(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

my dog ignored me cos he has my mum as companion.

fieda, my hubby also work late every day lor. he usually came home after midnight. sometimes 2am, sometimes 3am and if it gets too late, he stayed overnight in his office. so i went to bed alone most of the time and only get to see him on weekends and mornings. eventually i got used to it lo.

Swanston n Dingdong, I'm a virgo too! I'm trying not to worry too much, try to think happy thoughts. Do what u enjoy and listen or watch happy songs/movies to cheer u up.

Fieda, I was upset too with my wedding preps, cause hubby's family n relatives also gave me last minutes ideas. Relax, be happy n rest more...so you'll be a happy n pretty bride.
fieda - the mood swings will probably pass in a couple of weeks. I recall for #1 I had threatened miscarriage in the beginning, the OSCARS test results not so good, I always moody and easily cry too. After few months, body start to get used to the hormorne change then mood becomes much better. MS going away also helped lar.

It is impt though to have HB support. Try talking to him and ask him to spend a little more time with you.
fieda: dont worry so much, its like that for wedding prep de... its very normal to have disagreement about the tables etc... i went thr the whole wedding planning myself coz my hb was busy with his studies last year. Was very stressed and i was really unhappy with him. But was glad towards the end, he helped me out too

wow! u have so many pets!!!

dingdong: maybe unconsciously u wish urself as a good mother and dont be like ur grandma

swanston: yaa.. i think thgs will get better after his exams ba :D

popie: wow.. giant blower 0___0 sounds scary.. my hb said i been rolling ard the bed lately lor coz i always slp first...
Take it easy. Your wedding will move on smoothly. Try to enjoy the wedding prep. Its a once in a life time thing.
Mummies - can we eat laksa at this stage? Suddenly got craving for it but not sure to take or not??!
ASHM, that time i gt craving for laksa, thn when i finished eating i feel very uncomfortable, like wanna puke out, mayb cos of coconut milk ba... beta dun try, haha..
Try & stay positive for bb's sake ok. Enjoy ur wedding preps...quarrels tend to happen but that's part of wedding preps.

Here's the pic that I promised you. But Hub din send me the clear pic showing bb's legs. This will do for now ok.

jocelyn, my mum told me not to take food containing coconut milk leh. think better be safe. cos coconut milk not fresh can cause diahorrea
feida, if you need help with templates let me know... i've got templates for guest lists and things to do, and wedding day itinerary.

when is your wedding?
popie, i'm now eating fried beehoon, with oily chicken wing, oily fish fillet and taiwan sausage... very unhealthy hor? haiz...
JoycelynL : heehee i am eating steam pork with mei chai (the hk style) with rice and soup. Dare not eat laksa as what you say the coconut, so scared my MS will come and haunt me after eating.
Oh no wonder look sooo big wor.. haha... somehow i find all these type of scan not clear de... some more mine is like a pc of paper.. very thin and soft, must keep very carefully de.. some i saw is like those foto type, thicker...

U guys know wats the 3D scanning?

ASHM, so gd... the maid buy wat thn i must eat. cant really request much.. cos here not much variety of food.. Bobian werkin at pple house is like tat lo.. but recently i ate alot fastfood also.. scared bb will have oily skin.. haiz...

They say the 1st 3mths is e most important period to really take gd care of the bb leh... dunno how true it is.. sianz ar..

sometime crave for certain food, thn when eat liao not feelin well, felt like pukin oout loh.. 1st trimester faster over ba!
not twins...coz my bb casted aside the other sac. So doc said juz focus on 1.

The other pic I had was quite clear...but Hub din send me.
Thank you all so much for encouragement. I'll try to cheer up. Feel like taking mc later... no mood at all.

DevLina, your baby looked so big leh!!
JocelynL - Hmm....fastfood not very good leh because of the high salt content and we will have water retention if too much salt in our body = swollen legs, hands/fingers and face wor. Remember to drink plenty of water (my gynae told me at least 2litres) to flush out the toxins and stuff. Its true the first 3 months is the critical time to look after ourselves and the growing baby inside us. What about fruits - do you eat them everyday?
Devlina - OIC, your baby is big = good la! Must be intersting to see the 2 of them in the same scan next time!
ASHM, I hardly eat fruits.. Mangoes counted? haha.. i got eat mangoes..

I like to eat very salty food recently leh how? i dun like to drink plain water even b4 i'm preg..

Dev, u gt 2scans pict? the gynae gave u 2 ?
U noe bout 3D scan?
yah...he scanned once & then Hub asked to see again. So he gave us 2

I dunno anything abt 3D scan leh.
ur gynae so good...

Duno y today no mood werkin.. my performance of werk very slow today...

I really must cut down on oily and salty food le..
agata, i like to read. currently re-reading the whole set of harry potter. hahaha. i like to watch comedies too. horrors as well. hahaha.

jolene, err... my hubby not studying worr. he hate studying. hahaha.
JocelynL - Must really cut down le, no good. Fruits good because can prevent constipation and also got vit c which is good for the baby too! Try to drink at least 5 glasses of water for a start?
Swanston, I love to read too. I'm a bookworm :D Hm, some of my Harry Potter books with my sis or lent to her friend. I'm re-reading a Fantasy book that my sis passed to me. Movies, I don't like to watch horror...cause I often stay alone.

Yup, no mood to work cause tomorrow holiday, long weekend.
Hi! I'm a Nov MTB too.
EDD is 12 Nov and I'm in my 8th weeks now.
I'm going to do the OSCARS test in my 12th weeks, is it too early to detect anything anot?
I love watchin horror, especially thai de..
But after watching liao go toilet scared scared haha.. Then i will wake my hub up when he's asleep during nite time... i wil ask him go out on the light for mi and wait for mi outside haha.. poor hubby...
talk about unhealthy food. I just had Macs double cheese bugers + half a filet O fish + half pack fries. These days appetitei and MS so unpredictable, I just try to eat whatever comes into mind that time and not think too much about healthy or not. Otherwise may end up not being able to stomach anything.

in my opinion, if we are able to stomach in all types of food, then yes, better to choose healthy food. But if we are having bad MS and no appetite, then just eat whatever you can. My gynae told me not to worry too much in 1st trim about nutrition, cos baby still very very small, not taking alot of nutrients from us. Its in 2nd trim that baby grows and grows very quickly and alot of organs, bones and muscles are developing, that is the time when they will need alot of nutrition from us.
i gt 3hrs to go..

angeline, i agree with u.. cos sometime mac just came into my mind and just feel like eating thn eat liao, dun wan later choose other food thn regret.. best ting is when i enter mac i like the smell, but coffee shop? Yucks... tat makes mi lose my appetite..
welcome may & ling... i am still having menstrual-like cramps, but gynae say it's just air.

4 more hrs to go, yawnz... can't keep my eyes open today. Got craving for BK later :p
welcome Ling !!!

Ohhh, i also been eating unhealthy food and soury spicy ones oso like Laksa, Tom Yum etc...

I cannot take steam food or anything that doesnt have strong taste... And hor, i been craving for sweet stuffs like chocolate though i usually dont like chocolate!!!

I think its impt to take fruits oso lehh! Coz i have serious constipation problem even before i got bb.. and now with the supplements.. it makes it worse
My gynae told me i need to eat more fruits and if my constipation doesnt improve, she will need to give me some medication

Just had my farewell lunch with my closer colleagues.. yummy.. jack's place :p but hor, i was forbidden to eat medium
but luckily well done for ribeye steak taste yummy still :p hehehe...so full now.. and when we got back by cab.. i felt like car sick 0___0
