(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

ayukie is discharged with her boy liao and she said her bm had come in so she's bz with pumping and settling things at home
hope she can come in and join us soon

momoko, u better take ur med on time...dun play play...one more week!!

Hey hey.. i have got 2 Mighty Savers receiving blankets tt i will bring along to the pigeon talk on Sat.. anyone want? Paiseh..only left 2 so see who reply 1st..hehe~~
momoko, yeah...jia you
u will see ur chubby gal next week!

shirlin, sat what time will u reach ah? rem to sms me hor
I dunno lehz.. I can only leave branch at 11.30 den will take cab down lor.. hopefull will reach b4 12..I will sms u when i'm on the way! =)
<font color="aa00aa">Fitti diaper Size New Born</font>


I left over 2 packs of Fitti diaper size NB (same as TMC used ones, but big pack 52pc per pack), not opened. Today went for vaccination, and my girl is weighted 4.8kg! Going to switch to S size liao. I bought at $14+ and let go at $10 per pack.

Interested pls PM me. Thks
Hi mummies,

Talking about dim sum, i had mine last weekend at Xin Fu Yin Cha at International Building after i sign up for stemcord at their seminar.

dingdong, GD can eat dim sum, but need to know what can eat what cannot :D when i had my dim sum, i only eat the all steam type, no fried stuff. steam one is meat no flour so is ok.

This morning went off site meeting, while looking for the company, I am so clumsy and miss a step and fall, fall to the front like kneel down like that. My col so shocked, I was like nothing till i stand up then reliase i am pregnant.

Was very worry at first, then make a call to my gynae clinic, the nurse asked did i hit the tummy, i say no, so she says should be ok, ask me to monitor bb movement.

BB movement is ok. Will monitor somemore.

Now going out for dinner with my sis as she is in SG from KL for business trip. talk to you gals later.
i'm so tired!! reached home le.. going to eat maggie mee for dinner tonight. sian le. don't know wad to eat.. i rather sleep seriously. haha..
funne/ piggym,
yup, i'm gg to process placenta for consumption. Haven tell my gynae, think he will scream..

Re: dim sum gathering
gian to go leh, but i've impt meeting this fri.
hmm, mayb ask hub to bring me there this sat
hi gals me and bb finally back frm the hosp ..

shanonbaby - go take ur leave dun wait like me nw no need take advance ML and no need HL also liaoz .. my office stuffs also halfway done haiz .. sianz ..
ashley - haha i also still figuring out my pump and ive been pumping since today but my breast really can be sore sia with the pumping .. o yeah anyone can teach me hw to use the pumpin pal handsfree .. i really give up on that manz ..
shirlin - i still dunno my hr reply on regards on childcare leave my erm ML form also no time to give my HR and payroll thinking maybe nxt nxt wk then i drop by and do all at a shot haiz ..
3 kids before 30??!! wahh i cfm cant make it i cfm wanna wait 2 yrs before my nxt child le cause of the c-sect but ideally will be 3 yrs lor so that maybe i can try for natural birth haiz ..
ayukie nt in the ad only the son is haha ... damn jealous when those talents hold my child (fake mummy)
my jealously level rises so much im surprised i nvr snatch my bb back during the shoot but i keep on chasing them to hurry up using his feeding time as excuse :p
the commercial they say will be aired on 14 oct on cna for dunno hw many weeks ..
o yeah gals really prepare early dun be like me prepare ur breast pump also it can be my best friend liaoz haiz .. cept im sore after so many pumps haiz ..
raerae - for mine its like a gush of water i jumped out of bed and wet the floor and i keep leaking all the way ..
ayukie!!!!!! so nice to see u here.. yes, everyone is learning from ur exp to be more prepared. hope u and bb are doing well! remb to 'tape' the commercial to show ur son in future!
fieda - my bb nt enagaged when my bag burst
and my body nt yet prepared for labour so after 10 hrs in labour ward in labour on induce labour as well and freaking damn high on the gas i gave up to emergency c-section with epidural lor .. cause in my damn high state i can still remember dunno whoose friend mt a hospital bill for 50k bleahz ..
ayukie> i think it was me, but my fren was mt E c-sect cos the cord was ard bb's neck and caused distress. reason for the high hosp bill was cos bb was premmie and had to stay in the icu...

haha, so u got high on the gas aye.. yah, share with us ur birth story.. we're "all ears"
and also tell us ur husb's reactions!!
Karen, not much variety for steam tim sum. siew mai, har gao, xiao long bao. that's about it ba. can't take too much of it cos of the carbo content mah. my GD very sensitive one.
thanks blueginger, Jane &amp; sporty for sharing the info on the breast milk storage.. i shall pop by to take a look during the taka sale.. maybe just get some storage bottles first and see how my supply goes =p

rue &amp; Shihui.. thanks for the info on BM. must really talk note of wat u gals wrote man.. will be of great help =p
congra‭ts! and enjoy mamahood!! don't stress yourself on the pumping.. initially you'll realise that you can't pump out much.. continue to latch baby on and faithfully pump every 2-3 hours.. after a while your body will be trained den your milk supply will be more le..
jia you!
a mummy fren of mine told me that e initial 6-8weeks is e crucial period. cos that's where u get e supply and start maintaining..

