(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

piggy, yes can mix with 2pm milk even if its in the fridge... 50 to 60ml every 3 hrs is ok la...it will increase eventually one...

today i really marathon le.. latch her on, still not enough.. den supplement with ebm.. she drank 110ml of ebm den sleep! haiz.. i think i might need to take fenugreek and pump diligently to increase the supply..
how i gauge is after latching, she only sleeps a while, like 15 mins.. sometimes even faster! den she keeps opening her mouth.. so i know she not enough.. and most of e time.. she finishes e ebm too..
sporty> haha, i jus follow my husb all along we bathe bb tog but today cos bb woke up 'late' so i was on my own to bathe him.

anyway, me pretty confident of managing bb alone liaos, mus thank him for being co-operative though
independent mom :p lol. mus learn from u still though
saintbaby, how long u latched ur gal? did she suckle? sometimes bb juz playing with our nipples n never drink one...

jane, good tha u confident liao!! u doing well as a first time mum!! dun say learn from me...i am still learning myself...
saintbaby, 15 to 20 mins each side? last time for my #1, my boy was suckling, in the end we found out, he's using his tongue to play with my nipple and he's not swallowing...thas why he kept crying for more...i hope this is not the case for u...heheh
ashley, i knew abt this prob when i went to parentcraft to see the LC for my #1...and they trained my son how to latch then!! also must observe and see tha they really have the swallow action at their throat there...
i think i'm having a bit of post natal blues.. just now couldn't take it.. i cried.. prob today really too tired le.. den i don't wan to give in and give fm in the day.. hubby ask me why i so stubborn.. sigh! den my right breasts still painful..
all lump together i cannot take it..
sporty, yeah how u resolve the issue as in how to train? I also suspect my gal like your #1 lor.... i latch her, the first side i think she did swallow cos i can hear the swallowing sound. but at the other side, she will suckle for like 5 mins and then zzz...... but refused to let go and when i try to pull out, she will suckle again but suction not as strong and i waited till 20 mins and pull out... but then she will open mouth and cry for more milk..... this can go on and on and sometimes can last for 1 hr.... very tiring.
also, sporty, does your gal auto release the suction after 20 mins or you remove from her? now what i'm doing is i will latch 20 mins each side and if not enough, will give ebm so that she doesn't get used to just want to suckle for comfort. is that what you are doing? cos for my #1, i purely pump and give ebm so no latching done after 2 wks.... so now with latching, i abit confused...
ashley/saintbaby, if have swallowing action shd be ok la...

saintbaby, cheer up...dun be so blue!!

ariesgal, they tried to show my boy how to latch on me correctly... i think ur gal sleeps on ur 2nd breast leh...whenever i suspect my gal dun suckle or what, i will unlatch her and wake her up and latch again... i will remove her latch after 20 mins and wun wait for her to auto release... also, i dun top up with ebm...she juz take 15 to 20 mins each side lor as i dun wanna train her to suckle for comfort...if not we cant rest!
Oh my, today my gal hardly sleep. She need people to curdle to sleep, and sleep a while then will cry a bit. Seems like she very sensitive to noise, like my neighbour renovation some soft noice like phone ring she will be waken up. She been like this for the whole day today. Me and my CL take turns to coax her and curdle her , but still she didn't sleep well. When she sleeping, small sound, she will kind of frigthened and move and wake up.

Cannot imagine if CL leave and i have to handle her alone. Only today i already tired out and feel stressed and sad seeing her cry and i don't know what todo.
you most likely have blocked ducts. i already kena a few, yeah very painful! but when u get it to unblock, the sense of satisfaction is supreme!

if u cant stand the pain, try to pump it out. same 2 hourly pump, but extend the pump session a little longer, and if u can take it, increase the vacuum power.

while pumping, massage the lump. massage as hard as you can take it coz it IS INDEED painful, just use your thumb to push from the top of the lump toward your nipple, preferably in the same rhythm of your pump. if you're lucky, you may clear it in a couple of pumps, if really stubborn lump, then probably need 4-5 pumps or more. dont wait too long in between coz the milk will gather and the lump will become more painful and stubborn, and may result in mastitis. then it'll be a real big problem..
why dont you try to leave some white noise on? when she sleeps, turn on the tv or radio, or wash your clothes, vacuum the floor.. so that she'll be used to the noise.
Maybe i should do that. For the pass few days we dont not have this problem, not sure is because my mum , sis and bil is here and kind of like crowded in my house. They left this morning and today kind of quiet at home.

