(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i think my #1 threw his toys until whole house is in a mess!! i cant wait for my confinement to be over to tidy up the place!! argghhh...now can only close one eye...

catechins, maybe put ur boy down to a bouncer near u tha he can smell/see u? then he wun cry?

funne, esther delivered her bb on a wheelchair on tmc...thas why her gynae never deliver for her

magical, ya lor...unblocking blocked ducts are our 'challenges"...i rem i even had to resort to hand express or avent manual to get tha stubborn duct unblocked!!
to clear the block ducts, i used syringe (those u feed bb for medication), point at the point and suck it out. it worked!
heyee ladies~

don't know whats wrong with me, think my ss really went down down down.. breasts dun even feel full after 2-3 hrs.. feeling so demoralised..

I'm still doing direct latching now.. sometimes i can see the milk 'collecting' at my nipple when my boy suckles.. and everytime after a session, milk will be all over his face.. what does that mean? is he not swallowing the milk?
sporty, i don't mind giving pacifier but my mum is strongly against it... and my #1 was given pacifier cos she had to go for hernia ops when she was only 2 months old then and it was real hard to weane her off the pacifier after 3 months.... and then my mum kept saying that it's my own choice cos she already say no pacifier... but that time how not to give when my gal had to fast for 6 hrs before the op..... sure cry big time.... so i fed up and i just threw the pacifier into the dustbin chute one day and let my gal cry her lungs out for about 2 days.... cry until hiccups..... and by then i wasn't latching her cos i was pumping exclusively.... but after 1 wk, she finally got rid of pacifier addiction.
morning ladies...

thanks for advising! i used the method that u posted while i was pumping this morning.. now much better le.. also when i was masaging that duct while pumping.. i can c milk squirting out.. hehe.. thanks!!
re: pacifier
i think it's all personal choice.. of cos if it gives mummy a sound mind, den better to give.. cos to be always latching for comfort, really very xing ku.. i'm also resisting not to give her.. for my elder 2 kids, they kick the pacifier habit when they turn almost 2..
morning ladies.

why morale seems so low? makes thread look so gloomy. c'mon ladies, please cheer up. at least be happy a day for master jane??

ok y not i share some chirpy news so we can all relax abit and think some happy thots? How abt organising a x'mas bash in december??
anyone interested in getting santa outfits for ur new bundle of joy or for ur #1s?
how abt we org a pot luck session with LOTSA PHOTOTAKING?
Who's up for it????
Bbs and husbs all INCLUDED

Morning all.. Got to ask all the BF experts sth.. Till now, I have yet to buy a electric pump.. Only bought the Avent Manual pump cuz at tt point if time, I dunno if I will have enuf BM ss after birth.. Now seeing all the posts, seems like quite diff to survive without a electric pump.. so my question is...
Should I go get a electric pump? If yes, which one do you girls recommend?
funne, ur syringe is not with needle rite? sounds scary if its with needle...

sponge, soft boobs doesnt mean no milk...sometimes our breasts are so well trained tha we dun feel full or engorged...if ur boy feel satisfied after the feed...pee and poo normally...ur milk ss shd be ok ba...

ariesgal, u consider lor...whether to give pacifier or not...my mum also dun like pacifier tha time...i gave him cuz first 3 mths i took care of him alone and i need my sanity...only when my boy went to my mum's place after i returned to work, she then wean him off pacifier...

jane, wahh...hi-tea haven over...got xmas bash liao ah! :p HEHHEHE

shirlin, i survived on avent manual for the 1st mth for my #1...its a good pump... then i invested in an electric pump after my supply stablised after 2nd mth onwards... so no hurry to get electric pump... if u really wanna get, get dual one, its better...can consider ameda dual or medela PIS or freestyle...
sporty: Okay.. shall listen to your advice.. Hope the avent manual will wk well for me.. hehe.. If my ss stablised after confinement den most prob I'll get the Ameda one.. The new BPA-free one looks not bad..
your $900+ full bill or cash top up? if full bill then v cheap!

