(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

I see. I am now trying to feed my gal at a specific time trying to train her to follow a schedule. Not sure will it work.

Wah! Karen, your gal good can sleep thru the night. Mine still got to wake up every 3hrs for feeding at night. Was hoping she could sleep longer. How much is your gal drinking now?

I tried to dream feed my gal too, but not effective. She still wake up every 3 hrs for feeding.


mine is also squashed up in the sling but i think he likes it cos its 100% hit rate, the moment he is in, he sleeps.
Hi all~ pumping now.. lucky today hb ard so I could slp abit more as he help me feed bb n entertain her..

chris: So me & blessedcyn are not the only poor things.. I was freaking tired by the time bb KO.. Fell alp the mmt my head touch the pillow.. so when is your sling arriving? We wun get to see lil Luke on Mon???

sporty: I dreamt tt i got super big big eyebags sia.. scary!! LOL~ And yup, using my combi n save the money to buy more stuff for my girl ba.. =)
no worries, so far, I freeze all my BM cos I just want to make sure they last, and do not worry if the chilled milk is not consumed. I always try to latch 1st. BB so far drk bottled frozen BM as the last feed of the nite.

So funny, I just did a body massage, n b4 3hrs, my boobs were leaking...I tot I latch/pump quite regular already.
BM jaundice- When bb is at 5 weeks, PD said bb still got some BM jaundice, and ask us to watch at the eye white area if its yellow.

So far, did not go back to PD cos that time went PD cos of colic.

Wonder if under wat signs in bb that I shd consult PD again for BM juandice? Or just leave it? I notice skin is a bit yellow but not the eye white, but skin is quite hard to tell.
Ystd was hubby's b-day so last night took pictures with baby...hubby so happy cause it's his 1st b-day with our baby.

About next gathering, I'd skip this one. Cause MIL went back to Indonesia, and I don't feel comfortable leaving baby with a new maid. Maybe after baby is 3 mths n had taken her 5-in-1 jab, and after I've mastered using sling/carrier.
I kept dozing off when i was feeding him last night and just now.. earnestly waiting for the day baby sleeps thru the night...
carrier will be sent by registered mail.. hopefully today or mon.. but if mon, i wun get to use it le..will try to sling and see if he's ok wif it or else ya, lil Luke will have to stay home while mummy goes to be babysitter... haha
the Combi carrier u have not comfy ah? i nearly bought it when i saw it in the store and thot it looked quite nice and padded..
okie, going to have my breakfast now, at 3.20pm..
Went for gynae review for glucose test result, all clear but doc says try to control the diet cause got 40% chance of getting diabetes in later age. Other than that, stitches recover well and womb is clear, did a pap smear test also , she says shouldn't be any problem.

Tanly, my gal can sleep through the night, but sometimes still have to spend some time to coax her to sleep at night. If she didn't sleep she will ask for feed, we kena one time, if she can sleep soundly normally she can sleep through the night till at least 7am. My gal now is having 110 for BM and 100 for FM. She has around 6 to 7 feeds per day only, and 2 to 3 feeds are on FM.
chris: Actually hai hao la.. the combi is not so bad.. Maybe the 1st time when i tried it, I nv adjust properly ba so end up me n bb not comfortable..but yday when hb ask me try again, both of us feel ok lehz.. my girl fell aslp the mmt she's inside.. so i guess i'll continue using it lorz.. the padding quite gd la. cannot really feel my girl's weight when carrying her.. And ya,try the sling ya.. who know lil Luke may love it.. like most of the babies.. fall aslp once settled inside.. =) I just had my brunch.. Milo n bread.. hehe..
My gal now is 8 weeks + , want to ask mummies hor, do there still take nap as much ah? I notice my gal daytime nap like very short liao like around 45 mins she will wake up and don't want to sleep liao. She then will cooing or ee ah ah ... want to carry or play or someone to side beside to entertain. Is it just my gal only? Any other mummies experienced that?
Karen, my gal oso 8 weeks. Normally if she sleep in my arms she can zz more but if I put her on cot, she can zz for half an Hr then wake. But hor her eyes still v sleepy pattern, she juz wan ppl to carry her.