May be i tried to on some music, hope it works. I have order the beansprout pillow as well, hopes it helps too. It really tired me out, by carrying her for half day taking turn with my CL, i have backache already. Hopes the situation can improve.
yeah turn on some classical music and stimulate her brain at the same time.. =)

i leave my son on the sofa in the day n he's ok with sleeping while my the tv is os, or my CL cooks, clean, chop food...but he gets nightmares so we're always on standby to drop everything to rush and carry him when he suddenly cries out in fear.
Ariesgal, my baby is like yours too! Same pattern!

I try to latch as much as possible in the day and will give EBM when I am bathing or pumping milk halfway and baby cries for milk. At night will feed 2 times FM.

Hubby just criticized me and said I should persevere in full latching and not give the bottle at all cos now the baby gets frustrated with latching and will struggle and bite and tug at my nipples (probabbly when the milk is not flowing fast enough). He thinks it's so easy to latch. Still tell me to latch the baby as long as she wants...he is mad! He thinks my life is very easy.
and I think my nipples have sort of toughen up already cos it is not as painful as before when it comes to latching. Either that or my pain threshold has increased.
Sporty, I also latch my baby for 15 to 20 mins each side and then unlatch her...cannot wait for auto release cos it may never happen. But the thing is, she will cry for milk again very quickly, like within a hour....so obviously she wasn't drinking enough when latching...then now? I will go crazy just latching on demand like that and repeating the same cycle.
ashley, ya lor they don't understand how tough to do latching. my mum just told me to pump instead cos she say my girl using me as pacifier. then next time difficult for her to take care. I told her even if so, but at least she is snacking on milk... but my mum doesn't believe that she will get any milk leh ... sigh.... dilemma...
ariesgal, I know for sure I won't do exclusive pumping...cos my stupid hubby will sure complain! Now I just need to think of a solution....ultimate objective is how to ensure my baby gets enough BM without me going crazy.

And unlike my hubby, my parents rather I feed EBM cos at least we know how much the baby is drinking. They also dun think the baby is getting any / enough milk via latching.
ashley then do you still pump?
i realized very difficult to pump like this cos if not, i'm perpetually either latching of pumping... nipples cannot take it lor..
Ariesgal, i stll pump wor....cos sometimes baby is sleeping and my breasts engorged already...and pumping helps in my engorgement unlike latching. EBM also helps me to take a break from latching.

at night i also wake up to pump so that my already pathetic ss doesn't go down further.
ariesgal, ashley, saintbaby,
mine too!! having the same problem.. she will be latching... n showing the swallowing action... usually will latch her for max of 20min on each side... will need to unlatch her... else she will normally latch till she fell asleep with mouth opened then 'drop' out my nipple like dropping out pacifier lidat.. :p

the thing is, she's pooing n peeing fine.. so i think she got enough.. in fact alot... coz aft every feed which is abt an hour apart (including latch time), she will pee lots.. the nappy is always wet... her mouth will always start searching the moment i unlatch... den i will give in to bottle supplementing with additional EBM.. wondering if she's actually latching for comfort..

these two nights worse... aft latching... my CL will supplement with 80ml so tt i can rest (already having bad headache coz not enough sleep plus heaty confinement food).. den hor, half hour later, her mouth still keep seaching.. so another 50ml top up!! total can drink 130ml for a less than a mth old baby?!!?? is she this hungry? or she juz want to latch??

dunnoe if i shd give in to pacifier... coz really tired of this neverending latching marathon.........

currently, i will try to pump whenever baby is finally asleep aft her long marathon... but then... it's very tiring... coz i'm either latching or pumping... life is worse than a cow......... i feel like a slave cow..... :p

luckily hb is okie with me latching n supplementing with bottle... his only concern is tt bb got enough to drink..... via watever method is ok with him since i'm the cow... :p

dun be blue... i oso latch until i got phobia liao.. still persisting.. but whenever i feel tt i'm reaching my limit, i will give in to bottlefeeding with EBM... feel bad coz i prefer to latch.. but den, i try to tell myself tt bb will be switching to bottle anyway.. so it's gd if bb can take bottle well... etc etc..
Shihui, I already given in to pacifier
In fact, my parents love to give pacifier to my baby cos they say it helps make her sleep longer....they feel that sleep is more impt than drinking milk....

