(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Morning gals, think i'm not joining you gals tonight already. Dun feel well still. Still having flu and pelvic pain. Dun wanna spread to you all. Enjoy!!
morning ladies,

Re: BH contractions
Having lotsa BH contractions recently. Had it every 5 mins when i went shopping last sat, but hub told me to ignore it, guess i'm dehydrated bah. Also fear tt i might go into labour earlier. Argz..

hw short is ur hair now? above shoulder, ear level?
Morning ladies!

ashley> what's ur erm email? or u want me to pass u the contact tonight? he's at/ near blk 492.

wendypoo> dont worry ok, no such thing as bb too big. health is most impt. *hugs

blueginger> see u tonight!

taurus> yup, id is interior designer but i can jus ask him call the relevant contacts for u. glad that u feel better. the salon is at jurong west. i don't think it's a special price
depends more on ur hair length. my husb's cut was $12. let me know if u want the contact. my dh also sometimes can get on my nerves. so dont think so much ok, sometimes they also beri stressed so we try to 'forgive' them when they feel guilty, it'll be PAY BACK TIME! lol.

momoko> how are u feeling? don tink so much abt ur mil ok. *hugs.


My friend has given birth after 15 hours of labour @ 40 weeks and 1 day!!

2am> waterbag burst. woke up and went back to sleep.

4am> bigger gush of water. woke husb up and they rushed to mt a. (was good timing cos they stay at bedok, so at that hour no cars)

took in entonox, didn't work, took in 2 jabs of pethidine, din work. dr told her she should deliver ard 1 - 2 pm but becos she bore the pain and din scream, cervix took very long to dilate. in the end she settled for epidural ard 2 pm. dr scold her say took one jab of pethidine din work should take epi liaos and she would have given birth!

delivered ard 5+pm to a baby girl weighing 2.81kg after pushing for an hour!!

she told me she thinks that walking helped. i am horrified lei cos i told her if walking helped. i can't imagine how long labour will be if she din walk! she also told me the epi din hurt as much compared to the contractions, this comin from someone who told me she had high tolerance for pain pre-preg. i am SO SCARED NOW LO!

i am so happy for her
. she told me she really did hate her husb during delivery ward for causing her all this pain (for AYUKIE :p) but didnt have energy to scold him liaos. her husb also super cute she said very blur during delivery until the dr asked him, u don wanna take photo ah!

hope u all enjoy my friend's lil birthing story. it'll be our turn very soon!

i should be dropping by to see her later on my way to/ from apptmt since she's at mt a. erm, any pang tang abt that? i don intend to touch/ carry her bb of cos. any advice would be much appreciated.
morning rue> my hair is just at the shoulder, but for now i prefer not to tie (still can tie, i cut till shortest but still can tie)
Morning ladies.

Hi Jane,
Your friend is so fortunate. I had a long labour for my no 1. 6am in the morning waterbag broke.wait til 8pm then contraction comes in 12midnight only dilate 4cm so take epi til 4am the next day only dilate 8cm, no progress until 7am. In the end, doc said too long so have to go for C-sect. No. 1 was borned at 3.66kg.
I really wondering how many woman can give birth naturally for the first time with baby more than 3.5kg. This time I tried to control my food intake so that I won't have a baby more than 3.5kg.
Dun visit ur fren, better to be safe than sorry.
Since ur haid at shoulder length, better dun tie lor in case curl..
hi blueginger> wah u mean her labour considered short ah? i am so scared now
but my fren is quite small built, me also. so i hope bb will be ard 2.7-3kg. like what sporty say, can 'fatten' up later. i think pple say #2 labour faster so don worry ok!!! are u dg c-sect or nat?

rue> erm, what's the reason cannot visit ah?
Ask for the priority seat this morning, the lady "bu gan yan", & get up slowly.. chey, it's my priviledge mah. haha
morning all

tonite's our dinner

shihui, ok sure...see u at 7pm then

taurus, at least ur gal's still sweet to u...cheer up gal

momoko, hope the replicas's ok since like what u said...no fish prawn also good!

