(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

today dunno why, my bb also cranky. Bth till scold her but the more i scold the louder she cry, sigh... bo bian, carry her till she fall asleep and now put her down to rocker liao. Think she cry too much, not sleep soundly.

Sporty, I dun noe wat the fair has ley... but my galfren from JB coming down so i go with her lo.... nepia really good eh... wah i looking forward to use it.... hehehe... okie going makan liao... keep saying i wan to go never go... hahaha
shirlin, nvm la...passing phrase...ur gal will tune her timing soon!!

momo mummy, go la...u kept coming back...bu she de us ah!!!

the sling you are using has the "padding". I thought that's a shoulder padding, but seems you position it to the front. Any function for the padding?

wat's the brand of your sling?
think can try the instructions and video on the pupsik website and use on ur sling. should be around the same method.

at first i also cannot get it but after trying a few times then manage to stuff him into the pouch.
Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for sharing yr experience.
My bb is doing it again . He just took 5mins on each breast.(i wonder how much he can drink in total 10mins),then he start his 'pattern' again. Tried yr method - scold him naughty, unlatch him. When try to relatch him, he gave me a pitiful look and cried and unlatch immediatly, macham like telling you ' i don like this breast'. When offer him the alternate breast, he immediately take it and latch 5mins. ....... Feel so lost.

Now he is sleeping. Maybe the weather today is cooling and nice to nap. Never cry. Sometimes i just wonder... why don he cry and i will immediatly gave him a btl? Now i also don know whether he had enuff...

Any mummies have similar experience with bb pulling nipples and latch only 5mins and refuse to take more ?
yaye.. class last min cancelled.. lect nv come.. so i no need go.. can stay hm.. hee.. but means i cant buy bb tea..

sporty: i seriously hope so wor.. anw i still thking to get ergo carrier or bjorn lehz..
babylele : bring your baby along on monday!!!

i bought the carrier! just brought bb out to buy bb tea!
My boy 1mth 10days only but he seem not sleeping enough. He dont take his nap in the afternoon and wakes almost 2hrs at nite. Is this normal? I very worried as he cries and seem fussy.

Carol I have similar problem. My boy only latch for 5 mins then refuse to eat. I dont have sufficient milk for him as when i pump i only get 20-40ml each side. so depressing.

Anyone to advice
chris: Got carrier liaoz wor.. in tt case.. you'll be bring ur bb on Mon liaoz hor?? I wanna see your prince lehz.. =)I also wanna go get a carrier lehz..
carol, my baby boy does the pulling of nipple when my ss went low. cos no milk so he frustrated and started pulling and screaming. so you may want to check your milk ss.

Velo, try frenugreek. I'm taking 3 tab 3 times a day. Fenugreek from GNC. I'm also pumping 15 min every 3 hourly. to stimulate supply. so far the supply is slowly coming up.

I also wanna buy sling lei but i was told it's tiring to use the sling. very heavy. is it true?
blessedcyn: Hmmm.. Okay.. I quite like the white one but find it too ex le.. Thk Monday I wun be using sling.. Try out my combi carrier..

rachelle: Sling is not so bad la.. alot of us using slings too.. can be a lil heavy thou but still find it okay.. =)
Shirlin: tt day u took train or cab to suntec for lunch?

for those who take train out with bb in sling or carrier, what happen if bb cries for milk?
blessedcyn: tt day i took cab cuz bb not cooperative n i could only leave the hse ard 11.50.. but have taken bus with bb from bugis back hm.. fed her in the bus cuz b4 tt i ardy know she will cry for milk soon so i heated up my ebm 1st..
wah so many of u bought carrier.. hmm so i should get carrier or sling? hmm.. nvm research on that so dunno which to get...lol

shirlin.. wah u bf ur bb in bus?? power wor..
Shirlin: thanks. cos i really have no idea how to take bus / train alone with bb. I m afraid they cry. will only take cab easier.. at least if she cries, only disturb the driver
Shirlin: don't worry. my baby always sleeps late too. at abt 2am then she will sleep. there was once she slept at 4am.
couldnt take it. so sleepy
blessedcyn: your place to ion far ma? if not den mayb u can try to take public transport on monday.. =) And ya, yday she slept at 4am i bth sia.. gg to lose my temper.. last time she daytime cranky.. nighttime no prob.. now totally opp.. hai.. And you still look so good even thou ur girl sleeps late!! envious sia..
shirlin: ya my place to ion is far! i am at the opposite of west! unless i feed her with some potent alcohol, let her sleep throughout, otherwise, wouldnt dare to dream of taking train. no guts. NO!! u should see the eye rings and eye circles man. I drink alot of coffee, eat alot of sugary stuff to keep myself awake.
Posted on Friday, January 08, 2010 - 6:17 pm:   
Lunch next week !!
Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)

1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. dingdong
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue
17. dreams
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy

Hi everyone! I'm keen to come on Monday. Hope it's a better space than yesterday's!

