(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i stay v near park green..too late to join? is this someone's home? i try to locate the thread but cant find..

my gal been coughing since mid jan till now. i check with doc he say as long as can eat and sleep and no fever dun worry..but so long liao wo...you have any good remedies?

Stacey: I oso dunno le..i am in same boat as u =p Hmm i will bring her to a good TCM if western med cannot work.. I am intending to bring her to tui nai and TCM after she recovers from this episode..coz so far only 4 days..really ok to cough meh?? Other mummies got comments...advice??

Sporty: Soo i see!!! Yah i was thinking manz it was kinda hot last nite + this am le..haha for me i can auto wake up to pump but hor later in the am i will wanna snooze le haha somedays i juz face my com and Zzzzzzzzzzz....

Starzz: yah old ppl like tat..always say cry got wind etc etc..which mayb is true but i always tell my mum to have to let me be my bb mother..bo bian..hope they understand.. Coz i oso let my bb cry cry abit to sleep herself..
anyone has good contact of tuina?
i tot the bukit batok one got but just called and told only medication will be given.
stacey, can...u coming with ur hb and kids? if so, it will be 18/pax per pax...and u need to trf to me for the catering...

raerae,me ok la...juz feel more sleepy on weekends lor...wanna snooze more...so i always nap on weekends afternoon if not i cannot tahan!

re: Gathering @ Park Green function room this sunday!
Event starts at 12pm!!
(mel, correct timing??!, if not pls "shout"!)
Wanna ask if anyone has samples of FM...how to get??? coz i thinking of starting my gal on FM when she is abt 5.5mth =) thanks!

Funne: i think the only tui na mentioned here is by Bidosoh le
Sporty, you miss out my girl leh. She also share the same birthday as us ;-)

I am going Isetan later. Hope to get a purple bumbo seat for my girl. Wish me luck ya...
raerae, u can call the FM companies to request for samples...no prob one!

tanly, ya hor...hehehhe :p hope u get the bumbo u want!
ztaceip, im in same boat as u. My bb can differentiate betwn bottle and breast. i tried ALL sorts of teats and bottle but she will still scream like the world's gonna end if given bottle. Feel so heartbroken when hear her scream, but no choice gotta make her accept bottle cos im starting work soon. Abt 2 weeks back, what I did was during feeding will start off with breast, then halfway will slowly pull out breast and replace with bottle to get her used to bottle. ( I feel like im purposely confusing her and tricking her this way, but i got no choice!) Did this several times and over shorter "breast-time" intervals. Thank god, now she can take bottle straight with no fuss oready...
thks raerae, i shall wait for Bidosoh then..

i passby maguang yesterday, they have bb tuina but the yishi said my gal actually don't nid tuina (she got phlegm) since she's on tbf.. so thinking of asking '2nd opinion'..

my gf gave me a contact at jurong east but my coll said so-so only wor..
Re: Stacey Poll

How is your baby taken care of?
My mom @ her place

Happy with current arrangement?
Will be HAPPIEST if i can take care of my bb myself. But no choice gotta return to work so my mom is the next best caretaker that I trust (am very particular abt who touches my bb hahahah)
I'm coming too! will trf to you shortly. but 1st time joining gathering hope i wont feel too awkward amongst you gals =p hehe..

hubby not coming (he anti-social) so its 1A + 1 Todd + bb.

Hi Mommies,

if interested, please PM me

Huggies Ultra - $14.50
Huggies Pull-up - $14.50
Huggies Dry/comfort - $15.00
Collection at Punggol.
<font color="119911">rhapsodyrach</font>, my girl dun really like the pacifier. depends on her mood. when she is cranky she wont take pacifier de. when good mood then she might take for awhile.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, coz tat time we change bed sheets then put her in for awhile. from then on she keep wanting to sit in walker liao. -.-" after a few times she even mastered how to move around and get out of stucked corners. some times i wonder if she is 4 months old. we have also successfully trained her to hold her own milk bottle, glass or plastic. now she drink milk on her own liao.
but some times she lazy then the bottle will slide away and she will hug the bottle instead. lol.

<font color="119911">bidosoh</font>, aiyo... how come ur mil say that. every one has their own habits one mah. no one is the same lor. how can say abnormal...