I intend to stop giving the pacifier to my baby after my confinement but then again, as long as I entrust my baby to my mother (after I go back to work), I am sure the pacifier will be back to my baby's mouth.
me up to pump...anyone ard?

karen, get a beansprout pillow...think tha will help esp if your gal is sensitive to noises...

saintbaby, if the bb's well fed...if she wake up n cry, i'll check the diapers to make sure no poo/pee...n check whether its time to feed...i also will see hows the temp whether too cold/hot for bb... if its juz awhile after feeding, it could be bb wanna suckle for comfort...i may wanna resort to pacifier...

magical, u are right...whenever i managed to unblock blocked ducts, its damn shiok one!!

ashley, ur hb really think u are a cow eh...latch as long as ur gal wants! my hb someimes will make comments tha my gal didnt have enough cuz she never fall asleep after the feed...but what for i latch her to sleep right if she had enough... i think ur bb wanna latch for comfort after 1 hr! what i did last time for my son was...i gave pacifer (i kno u dun like pacifiers) after my latching of both sides so u can continue to koon... but of cuz sometimes he will cry when pacifer drops out!

shihui, wow 130ml?! i think u shd consider pacifier...it was a life saver for me for my #1... if not we never get to sleep...
Gd morning sporty and Shihui, me up too... just finished pumping. Only 80ml. As compared to last time same period, the supply now is lesser. No leaking. Can only pump when both my gals are asleep.
Back with my hospital expense. Doesn't seem to be lesser than what was incurred previously when I was at Mt Alvernia. Mum's hospital charge: $996.42 for 4-bedded room. Anyone else in 4-bedded room can compare? My gynae also charge full though he didn't actually deliver for me: $1,391.00. My friend told me to ask for discount. lol.
Think my #1 is jealous. Kept crying on and off continuously during sleeping time. Was carrying #2 while latching and #1 was pulling at my hand to hold her. So heartbreaking but I cannot possibly stop the latching. Hubi see also sad and tried to distract #1 but she only wants me to carry.

Hubi has been a great help this time but he's going back to work tmr! haiz...
Tried Ida's massage today. Really shiok! Compared to my previous massage lady, she is far more skillful. Thumbs up!! =) Oh, and she's really good with baby. She managed to coax my #2 to sleep till the end of the massage!
morning all!

just latch on my baby n pumping the excess nw. Mummies, do u all pump after everytime u latch or only when the breast is full? I dunno how many time shld I pump a day since I am doing direct latching currently.

mousey_mummy, my #1 is also having jealousy. She will insist that I read stories to her when I am latching on #2 or she will want to lay on my legs or insist that I am the one who make her milk instead of her daddy.
My hb starting work today and I will be left alone to settle #1 n #2 alone at night. I wonder whether can I handle both of them or not. Super worried.

Counting down to end of my confinement! Baby full mth this Sunday. But I have decided to go out on Sat morning to attend #1's school yr end party..hehhe..
sporty, ya, ordered the beansprout pillow online for her, hopes it helps, can see when she sleep and get shaken even when my CL is washing the dishes. Hope the pillow can arrive fast.

i also woke up at 5:17am this morning to pump...

this is the first time i pump out to store, total from both breasts are ard 58ml, is it okay?,, i stored in blue egg bag.. now in thw freezer,,, if i pump out later, can i also put in the same bag, which has frozen? or use a new one?

I i feed EBM to baby now, may i know around how much each feed?

i realised we r having the same situation,,, bb sucked then sleep then wakes again ten suck.. then i just carry him. till he is sound asleep.. then i put him in cot.. in fact.. i was carrying him to type this post.

baby also has alot of poos and urines.. but husband still suspect that my milk not enough.. tats y.. he latch on and off and cries.. so today i start to pump.. but i dunnoe when should i start giving him the EBM.. i would prefer to give next week after he is one mth old but if baby is really not enough, then i should not delay further right?

yesterday morning, i very angry with baby.. cos keep latching on and off.. i scold him. and smacked his backside.. super sian leh... but feel bad after tat also..