I just came back from shopping at taka and ion. Zara had some nice things! I went to the parents room at ion B1 - quite nice. I brought baby out with stroller on Mrt for the 1st time- brought my helper too- so stressful. Don't know how you guys do it!

tanly- don't get stressed with your bb. I read somewhere that the bb can feel your emotions and get stressed too! Don't think you're a bad mummy- we all get a bit impatient sometimes!

kimfin,babylele- come lah! Bring yOur bb!

Carol- my bb does that too- a lot. But when she starts fussing I usually take her off and try to burp her. It is then difficult to latch her again but I talk to her and play with her to distract her for a while then latch her again. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I think it might be wind. Also I have had experiEnce that if your breast is very engorged and you may have mild mastitis, the taste changes to become more salty/sour even. Try to clear the breast by pumping out.

Sporty- I tried your way for slinging today! She didn't like it at first cos prob I was handling her too much but the next few times it worked really well! Thanks so much for sharing! And also paying first n sorry I don't have posb
one of the vvv few people who don't! Hahah

Jane- you're back at work so soon? Hang in there!

Momomummy- wow mt e so bad? I thought it would have been good as so ex! I delivered at mt Alvernia. V nice service.

Regarding diapers- no mummies using mamypoko? I think its very good. My bb still using newborn!
i have a pack of open mamypoko nb diapers.. do you want? my gal can't wear already.. if ya want, i can bring it on monday..
1sttimemummy: My girl's using mamypoko too!but more for night time and when i'm gg out.. she's wear small size le.. newborn too tight for her.. fatty fatty.. haha!
hello all!!

re: my work, anise and the rest, i am not frustrated.. actually i prefer pple NOT touching my work.
at least all the credit (classic piece of work) goes to me. *refuses to share..

sporty> thanks for calling to book...
so the 2 pax how? u gg to re-adjust again? lol

i pumped milk twice today in my room in office. everything quite smooth.

dingdong> i'm also going on course in feb.. hope i can score distinctions again.. kekeke, ok better 'hit' the books now while my 2 JOs have been asleep since we came back from swensens (yes swensens!) at 830 with my parents and sister...
tmrw gg for jap curry with my sis whilst my husb brings my fil for check-up *cross fingers*
no worries la.. we can xchange diapers.. hehe.. don't worry how many pieces for me.. cos the nb ones are taking up space.. just nice you using.. can pass ya..
Lunch next week !!
Date : 11 Jan 2010 (Mon)
Venue: Swensens @ Ion (B1-31)
Time: 12pm (reservations under sporty's real name)
1. saintbaby
2. jane
3. sporty
4. shirlin
5. dingdong
6. momoko
7. devlina
8. fieda
9. cheryl
10. jocelyn lee
11. blessedcyn
12. mitsy
13. Tanly
14. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
15. sinkor
16. rue
17. dreams
18. Carine (kiv)
19. chriszinc (kiv)
20. momo_mummy
21. ashley (rsvp thru fb)
22. 1sttimemummy
23. piggym
Hee.. yup yup.. I'm here.. but will be gone soon once my girl wakes up for milk.. =) sporty out for hotpot la.. tts y no post.. jane is busy studying.. momo out for dinner.. the rest i dunno liaoz..haha
Hi all, Monday gathering is my first time joining.... How to recognize u all huh?
Saintbaby, wanna meet up at by Gombak mrt first?
anyone ard??

shirlin, ergo, bb can only face u but have greater mileage cuz can last till 18kg,good for travelling too... bb bjorn, bb can face in n out but till can tahan till 11kg max...

blessedcyn, great tha u bought the carrier! then no need to lug ur maclaren on mon!! when bb cry for milk on mrt/bus, i will latch bb...provided i'm using my sling
if carrier then abit more tricky la!

velo, think its normal for bb to wake up every 2 hrs for milk ba...try to burp ur bb and apply some oil...maybe there's wind inside bb's tummy

chris, u changed nick ah...dun want chriszinc liao :p bring ur luke on monday leh...i wanna see see!

1st time mummy, i hope swensen have better space on mon...not sure abt the seats there cuz i never been to tha swensen before... great tha my way of slinging works for u
no prob abt not have posb a/c cuz i dun have one too! tha a/c's my hb's a/c...LOL

jane, hmmmm...ya...will readjust lor...very troublesome...haiz

saintbaby, so fast we have 23 paxs liao...think i must call swensen to change my reservations liao

sinkor, u juz go in and say reservations under my name can liao, they will bring u to the table!
sporty: i am afraid.... using carrier then breastfeed will be tough while in train or bus.
not confident to bring bb out using sling alone.
just washed my elder kids up and packed them off to bed.. my #2 still not sleeping yet.. lying on his cot.. me waiting to feed my gal her last feed..

very fast reach 23 pax le.. somemore only decided yesterday.. lolx..
think u better call swensons to tell them.. we need BIG BIG space to put prams beside us.. lolx..

i'll be catching a cab down.. you wanna share a cab down? we can meet at gombak mrt first..
i'll PM you my number den we confirm via mobile..
blessedcyn, yes...carrier not easy to bf...i haven master tha yet...tha day i tried but covered with a shawl but the position is oddward lor...heheh...

saintbaby, i will see how is the paxs response first on sun then will adjust accordingly ... heheh
