(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

superwalker, ur mil n mum never say " bb hungry isit" meh??!!

shirlin, ya cuz i run out of bottles n need to get more to store milk!! heheh

ok thanks all, will put on short romper for 6-in-1 then.

shirlin, how come u sick ur ss go up? if im sick, my ss go down leh. your 200ml is how many hour interval and ur bb drink how much per feed? wish i also had enuff to freeze leh...
jeanie, motherhood's abt trial and error lor...juz try all sorts of methods tha calms and suits ur bb best!! hehhe

shirlin, i bought tollyjoy bottles...juz to store milk...cheap...5.90 for 2...hahhah...but not bpa free la cuz i really dun give a damn abt bpa free la...etc...hehehhe
blessecyn, avent cups cannot use for more than dunno how many times...i still have some from my son's time one tha i use now also whenever i run out of bottles...kekkeke :p
<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, take care worr.

my mil also the same. bb cry keep asking me to feed her, say bf where got full one. *faint* i feed from bottle one leh, i know how much she drinks lor. keep asking me to stop bf and give fm. so angry. then my mum is another pattern. 3 hrs not up she will try to drag her feed until at least 2.5 hrs then she will give bb drink.
Shirlin, I dun mind to b away frm her wor, but I tink she minds, she being bery sticky these days. I move off nia she starts wailing.
sporty, yah lo.. first bb, abit blur. so far, its the carry, shake shake, pat pat trio works well. haha! then give pacifier and tuck into yaolan!
alamak...i pump until the bottle overflow and i dunno...now my shorts and floors kena...sianz!!!

blessedcyn, yes...go read the instructions...it says cannot use more than 5 times wor...but then i dun care also...i used more than 5 times liao...whahhahha :p

momoko, who will take care of ur gal when u go back to work?
Sporty, still me lor ... maybe I bring to work. my table there got space to put pram and let her sleep there. But got consider either nanny or infant care too.
jeanie, even 2nd bb also diff la...each bb is diff and have diff pattern one

momoko, wow...bring to work? thas good leh!!
Jeanie, sporty, ya!!! My mum will say "feed him - he is hungry" lol!!

My grandmother in law alway say "dun soffocate him with your nursing shawl" or "dun be shy - feed him now (in public)" lol!!!

Momoko, your gal is getting sticky ready? I also scared my boy will be like that since I m the only caregiver. Emmmm....maybe I shd leave him at my mil's more often.
sporty: Thk I must be like you liaoz.. Go buy cheap cheap bottles.. But how u label the bottles ah? Cuz I need to label to know if i exceed the 48hrs storage...

ardenz: I also dunno y my ss go up.. I pump every 3hrly lor..my girl only drink 110 every 2-3hrly sometimes can stretch to 4hrs la.. i thk cfm need to freeze liaoz.. but dunno if my girl will take FBM cuz till now i haven try it on her yet...

cyn: I using tt too but like wad sporty said.. cannot reuse for more den 5-6 times and i ardy exceeded way way beyond 6 times.. tts y using milkbags liaoz..
cyn: Hehe! Actually my MIL say to leave her another night de.. but i cannot take it liaoz.. miss my girl so much.. hahaha.. den i say nvm la.. let her rest liao den i look after bb myself.. plus i scared ltr my girl get too used to her hse den come hm i kana tekaned again lor..
superwalker, dunno why old pple like to associate bb cries to hunger...everytime like tha one...ehheh...

shirlin, i never label cuz i put day 1 one cluster, day 2 one cluster etc...hahha... if u wanna label, can use post its lor...hehhe
Sporty, but my bestie say work environment not good for bb, so I vv dilemma.

Chris, my boss bery pro family luckily, he tinks bb's first year especially the first 6 mths are bery impt for bonding, so wants me to spend more time with bb =.=

Superwalker, super sticky like super glue man, I go bath hor, she cannot "smell" me nia will throw tantrums le, n keep wanting me to talk with her then she will luff loud loud at herself.
Hahahaha, my mum oso keep tinking bb cry for milk then juz warm up some ebm without checking diapers, after that when she realise bb is cry coz diapers wet she still insist bb is oso hungry and make my girl drink =.=" Duno wat to do with her ...
sporty: Hmm.. I shall do tt den.. use post it notes.. Funny.. dunno izzit something wrong with my pump or my nipples.. I turned till strongest suction and my nipples still feel nth... haha...
Blessedcyn, i will still eventually go back to work ma. Sekali after u all go back to work, I have no more company, then decide to go back to work leh? Last nite I had this dream - dreamt that suddenly I have no one to hang out with and it is a very scary feeling!!!

Momoko, put a soaked breastpad beside her when u go for your shower? :p

sporty, now my mum also keeps saying "give him the pacifier".
Superwalker, hahaha, I no soaked breastpad leh =P ss too little till my "tap" dun drip at all. Sian ... today juz kena suan by hubby somemore, ask him help me buy breastpads, he say I bo neh no need use lah, save the earth mah .... =.="
momoko: I really hate your hb lor.. how come he always say all these to hurt you de.. No matter wad he's still the daddy of your girl lehz...
sporty, superwalker, yah lor.. cry=hungry. feed openly in public? *glup
same! give pacifier! give pacifier! anyway, i really intro pacifier liao. since it gives him confort, i ok lo.
Read this from some where (meltz my heart):

Please Mom and Dad....

