(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Babylele: Actually it is accidental, coz when i was preggie someone recommended me Gina Ford bk called erm something like contended bb or something..den i realised bb should try to train early..

But now is not too late to start!! U are doing well..BB too! I think the perserverance will pay off!! Actually for me i oso half half ..i do give her pacifier to sleep..but somedays she juz spit out lor..so yah i am quite chin cai with regards to pacifier..

MMjane: How's ur boy doing? U childcare leave today?? Jia you jia you =)

How come u all dun use breast pads anymore...

Kimifin: wahh add in one more pump slot..ur com good le..i pump once or twice a lot of ppl raised eyebrows at me le..sian rite

mmj6, whatever u eat...the gals link it to ur good ss! heheh :p

nicole, does the mother milk's tea works for u?

raerae, i dun use breast pads at home...actually i dun leak much also...heheh :p
mm6j: was thinking the same too... i have a lot of other stuff to sell also, must put on jolene's webby, support her

sporty: yah yah... committee members all bz tying up loose ends nw, tks all for the effort !!!

re: taka fair, all going early in the morning? i'm reaching b4 10.30am, if not no parking, like the last tm.

i'm trying to borrow extra bumbo seats for those who don't have, no luck so far... haha, anybody can help to borrow?
we in same boat lah..i go nursing room to pump must sneak sneak some more..even lunch time..coz my boss anti-bf moms. once she scolded my colleague for bf after returning to work..of course she left us liao

sleeping issues
what is slp training huh? some moms may hate me but i just dump her anywhere she will sleep lor..hot day no aircon also not an issue so far. hahah..i think she's a low maintenance bb =) what i learn is dun be too up tight abt bb lah..else bb can become fussy. my sil too ganjiong abt her bb..everything must be best. now her bb 9mths liao like Emperor..a bit a bit will cry..must carry all day long..quite jialat

sunday gathering
ya good idea to have lelong sales that day..i may want to pick up some milkbags and breastpads!
nicole> don give up. try to pump more often like wat the gals say and drink milo and eat sashimi to boost ss!!

raerae> i am at home today. boy is zzz, last nite he went for 2 vaccines but i super alot of work to do and actually feel unhappy abt my office env now...

sporty> yah lo...:p i also find the breastpads i bot waste of money and summore i don wear bra at home.. at the most jus use tissue paper :p

re: pumping, i actually pump less now. havin mixed feelings abt giving my boy solid food. it's like i want him to drink as much bm as he can but he's growing up so fast!
melodie> i wonder if my bb can fit into bumbo or not, wont dare to try since he is so bak bak..

tee stacey> mine not abt pumping milk. it's a very long story but alot of "xiao li chang dao" pple lo, anytime also stab ur back. very tiring such an env..
touchwood>>i better not praise my gal too soon. was hoping she will slp-thru the sunday gathering...who know she cry the loudest that day! hahahaa...
jane I guess almost everywhere is like that.... i am quite unhappy w my work env too because of pp but well i just try to physco myself i need $$ for my precious bb so everyday just target pump, finished up my work asap and go home to play with him
mmJane: Change in ppl's attitudes?? Sometimes hard to control these sorts of things..maybe the issues will sort themselves out? Hand in there!!

Breastpads..ai yoo for me when i carry my girl..for some reason think is the heat or wat..it makes me leak le! ver pai sey when i go out or when at home too!
U still can let him drink bm when giving solid food cause later bm not filling for him as he grow bigger. Yah hate those back stabbing people, tiring to work in such environment. Why not join us as SAHM
Fieda, come on mon la!!! MUST come!!! Have not seen u for a looking time! Bring Ryker!