And mummies, need advise. My bb always cry after poopoo. Do u all tink she gt tummy ache but normally if have tummy ache is before poo mah hor? Maybe is hungry? Coz she juz nw after poo n change diaper cry until so loud n no voice then i quickly make some milk n she calm dwn after drinking although her feeding time is nt up yet. So means she hungry isit? Pls advise, thanks!
brewing soup and prepared the ingredients for cooking tonite's dinner!
now can finally sit down and pump!!

tanly, so far dream feed dun work on my gal too! guess i will keep trying it1

mitsy/kimifin, i agree tha my gal sleeps better in sling...and i can go shopping with her inside but bad thing is my shoulders will ache after tha! think i'm gonna switch to carrier soon...

shirlin, hahhha...dreamt tha u got big big eyebags...sounds like a nite mare!! hahha

agata, nvm...join us for next gathering then...it will be very soon also! whahhaha

chris, my son at 2 yrs + now still haven slept thru...still wake up occasionally for milk...so my hb n i given up liao...hahha...

karen, yes...my gal sleeps in shorter span now...n she wants us to play with her when shes awake...she will scream/coos for us!

starrz, sometimes after bb poos, they will want a feed as they feed hungry...my gal's one of those...then i will latch her for liek 15 mins...
sporty: Yah la.. super nightmare.. Argh..

Ltr gg MIL's hse for dinner.. Yaye! She's cooking all my fav food tonight.. At least make me feel better ba.. Maybe she feel guilty tt her darling grand-daughter is bullying me and her darling son has no time to help me.. hehehehe~~
shirlin, seems like ur MIL really dotes on u
enjoy ur dinner later
hi ladies,

my baby has not poo for 2-3 days. she doesn't seem to have constipation as her usual stools are soggy type. she is feeding on fm. any one can advise?
hi ladies,

i have also another question. if mother is tested strep b +ve, how would it affect the baby? cos i read in previous thread, one of the mother mention she has to be careful in handling the baby. in what sense?

she is feeding similac. poo usually green soggy. we did insert a suppository before. but the pill did not disolve at all cos once we insert in out comes the poo together with the pill. we suspect she is not constipated.
My girl is feeding on Friso and her poo is mustard colour and she can poo 2 to 3 times per day. So now I am trying out Nan1 HA.
Carol> Did u use any strong smelling soap or cream on ur breast? I got the same response from my BB when I wash my chest with the ginger/lemongrass water during confinement. Ever since then, I did not use soap etc on my breast. Only plain water to wash the area. My BB latches on for about 15-20 mins only. Then he's full le. When he's starving, he latches on max also 30 mins only, in total (both breast, if I switch side). I feed on demand le, only when he is hungry. Other than that I don't offer. He's growing up fine wor. Don't worry. ;-)

Sporty> My BB is very piggy one. I scoop up also he won't wake up. Hmm...I try my best la. Sometimes see his sweet looking angelic face when fast asleep, I also don't hv the heart to wake up forcefully lor.

Shirlin/Saintbaby> I got regular massage once a month. The lady comes to my hse. If interested, I can give you her contact when we meet up on Mon. ;-)
Would like to check is the Nepia diaper size S similar size as Pampers size S? Or it is bigger then pampers?

Thinking of ordering nepia for my girl but worry it is too big for her.
1st time mummy,
I really cannot handle a fussy baby and a big diaper bag at ION & the no-day-no-night packed orchard MRT!
Esp when my baby's cry is the blasting type, u will regret asking me along, seriously. hahahah

Can try the massage at tiong bahru plaza, i find the price reasonable & quite good (for foot reflec & body massage)

Cyn & Chris,
My baby also needs to carry, rock and sway to slp, now i come up w a better way of swaying him by just pushing my palm up and dwn on his back when he is in my arms, then no strain on my back & posture.
I have been carrying him whole day today since 1pm (he only fall aslp for 10mins like 5 times the whole day) and i dun feel that tired as compared to before.
Chris> I tried the ergo carrier on baby, he is happy leh, hehe. the first try in of cos will fuss then when i sway & calm him dwn, he didnt reject it so i presume he is ok.

