(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

<font color="119911">ayukie</font>, wah! ur boy 1 month old can hold bottle liao ar. strong boy. same lah. my girl also stuck her finger in together with the pacifier if she dun take it out.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, my girl has been showing interest in adult food since birth! but she cant sit well yet. everytime she look at me eat or drink i will tell her she cannot eat. my parents very cheeky. they will put the food/fruit in front of her mouth then tell her cannot eat. make her gian. lol.

Sporty what is obimin?

Karen I think i better start taking chicken essence or make the pao sheng and cordyceps soup... so tiring work and pump at night and pump in between of work
swanston, ur parents like training ur gal to be "tam jia" leh! use food to tempt her!!

kimifin, with back support of cuz...also by 6 mths more or less they can sit by themselves ba

nicole, obimin is multi vits tha we took for pregnancy...now can also take for bfing...
kimifin - for holding baby cerals, baby porriadge warm lor .. next time can hold baby when older his food warm as well ..
swanston - problem is 1 month old he holds the bottle feed himself (luckily got a shot of him doing so all by himself cause he damn pissed with us pucking the bottle out from his mouth whahaha he took to holding it himself ..) but problem is now he dont want to hold himself .. haiz ..
my boy loves to see ppl eat .. and he will gets all happy and excited seeing ppl eat bleahz ... my mil says my boy is a "tan chi" boy ..
Hi gals!

i'm letting go of my Medela PIS backpack advanced bought from TMC Parentcraft in Dec 2009. Used for abt 3 mths, warranty is valid til Dec 2010. Still in very good condition. Letting go full set with adaptor, cooler bag, cooling element, 4 funnels (a pair of 28mmDia original and a pair of 30mmDia extra), 2 tubing, 2 valves, 4 bottles, battery pack and the manual pumping tube at $550neg.

Pls PM me if u r interested or if u know anyone who is interested k...thanks
Hi ladies

Solid food: My PD says can give at 4.5mth..but one food by one food..to detect any allergies if any..and if u really wanna give egg..he say just give egg yolk coz the white contains more proteins which may trigger reactions.

Supplements: i take the blackmores supplement for BF..but other than tat i occasionally take ginseng and chicken essesnce ...
Oh karen i took calcium pill and the blackmores supplement for bf same as Raerae too.....

BUt my SS is dropping eversince i am back to work...
Nicole: hai goin bk to work inevitably does tat.. So far majority of my friends who go back to work told me ss will drop lor =( unless u can still afford to pump at 3-4hr intervals at work..Last time my sis in law could sustain for a yr with working..not sure how she did it le..But i think 6 mths is good la..at least within WHO standard..and to think abt it..after 6 mth bb take semi solid food..so can change to formula..

BTW i tried emailing a few companies for milk samples to prepare for the 6 mth mark for changin to formula milk..but they all say AVA doesnt allow milk samples to b given to bb below 6 mth =(

Sporty: ask u..previously u say u pump 6x a day including 2 latches rite? wat are the timing..it seems alot le..at work u pump 4 times? thanks =)
Superwalker, not monday for me ley.. i got to work on Monday... i am only free on Tues and Thurs
Unless Monday is super near Shenton way area nbut i doubt so lah... cos shenton way is a boring place to have lunch!
ayukie, ur Lil E so li hai, kno how to hold bottle so young! maybe now he sianz liao so dun wanna hold le!!

bearycue, how come u selling ur PISA? u gonna stop bfing ah?

nicole, drink more water at work...it works for me la...but at times if i'm too bz and didnt drink, ss will be lesser

raerae, i dun pump 6 times a day la...4 pumps + 2 latch... at work cannot pump 4 times la...my boss will kick my butt la! hahah... i latch for bb first and last feed... pump at 6ish, 12/1ish, 4/5ish and 10/11ish before i sleep... how many times u pumping now? oh ya, for the samples, u shd ask them for samples for followup milk (for 6 mths and above), less than 6 mths FM they wun give one...
next time if u go to PD.. can ask them for samples...
Usually they will give..

Drinking bubble tea now.. yummy
hello ladies!

