(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

awbb, brown discharge could be "show"?! call ur gynae and see what he/she advises? maybe its mucus plug tha came off...

jane, yeah...usually we send him over tha early cuz we dun drive to work and need to get outta the house by 745...so better send him early...

Jane & Sporty: ya...the 1st discharge is like abit bloody mixed with the clear discharge then after is brown. Dh n I were thinking abt whether to go hospital in the night but then as I dun have much intense contractions...I decided to go back to bed xP

Called my gynae just now. She's on holiday so have to see another doc. sigh...hope nothing is wrong
awbb, did ur gynae do any VE chk pass few days?
coz it happen to me also when my gynae chk on me and i got blood stain after tt.. gynae said is normal.
awbb, are u going to see the other gynae today? for my #1, my first sign of labour was show also...then i went to see gynae, he checked tha i was 2cm dilated... and i experienced mild contractions... i kno some pple may have lost their mucus plug but didnt give birth after 1 week...
sporty: ya, gonna see the other gynae. I rather check rather than not knowing or else I cant sleep tonight again hahaa! How long after u had the "show" then u deliver??? I hope bb dont come out till next week when my gynae is back!!!
awbb, think u better call the gynae liao!

Jane, only 1 pH lugi? So good! i should take a closer look on mine..

Sporty, u should snap yr tv with cam and show us all here! Hee
awbb, i delivered the next day after i had show...cuz i was 2cm dilated when i went to gynae's... so he asked me to be admitted tha nite at 11pm... so its best to get ur standby gynae's opinion first...cuz everyone's labour is diff lor

fieda, u are another one like cheryl, ask me to do illegal filming!! i not a pirate leh!! LOL
sporty: thats the standby doc. I am not ready yet leh...yesterday is the 1st time I thought abt the labor...really kinda scared......

Fieda: call liao...appt will be 12:30pm
fieda, hehe...juz kidding with u la... so ur mood better today bo?

awbb, sometimes its not up to u to decide whether u ready or not lor...btw, how many weeks are u liao?
sporty> ur boy can wake up early that's good!! ooh, i also missed the commercial then. hmm. hope they upload it on tmc website. LOL

FieDa> wat's ur leave schedule like? the nov one confirm mus lugi lo..

awbb> Good luck for ur apptmt!
jane, my boy was still sleeping when we sent him over! hahah... i dun think they will put on tmc website ba... cuz its a new program called "celebrating life" on cna...
Fieda & sporty: I will update u gals...hopefully nothing big to update. Dun even dare to go out...scared waterbag burst hahaha!

Sporty: week 35
Hi Sorry to intrude and congratulations to mummies who popped!

I'm from May09 thread.

I have a Medela Pump In Style Advanced (Backpack)Bought from local dealer. Warranty until March 2010.

All parts have been newly replaced for hygiene purpose(motor lightly used). As good as new. Replaced connectors, breastshields, tubings, 4 milk bottles, valves and membranes. Icebag and backpack are new as they are not used.

Include free BN milkbags and more than half pack of bal. breastpad worth more than $40

Whole set has Trade in value of $200 (working motor) with local dealer.

Selling at $430, collection at bedok, serious buyer only

Interested please email [email protected] or PM me


sporty> maybe that's the one mrs wong was talkin abt. she asked for 'volunteers' to go on her show. lol. my husb ask me go volunteer *faints
Awbb, hope it's just a scare!

sporty, aiya... my mood uh.. is better when i'm around with my colleagues and friends haha..

Jane, i intend to take my ML on 2 nov... then 14weeks till start of Feb.. then take AL .. come back after CNY. I dun wan to lugi my CNY pH leh..
awbb, good luck gal
dun worry
update us hor

jane, so did ur hb volunteered successfully?

fieda, hahah...must be the one at home tha irriates u then :p LOL
Jane, 3hols and 2 half days are ALOT la! =**(

Awbb, i'm also 35 weeks tom though..

Sporty, hiaz.. sometimes i think i have to resign to having a block of wood as husband.. i dun feel special at all at this stage of my life
morning saintbaby! I also walked like penguin long time ago liao.. surprisingly, i can tahan my pee thruout the night.. e most once in e night nia hee .. but morning is non stop
fieda, dun feel tha way la...maybe ur hb's concerned abt u but dunno how to "express" himself lor... me same as u...nowadays can tahan my pee at nite...which is good la, so at least i can sleep thru!

saintbaby, maybe ur bb's pressing on ur bladder, thas why u kept wanting to pee! hehe... oh ya, tom lunch i cant joined le, even if i really sick also cannot take mc as my colleague's on leave and i nearly forgotten abt it!
Good morning all!