I ordered the ergo carrier fr the BP thread u provide the other time, rec'd it ystday.
Will officially use it tmr, wish me luck ;)

WOW! 9-7am??? Its a dream come true for me, i am hoping my boy can do that when i go bk to work so that he can still slp w me and i can do the night feed for him. I not greedy, 12-6am will be gd enough =)
My boy also nap lesser in the day now, wan to play and wan someone beside to talk and play with him, if not he will coo and ee ahhh by himself, ahhaha

Mitsy & kimifin,
Ya mine too, baby slp fast when he is in the sling. Dunno why, mayb very secured cos all wrap up?
Tanly, my baby also on NAN HA. so far so good just that I find that the poo very smelly. Dunno is it I give Bm in the day and FM in the night, baby poo at least 3 times a day. Is it normal?

Karen, you also had GD? me too! i haven went for the glucose test. I so scared it will be high cos during preg, i had to inject insulin at my tummy area twice a day. (OUCH .the tot of it still makes me feel the pain).

X, I was tested for Strep B when I was preg. But that will only affect baby during natural delivery. cos if baby pass thru the birth canal and kena the strep B , thr;s a chance that baby may get brain damage. So. I was on antibiotic drip when I had my natural delivery. Other than that, there is no other precautions that you need to take.

I know my preg a lot of complications. Even before preg, i had prob conceiving. so, it;s been a long journey for me!
Lunch next week !!
Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)
1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. dingdong
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue
17. dreams
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy
23. piggym
24. sponge

sporty, just tt-ed u the money..so sorry i nearly forgotten about it until i read the forum today! Goodness, really have short term memory these days!

Anyway really enjoyed the lunch at Kuishinbo.. though didnt mingle much (i shy ok!) but nonetheless still enjoyed matching nicks to faces!
hope to mingle more at swensens on Monday.

Regarding slings, I agreed that babies fall asleep very fast in slings.. i think its because it resembles a womb-like environment for them.. all wrapped up and secured.

Really love playing with my baby now.. he's such a smiley boy! Really melts my heart when he flashes me his toothless smiles!
Gals, just wanna scream sth out else I dun feel good....

As you know, my milk ss was cut by half ever since i got blocked ducts. so, I have been trying to up my ss since then. Cos ss was low, I started by latching bb to stimulate ss and if not enough, supp with FM. it was very stressful during tat time cos baby will cry non-stop after latching cos no milk and my in-laws were frustrated with me cos they kept thinking i'm not feeding bb well (we are staying together) so in the end, I surrendered and pumped out milk to feed baby. my ss is enough to feed him in the day so in the night, we feed him fm. meantime, i still habour the hope tat I could one day let him latch and he would be satisfied after the latch.

Just now baby was very colicky and kept crying. my heart was so pain that I tot the bott is the main culprit for the colic. so, i tried latching him, thinking that latching will not cause colic again.
however, he became impatient and started to fuss. then he started to scream and cry. my in laws were like giving me the i-told-you-not-to-bf-u-still-want-to-now-u-c tone. I was so upset.... I;m really tired of pumping. It gives me sore nipples and breasts. I hate pumping. I really enjoy latching more......

Suddenly, I felt so useless as a mummy. I cant even satisfy my baby's stomach by latching. Then, i tot of all the negative things - I'm a useless mummy cos i would panic when bb cries, I dunno how to handle bb when i;m all alone....; I'm useless cos i can;t even keep my house tidy and neat and need my MIL to do household chores; I'm useless in my job cos i dun seem to do well.....

I feel very depress..... it;s like i can;t do anything right....... sometimes i felt like telling my in-laws about sth which i find not so rt (for eg, my MIL put baby oil on baby's head and cos of it, my bb hair very smelly after a while. so i told her not to put then she like not happy) but then they will be like "I took care of 2 children before. i have more experience than you"

ARGH!!!!! i got so many negative tots now...... Sometimes, I just feel so lost........ I;m really really really feeling down rt now...