Hihi momo mummy,
how are you? hope you have recover.

so its best to introduce rice cereals also at 6m?
piggym, it depends on whether ur bb is ready or not and whether u wanna intro it early or not...u can intro at 4 mths if u feed comfortable and when ur boy's ready lor...no hard and fast rules la...
I just found an interesting information on anti-lactogenic food. Hope can let gals here keep a lookout fr not eating those:

-Soft drinks, carbonated beverages
-Coffee, black tea, green tea
-Citrus acid in food and juice
-Vit C supplements
-Vit B6, do not take more than 200mg a day
-Aspartame (avoid this in any case)
-Orange juice, citrus fruit juice
-possibly tomatoes, cucumbers and paprika
-possibly apples, bananas and avocado
-any food that the baby react sensitively to

Taken from book " Mother Food for Breastfeeding"
Hi Sporty: Okies Coz i pump at 6.30am, 12.30am, 6.30pm &amp; abt 11ish in the nite.. only can pump like 250ml max each session..den when u latch ..i wanna follow ur schedule..so means at work u pump twice? I wanna sustain till 6 mth so tryin ways and means to up my ss =S so sian!!!

Starrz: yup i will do that..But i oso signed up for ALL the milk companies to send me samples when bb turn 6 mths..they say will send one whole can de le!!! 400g only but still!!

Vaccination: anyone did pneumococcal at 3.5mth den subsequent dose dun take ar?

Bearycue: yah how come u selling ur PISA ...Can keep for next one too?
didn't know ava got such a rule! i guess bcos they wanna encourage breastfeeding? no wonder last month i got rice cereals samples at mothercare lor.. obviously my bb not old enuf at that time (or now)

i m feeling like a super mum now!! just got home fr baby's swim &amp; massage.. and he was very happy during the swim &amp; massage today!! i feel so happy to see bb so happy! : ) : )

i think the week after next i will bring him to northpoint for big pool liao. Today he could hold his body up in the breaststroke position instead of legs hanging down.. Yay! but of cos, babies are fickle minded, next time he might go back to being bored or crying! anyway i just feel happy for now : )

during the massage i noticed that the auntie (the same person who do the swim for the bb) did quite a lot at tummy area. Since there's quite a lot of chat here about constipation, i asked her whether her massage can help constipation, and whether it's the same as tui na type. she said she is trained in tcm massage and 婴儿护理 (infant care), so she can do accordingly for babies with constipation. Just in case any mummies here is interested la : )

i think i will let her do massage for my bb regularly. while i do for bb myself on the other days : )

supplements - i taking calcium and multivits still. heard fernugreek and mother's milk (a type of tea) can help to increase ss

solid food - i going to start bb in his 7th month. read that the reason is that milk is most important in first 6 months. If start other foods too early, bb might not want to drink as much milk anymore.

baby fairs - does anyone know whether there will be baby fairs in mid year? Cos if not, then now gotta buy the things in preparation for feeding semi-solids at the coming fairs.. Hmm what do we need for feeding huh?
piggym, ur mil wants to start solids on ur son earlier isit? i kno some pple put rice cereals into bb's milk to let them drink lor

raerae, as long as u pump/latch frequently shd be able to sustain la... but is it possible to like squeeze in another pump slot at work so as to increase ss? cuz u pump once at work? how abt...630am...1130am...430pm...8pm...11pm?? i used to do this when my #1 stays with my mum and i was on exclusive pumping

VFM, for feeding bb, u need spoons, bowls, blender(to make puree or u can juz use fork to mash), high chair, etc... i think in mar (next week in fact!) there's taka bb fair and also a motherhood fair at expo...
dunno leh. She didnt mention anything yet. I guess she has the intention to feed my son porridge at 4m+. Yeah I know some pple intro rice cereal in to bb milk at 4m+.
I m still thinking whether to intro or not.

Is there taka bb fair next wk?
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, lol. ya lor. always make her saliva drip but cannot eat.

<font color="119911">ayukie</font>, sama sama. my girl also very tam jiak one. she see us eat or drink she very happy one. as if she is the one eating or drinking. lol.
sporty - he nt li hai he just pissed off with his daddy and mummy then keeps shifting him and keeps taking the milk bottle outta his mouth haha .. anyway dont know leh sometimes im worried about his developement whether he is on the slow side anot but sometimes he seems to be able do the stuffs and on very rare occasions sianz ..
Sporty: I guess that is not too bad..but when do u latch ur gal le? as in wat time le? Coz i dun mind latching her.. i LOOOVVVEEE latching lor haha

VFM: is it true u start solids early den bb mite reject milk?? ekkkk like tat cannot la!! BTW i think someone mentioned Taka Fair = Mar 10-28 Expo Fair = Mar 19-21. I took the dates down coz wanna go.. and rite now is Isetan bb fair? correct me if i am wrong ok mummies...

