(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

shirlin, okies got it

raerae, yes i agree tha all hbs are kan cheong now...heheh
i normally go to thie place call "Xian De Lai" at bt timah.. they also have one at bugis but i prefer the service at bt timah..
not bad..
i think you entitle some tax rebate from your income tax computation, but dont know if it is eligible for 1st kid...I know if u have 2nd or 3rd kid, you have $20K of tax rebate...hmm..something like this..
haha.. ya lor.. muz cultivate mood first... :p

ohh.. i forgot the part where money cannot be draw out.. hahahhaa.... :p no wonder the interest is so attractive... :p

ohhh... u in stat board too... hmmmm... :p who know's we may be colleagues.. hahahaha... :p opps.. den u caught me eating snake liao.. hahaha... :p
cheryl, enjoy ur nap

shihui, see by fri whether the sick mood can be "cultivated" or not...if so, will see u all there
Envy you gals for having good appetite! I dont seem to have good appetite. Just eating my main meals and occassionally some snacking like chocolates, titbits etc. And I have not been doing any exercises so far!
wah piang, suddenly so many posts.

shihui, my HR policy same as yours leh. ML only starts from the day i give birth. Cannot take ML in advance woh. and i'm in stat board too.

shirlin, other than ocbc, what other banks offer CDA account?

raerae, my hubby not gan cheong at all. and i'm already in my 36th weeks. but he took leave from 28 Oct to 8 Nov in case i give birth during this period. otherwise, i bet he'll be at home zho bo.
Hi, any mummies starting ML from week 37 onwards? wondering whether should i start earlier or not? or shld I ask for HL from my gynae instead?

RE: tax rebate.
we r entitled to 5k tax rebate for first child and 10k tax rebate for 2nd child onwards?
funne, washed and sun it dry a few times?? sounds like washing clothes leh :p LOL

dingdong, another bank tha offers CDA a/c is stanchart...

shannonbaby, me me...me starting AL from 37 weeks onwards
shirlin, you mean the money cannot take out at all. even like 10 years down the road? but no matter what, i'll still dump in 6k so that i got another 6k from govt. i think the total of 12k can be expensed within 5 years bah.
Thks Shirlin, will check it out!

Shannonbaby, you already checked that out? $5K rebate also not bad...
at least no need to pay income tax for next year.
shanonbaby, regardless of age of mother?
i remember some years ago, parents were entitled to a substantial sum of tax rebate if the wife gave birth to 3 kids before the age of 30.
haitong, thats becos I managed to get the 5k rebate last year as my gal is born in Jan 2008. so this year, another 10k rebate...hehhe.
the good thing is if u cant finish using the 5k, can continue using it the following year also.
dingdong: Nope, cannot take out in cash..can only use at approved institutions for payment.. if lets say by the end of 6 yrs you still got balance inside the CDA, it'll be converted to a PSEA(Post Sec Education Acc).. It's just like our Edusave in the past..to be used for education purposes only..
ashley, yes very easy to use the breast pump one...dun worry...

dingdong, yes...i think must have 3 kids then the tax rebate more wu hua! but then the cost of 3 kids not cheap also lor!!
dingdong, yup, regardless of age. thats the new ruling from last year onwards for the tax rebate..

ashley, dont worry. I only learn how to use my breast pump when i am in the hospital after giving birth...hehe

sporty, wow, u got so many AL leave ah? I think I almost finish everything already...:p
sporty, if this policy remains valid till now hor, then i think it's extremely outdated liao. most people nowadays married late. how to give birth to 3 kids before 30 yrs old? might as well dun have this policy.
Hey, anyone claiming your childcare leave for this yr? I spoke to my HR tt day and I'll be claiming 4 days of CC leave in between my ML lehz...
shannonbaby, i still have 2 weeks of AL la...so will use first before i start my ML lor

saintbaby, ya lor...somemore u so young already 3 kids de mama

dingdong, saintbaby fills the criteria lor...3 kids before 30!! kekekke :p anyways, i think there's a reason why its 3 kids before 30 mah cuz hor, not many pple are entited mah, so govt dun have to give out so much tax rebate :p hehe
Shirlin, I finished using my 6 days childcare leave already for my #1.
Aiyo, I think my company will regret employing me la. forever on leave, or MC or HL leave for this whole year. Then coming soon, the Maternity leave...haha..
shirlin, ur SIL is good man! 5 kids before 30!! is she a sahm now?

saintbaby, yes ah...thas what i was trying to put across...looks good on paper mah, but not many pple entited and can claim! hehe
Shirlin, your SIL is powerful!

Saintbaby, I agree our govt is very smart one.

I think for me, max is 2 kids lah even though fortune teller got say I will have 3 kids :p...I watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TV....stressful to have so many kids leh.
shannonbaby: i mean for our coming baby lehz..cuz we're giving birth in Nov..so by right we're entitled to CC leave for 2009 lehz..

saintbaby: i salute her too..now #4 & #5 are twins somemore lor...
sporty: Yah.. she's a SAHM lor..no choice..if not no one look after her kids.. My MIL is gg to look after mine.. so She kind of have to look after the 5 kids all by herself...
sporty: Orh... so i guess those with #1 de all claim for this yr liaoz lor..hehe.. those expecting #1 de lehz? Got claim?? cuz dun lugi..it's our privelege lehz...
shirlin, ur SIL got go tie her tubes or not? if not later have #6...#7... *faints*

dingdong, policies looks nice on paper mah
actually # of pple benefit is limited
Shirlin, your SIL has helper or not? She is wonder woman leh!

The other time I met this female lawyer who quit her job to be SAHM to her 4 kids. I really admire her leh! But then she has 2 helpers lah.
dingdong: I dunno how she manage sia.. For now my MIL is still help her with #2 & #3 la..but after i give birth.. MIL will only look after mine le..so I dunno how she's gg to cope.. Somemore her kids all 1 yr aprt only lehz.. #2 is 2 this yr..#3 is 1 this yr.. den Dec she gg to have #4 & #5... If its me..i cfm die...