fieda, ok sure...noted...u have a good rest...

jane, think no pantang to visit ur fren la...i visited 2 frens who had popped during this preganancy...hehe... dun fret abt labour la, juz take it as it comes

esther, see u tonite
"pan tang" lor. clash of happiness. Err, or u wait for the rest to response bah. cos if i were pose this q to my mum, she sure forbid me to visit.
see ya later esther!!

rue> jus IGNORE such RUDE pple...

sporty> cool, thks, did u get ur fren anyting? i err, dunno what to get. wahahaha
c u tonight!
Hello morning gals,

Jane, thanks for sharing ur fren's birth story, it's really uplifting to hear the exciting news on a start of another monday to fight the blues away after the weekend...hehe

Sporty, will pass u the exact amt for the milk, thanks thanks...btw issit too heavy for u to carry all the milk to distribute 2nite...if so maybe some of us can arrange to collect from u other time lor :p
FieDa, still having the flu and pelvic pain ah...maybe consult ur gynae if the pain still persist hor...take care & rest well...

Esther, cya 2nite :p
jane, i juz bought my fren chix essence and another fren, i shared a hamper with other gals

bearycue, i already brought it with me...will pass u tonite...no worries
<font color="0000ff">gals, pls be reminded abt the dinner tonite

MTB dinner in Sep
Date: 28 Sep 09 (Mon)
Venue: BREEKS @ Taka
Time : 630pm

1. zentan
2. sporty
3. Ashley
4. Jane
5. Shirley Ho (Venue prefer tat Orchard)
6. Esther
7. Catmon
8. Jing Hui
9. Bearycue
12. 1st time mummy
13. Shihui
14. sponge
15. ASHM
16. Caffe Latte
17. saintbaby
18. blue ginger </font>
I'm dg nat again. Last time after birth, I dropped 9kg at once. within a mth, can wear all my clothings.
Your friend labour not consider long, everyone and every labour are different. I have friend who gave birth within 15mins and also friends who waited 48hrs. All different. But I heard waterbag broke will have long labour.
I'm not sure abt visiting friend, but I visited my friend who gave birth on 09.09.09. I'm not the pan tang type.

received your msg. See all of you tonight.
WOw, so many of you tonight. I properly have a tough time rem all your name now that my memory isn't very good. hahaha

Are you excited for the new arrival? My no. 1 just last year, but I'm still very excited for the new arrival.
my mom oso forbid me to visit any newborn now.. she said last lap liao... dun go do anything to jeopardise pregnancy.. :p but i still contribute angbao money to the newborn.. juz dun eat the full mth cake lor.. my fren gave me full mth cake voucher i oso haven't exchange for the cake.. :p will wait till bb born liao den go exchange for the cake.. :p

agree... i guess work really make them very short tempered.. esp if they r workaholic.. :p so sometimes i juz 'ren' lor... when hubby feel guilty with his outburst, he will try to compensate me with gd food.. hahahaha.... :p

bochap tt aunty.. :p today quite lucky.. got two pple wanted to give up their seats for me.. but too bad i alighting aft 1 stop.. so dun need their seat...
bearycue, no prob
see u tonite...

blueginger, great! i was worried tha u didnt read ur PM
me ok la...maybe not THA excited yet...maybe will be excited when time nearers

momoko, hope ur contractions are in control...3 more weeks for u
keep us updated on ur condition.

i took 2 full mth cakes frm bengawan solo. haha.. din kw. nvm.
Morning ladies! Looking forward to the dinner gathering tonight! (think I said this many times already..LOL)

Taurus, your girl has pretty good EQ at this young age. I mean she can actually be ok with her dad's outburst and be so cool. Tell your hubby to control his outbursts in front of your girl...cos he is setting a very bad example for her! I think our hubby really same pattern. I also didn't know my hubby got quick and that bad a temper before we got married. Sigh...anyway, no one is perfect la and as women, we tend to be more soft-hearted and will think of the nice side of the person/marriage. Just leave him alone and let him cool down whenever he is mad lor. Hope your toilet issues get resolved asap.