ps: enjoy e confinement food! hehe..
drinks lots of the red date logan tea before u start to pump.. it does help.. and keep yourself hydrated all e time ya..
mine is 56 days inclusive of public holidays n weekends... no use if i'm taking all 4mths at one go... but for those who r keeping it n take over 12 mths, more worth it lor... :p

yupyup... i oso dun like the idea of using back own cordblood if the disease is hereditary.... the bad genes already in there..... :p

i hav dandruff issue too... it's a long term thingy... gets better or worse on days...

wah... seems like my co policy not tt bad.. :p we hadv a total of 112 days ML..
Hi ladies,

Just wan to share my experience, ystday afternn after lunch, can feel slightly more discharge than normal that it kinda stain half of my panty.
Continue to monitor until in the night just before i am going to bed, my hubby notice there were patch stains on my shorts meaning the discharge has stains it so thou i feel it shd be quite normal as we are sup to experience discharge due to the lining of the vagina being pressed by baby.

Decided to call TMC hotline to see if i shd be concern or i shd monitor for other unusual signs before panicking.

The nurse told me to go to the hosp right away.
She says it could be many reasons, could be infection, water bag burst or it could be nothing at all.

Once i reach the hosp, i was strapped with the CTG and something else that monitors contraction.

One of the midwife came over and insert her fingers into my cervix to check for dilation, wow that was really painful!

At the end of the whole ordeal, nothing unusual abt the extent of discharge, but found out i had 0.5cm dilation and are experiencing contractions or tightening at regular intervals.
I am at week 34 and 2 days.

Gynae prescribe me this pill to stop the contractions and will continue to monitor till sat when i see her.

During the 2hrs i was there, i heard a newborn baby cries as the labour ward was just next door, can't describe how touching it is at that moment.

i must really say Nurses at TMC are very nice and approachable, thou my episode is a false alarm but they are still very comforting and patient through out and its very impt cos you are so helpless when you lie on that bed and all strapped up. It doesnt help to have a grouchy nurse with u making you feel like the biggest trouble in the world.

Both hubby and i tink that last night's episode acts like a dry run for the real thing, now i must say jkt for hubby is really impt and hubby says coins is also a must to get hot drinks at the vending machine, hahaha.

Mayb also some reading materials will help too.
Congrats on ur baby boy. Try to rest more and enjoy motherhood.

Haven't log in for few days as been tired to read thru all the postings. Hope everything is going well for everyone. Seems like our due date is getting nearer and nearer.

Went for my checkup on Wed. BB is 2kg at 34 weeks seems a bit small but gynae didn't say anything. BB had moved down but not engaged yet so gynae asked me to start packing my hospital bag. On last sat the plumber should have come to fix our toilet bowl but who knows he flew us aeroplane and my hubby got pissed off again. In the end my hubby called him on Sunday and realised he was in hospital due to high blood pressure. Hai.....so in the end we emailed HDB and they will be sending the contractor down on Fri morning. Hope it can be fixed before i pop.
Jane, side effect of Utrogestan is dizzness for my case so I was advised to take b4 bedtime.

My co hv lots of changes all of a sudden, we hv so many foreign talent (ang mo) around in the off. I hav no idea why they prefer them thou they are more expensive in terms of higher salary and still got to pay for their lodging etc...
wow...so happening last nite!
At 430am this morning, i woke up feeling how come the mattress's wet! i thot my water bag broke...no la, its my son who pee-ed and it leaked outta his diaper cuz he had quite abit of milk before he koonz...thank god! hee

ayukie, welcome back
jia you on bfing

karen, hope u are ok from the fall...next time must be more careful k?

babylele, glad tha it was a false alarm at tmc...so better take ur med on time and ask ur bb to hang on for another 2 weeks!

taurus, hope ur toilet issue will be settled soon! very sianz tha it never get settled!!

caffe latte, juz take things as it comes ok?! cheer up
Morning gals, 1 more day to Friday. Add oil everyone

sporty, so urs oso a false alarm. So ur boy sleep with u at night huh. How old is he nw?

Babylele.. Phew, rem to take ur med n hope e contraction won't worsen.
ayukie, i juz saw the ad on cna...ur boy looks like u wor and lotsa hair...

anise, my boy is 2 yrs plus...mine not false alarm la...juz tha i think too much...lol
Ayukie! Good to see you on forum again =) Hope your wound is recovering well! Eat more fish for wound and yr bm. I tot abt C sec and natural.. seemed like the cost of C sec is more exact than natural which could be very variable haha!

Sporty, i didn't see the ads leh!! Why u nv msn me when u saw it?? Haha!

Babylele, glad that it was just false alarm. yday i had menstrual cramp till i lie on the bed for almost 1 hr...
hello ladies.....

sporty> u on iphone is it?
so early.. kekeke.. wah u mus have sprung up on ur bed when u felt the 'wetness'

caffe latte> i agree with sporty, dont think so much! relax!!! one more mth to go!!

babylele> hope u r well.. at least there's a dry run!

shihui> my office also counts it as 56 days
fieda, i juz saw it this morning when i was watching news on cna and not online leh...how to msn u ah? hehehe :p dun worry la, i'm sure it will be shown more frequently one!

jane, nope...i was on my lappy...sent my boy to my mum's place at 6ish...so came back and online for awhile...hehe