My hands are small. I don't mean to spill my milk.
My legs are short -please slow down so I can keep up.
Don't slap my hands when I touch something bright and pretty. I don't understand.
Please look at me when I talk to you. It lets me know you are really listening.
My feelings are tender -don't nag me all day. Let me make mistakes without feeling stupid.
Don't expect the bed I make or the picture I draw to be perfect. Just love me for trying.
Remember, I am a child, not a small adult. Sometimes I don't understand what you're saying. I love you so much. Please love me just for being myself, not just for the things I do.
<font color="119911">shirlin</font>, i use masking tape to label each bottle with the date, time and amount. i paste it at the bottle cap. masking tape easy to peel off without leaving sticky tape.
Shirlin, that's the prob lor, he's really the daddy of my girl, if I say his girl's diapers finish liao he immediately FLY go buy ... but me is another story ... his mouth juz as jian as my mil =( As for carrying her, tis I gotta place my girl plop on him and he will carry ... bery not auto.

momo_mummy,the please look at me when I talk is so true ... I turn my back on her only, she cries, I look at her and chit chat, she smiles wide wide =)
blessedcyn n sporty,

I check out on the VIA Avent cups, the plastic is good for 3-4 times use only for hot water(the lids can last longer), or shd stop using if c craks.

So I decide to use for more times, by thawing the milk in fridge n not by hot water. Maybe it's safer n can use longer.
momoko, icic...if not can put abrielle @ infantcare near ur office? and can visit her during lunchtime?

shirlin, if not swanston's mtd of using masking tape also good idea... last time i also used strongest suction when i using ameda...heheh...so u still getting the FS?

superwalker, ur "company" to gai gai will become lesser and lesser liao...hehhe :p wah, ur mum an advocate of pacifier...my mum says NO to pacifier one cuz she said will hinder bb's teeth growth...

jeanie, no need to shy to feed openly in public if u using shawl or nursing shawl...

kimifin, i used the older VIA cups to put in bb's biscuits when they start on solids...so can re-use...hehe
Sporty, shenton way like dun have nearby wor. Din c any nearby. Childcare I know got one new open de but at Raffles place side.
Sporty, me not going to the hi tea on Monday liao. No one takecare of bb now
tanly, orhh no prob...noted
hope u can get ur maid soon...

Our high tea date!!
Date : 1 Feb 2010 (Mon)
Venue : Coffee Lounge @ Goodwood Park
Time: 3pm

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5.1st time mummy
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. alicia
10. Mitsy
11. Rachelle Ling
12. ariesgal
13. Shihui
14. chris (KIV)
15. carinez
16. fieda (KIV)
17. nicole (KIV)
18. sally darling (KIV)

add ur name in if you are keen
pls confirm your avaliability by wed so i can make reservations...if nil response recieved means you are going ok! thanks
Shirlin, I use those white label stickers to label date n time.

Momo mummy u got contacts of nanny ar? I stay in bedok.. Got any? How did u advertise? How much is the rate now?
Omg just now I fed bb with sour milk without realizing!! Quite traumatized and upset... He drank awhile then I realised cos 心血来潮 went to smell the packet then realized it's super sourish tat I almost puked! My poor boy was so hungry after his 4hr plus slp (mil don't wake him up for feed) tat he drank big big gulps and nvr even spit out omg... I feel so guilty my boy drank bad bmilk... Think it's my fault I din zip the milkbag properly or something... Dono wat happened leh... Tot can put 48 hrs not up yet... Haiz dono if bb will be sick or not.. So worried...
momoko - sometimes i really bth your hb for making those remarks and being inconsiderate to you and your girl ... anyway nt all ppl leak mah .. i nt alot of ss but i do leak .. i also dunno why .. at least ur making effort to bfeed your child the least he can do is to help in the little things instead of being scarastic .. girl next time you may wanna rebute him ... if he is sooo great than ask him to squeeze the milk outta his nehs lah .. if he is soooo celver ..
hello girls, re Avent Via cups. pls be careful while handling them. that time i used it to store my ebm in the freezer. then out of convenience, my FIL took the cup and put it in the warmer to thaw and warm. who knows the plastic cracked and made a mess in the warmer. tihnk the plastic cannot handle expansion suddenly straight out from the freezer. so better way is to thaw in fridge first then warm.

sporty , mayb i see you many times in causeway but din recog you hahah.

I;m very upset now. i tried to latch my baby but he is so fussy now. sigh... ever since my supply low, i have been feeding him bott and once in a while latch him. past few times he still can latch but now getting more impatient. he will suck a few times then do the vomit action, then cry. after that i force him to the nipple and he suck. when let down come, then he suck the milk but for a while only. i really miss those times when he latch on and suck nicely. is thr a way to retrain a baby to latch?

sour milk? i tot usu fbm got a sour taste? mayb it;s not spoilt. it's the natural taste. i rem some girls in this thread were saying fbm got a sour taste. it';s normal