Jane, I'll get the contact from you tonight yeah?

Regarding the delivery process / during labour, did anyone cried due to pain, too emotional, etc?? I'm a crybaby lor and scared that I will cry when the pain is too much for me...that will be super embarassing!
morning ladies,

I've been getting in the middle of the nite, not really for the pee, but cos sweaty n belly itchy.
Other than air con, any good ways to relief? Or it's our body trying to work out?

I went to antenatal class and know that while in the delivery room, no food allowed. But water?
So can I eat b4 I go to the hospital? Really need energy to tahan if over 10 hrs...
ashley, u really very excited abt tonite lor! whahhahahha ... i didnt cry thru labour la...only when bb's out, some tears did dropped cuz i finally carried my lil one in my arms

momoko, saw ur FB pics last nite...u are really BIG!!

kimifin, i also feeling very hot everynite...last nite even tho the fan was blasting at me...i was sweating thruout! guess its the last lap and we tend to feel really HOT!! u can eat before u go hospital for delivery la...unless u going for scheduled c sec with GA , which is considered as an ops then u cant eat...
went for antenatal class &amp; they told me the same thing. No food allowed once admitted. So it's best to have full meal b4 checking into hospital. If hungry, they will give u glucose drip.

Am wondering if one drink chicken essence b4 ck-in, then if choy labour very long, then chicken essence no effect when one reached 2nd stage &amp; start pushing? worse, cos drink chicken essence can't get to sleep during 1st stage. any comment??
Ashley, haha...like u i'm oso a crybaby :p
Mmm...tink if really feel like crying just cry lor coz crying can help to divert the pain and release stress so not need to feel embarrass lah
Goood Morning!

How is everyone doing after the weekend?? Pheww..finally got down to washing the bb clothes last nite coz i am thinking of packing my hosp bag already...

Ventolin/Sabultamol: Muscle relaxant. Coz i am asthmatic so i take these 2 drugs for treatment to relax and open up the airways. Dr told me b4 that if we inhale it (which i do), den it helps to open airways and relax tense muscles there. So if u take it orally, den should b to relac ur muscles so decrease contractions.

Momoko: wat is CTG for? * Think positive* =)

Ayukie: Take care gal...Hope Ur dr gives u mc or HL to rest at home...
ashley> no probs! c u later!

sporty> haha, yah i also thot momoko looks big! momoko> Jiayou!! ok, will take more photos for ur entertainment. LOL

rue> there was some mention abt chix essence affecting bleeding. i tink rae rae mentioned something.
hi Rae Rae

thks ladies for sharing with me on whether u will visit ur fren who has jus given birth now.

and glad that u all enjoy the erm, BIRTH STORY
Sporty n Rue,
cos if gg for normal delivery but if last min need emergency op, then might be an issue.(but was thinking if by the time, long time passed)
So if drink chkn essence, at least better than food..

Went bugis, buy the longan red date ingredients...
But did not buy the entire package cos the ginseng and duno wat herb super exp, n if breasfeeding, I want to avoid herbs too.
Anyone here who brewed the tea with the following ingredients: longan, lycee, red date, black date and Nan date (nan zao)?
Jane, hehe...no screaming wor..remember what Mrs Wong said?? Divert the energy to push the baby out instead of screaming...kekek....but yeah, will open my flood gates and cry if I really want to!
ashley> Lol, but i tink scream better than no scream according to my fren. Yes, but i do intend to conserve energy.. LOL. jia you !!!