<font color="119911">raerae</font>, ya lor. now have to watch and run after her when she is in the walker liao.

re: first haircut
my dad had the privilege of trimming baby's hair at the ears last sunday. hee.

re: flip
my girl manage to flip liao! yeah! she like to flip for fun now. hee.
thank u mummies for the words of encouragement/comfort/support.. *hugs*
actually i thought i got over the "grief" le but it always come back to haunt me...

was so desperate i asked my acupuncturist whether got anywhere can poke to increase supply or not, breasts also can..haha..she stared at me like i'm xiao or wat.. anyway, think she isnt very probreastfeeding and told me to stop at 6 months and then work on building up my constitution and health instead.. said my "yao1" etc no good..

anyway, anyone starting to intro solids to their babies at 4 months? coz my PD asked me to.. add some rice cerreal to his milk etc.. is 4 months too early?

Re Stacey poll, same as ardenz and I so agree with her! haha..
ardenz, great tha ur gal's taking bottle already...sounds like a tough issue!

stacey, u have my ac no? see u on sun then
ask ur hb to come la...to jaga the kids then u can chit chat :p

swanston, ur gal is good! always set the benchmark! first to sleep thru, first to walk in walker, first to hold milk bottle by herself! *claps* how u train her ah...share share

chris, dun despair la...little bm is better than none...stress will decrease ss also...dun think too much, juz provide what u can...i will only intro cereals when my gal's 6 mths old lor...
wow... so many post to read.

Ashley, you work in what industry? my company is hiring and the office is at Jurong, not sure the position offer suits you. If you need the info, you PM me, i tried to PM you but you don't accept PM.

My bb don't sleep aircon unless is super hot , if we on we keep around 25 degree and i will put a bowl of water in the room, if not it is too dry. But normally she sleep with fan. Sometimes too hot, when she wake up the pillow will have her sweat and she smelled :p
Anyway, don't think have any relation on whether she can sleep through the night, cause my gal sleep from 10+pm till 6.30am on weekday weekend we don't wake her up, and can sleep till 7+ am.

My bb is taken care by nanny at her house. Everday my hubby will send and fetch her using stroller (the money on stroller is well spent) as we don't drive. If rain then I will send by cab. Happy with the arrangement as bb adopted well.
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, from week 3 we always use her hands to grab the bottle while we feed her. then slowly we will hands off while she try to hold on herself. now finally suceed liao. hee. my mum also trained us like tat. maybe coz she dun latch so we got more opportunities to train her hold bottle so she get to practise more.
expressing BM,

was really tough in the first few weeks where we "have doubts" on our supply. I think, your bb has to cooperate to latch well, and during pumping, need to massage n squeeze, cos inside always got some milk stuck somewhere.
goog new

Valerie yesterday evening after i took raerae advice and give bb prune juice, only 3 teaspoons..valerie like the taste.
This morning enjoy her swim again, great to see her smile

im Stay Home Mum, Working on my online shop
and beauty service at home
Very Happy

wow! your bb so clever can hold her own bottle

was busy reading the post.
I placed my gal in infant care. I think so far no one is same as me.

So far, I'm happy with it.
Chinese medicine can tiao yang body so even not sick also can go see TCM just let them know what problems u have. But i think not advisable to tiao yang for babies as they are too young, think the yishi also not keen. Dun think is ok to let baby to keep on coughing as baby will also feel uncomfortable.

Pls PM me the tui na contact and address too. Thkq.

Think tui na is to help babies when they have certain problems like poor appetite or when they sick.

then ur husband must be good temper.

My boy not drinking much and weight seems to stay at 6.5kg so probably bringing him to tui na. Will also cook rice water for him to drink. Cause last time a yishi told me that if baby not feeding well, can give rice water. I also dunno should start semi-solid food earlier cause last time my girl interest in milk came back after introducing semi solid food to her.
Yippie! I just booked a holiday to Phuket with Hub....in June!

4D3N cos got free 1 N stay

now is, to ask if bb sitter can help take care at nite.
Bidosoh, my son sleep on my bed at night! He wun sleep in yao lan at night de! Totally the same hor! But he seldom sleep thru the night though!

Superwalker, make the lunch on monday 8 March instead? Coz i'm taking leave that day!
sleeptraining---I think different bb react differently...i give up liao, since bb cant sleep thru the nite even!