Mm6j, yeah...let's go together
stacey> not only colleagues lo, the boss also ()&*(&$*(# one... and it's very terrible cos i am only there for $$ / work, nt even interested in "power" also kena.. sometimes, pple have no ability so sadly mus resort to all these "xiao dong zuo"

i actually lost weight.. 500 grams. think maybe i stressed?
u all are so sweet!! *tears

taurus and Nicol> i cant join as SAHM cos husb and i r still in HUGE debt for our hse..the thing i am not happy is that i thot that this place will be better tahn my old place. but it's still same old same old becos of USELESS pple that now i regret comin over, at least my old job i make abt 2k more (min)

superwalker> ok, let me know when
Jane cheer up!!! go work finish up and go home to our precious baby... stay happy hehe then baby will be happy baby and one more day the weekend is here!!!
nicole> yes, that's what i do daily. today i at home though.. jus wanna hurry up finish my work and studies and get out of this "hell"
Mm6j, big ofiice is like that one lah. Sure got politic. So need a big mountain behind you to back up.

Wow! 2k more... then why you want to leave your old job for a lesser pay????
tanly>my office not big that's y this politics is so bad, so many "gangs" i don wanna join any prob end up enemy of all the "gangs" sigh... cos that time i wanted to buy my flat to get the grant lo.. and i wanted to study and avoid the office politics the other side

work is sian la..just informed that my boss BAR me from taking annual leave and childcare leave etc etc for time being coz i just returned from ML. but next month my gal transfer new childcare i plan to clear my leave from last year leh..think gona quit very very soon...and im quite sure my leave will be "eaten up"! =(
she is!!! haha..babylele knows too..that time she almost forbid me to clear my 16wks leave..after much ding ding dong dong then she say ok. disrupt my ML and make me work during leave. HATE HER! =D
haiyo... bb cry from jus now till now...
finally eyes closed liao but not in deep sleep..
pat her a bit while she is on her bed and she then can quiet down...
i know patting her also wrong but taking things one slowly..

while i was coaxing my gal.. suddenly was wondering....jus a thought/question...
if there is a choice, would u all rather

1)quit bb pacifier or
2)have to carry her/rock to sleep

given that there is only one choice...
haha poll time again.. lai lai lai....
I come b4 many ppl come, so easier for me to start work on time.

Training bb to cry to sleep or self soothe-

very tough leh, bb cry n rub eyes to sleep, but as time pass, he more awake!

Will having a cot mobile help him to focus n sleep?

my bb sometimes when drking milk, he stare at somethg, then can SLOWLY closes his eyes.

I find him, closing his eyes also need to train...sigh..so i rub his forehead to close his eyes(to help him close eyes)
mel, i will arrange with u to pass u the stuffs tom ok? what time will u be home at nite?

taurus, i agree tha sleep training must start from young...if not very diff to train them!

stacey, nvm la...u quitting liao...so no need to sneak to pump! i think i lost weight also after i returned to work...u are not alone...i also cant take leave or mc...haha

nicole, juz hang on ! u are halfway thru liao!

mm6j, i also use tissue paper at home or sometimes hanky!! hehe

starrz, i rather quit rocking/carrying her to sleep than pacifier...cuz pacifier easier to quit!
re: sleep training
haiyoh, i dunno whether to let my baby cry leh..
he like cry until very jialat and my mil at home bth one.. last night my husband n i tried letting him cry, i go bathe so i wont hear.. but mil say we bully baby and went to carry him.. haiyoh..

sporty, you said your boy last time also need to rock to sleep.. did you sleep train him or he outgrew it himself?
i try sleep training when bb 6 weeks old, but happen that he was colicky.

after dat, his face got rash, so to minimise him scratching, have to soothe him to Z asap.
sporty: i shld be home by 8pm tomorrow if I hv no plans to jalan jalan after work... sent u a msg on FB.

stacey: ur boss is a horrible one... poor u

mm6j: ur wrking env sounds terribly sianz, jia you!

my ger went for her 2 jabs and got fever of 38.5degrees last night ard 2am, bad scare for me & hb... then dun wan to drink milk from 2am to 10am this morning, haiz...

jus called home to chk with hb, she's better nw, phew!
i gained weight la..jane10's the one who lost weight like you..i munched too much at the desk =p tks for the effort to organise our gathering.

thanks to all organisers in advance! we appreciate it =)
min, he liked to be carried to sleep!!eventually he outgrow outta it as we tried other means like "drown" him with milk etc...

mel, saw ur fb msg from my hp...will reply u tonite ok?
hope ur gal's better by now!

