(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Ah so busy, no time come on to post after my last post in the morning. Wow so many posts already, i lost track.

BTW, i want ask, is it true if no latch baby, BM will be gone even though pump? My colleagues all tell me to stop pumping as i also noted i have drop to 10-20ml on each breast. Not sure if its due to the non-pumping during the 3 days of travel fair or really cos i no latch. Dont dare latch my boy as he screams for my neh neh

mm6j, cannot take super long lunch la...pump+ travelling time is already 45 mins...so not much time to lunch and shop!

superwalker, nvm la...shuan le...luckily it wasnt ex!

veryfatmum, use the avent bb massage oil...smells good

velo, latch will help to generate more ss lor...but if u pump frequently, the bm wun be gone...i have frens who bfed for more than 1 yr thru exclusive pumping!

piggy, nope...haven dropped ur attendance...can u trf $36 to POSB sav a/c 126-34558-5
sporty> yah lo, somemore my office so luan now i also tink i go taka can only shop and not eat lunch!

veryfatmum> i agree with sporty, can use avent, mrs wong's massage class, she used avent and also gave me samples. i feel johnson's bb oil also very nice smell and avent magic cream also.

ayukie> u see how lo, if u want then chop chop, by then also dunno got vacancy liaos boh!
sporty: oh, good idea to clean with dettol, i'm trying to find a huge plastic covering to put under your mat so that your mat won't get too dirty.

Vfm: we are more or less done with the preps, no worries, tks for offering help!
mm6j - yeah must chop chop .. tml i go home do my resume and quickly send .. sianz my office alot of tenders .. time for me to do so also haiz ..
sporty: oh, good idea to clean with dettol, i'm trying to find a huge plastic covering to put under your mat so that your mat won't get too dirty.

Vfm: we are more or less done with the preps, no worries, tks for offering help!
sporty, mel: Yah, that reminds me. I better wash the quilt mat before Sun as it is new & unused. Er.. anyone bringing any more mats along? Think we need more yah?

fieda, taurus, same here... my baby will unlatch if the surrounding is noisy. She will cry and cry if i force her to latch back. She will only drink when she has finished checking out the surroundings... Now i have to mute the TV volume when i'm feeding her!

superwalker, vfm, mm6j, i will also be at the Taka Fair with hubby. But we will be going there at 10am when it starts, before the crowd comes in. I rem that it was already very crowded by 12pm on the 1st day of fair last Sep. Now drawing up a list of things to buy. Maybe wet wipes, utensils to prepare for bb's semi-solid food (6M) and educational toys? more toys...hehe...

ashley, i dun think HDB is so conscientious in checking 2 years' worth of records. hehe, personal experiences say so...
thanks sporty for the advice. trying to hang in there but so many people tell me cannot makes me want to give up pumping plus my supply not encouraging.
velo, dun listen to other pple.. listen to your heart! jia you!!

xuanxuan, your hubby very good leh! sent u to lunches with us and going with u to baby fair on weekday.. and he looked so nice & shy shy de when we saw him that day :p

yeah more toys more toys! jiale also wants more toys! but i can't find nice things to buy for him wor

superwalker, then u wanna go earlier ma? i dun mind earlier or still stick to 11am. Will things really be cheaper at the fair?
Thks thought u missed my post so got raerae to PM me. Do u often bring ur kids to tui na or only when there's problem then tui na?
Ladies, I'm in the Tupperware business now. If anyone wishes to purchase Tupperware products, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

For those who wish to have a copy of the latest Tupperware catalogue can let me know too. I can pass a copy to you on Sunday
No obligations!
vfm, some things are not very cheap or the cheapest at the baby fair...but its the convenience of having all the baby items under one roof and you can buy them in one place.

I'm gonna look for educational toys for my baby
taurus, I bring her weekly together with my elder son for "bao3 jian4" purpose. For my son monthly I opted for eye and overall health tui na. He is already 5, so reading, writing and playing computer games strain his eyes. During his second last eye tui na, he complain pain at one the acuputure point. My heart nearly stop, it may means short sightedness. Luckily the last eye tui na he didn't complain. So yi shi said could be due to tired eyes the previous time.
velo, jia you. It will take 2 weeks to build up your supply. I have bookmarked an interesting website during my maternity leave. You might wish to take a look.

Not too sure what pump you are currently using. I am using manual pumps during my son's days. So I continue to use it in now too. But I find it very hard to achieve let down. FS is very fast. Like what sport says 15-20 minutes. BTW, for me due to work stress I only pump 5-10 minutes. Can achieve about 250ml.

sporty, since you pump twice at work. Do you own 2 sets of funnels and 2 sets of spare parts? I find it so troublesome to wash, disinfect, dry, setup the parts again.

