(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

rue, that time i drank water after delivery and used tap water wash face hor, suddenly got very bad water retention. fingers swell up legs became trotters.

so this time, i am going to ask my husband to bring along red date tea for me and also bring a water filter sachet to put into basin to wash face instead.
very scared of the swelling.
also going to bring along the float for my ass, the other time bought from tmc cost me $15!

jocelyn, got to bring pj to hospital cos i dun think they have anything for you to change into.
i not bringing the button down ones, i bringing those with strap then when i breastfeed just pull down the strap. easier. keke.
but will be wearing cardigan over. scared cold.
i bought my pj from CK, cheap ar. less than 8 bucks each.

i'm not bringing my own pyjamas... using the hosp instead...

dun hav menstrual like cramp.. but, always got pulling kind of pain on my lower abdomen.. think tummy too heavy... :p lots of braxton hicks too....

at least u can confirm ur ML starting date liao.. happily handover then u can enjoy ur ML..
for me, i still got to discuss with gynae n request for HL.. else, my ML can only start on the day i pop....... sian.... stupid co policy which ruins my plan of resting early... :p
i had fillet-o-fish for lunch.. hehe.. u very bad le.. tempt me!
i just took leave yesterday eh! haha..

yea lor.. now i know, if never hear frm them within a mth, den will call them up to check.
shihui> Oh.. i think law states we can take ml up to 1 month before edd lei.. i can take hl but dont want to ask dr.. i very good to my co one. LOL
shihui, yes its buffet... the soup very nice and the veg all very fresh! 2 yrs old i dunno whether they charge cuz i went with hb nia, left son at home cuz very diff to eat with him ard ah! the place is called SUKI-YA

cheryl, tim sum not yum cha liao ah? change le ah?! the satay one looks good!! food again!!

ashley, i wanna go leh but must check my schedule first...kekekke :p

tanly, okies...u still have my hp? we arrange to meet at bugis mrt and walk over tog?

rue, in hospital can drink water la...if not drink milo!

kimifin, not sure abt the suckling pig part...u wanna call to ask?

jocelyn, yes bringing PJs for my hospital stay...3 sets lor...

saintbaby, omg...we had the same lunch again...i also had fillet!! geez...
instant noodles i like!!
korean kimchi ones. yummy.
but always vomit after that.

shihui, how to check, think i must go voice out to them, then will have. haha. kiasu.
sian, i also want to put in 6k lei, but not enough spare cash to put in.
shihui, i agree with u on the 6k top up part...as i am gonna use it for my #1's CC...so its like paying 1/2 px...hehe
lolx.. freaky eh! we work so far apart yet we always eat and drink the same thing for lunch le!!
and we have not met each other before also!! haha..
really telepathy..
cant go rite? Too bad I cant see you. Nvm, after we pop then we arrange again.

Instant noodles? Maybe I will eat that tmr.

Its ok to have instant noodles once in a while lah. Hahah

Juz called to reserve.
Ha, my hub ask about the suckling pig, maybe he saw from some internet sites. $220 for 1 whole!
we will settle for the pre-order peking duck n roast pork...
saintbaby, ya la...thas why i was shocked when u said fillet o fish...i am like... NOT AGAIN ! ekekkekek :p

ashley, tempted to take mc to go ... kekekkeke :p but miramar very out of the way! i dunno how to go!

kimifin, when u going ah? this weekend ah? maybe can see u there...hee
Ya....once in a while, i'll crave for instant noodles, too!

Today is not craving - it's pure laziness! Hehe...

Aiyoh!!! Dun say like tat... I was also not SAHM but due to unforseen circumstances-got no choice lor... Like Shihui said, u already confirmed ur ML date, so not too bad la... Look fwd to it lor... Jiayou, okie? ;-)

No yum cha liao...change of venue to Miramar. Onz boh??? :p
Ya...the satay looks good. Might go this weekend, if possible! Hehe...

MIA from MSN liao kei???
Fillet-O-Fish I also like ga.... :p
Since got direct bus from Queenstown, wanna come or not??? :p
Why must bring 3sets? was thinkin bring pants or dress type, still very confused.. scared wear pants thn difficult to pee leh..

I already gt all kinds of pain nw, cant imagine hw painful will be like during labour..

For wat i knw, hosp only provide pyjamas b4 u deliver, after tat u hav to wear back ur own pyjamas liao..