stacey, can you PM me ur kids' name and ur real name as well...so tha we can make the name tags??! also are u driving? if you are, pls PM me ur car plate no
mmJane: Yikkezz the worst is politics..but i guess like all the mummies say..juz lun for our darlings..Hopefully after awhile they will get off ur back..Strange lor these power hungry ppl should oso have to open their eyes and see who are their so called "enemies" same with my office but lucky those ppl dun touch "lowly" ppl like me haha who dun care abt power! *jia youzz*

Stacey: *pongs faintz* ur boss ar!! terok le..ML is like rightfully ures ..plus goverment support can!!! Somemore is a lady ar?? she got no children n dun understand wan ar?? I guess now economy picking up..u can start ur job hunt liao le..

Kimifin: i am not sure abt cot mobile..my gal is see until dun wanna sleep..keep talking to the figures which are moving around..but mayb ures will see the figures untill koon..who knows hee

Starzz: I vote for i rather quit the rocking coz pacifier..well...erm i feel easier to quit??

Melodie: Ai yo how come ur gal 2 jabs ??
sporty - me also haiz ... worse i had to work 24 by 7 sian manz .. my hairloss is getting worse after all the OTs .. anyway .. my collegue finally back from his hols so i finally can really rest hehe
let you faint somemore..she's a top govt officer...haha..

i will pm you. so sweet got name tags for us..hehehe...bb also need??
stacey: i also lost wt, below 40kg now, faintz... my hb decided nt to go to wrk, so i come to wrk lor...

sporty: ok, ya... she seems to be beta liao...

raerae: she took her 2nd dose of 5in1 & pneumococcal, poor thg

re: nametags, jus sticky labels to put on our clothes... so tt we can identify each other...

ermz... sporty, forgot to ask u, babies need or nt ah?
raerae, my gal is like urs!! can chit chat with cot mobile for very long leh!! which cot mobile u using?? sekali same one...whahhahha :p

ayukie, aiya...at least u can rest when ur colleague's back...i cant lor...haiz

stacey, need name tags mah...at least we kno who is who mah! will check my PM tonite...thanks

mel, prepare for bbs also since its juz hand written on the sticker labels! if wanna label hb also can! like "mr melodie", "mr sporty"... whahhahha
hhahaa..i think all the hb like gg to be quite poor thing there..no identity and think no one will chap them..just there to jaga kids =p Maybe we shd corner off a "HB area" for them so they dun disturb us =D
Stacey: OH MY GOODNESS!!! WAT THE HECK... i really wanna faint..i always tot gov more pro family le!!

Melodie: I see, last time my gal went for pneumococcal den the nurse told me that it is the most power jab too =( indeed my gal had 2 days of fever after that

Sporty: my cot mobile hor..dunno wat cha ba lang brand le..haha coz i go to some toy shop in beauty world to buy de..its those black red white kind..the figures are clowns lor..den the music is nt auto must turn nob kind haha like 40 dollars only la hahahha

Wgt lost: why everyone lose wgt wan..i tot i bf ar will lose wgt but bo le!! so cham *sob soB*

Ayukie: yah i rem ur working hours was one of the worst during our pregnancies..but i tot u were applying to go somewhere else??
Stacey: Complain her OMG top govt somemore and she is a woman.....

Raerae: you are not the only one haha i am also not losing weight
stacey, whahhaha..."hbs' corner"!! think if like tha...next time all the hbs dun wanna come liao! hehe

raerae, orhhh then diff cot mobile le! P jab is really the most potent jab!!
Mm6j, I see. I am considering giving up my job to get grant too. But not sure worth the risk or not as for sure I know I will become a grumpy wife. Cos these few months at home already grumpy and look like 黄脸婆. Think my hb buay tahan me liao. He would rather get me a maid and push me back to workforce asap even thou he don't need me to contribute.

Yah loh best to train early cause later train more xin ku for baby and mummy and takes longer time. Me once bitten twice shy.

Take things slowly cause baby now more aware of their environment.

Re: Jabs
When give 5 in 1 or 6in 1 jab better dun take another jab together with it cause 5 in 1 / 6in1 is already quite a lot for baby to take.

Any of ur babies easily get distracted when drinking milk?