Do you pre-setup the parts at home with the bottles attached too? If yes, do you put them in containers. Can recomend what containers to use?
I am trying to think of ways to save time at work. As all these washing and setup is very disruptive to my work. Also I tends to forget to bring bottles or ice pack for my pumping session. I think need to have a check list. How do you ensure that you have everything in place? Thank you for your advice in advance.
nappy rash alert: i reading What to Expect in the 1st Year and it mentions that 'nappy rash usually peaks between 7 and 9 mths, when a more varied diet is reflected in the more irritating nature of her stools'.

attached is a description of the various types of nappy rash which i copied out from the book

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Nappy Rash
Nappy Rash.doc (26.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
vfm, in that case let's go there earlier at 10am ... 10.30 am(hope my bb is cooperative!!). We meet at the sale itself. Things there may not be cheapest, I just wanna see see look look what things they have.
Sporty, duno leh, kena bitten at home de. I tot it was mossies but my mum told me shld b insect bites then I bring her go PD and was really confirm as insect bite but duno wat insect.
morning all!
dunno why my gal woke up at 3am to play by herself then 4am finally "call" me to feed her...now i am abit zzz...

mm6j, so no more long lunch at taka nowadays for u?

mel, no need to find the plastic covering la...i juz go home and wash with dettol la...

xuanxuan, ur gal so cute will only drink after she finished kpo-ing the surroundings...yeah, i agree taka fair must go early cuz last yr i was there early also...but too bad this yr cant take leave to go early...can only "sneak" out during lunch

velo, dun give up la...juz try to build up ur ss again like what u did during confinement,...maybe add in a middle of the nite pump...its tiring but u will see the effects soon...

bidosoh, u pump 5 to 10 mins each time? wow...how many times u pump at work? no la...i juz bring 1 set of funnels and spare parts...lugging it to work on mrt with my handbag in my heels can already can kill me...so only bring 1 set...i will put it into a tupperware box after first pump then put it in fridge for the next use lor...so only setup was during first pump at work... every morn after my pump i will sterlise all parts then after my shower, i will make sure i dump 8 spare parts (include funnels) into the tupperware box, 4 bottles and ice pack into my fridge to go and of cuz the pump la!...i guessed i had been doing this for almost 1 mth ( so fast 1 mth back at work!) tha i juz dump all in w/o thinking!

momoko, icic...hope abrielle get well from the bites soon!

this morning, my son cried when husb and i left him at my dad's place. think he understands the concept of being "left" there whilst we go to work.
(( almost want to cry there and then

sporty> u realise nowadays i never go my fave places for lunch liaos. maybe also cos my sis in the states lah, maybe when she come back! i too lazy to go/ drive myself.. somemore now be cow less time!

me at office but at least TGIF!! looking forward to collecting my son's new clothes from PP and knocking off @ 5 PM TODAY!!

had macdees bf again. sporty> they delivered earlier than 6 am! they din ring the bell but called my hp at first i dunno who i kap their phone then i suddenly remembered, could be macdees so when they called again, i answered and made my blur blur husb go wake up and open the door.. haahah. ok i am officially sick of macdees bf for the next 2 weeks at least!

momoko> did u go "hunt" for the insect?? hope lil a is better. *hugz
I am v tempting to try cry to sleep for my bb.
but hor, see him shake his head and scratch face to fall asleep is so tough and the more he did, the more he cant sleep.

yesterday i told hub, thk I shd not expect him to be so guai, so we still use pacifier and pat a bit before putting to cot.
I find that as bb neck is stronger, when I put his inside the car seat, instead of lying down, he likes to pull himself up and then his head move out of the headsupport(inverted U to guide his head). I wonder if its time to remove the head support since it is not very useful now?
Hi morning, my bb has been on milk strike since yday...his last milk was 5p.m yday and woke up 12am, so we fed him..(his milk intake 220-240ml), but he didnt finsih the milk. Still left 80ml...

This morn, he woke up at 7a.m plus so made milk for him again...But he does not want to drink..he just wan to zzzz...

Anyone also experiencing this? Is he self-adjusting himself? But why is he so sleepy?
mm6j, ur boy so fast kno the concept of being "left behind"!! my boy only kno tha later on when he was abt 1 yr old! hehe... nvm la, when ur sis's back...u can go for long lunch at ur fave places again! so hot cakes for u again??!

haitong, ur boy drinks so much milk??!! wow! yes it could be self adjusting cuz my gal also drank lesser for a period of time...now shes back to normal!

kimifin> i think u shld try to shorten the period of using pacifier and patting so it's easier to "outgrow" it...

haitong> yes, ur boy drinks so much!! my boy also like on milk strike yest think cos after his jab.

sporty> yah lo, maybe he was wondering how come past 2 days mommie with me then today no more..
yah, awaiting my sis to come back with my loots kekek. i ordered the deluxe for my husb but only ate 1 hot cake cos i ate hotcakes yest. i had the muffin with OJ and MILO.
yes, we used to rock n stand to pat, but bb getting heavier, so now, we sit down, put pacifer, pat a bit...

if we see he really cant doze, we let him be, maybe low key playing or read some books..cos he sometimes cant sleep cos wanna poo..

then try again after next feed.
Good morning ladies!!!