I'll b going on Friday for dim sum buffet, bt is with my gf, nt joinin u gals, but will see u gals there..
saintbaby, no la...of cuz good to be same as u...but its so qiao everytime lor...thas why i am so surprised!

ashley/piggym/cheryl, wahh...u really tempting me to go!!! hahah

kimifin, enjoy the food and give ur reviews hor :p

jocelyn, 3 sets cuz we stay 3 days 2 nites mah...think wear one piece PJ is better la...cuz easier to pee/bf... pearl palace near my office lor :p
Haha...so fickle minded!!! :p

So, here's the list, as of now la...

Buffet Brunch (dim sum)
Date: This Fri (9/10)
Time: 11.30am - 2.30pm
Venue: Orient Ocean Restaurant, Hotel Miramar
401 Havelock Road, Singapore 169631
Price: $12.80++ per pax

1) Shihui
2) Cheryl
3) Ashley
4) Piggym

Let us know, ya? Look fwd to see ya! ;-)
sporty: Pls help me find the list ok? I need to knwo wad to pack for hospital bag lehz.. I'll be delivering at TMC lor...

Heard someone talking abt the baby bonus.. The $4000 is given in 4 equal instalments of $1000 into your nominated bank account, over 18 months from your child’s birth..as for the $6k co matching..you all have 6 yrs to contribute so for those who dun have 1 shot to put in the $6k, can slowly take your time lor.. You can consider taking up th CDA Extra from OCBC..this CDA Extra lets u contribute a fixed amount from your account every mth and u can stop as n when u want..Also, the interest is slightly higher.. 1.2%p.a... Anotehr thing to take note is the tha govt contribution do not come in immediately de..it'll only come in the 3rd week of the following mth that u deposited the money... Hope this helps!
Ya....ya.... Tempting then u should really come!!! Haha...U too ar, saintbaby... Dun juz stir ppl! :p
tentatively not a problem la..
but hor, i can really eat a lot of tim sum one leh! wahaha.. u gals dun b scared off yea..
It's ok!!! Buffet is supposed to eat a lot!!!! Haha.... I'll eat along with u, dun worry!!! ;-)
saintbaby/cheryl, i wanna go leh but sunday i going for tim sum liao leh...wait i sianz of tim sum leh...kekekkek :p

shirlin, i email the list to u tonite?? tmc no need to pack for bb's stuffs...juz mummy's stuffs can liao... hmmm...frm ur post abt cda a/c hor, i think i kno where u working at :p LOL
Thanks sporty...you got my email add hor?? I only know need to pack disposable panties, PJs and pads..hahaha! Also, yup..i'm working at OCBC la..so anything abt Baby Bonus or CDA..Just ask me!!
shirlin, ur email addy on swanston's spreadsheet rite? if so, i shd have
ya la...i guessed it when u said u work in alexandra...cuz it reminds me of the branch near ikea/queensway...kekekke :p

saintbaby, lemme think think la...mc must "cultivate" mood one...kekekke :p
ask u ah.. for the matching dollar right, let's say i put in 3k initially then the gov match dollar to dollar.. den i can only put in a remaining 3k right? doesn't matter when i put in as long as before my child turns 6? in total can onli put in 6k right?
hope doesnt sound confusing..
Another thing to take note.. Ask all your hubbies to not go to the bank to open the CDA account 1st.. We'll be given a Pink(BB2) n Green form tgt with OCBC n Stan Chart CDA Application form after our delivery.. All we need to do is to fill up the Green form..bring the Pink form to the bank that u want to deposit the Cash Gift into to verify den fill in the CDA application form (depends on which bank u want) den just mail everything back to MCYS in the self addressed envelope... The CDA account will be opened for u by the bank and once done, a Welcome Letter will be sent to you...
Hehe...if put on weight, explain to gynae it's due to ur dim sum craving lor!!!
I can eat...dim sum - no prob!
Ya...better dun wear pants - later uncomfortable!!! Haha...

Can eat a bit of dim sum, then order other dishes ma... ;-)
sporty: yup! my email is there.. I'll wait for your email tonight la..Thanks! Hee! And ya, my branch is there..super near my hse la..i requested to be transferred there de..previously was at Bedok..

saintbaby: yup! You are right..it doesnt matter when u put in as long as its before 31 dec of the yr ur child turns 6...

piggym: Child's BC n trustee's IC is needed..but as per my previous post..just mail it back to MCYS can le..no need to go down to bank... =)