Sorry gals for this long post. I really need to vent it out. I tried to tell hubby abt it but he like dun understd how i feel.... so frustrating...
babylele, the 9pm to 7am is because she is too tired as she's been fussy in the afternoon, but if follow the schedule she can sleep from 11+pm to 7am which I am very glad and fortunate.

Rachelle, your gynae didn't ask you to go for test again to make sure you not diabetic? If is trigger by pregnancy, it will go away after giving birth. However, 40% chance to get it back in later age, my gynae advise me to continue the diet but not that so strict lah to prevent and delay to get diabetes.
Karen, Gynae asked me to go for glucose when baby's 8 weeks old. so going for the test in 1 or 2 weeks time.

i was told that there;s a high chance i will get diabetes in later life cos both my parents are diabetic as well. My gynae din ask me to ctrl diet cos she said I bf better make sure get good food. but still must ctrl those bad sugars.
rachelle, i can understand.. i stay with my inlaws too.. my mil does all the housework.. u dun feel bad.. cos they wanted to do.. i did offer to help and even wan to employ maid.. but she flatly says no.. i really appreciate this.. living together is a give and take.. so dun think too much..

i also have alot of negative tots.. and in my job. i recently thinking whether my boss still wants me back.. hahaha.. and whether i still have a future in this job.. and how to change to another line...

just tell her nicely.. if she not happy.. then just dun put it to heart.. everyone has their moods.. and she just want the best for the baby too..

i will be forever staying with PILs cos the current house belongs to me and my husband.. but i tell myself.. that since wnat to stay together.. then must close one eye and ear.

however, my problem is more on my SIL and BIL.. not too much on my PILs.
catechins, ya, actually my in-laws have been really nice to me. they treat me like their own daughters. Just that sometimes when staying together, it;s a little difficult... but overall, i really appreciate their help. Same as you, i;ll stay with them permanently cos we bought a house under all our names and they helped to pay for the house also.

I dun relaly have prob with SIL and BIL. just that my SIL was staying with my PIL before and she cannot really get along well with my MIL. so she was very happy to shift out. then recently, she kept saying things to frustrate me. things like how she has more freedom and can do watever she wants for her baby and no one can tell her what to do. she even told me that some of the things my MIL did is not right and she's glad that she's not staying with them. she gave me the attitude of "you so stupid want to stay with them"

Aiya, mayb i being oversensitive but i felt judged by SIL. so irritating!

Catechins, I may not be the best person to console you but then I must say that as long as you did your best, dun think too much about your job. i guess it's your own expectations perhaps, that stress you. lower expectations a little and things may get beta.

let's jia you!
Hi Karen & Starrz..my bb also 8wk old. She also dun really nap much during the day..kp wanting us to oohs and ahhs at her..but she now start to sleep thru the nite..usually 10+pm till 7+am.

Starrz..my bb normally cry abit before poo..sometimes cry after poo..but my mum said that she cry because is dirty..haha..But she did stop crying after i change the diaper.
I dun think ur bb is hungry..Is it because your wet wipes are cold or she dun like the wet feeling? Coz my baby normally cry like that when i suddenly clean her with the wet wipes. Before I clean her muz like tok to her..distract her then wipe her..if i quiet quiet juz wipe her..she will scream 1..
anyone ard?!
went to zzz at 9pm juz now...dunno why so sleepy!! juz woke up to latch and now pumping...

cheryl,hahha...hope ryan cooperates on mon and wake up on time

tanly, nepia size S is from 4kg to 8kg... if its too big for ur gal, u can keep it for future use...

babylele, so fast u using ergo on ur boy...u using it with the insert? ur new way of swaying sounds very innovative!

sponge, no prob...will check my a/c later
see u on mon

rachelle, its not easy staying with ILs esp if they help to take care of ur kid, really have to close one eye lor...i stayed with my ILs for 2 mths before i moved into my current house... juz try ur best lor and cheer up!!

