(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Momoko, we give the pacifier day and night :p Basically whenever she keeps crying, despite being fed, diaper changed, etc... If she wants it, baby will suck on it happily, if not she will push it out with her tongue.
me up pumping now...

shirlin, seems like u have to wait longer for the arrival of ur princess! hang on!! u ok? stomachache ah? sekali its contractions...

shihui, u like used so many ways to up ss...think all are effective...my ss did drop today after having dang gui for past 2 days...i told cl to cook once/twice a week instead of every alernate day as i felt very hot after drinking n like sore throat coming!

piggy, yes u can mix the ebm to feed bb...

magical, i also didnt kno got stylus too...i was bz looking for the mouse for the comp :p yeah mine got drip so slightly ex as compared to urs...

ashley, so ur bb are those tha will need to be carried to sleep?
wah... so dang gui really decrease ss.. i'm pumping now.. last night tired... so din wake up to pump aft 1am... :p now juz pump out abit to relieve b4 bb wake up...
Jing Hui

so u inducing on 20th? My EDD listed as 29th Nov. So i still have about 10 more days of waiting for baby to pop naturally. But so far totally no signs of labour leh. I dont even feel baby "drop". And my gynae quite kan cheong abt baby growing too big inside. Last week she already 3.3kg. The thing im worried about inducing is that got higher chance of emergency C-sec. haiyah so xian....Anyways, do update your story once you pop! Wishing you all the best! and pass some "pop" dust to me plsssss haha

Oh btw, issit true they say that if the mummy menstrual cycle is unusually long/irregular, thats why the baby take a long time to come out...cos my period cycle is usually very long like 45 days average, sometimes some months also skipped...
sporty, magical

you all took the premier single issit? whats the diff with those normal single-bedded room? cos i thought of just taking the basic single-bedder. dr ang also advised to do that.

Morning! Ur early! :D Feel 'gan jeong' for me eh? :p Me also excited now, going for checkup later at 9am. Hopefully have good news!
Sure will update u gals! ;)

My menstrual cycle is regular ler, but u see...my gal very notti don't wanna come out altho 5 days overdue! So, it's not true la! U know, until now my tummy still high, also didn't feel my baby 'drop' and worst of all...NO signs at all lor!! So, definitely will be induce case already!

U don't worry too much about urself and baby ya...coz u still have days to go before EDD. Ur baby seems in good weight and shall heed ur gynae's advice whether to induce or not when the time comes.
'Jia You'!...

i pump this morning... after feeding ard 7 am... but today only 40ml from 2 sides!! really worried whether bb got enough to eat..

sporty,,, how much u can pump out now?

I bought the elect pump from juliet.. she reconmmend hygeia. i really hope that i can pump more n more.. when can i see 100ml each time?

last night bb wakes up at 12am, 2am and 6 am.. i felt that he din really drink.. mostly playing,, but he got urine n poo.. so should be okay?
Good morning everyone! =) I'm pumping now while my #1 & #2 are asleep.. finally some peace. ;p

sporty, can help me update my actual birth date is 11 Nov (not Oct, lol, remembered how I wished I gave birth in Oct), bb's length 50cm and name is Shi Wen. Thx! =D

Jinghui! All the best!! =))
re hi all

me up again...
#2 latched one side and gone back to zz then i heated up ebm for #1 and letting him drink now

shihui, yes dang gui really decrease ss...lemme monitor again today to see whether the ss does increase or not or still the same...

ardenz, i have irregular menses before preggy...sometimes even like 50 to 60 days cycle but both my bbs were early... premier single is the newly renovated wards...they are a grade higher than single...i wanted to get single tha time but it was full when i was admitted... dr ang always like to save monies for his patients...so will advise 4 upgrade to 2 bedder or 1 bedder...

jing hui, hope to hear good news from u today...

catechins, normally i can pump out more than 100ml after latching but it depends la cuz if i'm occupied or boobs not full, i wun pump out after latch...

esther, paiseh...maybe my eyes didnt open so typed it as oct! paiseh...will amend
hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, any of you looking for an obuba nursing cover?

I have one in brick red, gerber daisy, brand new.

Will sell for $30. Please let me know okies? Thanks babes! can email me at [email protected]
now waiting for my massage lady to come.. just had breakfast leh.. my digestive system super loud nowadays..everytime my tummy would gurgle during the massage, so pai seh!

i think should be la.. unless our gynae's charges differs alot. for me i didnt even have assisted delivery. i should have skipped the thigh job.. maybe can save more $ since it wasnt the least bit useful!!
yeah you can change your mind abt the room provided they got vacancy la. my hubby only changed his mind and decided to take 1 bedder for me only after baby came out.. but 1 bedder no room liao, left premier single so we just took that loh.

usually babies prefer low and steady voices.. so chances are she's comforted by your hubby's voice lah..good that she perfers your hubby, then next time she cry u can just dump her to your hubby and say no choice, only he can soothe her.. then u can rest.. ha..