Haitong: Ur boy drinks quite alot ar...my gal usu after jabs drinks less for a few days den will resume to normal.

Xuanxuan: Sigh sigh my gal is beginning her KPO stance too!! Ytd latch her on, den my mum came in to talk to me..she stopped..looked around..saw my mum ..smiled den when back again! Terrible lor.. haha i think cant latch outside liao!

Momoko: maybe u can try some insect repellent, like put/spray onto the bed area?

Bidosoh: Wow so envious u pump 10min oso got 250mL that is alot wat!! Now my ss getting lower le..sighh somemore period came..looks like bdy signalling the end of my nursing days! *sob sob*
mm6j, i also thinking of having fast food for lunchie!!

raerae, if u latch outside got nursing shawl or shawl shd be ok la...my gal also guai guai drinks when shes outside... if ur menses is here, tha few days the ss will drop one...but then if ur menses is here, means tha u can make #2! haha
kimifin> good luck! my boy wants to play more these days and when we stop playing with him, he will shriek!

sporty and haitong> hope my boy will resume his normal drinking today. he milk strike yest afternoon/ evening then i had to latch him twice last nite cos he was hungry!

sporty> what fastfood u gg to have?
i tempted to go taka but think no point since next week taka sale liaos!
Sporty: haha i m scared wait she pull off the shawl when she hears sounds man!!! haha super pai say coz her arms oso very itchy lor..

Abt menses: really?? geez i din know abt that, i tot got menses means bye bye milk haha..No wonder the past few days getting lesser!! i was so worried..so i guess gonna keep up the pumping! Ha ha yes #2 Akan datang..need to try after bb 10 mth la..

Kimifin: Training bb to sleep juz takes time..b patient and open minded would be alrite la..
His 2nd jab will be due 25 mar...

Yup, he is a "monster" in intake...hahahhaa...but actually he drinks only 4-5times a day (at 4-5 hrly)..so total intake a day is abt 900-1100ml..which i think normal as those bb drinking at 3 hrly?
mm6j, dunno yet...thinking of LJS!! hahhaha :p dun worry la, i'm sure ur boy will resume his normal drinking soon!

raerae, hahha...if u worry tha she put off shawl, better latch her at one corner, in case she "exposes" u! heheh... if u plan to try for #2 after bb's 10 mths old, better use protection meanwhile lor...cuz we most fertile within 1 yr of delivery!

haitong, 900 to 1100 is quite alot...must be tough on u if u are pumping...
Now with him self-adjusting, i also dunno how much milk to give him. my EBM supply quite limited so dun wan to waste too much...
Sporty: haha okies shall take ur advice..i dun mind being preggie la..juz tat wound for C sec maybe not ready lor hahah..my gal v terok wan lor..coz she v active de bring her go basin wash backside oso wanna kick here and there..

Haitong: as long as bb happy den feed i guess haha esp since they got their occasional milk strike so on normal days when they wan to feed..better feed to their hearts content haha so that they will be bak bak haha
Raerae, he very bak bak already...cheeks so chubby!!!!! everyone who sees him commented the same!!! I called him my little pui pui..so bad mummy ya...hehehee
raerae, i think it's bcos u latched less that's why period came back.. i read that when having menses, the milk might change taste due to hormones.. maybe that's why bb milk strike.. but i also read that most milk strikes won't last more than 2 days

superwalker, so we meet 1030am? i don't mind sticking to 11am leh.. Is little t on routine?
haitong, give him 3/4 of what he usually take and top up if neccessary lor... how heavy is ur boy now?

raerae, if c sec better rest a yr before u conceieve again lor... but then i have a fren who c sec...her #1 and #2 only 1 yr difference in age...
VFM: really the milk tastes differently?? I latch like 4-5 times a week only..no choice le working v hard to latch.. wonder if any mums pump exclusively and got menses too!
raerae, i just happened to come across it in the book 'what to expect in the 1st year' last night. it was quoted as 1 of the main reasons for milk strikes.

Vfm, t is on a schedulE and usually eats at 11am. But I can always adjust it a bit and feed him earlier. I want to avoid the lunch crowd....so better to reach there earlier if the bb cooperates. I try to reach bet 10.30 and 11

I agree that feeding baby now is getting more challenging as they like to kpo the environment or they push out the nipple and suck their fists instead....sometimes even bite and tug at the nipple! Ha!!! Everytime my bb bite and tug, I tell him NO MORE MILK. :p I think it's definitely easier to feed in the nursing room nowadays.