Piggym: My mum adds the rice cereal to milk abt 5 mth for my niece last time..think she mite do the same for my gal too..
Ayukie: Dont worry too much ..sometimes bb take their own pace bah..last time my godbrother did not talk until he was 3yrs le..we almost tot he mute...now he is ok le..
piggym, in my opinion, i think 4 mths too early to start on porridge la...if really wanna intro, rice cereal is better lor... taka fair starts from 11 mar to 28 mar!

ayukie, dun worry abt his development la...eventually by 2 yrs old...all kids shd be the same!

raerae, i latch at 5am and 8 to 9pm...2 times a day lor... yes, expo bb fair starts on 19 mar to 21 mar...paiseh got the dates wrong! taka fair is next week!
novbaby - kidzloft got 50% discount on-going promotion (for kids turning one) just present the child's BC when u go there and buy stuff during his/er b'day mth

jolene - re: bumbo seat, i hope to get pink or purple one at the taka fair, shld have discount. u going on the 10th? u want to bring jamie to hwa xia for a haircut too ah?

stacey - sun gathering at my place... see u at the function room of park green!

sporty - seems like nobody can offer a bumper/play mat leh, ok not to have or?
swanston - there is one time i drank soya bean can drink in front of my boy .. he got sooo excited and wanna to grab the glass and drink think he thinks its his milk milk ahhahaa
No pink one, when I buy today the purple one left 2. Seems like purple one rather popular. I did not get the tray because no discount.

Got 1 idea, for those who got bumbo perhaps can bring it for the gathering and let our bb sit in it to take pix.
I have a yellow bumbo..will bring it along on Sunday

Raerae, my baby had her 1st pneumococcal jab at 3 months....after reading up on it, I've decided not to let her take the subsequent jabs. Will only take the jab again when she is 18 months, before she attends childcare.
Hi sporty, raerae
Mmm...my bm supply almost drop to zero liao and will be back to work nez week so no more bfing dat's y selling my PISA, hope can get back some cash to buy my gal's supply of formula milk lor :p
mel, it will be good to have a bumper mat or 2 cuz can lay bb down to take pics... i try to find my carrying bag for the mat cuz my bumper mat is beneath my son's toys...so need to dismantle the toys first...

bearycue, icic...no wonder...nvm la...at least ur gal enjoys 3 mths + of bm...

ashley, still at work? gosh... *sayang*

Our gathering @ Park Green this sunday!!
Updates abt payment
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>No of paxs</TD><TD>status</TD><TD>payment status </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>melodie (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>sporty (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>mm6j (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>ayukie (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Jane (2A + 1 todd + bb) + maid</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Piggy (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>jolene428 (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>devlina (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>ashley (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>fieda (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>shirlin (1A + bb)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Mitsy (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>novbaby (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Nicole (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Tanly (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Swanston (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Xuanxuan (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>veryfatmum (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Shihui (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>reenie (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>zentan (1A + 1 todd + bb) + maid</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Stacey (1A+ 1 tood + bb)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>42</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Ashley, hope u are already home by now!

Re: Gathering @ Park Green
sporty, mel: I have a quilted mat which i can bring along. But it is a very very small one, we def need many more mats...

Tanly, your idea sounds good! It will be cute to see several babies in bumbo seats together. I will bring mine along, which is purple too!

Re: Next week's gathering
I'm ok to do lunch on either Mon or Tue.

Re: First Mum's &amp; Dad's Congress 2010
Just in case you gals are interested to attend. I've just rec'd an email on this congress which is going to take place on 13 Mar. Zoe Tay &amp; Darren Lim will be there to share their personal experiences. mmm... the registration fee is not really cheap, ie $12/pax for TMC FBI/SBI member, $15 for non member. There's a gift pack thou...
xuanxuan, zentan can bring a bumper mat...i will try to bring mine cuz i need to find the bag tha's used to keep it and also slowly "dismantle" my boy's thomas train tracks on it....hehhe... u can bring ur mat if its not too inconvenient

tanly, oh ya...i like ur idea abt the bumbo!! heheh...
sporty,Momoko and other mummies, thank-you for your suggestions. Yes, my FS tubing is cleared of water droplets yesterday after reading your post. FS is really good compared to manual pump. Can establish let down fast. Should have gotten it earlier.

sporty, wow the mat is so expensive ah..

anyway when xuanxuan mentioned about her quilted mat being a gift from fren, i suddenly remembered i have soemthing like a sleeping bag which can be opened up to lie on. the dimensions about 1.5m x 1.5m. I will bring on sunday!
