(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

yes tanly... pls bring bumbo and stuff for lelong

those who r coming tomorrow... park green is along rivervale link, just let the security know that u're going to the function room, tks!

min, congrats on your success. I am also very motivated by your success. After reading your sucess, I was planning to start the cry it out method tonight. My husband and I was rocking her to nap since 6pm til 8 pm. Until we give up. Since its nearly time for her night routine, we just took her out from her yao lan. I sponge bath her, change into her nighties, put her in cot, on the aircon and finally off the light. While I lie on my bed beside her cot. At first all is quiet. Then 2 minutes later she started to be restless, then some complain voices, then started her cries. She cried for 25 minutes and finally fell asleep on her own, without any yao lan or human pacifier. The only thing I did is to say "sayang, sayang, mama sayang, its time to sleep". I just repeat the same thing again and again during the times she cried the loudest. I stopped my chant when she quiet down at some point. Then when she started crying louder and louder, I will start the chant again. Until she finally sleeps.

Really heart pain to hear her cries, she sounded so.....oooo... pititful. Really poor thing. I nearly wanted to give in, but keep telling myself this is for her own good too. Luckily didn't give in. Hopefully tomorrow CIO time will be shorten.

Thank-you Babylele and min for inspiring me.

Just a word of cautious to mummies who wish to try. An adult should be around by the side. As they are crying and usually we will feed them full when putting them to bed. They tends to choke on their own cries or their own feed. So if you sense that they are seriously choked and need help, don't hesitate to give up. My girl did choke, but is able to clear up by coughing. So its not too serious that I have to help her.
Today my boy had his 5 in 1. A bit cranky and refused his milk in the evening. Threw away total 8 oz of milk today. Opps....wastage. Hope tomorrow he better and drink his milk. Hope also no fever. Very worried on that.
sporty, I also pumped twice at work. Pump at 1230 and 1630. I tried to keep to same timing everyday. If not may slack off, like during my son's days. Then milk supply will drop :-(

BTW my feeding and pumping routine after starting work is as follows:
0630 - pump
0730 - latch
1230 - pump
1630 - pump
1930 - latch
2100 - latch and pump simultanously
Ur baby's name also have kai. Mine also have and i also call him kaikai sometimes. Congrats to ur training, yah different babies needs different kinds of training so can't follow too closely by the book. Mummies knows our babies best so just do whats best for them.

Congrats to u too. Just remember the crying phase will pass once they acquired the skill of sleeping on their own. For me i can't stayed in my boy's sight or even talk to him when training if not he wouldn't stop crying but just stayed out of his sight and jaga him. Brought my boy to yishi today cause his eczema had flare up. Yishi said his body is born on the heaty side thats why he always feel warm.

sporty & melodie,
Do take lots of photos of tomorrow's gathering and post on fb.
tanly, yes bring along ur bumbo and lelong stuffs... i think i may not wanna bring my bumbo as i have alot of things to bring le! hehe

bidosoh, glad tha the CIO method works for u tonite...hope tom the CIO time really be shorter... ur pump/latch schedule quite similar to mine :p at work, its really diff to pump at the same timing everyday cuz sometimes got urgent stuffs to do...so i juz try my best la...

taurus, my #1 name also have kai...my aunties/mum also calls him kaikai!
Yah ur boy's name is ze kai right. If i remember correctly.
What's ur girl chinese name, also starts with ze?
taurus, wahh...ur memory very good
still rem... yes...my boy is ze kai...gal is ze en... whats ur kids' chinese name?
nice name ze en. My girl wen xuan and boy is wen kai. Didn't give english name for my kids. Tomorrow must take lots of photos for us to see..... u must be very pro in organising functions.
taurus, ya...but my mil thinks tha ZE is too masculine...hahhaha...but i dun care la, juz go ahead and make her birth cert in hospital before she came and visit! ok la, i enjoy organising functions
too bad u cant join us, if not can see u!

nicole/taurus, which kai is ur boy's kai??!!
taurus, our boys have the same kai but my boy is the older kai...hehheh :p aiyo...everyone have dark circles due to sleepless nites and lack of zz also!
But u gals know how to make up. I'm those lazy woman dunno how to make up one. My hubby say mei you chou nu ren zhi you lan nu ren meaning me loh. Yah such coincidence urs is the big kai, mine is small kai.
morning all!
cant wait to see everyone at the gathering later !

taurus, what ur hb say is rite lor...women really need to be more diligent in upkeeping ourselves!

saintbaby, we will
hope ur kayla feeling better, saw tha she was not well...

VFM, BP is damn addictive lor...i spent most of my ML days shopping at BP lor and my hb everyday when he open the letter box will shake his head cuz got new "shipment"...whahhahha :p
Sorry, Mia for quite a while.

Just an update, after few days' training by my mum (she came over to stay with us), my gal is finally ok with bottle feed. Though she will struggle at times, but she's drinking. However, she still refuses Avent bottles, now feeding with NUK.

Then I realized she doesnt like us to carry her when we feed her. So I keep feeding her while she's in yaolan, cot, rocker or bouncer chair. And also sleep feeding works very well!! She can drink up to 150ml when sleep feeding (normally she takes 120ml).

For the past one week I have not been latching her at all, fearing that she might want the breast again and refuses bottles. But I wanted to latch her again. When would be a good time for me to start latching again?
Sporty, bring your bumbo lah. So we all can but our bb in bumbo and take a pix. That will be cute.