I also have the mums fairy handsfree.. but its not working for me.. its loose.. so i am holding the pump bottles.. but very tiring.. and i also hope to use while using internet.. am i using it wrongly.. thinking to ask juliet.. but dunnoe whether she understands y i can't use it.. and whether its due to diff expectationss..
Morning ladies...

I woke up at 8 this morning cos my boobs are almost bursting...hoping to latch my baby asap, I went to her nursery only to have my mum tell me that the baby was fed at 7 plus....sigh...Mum didn't wanna wake me up cos I was sleeping so soundly...so she fed the baby my EBM instead. Now I dunno if I should pump or wait for baby to wake up for next round of feeding. Breasts not leaking yet.
Shannonbaby, I pump only when the breasts are full and also it's about 2-3 hrs after my last pump/latch. I also dunno how many times should I pump a day since I'm latching baby too....I guess as long as got 8 to 12 times of latching and pumping a day should be ok.
Sporty, my parents also think the pacifier is a life saver...hahaha....if not, my mum will never get to sleep too....that's why I close one eye when they give pacifier to my baby...my mum has said b4 and we agree with her...as long as we choose her to help take care of baby, certain things we should follow her style....so I close one eye to some things as long as baby is ok...I do trust my mum afterall and she has the best interest for me and the baby.
hi, mummies! sorry to intrude....

i have 1 un-opened bottle of GNC fenugreek (200 capsules), expires March 2013.
wish to sell it at $22.00

collection/delivery at bukit panjang/chua chu kang/yew tee.

pls PM me!
Morning ladies!

I'm also facing the same problem as many of u. My gal just wants to latch and latch at nite, esp after 2am. Put her down and she will cry. Kept wondering if she's hungry or just want to suckle for comfort. After almost 3 hrs of struggling with her, I finally put a stop to the latching and just hug her beside me to sleep. And she really slept. The CL said she just wanted to smell me in order to sleep. The weird thing is this only happens at night for me. She slept so well in the day that I had difficulty waking her up to feed! Really dunno what to do with her. Am trying not to intro pacifier yet le.

If you have already frozen the 1st pack of EBM, you shld not mix the newly EBM with that as it will cause some of the frozen EBM to thaw. Not supposed to refreeze thawed EBM.
woke up at 8ish n continue to latch my gal lying down (ie continue to zz)...

esther, nice to hear from u...u like MIA after ur birth story...u meant the $996.42 is cash? ya, my #1 also asked for alot of attention at times esp when i'm feeding #2...

shannonbaby, i pump usually after every latch, but sometimes will skip the pump if i dun feel as full or when i'm bz with #1... i think i latch abt 6 to 7 times a day...pump abt 5 times ba...

karen, yeah...hopefully ur pillow will arrive fast!

catechins, if u have frozen the 58ml, u cant add in in the same bag liao...what u can do is tha...next time put the 58ml inside fridge first and add in additional pumps to make up to 100ml or so then freeze but must rem to freeeze before 48 hrs (from the first 58ml)...

ashley, ur mum very nice to u leh...even helped u feed ebm while u sleep...i rem my last round doing confinement, my mum will wake me up to latch bb even tho there's ebm inside the fridge! my mum dun like pacifier...thas why i only used pacifier for the first 3 mths...after i went back to work...my mum weaned him off liao... yeah, i think if some bbs like to suckle to sleep, pacifier can be a good option

odiey, bbs are still unable to differentiate day and night...thas why they can be sleepy in the day and less sleepy at nite!
from just now till now.. i put my bb in cot.,. then he cries after a few mins.. i have to carry him,.,, think can't let go... until my mum back... i having massage soon... hope he dun cry later
esther, $900+ for 4bedder? i think i paid $900+ cash (only) for 2 bedder @ GH ler.. how come ur gynae didn't deliver for u?

ha.. we who are stuck in moo-moo duty have to find ways n means to give ourselves cheap thrills.. i rem when i was feeding my #1 got one super stubborn one blocked for almost 2 days!

you can ask juliet if she's available to visit you to teach you how to adjust properly..

Re: Pacifier
i think its ok to give in if it really gives you peace .. after all the mental state of mummy is very important!! as long as you dont allow your child to hve his pacifier until 4-5 years old its ok. but hor, its really difficult to wean off. my #1 is 2 yrs old liao, needs his pacifier to go to sleep.. or when he's super duper cranky, he'll be ok once he gets his pacifier. hopefully he can do without it soon..