I will try after 4 mths, but duno if bb need to meet criteria like able to sit (on his own?) or neck strong?
He got phelgm in his throat sometimes, I also worry if he can take it. I heard to minimise choking, introduce to bb during lunch (after some milk feed) n evening.

Sporty, where do you buy the organic bb food?

Anyone can recommend the rice cereal we can start with?

If we mix with BM, so need to warm up the BM as per normal then mix in the rice cereal in Very diluted form? what other SIMPLE solids we can start too?
kimifin, try fruit puree. I was told by a friend not to mix BM with the rice cereal so that e baby would not link cereal with BM. She said wait till the baby get use to the taste of rice cereal then mix with bm. What do u gals think?

I saw healthytimes baby food at carrefour suntec. it's organic too!
swanston, i used to do tha to train my son to hold bottle also but now i'm still latching my gal so more diff to train...hehe

taurus, he's more patient than me with kids la so wun be a prob i guess...

stacey, how old is ur #1 ah? i forgot liao...i check ur trf tonite k?!

kimifin, wahh...so good going for hols! envy!! i get healthy times for the cereals...from ntuc xtra or their website...yes, juz warm up bm as usual and stir the rice cereal in...
okok. she's 2+. naughty naughty.

baby food for weaning:
I m a very chin chye mom not into organic and stuff. just "si sen" rice cereal mixed with milk hehe..
There's also this brand from Australia called Bellamy's Organic Baby Rice.

For me i will cook porridge will lots of water and blend it, consistency must be like breastmilk.
speaking abt bm .. i got blocked hard rock left neh nw so sian cant pump out so sad cause my pump time this week haywire .. keeps postponing so end up block again and again sianz ..

cerals: who gg get> i need to get this mth cause this week my boy will be 5 months old tml ... so yeah im gg get a mini bento thermo lunch box for him as well haha ..
swanston - ur girl gd lah .. my boy hor .. 1st mth and 2nd mth he will hold the btl and feed himself now hor he dont want to drink milk milk just want his hands so haha he isnt holding to his milk bottles already ..(had to force him drink milk) and even pacifier he will use his hands to take out if he didnt manage to spit it out to fly across the air or even if he does not take out the pacifier he will stuck a thumb at least into his mouth together with the pacifier .. really bth him ..

i havent tried walker on my boy yet but think he is more intrested in walking than crawling .. most times he cnat be bothered to flip as well .. he is like more active during his 1st mth werid ..
Ayukie (ayukie), becoz of block duct im having fever now. got to go see doc. Better clear ur block duct soon. Keep having block duct recently.. haiz

what's the mini bento thermo lunch box for?

I think i introduce solids from 4 mth onward but v v slowly. maybe tasting only.

see how it gets. no one answer how we know if bb is ready for solid?
Best to start solic only after 6 months.
When introducing food, make sure to introduce any new food on it's own before mixing them.

Baby organic food:
For me not a good idea to give bottled food as it contains lot of starch
back from some retail therapy...nice !

kimifin, bb is usually ready for solid food if they sit well and also shows interest in adult food...but best to start after 6 mths lor
hello gals, this thread is gettin more active now!

re solid food, it;s better to start after 6 mths to prevent any food allergies. an ENT doc advises us to bf for at least 6 mths then slowly start giving solids like rice, carrots, potatoe. cos my hubby got allergies, baby might get allergies too so have to be very careful.

dun start giving eggs before 1 yr cos egg is highly allergic. dun give too sweet food also else next time baby only wants to eat sweet things
Fieda, sure, we can do lunch on 8 mar Monday instead. Novbaby, u still able to join us? Vfm, xuanxuan, agata, Momomummy, min and any other mummies, wanna join us?
baby sleep w MIL now, so no nd to worry abt night feed. I still pump at night if u consider 12am &amp; 5/6am as pumpin at night??

Anyone taking tonic to "bu sheng"? any advice wat to take? i dun wanna to look haggard
rachelle, think its more active as alot of mummies went back to work liao...so more time to post! whaha

rue, 12 am and 6am ok la...not really in the middle of the nite! i still take chix essence, obimin and fish oil at times also!

superwalker, where are u gals going for lunch?

rue, i take chicken essence(to stay more alert) on and off, and if got time will make pao sheng or cordyceps soup during weekend (still pump 2 times per day, hope all this will go to my BM) haha...
