(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

paiseh all, took down the photo album first.. hubby scolded me and said he wana touched up the photos and filter them first.. hahaha.. paisehh..

stay tune~!!

bidosoh, maybe u can try taking red meat or liver?! but go easy on the liver as it affects milk ss...

jolene, ur hb really perfectionist lor...still must touch up!!
hi starrz & sporty,
my gal oso duno hw to flip yet...nw she juz turn and rotate but i dun worry lor tink she will flip when she's ready ba..hahaha :p

starrz, where u bring ur gal for haircut huh? we oso wana shave our gal botak when she is 4mth but duno where to bring her...any suggestion?
oh coz we want to do the umbilcal cord (by Hwa Xia).. if cost more than $100, the hair cut is free and the person will come to our house for the hair cut.

haha my gal too 'meaty' liao.. hard to flip.
Starrz, I used to turn her tummy frm 1 mths onwards, mayb that's y she can flip faster bah, she's a good copy cat.

Shirlin, no leh, my mum complains she daytime oso refused to sleep much these days. She's like hyper girl lor ... faints.
Ladies at work, how often do u pump and for how long each session? My ss is dropping drastically since I got back to work. So upsetting.
oic...wanted to bring my gal to the normal hair salon but scare dat she'll be frighten by the sound of the electric razor they use to shave the hair, me & hubby oso dun dare to shave for her coz her head still soft soft...

mmm...anyone know where to go for baby's haircut???

hahaha...my gal oso bak bak but as long as she's healthy & happy flip now or later doesn't matter lor :p
momoko i try to pump at least 3 times... 1030, 230 and one more time before i go home... my ss is dropping drastically too =(
oh i intend to do the umbilical cord.. but hairbrush i not doing. (haha bb hair also not enuff to do the brush)
how much u spend ah together?
Bearycue: Juz brought my gal to shave at her 4mth ytd..Juz went to a neighbourhood store coz i know the hairdresser n he juz shaved for his gal's one mth hee! good time to shave coz now weather so hot!!!

Sponge: sorry i missed ur post just now! I buy the bottles from you la so *pai sey* where do u stay? Can PM me..i stay Bt batok area.

Bidosoh: U can take some liver? When u go dr got any reason why constantly low Iron, tot usu supplements would be fine!

Ayukie: are the brainy baby flashcards real pic or cartoons? I have seen only the colours + shapes one at popular...there is this website which sells but it is 12 plus le..nt sure why so much difference? http://www.babyconcept.com.sg

Momoko: Who looks after ur gal in the day? Mayb try to keep her naps frequent but short ( abt 1hr) during the day den nite maybe can slp better? I used to pump once only but ss keep dropping..hai i just wanna sustain to 6 mths only le...hai..now i pump twice..On sporty's advice hee hee i pump at 11.30am and 4.30pm at work..
bearycue, ya la...once ur gal kno how to flip...then u will have to spend more time looking out for her... i will ask my mum to shave my gal ba cuz she shaved us (her kids) and my son also...hahha

momoko, i pump twice at work...abt 20 mins each time... how abt u?

raerae, hope ur ss goes up after 2 pumps at work...jia you
sporty, i tried to cut her nails already, but then somehow her nails are still quite sharp... now she has a few scars on her scalp. To make things worse, she has quite bad cradle cap problem, so her scalp is very dry, making it more prone to scratches. sigh... just brought her to see a pd this morning. now gotta use special shampoo and cream.
my gal also had bad cradle cap. Already used special shampoo and use baby oil liao.. got bit improvement but still a lot leh.. her scalp a lot of flaky patches.
Was wondering can i softly peel off the patches coz its a lot a lot..
Hope it will go away faster after she shave her hair this weekend.
starz, my gal's scalp is not flaky anymore. it's hardened patches like turtle shell. very bad. the pd told me to apply olive oil on her scalp overnight, next morning, shampoo off using the dentinox shampoo. after the hair is dry, apply the cream. i was told that cradle cap is very itchy, that's why my gal keeps scratching her head.

well, better not peel off the patches, cos it may cause the scalp to bleed. if your gal's one is flaky, maybe you can try to apply the oil on her scalp plentiful and use a towel to wrap for a 10 - 15 mins, then shampoo off. my boss did this for her kids and it works. so far i havent try this, cos my gal's one is bad and her whole scalp is macam like drying up, very heartpain.

maybe shaving might help? not sure. :p
jolene, ur hb back from work so early eh and so fast touched up liao...good la, at least i can still view later when i'm back home!

peipei,i always cut her nails like straight across kind so wun have any sharp edges lor...aiyo...u can use bb oil on ur gal's scalp and comb away the cradle cap...but since pd gave u shampoo liao, try and see how...
sporty, straight across? the side of the nails more jutting out meh? i tried to use bb oil before and comb away, then my gal's scalp was all red after that. then i scare liao. haha... i will try and see how. the pd said will be better in a few days' time, so I just monitor.

zentan, really good? i saw it at Isetan baby fair yesterday, but not sure if it's good or not so never buy.

btw, Taka baby fair starts on wed or thu this week? one of the promoters I met at Isetan told me it's wed, so i'm kinda confused. :p
happy bellies is a type of organic cereal from USA.
U can view the link at:


it costs about slghtly more than $10 per can including shipping.it is the 1st organic cereal with Probiotics and DHA.
So far my #1 ate this when she was 6-12mths old..she was able to poo quite well.comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice.it is sold in cans of 6 for each flavour so we thought of sharing.
ok then i will get the pigeon food weaning set ... at least its cheaper than the bp that weaning machine ... haha ..
mummies, can i check if any of you are using single electric pump at work? i'm currently using single pump and wondering if i should consider buying/borrowing a dual pump when i return to work. i usually need 30-45 mins each pump session, which i feel i cannot afford that kind of timing when i go back to work, at most 30 mins only.
jolene, then we must post our comments again ah? haha...

ayukie/zen, the pigeon weaning machine sounds gd, will take a look at it during taka fair.

i called taka cs to chk, baby fair is starting on the 11th
It was a fabulous and fun gathering we had on March 7! Thanks to the organising committee
The food is great, the cake is yummy, the goodie bag is really sweet, best of all, all mummies, daddies and babies are there, it's everyone presence that makes a great difference!

Hope to catch up with you all very soon in next gathering, more to come i hope! Didn't get a chance to speak with all mummies, but it was so good seeing everyone.

Happy Women's Day to all mummies! We deserve a big HUG today
hohoho, happy women's day :D heehee :D

i also want to join the happybellies spree :D

anyone's gg to start ur bb with cereals or porridge soon? I am letting my girl try her porridge tis Wed when she hits 4th mth :D

saw the jack neo's news on straits time just now... hmmm... i think hor there may be more ppl watching the movie coz the woman is acting in it and people wana knw hw she looks like :p

swimdate for the babies: anyone interested? and do u want to do it in a public pool or at hwa xia? if hwa xia, we need to limit the number of pax.. public pool at one of the safra and can accommodate more mummies..
sporty: yeah.. today is the rare occasion when he can come home so early!!! he is a sec sch teacher by the way, normally knocks off at 6-7pm and twice a wk 11pm when he has nite classes at NTU.