Lunch next week !!
Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)

1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. dingdong
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue x 2
17. dreams x 2
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy
23. piggym
24. sponge

add on ur name if you are keen to join
Dun be upset, understd your blues.
Even my own mum gives me the frustrated look when i am b/f when i dun hv enough ss.
So you are not alone.
Like sporty says, nv easy to live w in laws, jus hv to be bo chup, closed one eye & ear so long as it is not fatal, probly u jus need to be easy abt everything, if not in the end only yrself suffer. I understd completely when it comes to husband caught in such situations & u thought they can help, they are hopeless be default.
Mayb cos they are not delicate enough to handle.
Talk to yr gal frens, it helps alot.
It makes u saner.
Jia You!

Ya i bought the insert too but seems like its not very useful as my boy is quite big now, hahha.
missing really much on the forum... my boy was sick aft day 1 in his new childcare center... only attend 1 out of 5 days this wk.. :p his orientation schedule changed due to this.. by right, he shd be attending half day for 1wk.. but now, he will only attend half day next Mon with me accompanying him.. tues onwards, he will be on his own.. :p

thanks for messaging me regarding the gathering... going to miss it again due to my boy's childcare issue..
anymore coming up? :p
I was feeding bb at 3 am, when hubby toss n turn loudly, n bb jerked awake. A few mins later, after i patted bb to sleep, hubby kicked his bolster off the bed n bb jerked awake again. Sigh...so i spent an hour rocking bb to sleep. She still not in deep sleep yet. Sometimes i want to put hubby in sleeping bag n tied his feet, so he wouldn't make loud noises n woke up bb again. Me cranky now...
anyone around? me now pumping..
actually woke up with a terrible stomachache.. den started leaking! pengz!

by e way.. can we eat ‘po zai pills‘ that are meant for LS if we're bf?
Saintbaby, why not try charcoal or diatrol (loperamide) for LS? I just had LS and took 2 tab of loperamide and the LS stopped.

PO zai pill is chinese harbs.... dunno whether will have any effects or not.
rachelle, i totally understand your situation as i'm in the same situation as yours. i switched to exclusive pumping cos my bb also cried hard and non-stop everytime after latching and everyone around me keep telling me that my bb had not enough to drink. i felt useless when some friends asked why i'm not latching and how latching increase milk ss and how they can feed that babies till xx months. it sounds like such a simple task to them and i can't even do it well. i feel useless about everything - work, household chores, relationships, etc. i'm so depressed that i cried everyday and the blues extended beyond my confinement. worse thing is that my hubby don't understand what's the big deal about latching when i can just pump out the milk and feed my gal. i told him that i don't enjoy motherhood at all and i really envy those that can handle their baby single-handedly without much problems.

now i'm trying to train my gal to latch back again. though she didn't cry after latching, she didn't take in as much as i bottlefeed. she only lasted for 1 hour after latch. maybe you can wait till your bb is in a good mood and latch him. cos if you do it at a wrong time, he'll get even more agitated. in the meantime, feed him some colic drops to make him feel better.
Lunch next week !!
Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)

1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. dingdong
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue x 2
17. dreams x 2
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy
23. piggym
24. sponge
25. swanston

ayukie and zentan, come join the outing lei!!

p/s: i got swensens card. hehehe
couldnt get to zzz after the 1am pump...i surfed net till 2ish...then my gal woke up at 4ish, fed her n dun wanna sleep...in the end, i carried her to zzz with me! now my arms aching!!

babylele, u can always sell the insert away if u never use or save it for #2 lor!

shihui, shd be more coming up! when u going back to work?

agata, dun cranky...hope u had a good rest after ur bb slept!

saintbaby, i will take charcoal pills lor n will continue to bf...

dingdong, good tha u are trying to relatch ur gal...jia you

Lunch next week !!
Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)

1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. dingdong
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue x 2
17. dreams x 2 (rsvp thru fb)
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy
23. piggym
24. sponge
25. swanston
26. piggy (rsvp thru fb)

add on ur name if you are keen to join
Saintbaby, Dun worry, I've asked GP. can take charcoal pill and continue to bf. if possible, if one dose is enough to curb the LS, then dun continue taking.