Ida came to my place before she came to yours..i took her 6+ am slot coz she's really busy! she knows quite a no. of Nov mommies. She's unwell today btw..

avent manual worked well for me. it allowed me to bf #1 for a year.

any moms giving extra ebm to older sibling?? haha i've been giving #1 my excess ebm and she likes it! haha..tot beta to give her than freeze since freezing destroys some nutrients
i was pumping in the morning.. :p but this morning, i hav become the pacifier again..... really very tempted to intro pacifier liao... at most let her go thru cold turkey when she enter infantcare lor.... hahaha.. :p

wah... u gynae still charge delivery fee although he din deliver u ah... hmmm.. ya lor.. shd really ask for discount.... :p

poor #1... it's lidat.. my #1 oso took some time to get used to hving a sibling.. he's still quite emo at times....

can't store in the same bag liao.. coz if u pour in the fresh EBM, it will thaw the frozen one.. den cannot keep liao..

in future, if u wish to store same day EBM, best to put in chiller first.. den end of the day, consolidate n transfer into milkbag to put in freezer...

i'm oso persisting n trying to delay/avoid pacifier as long as possible... but i'm abt to surrender soon... :p

wah... the using syringe to clear block duct seems like a gd idea...

wah... cold turkey treatment for ur gal.. :p but interesting to note tt ur mom dun like to give pacifier.. i thot usually it's the older generation who loves pacifier n the younger ones to try to prevent relying on it... :p

On ah!!! i love gatherings..

i'm giving my #1 the extra EBM.. like wat u said.. better to give to the elder one than freeze it.. :p but hor, will start stocking up frozen EBM once i return to workforce.. coz need to standby stock in times of emergency.. :p oso afraid tt my ss will drop when i start work...
next outing say, 7th december (monday) high tea in town area. anyone
wants to join?

1. Jane
2. Ashley
3. Devlina
4. sporty
5. Ayukie (rotting already .. finally whahhaa)
shirlin, yeah...some pple swear by the avent manual...so u try it first lor

stacey, i have been giving extra ebm to my #1 and he loves it
yeah, i never freeze any ebm yet...all i used it to feed him...

shihui, hahha...hee hee...i can see u very tempted to intro pacifier liao :p

jane, wow 4k! thas alot

For those who gave birth in Mt Alvernia and went thru Express Discharge, when did u get the billing from the hospital?
i got mine in about a week.

your bb bonus juz nice for celeb ya? why so ex?

my confinement ends 6 Dec so 7 Dec is good. but i have no transport so might give it a miss.
Really difficult to post online these days.. either busy with pumping, eating, bfeeding, handling my #1 or trying to catch some sleep. Most is read.

Wish to join your for the gatherings but seems quite impossible as dun hv car...

Natal Essentials meal delivery quite late these days.. arrive at cck close to 1pm today. So hungry.. devouring my food now.

My hospital bill stated $900+ fully deducted by medisave. It's actually 4-bedded, auto upgraded to 2-bedded. Gynae fee need cash top up of $287.42. Dun think can ask for discount... lol.. at least he stitched me up.

Looking forward to Ida's massage session. she helped to clear my engorgement. Any mummy who is considering to engage a massage lady for your next pregnancy shd try her. Book early.
my baby is back at home liao...last feed at TMC is 90ml...omg...waiting for him to wake up to try latching...and standby EBM pumped y'day for him in case not enough...

jaundice level now is 10.2..friday gg back to PD again..hope everything will be fine..

anyone use the flowerbud from those medicine shop to bath baby?

sian lor..on 15th nov, bath using that then next day, the level went up to 18.9

dunno is it because the flowerbud trying to force all the jaundice out anot lor...
then my bill is considered expensive liao lor..

4bedded but upgrade to 2bedded
normal delivery with Epi and Vaccum
total cost payment: $800 deposit + $1200 during discharge..total $2000 cash siah..
today finally feel my breast got 'liao4' inside... :p not those empty feeling.. not sure if it's the diligent pumping or the milk tea tt works.. :p

yes!! very very tempted.. :p and i got free pacifier fr avent when i bought their steriliser lor... now the pacifier is washed... not yet sterilised nia... maybe when i really can't tahan, will sterilise it n pop in into ah gal's mouth... hahahaha... :p
must be a combination of two! lolx..

my mummy now at macs with my son.. haha. she say she buy back fillet o fish for me.. lolx..
i called up GEH to chase for my final billing.. don't know why this time they take so long! my total cash we paid for me and baby is abt 2k.. elective csec, 2 bedder..
it's my gynea's fees that is expensive.. the hospital bill came up to 2plus..
Took a nap after my hotcakes breakfast till now.. hahaha..