Fieda, me same as, will lugi a few PHs and thinking of going back work before CNY cos dun want to lugi the 2 PHs lo...:p

And also like u, i dont feel special or privileges at all from my hub at these period...Quite disappointed and sad thou....
jane - yeah me also emeregency c-sect mah so clock up the additional >10 hrs labour ward fees so in my mind quite scary the costs thats why once its decided i had to do c-sect i downloaded my room from single bedder to default 4 bedder to 2 bedder haiz .. somemore hor i give birth on sunday then last min call in the epidural doctor as well .. and the nurse keeps reminding me sunday is family day bleahz ..
saintbaby, dun worry la...i wun eat tim sum tom la cuz i am gonna eat it on sun liao :p kekkeke ... so tom we definitely wun have the same lunch!!

haitong, i am going back before CNY so as not to lugi the PH :p LOL

ayukie, but u already very good le...can tahan w/o epi till the pt where u need to go for emergency c sec!
saintbaby - the pump is good at least i know how much bb is taking latch on only i dunno if he is taking in sia haiz .. ok lah i have increase my bm supply by another 5ml (2 sides) today haha ..
but breast will sore and i dun like the hard hard feeling of the breasts ..

sporty - haha $$ is always in my mind bah .. i tahan w/o gas and injection in the labour ward for 6 hrs then i succumb to the gas then erm at 8th hrs i wanna push le i gave in to the injection at the tigh .. so erm the experience nt v gd for me lor haiz ...
ayukie> OOh, share with us on ur hosp bill also ok...congrats on the increase in supply of bm!!!

fieDa> maybe ur husb will make u feel so SPECIAL on ur delivery day. don think so much ok. *hugs
ayukie, u doing confinement at ur MIL's house? i going to mrs kong's house today...u need me to pass u the nursing tea? so u can drink and increase ur ss?
caffe - dun say le .. no nothing leh haha but hb says ok to loan my son and my mil also dun mind so let him have an experience lor erm tho he dunno wads gg on ..
Ayukie, by the time we first timer mummies pop.. you can give v good advice on being a cow liao!! Yr breasts got increase tremendously in size not? Haha.. you didn't have episiotomy right?

Haitong, i totally know how u feel =(

Saintbaby, maybe the fact that getting out of bed is harder than tahaning pee subconsciously for me.. tt's why no pee at night haha

Sporty... very deprived one u know.. all he knows is to work till late.. the things i nd to do at home already done by the time he come back.. where's e help i needed at this stage?

Funne, maybe we drink more water in the day haa
AWBB - check better .. mine is bag burst water gush out then slight bit (v tiny) bit of blood with lotsa the water and then after dunno hw many hrs later at tmc then my whole show comes out blood and water .. and my cervix still no improvement ..
Fieda and Haitong, dun despaire ok? your husbands could be nice in other ways. no one is perfect. just look at the positive aspects and ignore the bad ones.
ayukie: I wonder my brown discharge is show anot...how the show looks I also dun knw. Before yr waterbag burst...no warning signs beforehand?? ermm pain anot!??!?!?! *gasp*
dingdong, hard feeling aka engorgement will come in when ur milk ss comes in...after give birth dun such feeling one...

fieda, yeah i get what u meant...cuz my hb wasnt as nice as i was having #1, he was bz gaming everyday...so i kno tha kinda feeling sucks

about the topic if lugi if we take ML during public holidays.
I check out my co system, there'e 2 types, ML and EML (extended).
ML will include Public holidays and weekends.
EML is for working days only and will exclude Public holidays and weekends.
Thanks for my co...
So if you have an quto system to try out, it will calculate how many days have been taken.
haitong> u cheer up too! the best is yet to come!

awbb> show can be like pinkish...

kimifin> i think my org practises ml same as urs

Hi Ayukie, congrats to you....

as for your case, is Emergency Csect.... do u have any hospitalisation plan insurance? can claim one leh... as my #1, i also Emergency csect and i manage to claim all the bills (except GST)....
