1 tod + 1bb) - TBC
6. shirlin(2A + 1BB)-- TBC(Check with hb 1st)
bidosoh, okies will check my PM tonite

sponge, how's ur new job so far? must be very bz...

veryfatmum, u can put bb's porridge in thermos... for cereal, i normally juz heat up ebm as usual and bring bb's bowl and spoon and of cuz cereals stored in small boxes!

shirlin, how was ur first week of work? managed to pump on time?
just joined the fb gp! urmm, what does it mean huh? so it means as long as someone is in the group, that person is automatically my Friend oredi and can see all my photos etc? or still need to send invite to add? *scratch head*

and i m super confused who's who! thanks for sending me invites to add as friend, but hor, some of you i not sure who! paiseh!
ayukie, yep thanks for the link, i went in to 'shop' oredi.. mini bento sounds so cute, silly me was expecting some very cartoon bentos.. *duh* Will KIV them!

ayukie, do u wnna pm me your hp number? cos i m the type that often go walk walk including popular, so if i see, i can sms you immediately! (i no iphone) You want the brainybaby Animals flashcards right?
haha vfm .. yeah it sounds cute .. i went look at the lunch jars they were big so end up i gt the mini bento .. they had some very sweet designs unfortunately mine is a boy haha so i stick to plain black ...
sporty: tks tks... hehe, looking fwd to seeing them swim together

mummies who were at the gathering y'day: chk ur inbox for the contact list
ayukie, got your pm : )

oh forgot to tell u ladies.. my bb slept thru the night yesterday!! 9.30pm to 6.30am!! FIRST time! i woke up suddenly at 4.30am to check on him and he was sound asleep. 6.30am i had to get up to pump cos bursting.. i think he smell the milk then woke up LOL. think he was too blissful at the gathering yesterday that's why had a good night of sweet dreams : ) Hope he sleep thru every night from now on
vfm, the fb group...its easier to find other nov mummies la but they are not automatically ur fren until u add them! good tha ur jiale slept thru
sporty: 1st week was tiring.. still not used to waking up early yet.. And yup! whole wk got no prob in pumping.. i make known to everyone at wk tt i'm breastfeeding.. wahaha! so sometimes i come back late from lunch,they wun say anything.. my routine is:

0745: bring Leann to mil's hse den head over to branch
12.30pm/1pm: Lunch n pump @ grandma's hse den leave my ebm there..
5.30pm-6pm: Knock off! Go take my ebm den go fetch Leann..
6.30pm-7pm: Pump
11ish:Latch/pump den Zzz liao..

Days when I got class, i'll pump at grandma hse 1st den go for class lorz.. So actually i only need to pump once at work...
sporty, yah lor.. Hai hao I only need to pump once at work.. cuz from br to home quite near only.. so might as well come hm den pump.. so tt no need to bring ebm up n down... so far no prob.. its jus the morning pump tt makes me so so sleepy.. LOL!
shirlin, thas the good thing abt staying near ur workplace lor! too bad i stayed too far away!

myboyjovan, the pics were only uploaded to fb mah... think can ask those who add u to include their nick when they seek ur approval to ask u...
hihi all :D

great seeing u all yesterday :D And its a great gathering! Aiyohh but my girl was not in the right mood yest so looks soo icy cold... haizz... she came home late after my hb's colleague's church wedding (after the mummy gathering), bathed and had her milk (which she didnt had much the whole day.. dunno wats wrong)... And then pooed... So i guess maybe she was in a 'wana poo' mode so not being herself... Hope she can be friendlier the next time~!!!

I had uploaded the photos but hor, i m not sure about some of ur real names, so i didnt tagged everyone.. hope u can add me in ur fb and tag urself if i hadnt done so k? Sorry hor..

thanks for organising the next gathering wor~!!!

but hor think its pretty hard to have a proper meal with the babies~!!
Haizz.. Count me out first hor

I am thinking of organising a swimming session for the babies though... who is interested? Maybe can go to one of the safra's swimming pool where there are lesser ppl...
Ayukie, if u manually puree maybe better coz when u blend, there is addition heat leading to loss of some nutrients.
my gal ah... i am still training her to zz on her own leh. Not v successful yet coz sometimes i still bu ren xin to see her cry so loud. But till now, had not been rocking her or gave her pacifier liao...

Hehe the gathering so fun.. still got name tag for everyone de ah...
hihi, ayukie, u my role model! for flash cards u can get the bb einstein ones, which use real pictures instead of drawings..

momoko and ayukie> today i also heard that blending is not good for weaning bb solids due to loss of nutrients.

zentan and i are thinking of doing a spree from happy bellies for weaning bb solids. anyone interested?
sporty, yeah.. agree.. i now everyday only lug the pump motor to wk cuz left my extra set of spare parts at grandma hse le..
Tot of changing jobs de but i thk i will tahan another 3mths for bfing's sake.. Hehe
I fail terribly on training my girl to zz on her own. I see her cry for more than 5 mins nia I very heartpain then will auto go carry her otherwise my hb oso will b yelling at me to go carry her ... hiakz. Till date she wakes up twice at nite. Only consolation is that she is not on pacifier.

But recently she is nottier, refused to sleep till 2ish am then wakes up at 4ish and make me accompany her till 6ish ... my battery is running bery flat =(
Starrz, she's been flipping since 3 mths plus n now she likes to flip n sleep on her tummy and coz of that I can't sleep in peace coz gotta watch after her.

Shirlin, sadly, she's up to party, coz I always blow at her and she enjoys that but now she try to mimick me except she blows together with all her saliva and splatter all over my face then she will laugh happily =.= and this can go on for hours.
shirlin, how's leann's sleeping hrs now? hope she never tekan u... what jobs u considering changing to?

jolene, ur hb macham like pro photographer lor...hahha...will check the pics u loaded tonite

momoko, ur gal really party gal leh...shiong leh,...twice at nite!
momoko: Wahahha! that's funny! she slps alot in the afternoon? Maybe tt's why she cannot slp thru at night?

sporty: Luckily Leann's been a gd girl 1 wk b4 I started wk till now.. Now she usually slps at 10ish-11 after I latch her.. Nv exceed 12am lorz.. at till nxt morning 6plus when I latch her lorz.. wkend she can slp till 12plus afternoon.. Am still thking wad job to change.. LOL.. Most likely will still stay in banking.. Used to it le.. Your side recruiting ma? Hee! But my BM told me HO considering me for RO position.. so now I see whats their answer lorz.. If they refuse to gimme RO position, den I cfm will leave after Leann's 6mths old lor...
wah so fast... mine coming to 4 months and no sign leh. I try to let her flip but she no response leh.

Who's bb still duno how to flip?

Going to shave her botak this weekend liao.
shirlin, great tha she had been a good gal and she's sleeping thru liao...yes my side looking for pple...

starrz, dun worry...my gal also dunno how to flip!
Anybody can advice whether taking red been soup will increase iron? I have been taking iron supplements still no help. Iron level is low since preg days. Til now level is still not good.

hi jolene!!! ya your husband really v pro in photo taking.... he took v nice pic of YiKai =)... swimming session i am interested hehe

Hi VFM... my hubby thinks ur hubby is his classmate in NTU leh..
