(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i tot i'm e only one around..

Lunch next week !!
Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)

1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. dingdong
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue x 2
17. dreams x 2 (rsvp thru fb)
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy
23. piggym
24. sponge
25. swanston
26. piggy (rsvp thru fb)
27. esther
28. zentan (will be late)
29. caffe latte
rachelle, yup. regardless of whether we're latching or not, our babies are still taking in breastmilk. i find that bottle-feeding allows me to monitor the amount of milk that my girl takes per meal. it gives me a peace of mind that my girl is drinking well.

saintbaby, my girl takes 1 hour to latch too!!!

cheryl, i'm happy that i don't need to rely on FM now and my girl doesn't like to drink FM too. but i'll still like to feed her FM once in a while else it'll difficult to wean her off my BM next time. and i also wish to stock up some of my BM in the freezer and it'll only be possible if i feed her FM at night.

sporty, i'll give tomorrow gathering a miss cos i still can't successfully sling my girl and it's tough to lug along the stroller alone. maybe next time bah
ayukie, *hugs* dun think tooo much...

dingdong, ok noted

Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)

1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. caffe latte
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue x 2
17. dreams x 2 (rsvp thru fb)
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy
23. piggym
24. sponge
25. swanston
26. piggy (rsvp thru fb)
27. esther
28. zentan (will be late)
Seems like most of our babies still have not learn how to sleep thru yet huh.. For my #1, i broke down almost every night when she doesnt want to sleep.. or worse, when i thought she has slept already, she woke up again! It was really a tiring period. Developed post natal blues because of that too.. it was until the 3rd mth when she slowly slept longer hours then my life became 'easier'..so hang in there mummies..our babies will learn to sleep thru sooner or later!
My #2 just gave me a pleasant surprise when he slept from 8pm - 1am yesterday!

zen..tmr i'll be 'handsfree' too! maybe can go shopping after that

Jane, love your olive oil! Smells nice and the cradle cap seem to be improving slightly.

shirlin, men are clueless when it comes to babies..esp when it is their 1st born. My hub used to drive me mad with his PSP n comp games too..but now after some experience (plus screamings from me), he will help out.. we really have to close an eye with them sometimes.. plus have to give them credit when they DO help out.. ;)

Ayukie, sorry to hear abt your grandma.. take care..and rest well yah..
sporty: Ya.. cool down le.. Had a talk with him just now.. And thk I'll get the Infantino carrier tmr ba.. since u can use it till your boy is 12mths so i guess the support is better den Combi.. Hmm.. so it means I'll be gg centrept tmr..means I can go Gap again.. Hmmmmmmm...
shirlin, infantino...ergo will use when her neck is stronger...now use infantino as they have cushion to support neck area...
rue, that time i got milk blister.... what i did was to latch my bb instead of pump cos pump won't break the blister... but may need to latch a few times lah.... i dare not try momoko's method cos i rather have bb break my blister than i use needle lor..... doing it myself like more painful.....

catechins, my pump time is not very regular as in fixed so hard to tell you the volume... but on average of 4 hrs can pump about 200ml using fs.... if ameda only about 160 - 170ml....
Shirlin> I also quarrelled with hubby, as he already never helped up for nite feed during weekdays, weekends he also never helped but played the stupid Wii in the living room lor. Now he's more 'zhi-dong' alredi. He'll volunteer to carry or play with BB.

Dingdong> Ya...I feel the same way too. Tat's y wanna re-introduce bottle. Otherwise, cannot do lots of stuff on my own lei...
Today is my first time using my new ERGO w the inserts, the inserts is useful if yr baby is still very little in size.
If like mine (baby is ard 6kg), i probly can only use for a few weeks more cos my baby seems to outgrow it anytime soon.
But like what sporty says, i can still keep for my future #2 ;)
But without the insert ur baby can be well supported by the carrier cause now baby's neck and spine not strong yet? And will the baby feel hot when using the insert?

So sorry to hear about ur grandma, hope u r feeling better.
Gals, tink I gotta miss the gathering, got beaten up by hubby coz he refuse to help me take care of bb and let me pump and accuse me of being lazy and find excuse not to take care of bb. Got bruises all over me bery ugly! Right shoulder abit swell up, cannot rest my sling properly.
Momoko, *horror* I hope your hubby had more bruises than u after the "fight"! There is really no reason to beat up a woman!!! U take care ya??

Been very busy this weekend n had no time to update the forum. I will make it for lunch tomorrow. See u gals!
momoko, you take good care ya. how can he do such a thing even if he is too lazy to help you out. sorry to say this but i think this is a form of abuse which you shouldn't even tolerate.
hope you feel much better soon....
dingdong, wah so much milk? 2nd round in an hour.... me after pumping at 5.30 cannot zzz till now and now going to prepare #1 for school liao...... see if can do some power nap before i head out for lunch...
Catechin, I can pump about 100ml per 3 hours. used to be about 130ml before my ss went low. I also heard PISA can extract better but FS is more compact for carrying ard.

Momoko, does your hubby always use physical force on you? if so, pardon me for saying but i think sth must be done to stop it.you cant always tolerate this esp when you have a baby in the house. when baby grows up and witness evrything, what will baby think?

It's really a HUGE gp today. Pity I cant join. Couldnt make arrangement for baby. sigh...
AT LAST my automatic Yao Lan (aka Sunflower Maid) has successfully make my baby drowsy and fall asleep... can Get ready for the gathering liao... if not cannot SHIT,BATH,EAT and DO ANYTHING... hehehe
Should hv bought it earlier and give in to the power of AUTOMATIC YAO LAN... hahaha

thanks for sharing. Hopefully, our bb will sleep easier n better soon.
If not, I cannot imagine when I go back to work n intend to latch at nite, how I can cope. Still need to pump n change bb nappy, so tiring...by the time we go back to Zzzz, it's next feed!

sorrie i MIA these few days.. finally got a sling but having prblm placing my gal inside.. so tink i give it a miss first..

These fews days i tuck of war with my gal.. she refuse bottle.. i m going back work on 1st feb.. so die die must force her.. she is crying like no one business.. cried till i cry with her at hm.. =( plus my hubby, sometime dun seems to understand mi n make mi even more stressed up.. i guess quite a no. of us having the same pblm.. hubby doesnt help out.. he driving manual.. need to say den become auto.. haiz.. till nw, i m still lost as in who to take care of my gal when i go back work.. =( initially plan all cant make it.. haiz...

anyway u ladies enjoy ya