if you're a customer, i dont think she charges..u can sms her and ask la.. she's one of the nicest ppl i know.. =D
if she's available she'll be more than happy to help out.

yeah i was also searching for the mouse! btw how u usually store your frozen ebm? i use lansinoh milk bags but quite expensive eh..maybe coz i freeze in too little quantity.. now i freeze 100ml only.. already used up 20 bags. maybe should freeze in 200ml.

actuall not much diff.. the premier single is bigger - as big as a 2 bedder room, and got computer for you to use. that's all.
this morning i woke up with a sore throat.... think i too heaty liao... lucky confinement will end next sat.... but my mum want me to do 40 days leh..... but i think i will start drinking water liao after next sat only meals continue with confinement food.
then this morning i was mentioning about maybe stop taking dang gui soup cos seems to affect my ss... then my mum told me that my longan drink everyday also got put dang gui! no wonder no matter how, my ss just can't go up much..... so i told her to stop liao... .
magical, tummy gurgle good mah...means u passing out the gas in u! then tummy can slim down! i dun freeze my ebm now leh, i feed #1 with it...i have 2 boxes of playtex with me now...dunno whether i wanna freeze as my #1 dun take frozen ebm well so last time all my "stock" in freezer all wasted! in the end i used the "stock" to prepare milk bath for #1 and my mum used it to soak her feet! i think lansioh ones hor, freeze 200ml more wu hua...last time playtex/avent liners i used, i also stored 200ml in one pac...

ariesgal, first time i hear longan red dates drink got dang gui...no wonder u so heaty...on nites tha i toook dang gui, i basically sweat while sleeping!!
sporty, cos u sleep in no aircon right? for me no sweat cos i on aircon leh.... in fact this time round, i don't sweat so much compared to last time..... dunno why...
Hi gals,

Admitting into hospital now, going for induce! Hopefully can see and hold my gal soon!...

Will update u gals...

Have a nice day!
ariesgal, yeah i sleep with windows open but now the weather so cool, i also can sweat! think now end of yr, weather not as hot as our last confinement so we dun sweat as much...

jing hui, all the best!!
Hi everyone,

Haven't been in for a few weeks now because my baby is still in special care in hospital. It has been 2 weeks since he was born.

Seems like most pple are able to express alot of milk. I am having some problems, only able to express 50 plus ml every 3 hours. I wonder if it is because my baby is not latching on. I have been expressing and bringing the milk to him everyday,

He has been taking in his milk by combination of tube feeding and bottle feeding. Do you think he will still be able to latch on when he comes home or will he get nipple confusion? I do hoe that if I can eventually latch him on, my milk supply will increase.
mitsy, sorry to hear abt ur bb...how come he's in special care? u can drink lotsa fluids and soups to increase ur milk supply... yes, i think can train him to latch on after he's discharge...maybe u make appt to see LC in the hospital with him before u go home... i hope he can go home soon... *hugs*
Sporty, my baby will sleep on her own in the cot if she is dry, full and happy. She got many patterns...hahaha....
ashley, taking care of bb is really a "xue wen"...we are learning everyday... these 2 days we knew tha our gal's hands were quite strong, she will use her hands to move the beansprout till it covered her face lor! so we hsve to check on her every now and then...
mitsy, hope your bb can come back soon.

sporty, same my gal also hands very strong. i swaddle her tight tight but somehow she can loosen herself with 2 hands outside and the beansprout also covering her.... then my girl also likes to flip her head left right until i don't know which side to place her... but since she can flip on her own, i think should be ok?
next outing say, 7th december (monday) high tea in town area. anyone
wants to join?

1. Jane
2. Ashley
3. Devlina
4. sporty
5. Ayukie (rotting already .. finally whahhaa)
6. zentan
ariesgal, ya lor...same lor...we also swaddled her before we closed the room door...so now whenever she cries...we immediately ran over, in case the pillow's on her face again... mine also, the neck quite strong to turn left and right...

Finally for the past 2 days, I started to have some milk. Took the pump to express out. Mine is a single manual pump...... quite tiring and didn't able to express too much milk. It's like almost 1 hr only able to pump out 1.5oz. Anyone
bought electric dual pump? Any recommendation? Might consider the Medela Freestyle pump.

Does your baby having colic? Coz it seems that my baby tends to have colic at night. Only last night seems better.

Tomorrow going for the jaundice check at the polyclinic again. 1st check was 114, 2nd check was 153. Tomorrow will be his 3rd check. Brought him to suntan a bit and bathe with some sort of Chinese seeds. Hopefully getting better.
Hi Mitsy, Sorry to hear abt your baby in special care =) but i myself was a special care bb for a mth ( coz i was premie by 2 mths) and now everything is ok =) Jia you. Dun worry abt ur milk supply okies.. stress may reduce ur milk supply..Keep pumping every 3 hrs! I dun latch my bb on much coz she not happy with my left boob! my sis in law did not latch on at all and she gave ebm for a year! U can too!!