DingDong, thanks for sharing. I really feel tat we are both in the same situation! I;m now trying to monitor his feeding pattern. I realise that my boy feed lesser on one feed at night. perhaps I can latch him for that feed. he wont take in much and i think my breasts will be able to provide for his lesser need. in any case, i try to console myself by saying that i;m lucky cos i can still give bb bm. also, i;m going back to work soon. so may be good for baby to learn how to be bott fed. So, i felt so much beta liao. in any case, i think ultimately as long as bb has my bm, i think regardless bott or latch, it's beneficial to bb can liao.
thanks gal! i also pump out for my gal.. cos she takes 1 hour when latching and can only last her an hour or so.. so i've been doing exclusive pumping.. but my gal is pretty used to e bottle already.. when i try and latch her now, she will fuss! but if she's not in a cranky mood den she's okay..
i agree that whichever method is fine.. as long as we're giving baby ebm. i'm also going back to work le.. so at least i don't need to worry if baby has any prob with e bottle.

my problem is bottle feed, since bb 4 weeks, i had been trying bottle feed, till now, 9 weeks, she still refuse bottle, i'm so worry & stress coz i'll be going back work Mar. Tried all the methods, still failed, like battle everytime we try bottle.

Now, only 9 weeks, she can recognise me, cry whenever other ppl carry her, even my hubby, when pass her back to me, she immediately stop crying....so fussy..
today my ameda pump finally died on me! pump half way and then i heard a "boom" and after 3 motor engine sound, the pump went total silent. wonder if anything was burnt in the motor or not.... lucky i bot the FS so no interruption for pumping.....
btw, baby fox now having storewide 50% sale.... this morning bought 2 sleepsuits and 3 disney rompers and a pair of non-slip socks for only $28.... citi card holders additional 10% off so very worth it...
Ler Ler Mum, what teats are u using. May be you can try NUK latex teats it is softer and claim to be structured similar to human nipple.

My gal refuse to sleep for the whole of yesterday and today she sleep like a log since 9am till now. She really pattern liao liao everyday.
yes, i had tried nuk, Dr brown, avent, tippee tommee, pigeon, all she refused. tried dreamfeed in the midnite, she wake up & cry loud , dare not tried dreamfeed again. Haiz....baby got so many pattern..
She really can latch well & empty my breast very fast, till now i dont even know how many ml she's taking, no plain water for her too...
i only pump once (early morning/,mid nite 3-4am ), she's 6kg plus already now.
Any mummies here facing the same problem ?

Wow!!! We have many lucky mothers who have BBs sleep through the nite hor? Hmm...I wonder when's my turn...

Sporty> Ya, man... I hope he co-operates. Otherwise I just have to be a little cruel & wake him from his sweet dream lor. :p

Dingdong> I understand how u feel coz my MIL is also like that. Since the day she saw me during my discharge from hosp she had been asking me the same one question whenever my BB cried during BF-ing - "Is your SS insufficient, BB not fully fed?" It's irritating, when we were trying hard to build the SS. I felt so frustrated, irritated & discouraged. But I told myself that I muz stay firm. I insisted on latching my BB on no matter what it takes. Now, my hard work pays off. My BB latches on easily & the SS is sufficient to satisfy his hunger.
Don't give up. I agree that you should continue to allow BB to latch on to establish SS. If he's still hungry after that, then top up with FM lor. Take it as a bonding session la. Jia you! ;-)

Ler Ler Mom> I have the same prob, too. My BB used to be fed using Avent bottles but after 2 sessions of full day latch on, he started to resist bottle feed. Now, he rejects the bottle totally, unless we wait till he's extremely hungry - after crying for about 20 mins then only he's willing to drink from the bottle. I juz bought a NUK bottle to stby. Wanna retrain him to bottle feed. Otherwise, I can't leave him with anyone!