All those mum with bumbo look alike can also bring along to take pix too.
Today I pumped my left boob - strawberry milk came out! How? Should I still latch on my left boob? My boy needs to feed on both sides for 15mins each to feel full leh.
ztaciep, personally feel that after bb can accept bottle, they won't reject it. But rather, they tends to reject latching after they acquired sucking bottles. So you might wish to start latching again. But do bottle feed at least once a day.
later got place to BF? thinking whether must bring EBM anot..me gg alone, hubby working, then me dont dare to drive..so cannot bring so many things..lolz...

can bring pram along?
rehi all!

ztaciep, u can start latching her again once she's ok with bottles la...maybe latch once or twice a day so tha she wun forget how to latch...rest then use bottles

nicole, yeah...i'm up at the same hrs during weekend but the good thing is tha i can go back to zzz after my first latch/pump...heheh

tanly, see how la...cuz i have alot of things to lug cuz i have to lug the bumper mat, my 2 kids and other things...

superwalker, i think its ok to latch la...rem to apply nipple cream and air ur nipples...

piggy, since u coming alone...u can bring ur pram la...if not how u gonna makan later rite?!
sporty & Nicole,
I'm lazy with maintaining myself cause anyway also no one to see. Even last time i work also never put make up one. So my make up skill is not up to date. Maybe must buck up on this. Or mummies here can teach me.

Enjoy the gathering gals.
Hi bidosoh & sporty,

Ok, I shall try to latch her tonight to see if she remembers how to latch. Guess I have to establish the routine for her before she attends infant care and before I go back to work.

Wow! Seems like it's going to be a big gathering later. It must be great to have all the Nov babies and mummies coming together. Too bad I didn't know earlier. Have fun!!
Hi Sporty, Mel, Devlina & all mummies who have contributed in one way or another, thank you so much for organizing today's gathering.

The goodie bag was a pleasant and thoughtful surprise. My husband and I enjoyed seeing so many November babies together, and I think little Yingxuan enjoyed making so many new friends!
Congrats!! So u mean your baby now can sleep on his own w/o a cry?? wow!! power!
You know the book says the crying will reduce as days goes by but mine still cry for at least 30mins before he can sleep for the night, but the naps are doing great though, mayb 10mins of crying and he falls aslp, generally can slp for 1-3hrs per nap.
Wonder if i did anything wrong on the bed time routine, care to share yrs?
To all mummies who were here, tks for coming... hope u and ur kids had loads of fun and we haven't been poor hosts... :p

Goodie bag was made possible by Jolene & Sporty.. Also, tks to sponsor, Dumex.

Pics have been uploaded to FB, enjoy!!!
CIO method..duno if will work cos...

when my bb try to sleep, he shake his head forcefully left n right, sometimes move legs n hands a lot...so like dat, how to settle down on his own to sleep?

anyway, now at in laws place cos hub gg overseeas. so need to try this method when hub back.
had great fun together with all the gals and ur bbs

lets have another such gathering soon...anyone game?

taurus, i also never really do full makeup kind la...so cant really teach u! hehe...cuz i do my makeup in 3 to 5 mins kind! haha

ztaciep, which infant care u sending ur gal to? nvm, join us for next gathering...

xuanxuan, no prob
glad u enjoyed urself! ur gal's neck really very strong!!

mel, thks for uploading the pics and "opening" up ur function room
Wow! It was a great gathering ya!

sporty, I'm sending my girl to My First Skool @ Clementi. It is newly opened. The IFC just started on 1 Mar only, so now they have abt 3-4 babies and my gal will be the youngest! Hope she does get special privileges. Hee... When's the next gathering?
hello all!

thanks again for the great gathering!
loved the goodie bag and photos too!

din manage to talk to some of u all though, hope to do so next time we haf the next gathering.

was mentioning to sporty abt the next gathering. thot of organising one (buffet style) at the dim sum place in town where i did lil jo's full month. any one interested? price per pax abt the same (depending on menu). thinking of sunday 4th april for lunch?

p/s: dev, this place not halal, but if you don mind, u can come too and we can decide on alternative food for ya?

Dim Sum Lunch for families Sunday, 4th April in TOWN (buffet style about $20 / head)

1. MM6J (2AA + BB)
2. Sporty (2 AA + 1 TOD + BB)

(sporty, i put ur name so my 'name' not so 'lonely' lol)
ztaciep, ohh if the IFC is new then good la...at least ur gal will get more attention lor...next gathering 4 apr as posted by mm6j! whats ur email on fb? i invite u...

mm6j, wahh...u volunteer my name liao! whhahah :p
sporty> yah lah, cos u discuss with me mah. wahhahaahah u "go" i "go" remb that scene from titanic?

Mel, Devlina, Sporty, Jolene, thanks for arranging such a nice gathering.

Me, me, me, I want to go for the next gathering.
mm6j, hahhaha...no leh...not everytime we got "u go i go"...hahhahha...but most of the time la! whahhahhah

tanly, then mai tu liao...put ur name in!! aiya...i put for u!!

<font color="0000ff">Dim Sum Lunch for families Sunday, 4th April in TOWN (buffet style about $20 / head)

1. MM6J (2AA + BB)
2. Sporty (2 AA + 1 TOD + BB)
3. tanly (2 AA + BB)

add ur name in if u are keen
yeah the goodie bag is a very pleasent surprise .. shdnt have bought the healthy times ceral so soon whahhahaa but nvm gt use 1 whahaa.
mel .. finally met hehe ..
Dim Sum Lunch for families Sunday, 4th April in TOWN (buffet style about $20 / head)

1. MM6J (2AA + BB)
2. Sporty (2 AA + 1 TOD + BB)
3. tanly (2 AA + BB)
4. Ayukie (2AA + BB) ---> to confrim later ..
mm6j, ya lor...thas why u "pang sei" me!! hahahha

ayukie, glad u like the goodie bag...kudos to jolene for the dumex sponsorship

ztaciep, added u liao