Ariesgal: wat does dang gui do? SS stands for wat? =) sorry i did not follow the thread so much until this week la =)

Freezing of EBM: Anyone freeze it? And how long can we store the frozen ones? my gal takes only 50mL per 3hrs so i haf leftover. So i tot mayb freeze is better.. Save them up... Any advice?
Shirley, I also had the same problem as you. I suspected my baby had colic and brought him to see the paediatrician and he said it was not colic. Maybe you may want to bring him to see the paediatrician to double confirm.

Hi all, will like to check with you gals. Any of your babies had this problem, when he's sleeping, suddenly, he will cry and then go back to sleep again and then a few minutes again, he will cry and sleep again. He don't seem to be sleeping very well.
sporty: my son did that 2. once is the bean sprout pillow cover his face den he cry. another time is the bolster cover his face he cry.
shirley, i am using the medela freestyle...so far so good...normally i juz spend 15 mins expressing 2 sides... hope ur son's jaundice gets better!

jane, i have 15 more days lor...sianz

raerae, dang gui will decrease milk supply... ss is supply... if u freeze ur milk, u can store for 3 mths...u can store the extra in fridege first n freeze them all say in 100ml or 200ml within 48 hrs
Hi Sporty

Thanks for ur advice! wow the medela FS is so good.. juz 15min? I am using the Ameda and it takes a good 30mins to clear! now getting abit of backache liao haha
raerae, last time when i was using ameda, i pumped for abt 20 mins also...now fs i only pump out excess after latch...thas why only 15 mins... why backache leh?

ariesgal, still have my ameda with me but its dying le...thas why i bought FS abt 1 mth before we popped
Hi Everyone,

Me pop too, hehe.
In the end i chose spinal anesthetic so that i am conscious and me and hubby can meet baby Yang Le 1st hand and witness his first cry.

Prove to be a right decision cos the experience was amazing!!
Would give up anything for the moment of receiving our bundle of joy.
Baby was 3.94kg!!! more than our estimated of 3.6kg w gynae jus 2 days ago!! so U know was soo soo glad i choose elective c-sec, even gynae & anesthetic doc was saying how right i was in the middle of op!!

wasnt scary at all, the tugging, pulling, cutting & sewing wasn't that significant once baby pop within 10mins into the op and all my attn was on baby instead of what my gynae was doing.

The anesthetic Doc did a great job too by administering the glucose drip (on the hand) and the spinal injection with minimal pain, not as painful as i thought it would be lor!!
It jus feel like a normal blood test needle prick, her name is Dr Pay if any one of u is interested.

Baby was suffering fr colic for the first time and was crying helplessly since last night at 5am!
he was so slpy yet will jerk up and cry abnormally while in slp, tink he is very uncomfortable.
We didnt know it was colic until we chg back to cup feed and he was a calm bb once more, stupid mummy.

Mummies out thr, any good milk bottle and teats to share? i am currently using avent bpa bottle + white teats.
sporty, oh ic.... this time dunno why but i feel pain when pumping with ameda leh... so much so that i dread pumping with that machine... have been using my avent single pump most of the time but tiring.... so also tot of getting a new pump.... dunno why this time my nipple is so painful after pumping....sore..... but the right side ok but my right nipple is also bigger...
babylele, ur bb's big!!!
i will be using nuk bottles n teats for my gal...

ariesgal, maybe u can consider new pump if u are bfing long this time...i gotten mine from sprees so its cheaper but no warranty la...
Hi Shirley> i am using the medela advanced pump in style (PIS), dual electric one and i tink quite gd, express only takes 15mins.
Tink sin selling abt 700+
ariesgal, mine was $480...now only $460 as exhange rate lower...think u need to wait 2 to 3 weeks for it...in SG, its like 900 bucks?
check with you, for FS, the shield, does it come with those soft padding (like avent has those soft soft plastic padding) or it's like ameda, hard shield? also do you get to choose the size of the shield? like what if i need one smaller shield or bigger shield for one side then how?
Sporty> hahahaha, ya lor, and head circumference is 36!!@ keke, big baby, i ask the nurse in my gynae's clinic when i went bk to remove my stitches ystday if i hv hit her record so far for non-GD patients w such big bb, she say almost but got bigger babies at 4+kg and natural!?~??
Can u imagine the labour???
sporty, really? do you know if the spree still going on? but do we have problems with adaptor for the motor etc? i think i seriously need to get a new one cos each time when it comes to pumping, i will avoid ameda and now associate the pump with pain.... sigh...
ariesgal, the shield is soft one...not bad quite comfy... no leh, it comes with standard ones...if u need smaller or bigger shield can get from robinsons ( i think they have as they sell FS too) or sprees..

babylele, wow 36??!! my gal only 32... yeah i kno...i have frens more than 4kg also natural...peifu them