Anw, thanks for the advise mummies.. I shall stick to my avent pump for now.. =)

piggy: ya, your bill abit ex lehz.. my gf who just discharged from TMC, her bill for 4 bedder is $900 cash plus $800 deposit.. her is normal with epi lor..

Ru Yun, you nv take epi right.. that's y cheaper by so much.. Epi ardy cost ard $700 le..ard there la..
shirlin: ya i nvr take epi. but hor , u see , even if add 700 to my bill, is only 2389, i stay premier single , hers 4 bedded. u get wat i mean? the diff shld b alot 1
Ru Yun: Hmm.. true.. mayb you 2 shld compare bill? See why so much difference? Or wait till I pop n see my bill lor.. cuz i also choosing 4 bedder.. Lol! =)
my gynae's fee is expensive..Dr Adrian Tan..he charge me $1066 (medisave) + $954 (cash)..

my total bill $2000 includes baby's fee...

my fee: $1765 - cash
baby's fee: $$235 - cash
Ru Yun: Yup! after I pop liaoz den we compare again see how lor.. yours also TMC right?

Sian, the weather seems like gg to rain here but i still feel super hot.. ltr gg for check up.. yaye! =)
Detailed Billing

Assisted Delivery (KIWI CUP) w Epi: $1405
Labour ward services: $77
Drugs/Medicine: 244.30
Medical Supplies: $34
Procedure: $36
Use of Equipment: $76
Facility: $30

Total Hospital Charges: $1902.30
With GST: $133.15
Total Hospital Charges with GST: $2035.45

Dr Adrian Tan Charges:
Medisave Claimable: $1066.01
Non-Medisave: $954.15

Dr Chong Jin Long Charges:
Non-Medisave: $310

Total Professional Fees: $2330.16

Grand Total: $4365.61

Medisave and Medisheld Deduction
Hospital Charges: - $1533.99
Professional Fees: - $950
Medisave claim for Ante-natal Submission of $629.16: - $116.01

Balance after deduction: $1765.61 (to be paid by cash)

thats only my fee...baby's fee is separate billing..
Piggy: I thk the big difference is in your gynae charges.. I checked with my gf's detailed billing..her total for gynae charges only ard 1300 lehz.. your gynae charges almost 2000.. tts y end up so ex ba...
share my bill for comparison

Mt A 2 Bedder (not upgrade), normal (forceps) with epi, 2N stay.

mommy and bb combined:

Maternity Package (2N) + Nursery + consumables - $2,209
Gynae delivery - $1,391
Gynae attendance - $214
PD attendance - $200
Epi (Chong Jin Long) - $310

Total $4,324
Medisave claimable (incl prenatal) - $3,297
Cash outlay - $1,027
Assisted Delivery (MOTHER) 1 Beddded 2 days $1840

Drugs/Medicine $41.90
Facility $30
Accomodation $316
Medical Supplies $46
Accomodation - Companion $120
Total Hospital Charge $2393.90
Less FBI - Hospital charge -$100
GST $160.58
Total Hospital CHarges Inclusive of GST $2454.48

Doctor Charges
Dr Woodworth medisave 950
Doctor Charges
Dr Woodworth (non-medisave) 794.10

Total professional Fees $1744.10
Less FBI discount - Professional Fees -$87.20

Grand Total $4111.38

Medisave and medishield Deduction
Hospital charge - 1650
Professional Fee - 950

total decution -2600

balance aft deduction 1511.38

deposit recvd - 1200

payment required $311.40
Can I check usually how much EBM shld we give a one mth old baby? Need to go out n attend some works thus will need my MIL to help me feed EBM by bottle. So far, my boy does direct latching only.
shirlin: yup, i very happy with my bill. n that includes hubby accomodation. somemore premier single got 2 tv , 1 touch screen computer with internet.
omg...my bill is damn high lor...walao...

was thinking for 1 bedded lor..but in the end, choose 4 bedded cos i go for induce then scared that induce not successful then might need to go for emergency c sec..
Ru Yun: My hb ask me take 1 bedder or premier single too.. but i wanna save money la.. hehe.. anw only stay 2 nights.. so still opt for 4 bedder.. Hopefully will get free upgrade to 2 bedder la.. hehe