yest mrs wong's class everything sold out. except for towels. she said she'll replenish stock next week. so did ur class buy up all the stuff? LOL
rue, i drank chix essence before i admitted myself to hospital at 11pm but i only popped like 12 hrs later...hahha...i dunno whether it did helped to boost my energy or not...heheh...anyways if u not taking any epidural, i dun think u can get to sleep lor...hee hee

raerae, u washed ur laundry also already? geez...i think i better get my butt moving this weekend!!

jane, think chix essence juz dun consume first few days after delivery where we still have lochia but if its before u go pop, its ok one...many pple take tha as an energy booster!!
Rue: Hmmm for taking chix essence during the delivery i m not too sure le..need to ask the mummies already..From me, my fren told me that rite after delivery, wait till u bleed finish den take chix essence.. coz she took it after the deliver..den she bled for 2 mths, den when Dr advised her to stop taking, indeed her bleeding stopped~~

Hi Jane!! I think ur haircut inspired alot of us to cut hair too hee hee..I am thinking of cutting now too!! hmm...@_@ Congrats to ur fren too..Hmm Last time my workmate gave birth she brought her baby to work to let us see..so techinically i did not visit but she visit us lor..heehe..Wow 15 hrs is a loong time to b unable to take the pain and oso not eat..i am quite concern abt the not eating bit..coz wondering where the ener is goin to come from?
hi rae rae

hahaha, wah din know my haircut so inspiring. LOL. but gd lah cut early at least got time to grow wahhaha. yah 15 hours sound long hor!! she told me din eat cos will feel nauseous i suppose energy will come from a MOTHER'S LOVE!!!!
Sporty: Heeheeh yes finally wash coz i doing confinement @ my mum's pl. Last nite i stayed over so i just dump into the machine to wash..so tat next week i can pack into my hosp bag.. I tot anytime from 36 weeks may give birth rite? I was thinking scali i go hosp my bb got no washed clothes to wear home haha..

Does the screaming or crying help?? Ha ha ha ..does it mean we should not hold it in when the pain comes?!??! if it is goin to help quicken my labour i will go scream my lungs out lor haha

Kimifin: My mum boils the logan, red dates and black dates only le..no nan zhaoo...
I'm more concerned about the glucose drip that passed thru the veins on reverse side of palm. Ouchs, izzit that scary?? But that's compulsory right??
Jane, my class oso bought up everything except the towels...me &amp; hubby went restroom and by the time we came back only managed to get the towels and wipe cloth...tink will get the bottom cream if mrs wong got the stock next week...u get anything? :p
momoko - eh i oso hate that med and the pink pills im taking now im still nursing a headache frm last evening dosage sibeh sian ..

I get emo too. The first time I see the scan at 3 or 4 mths, where the shape of the bb is very clear, tears rolled...tears of joy.

Now, looking at bbs in the nusery during hospital tour, I also v "gan dong"..so I cant imagine seeing my little one soon. wah, time passes fast, but also now is the crucial waiting time...
hmm, i duno if wan my hub to hold mirror for me to see the progress of the bb head during dilation?
From the video shown in my class, the bb is so cooperative!
bearycue> No wonder! i meant my class had nothing left to buy except towels which were all bot up also! i din buy anything.

hey the bottom cream outside sell cheaper! dont buy from mrs wong! LOL.

ayukie> *sayang!
raerae - hehe i haben ask for HL yet erm ive nt yet ask my gynae fill in my ML form for my HR stupid forms those are but bo bianz .. should be doing so this sat when u see my gynae tho ..

ventolin and sabultmol both sucks ..
raerae, i agree with jane...the energy came from mother's love lor! heheh... i didnt scream or cry during labour, i did moan abit la...cuz during active labour, i was bz managing the contraction pains rather than scream/cry...cuz no time to do tha lor...

jane, no prob

rue, not everyone need glucose drip...i didnt have tha the other time...i guessed u will need tha if u going for epidural/induce?! not sure also...

kimifin, u wun see bb's head during dilation unless its 10cm when the bb is coming out la...by then hor, i think u will feel damn pain and managing the pain rather tha see the head thru the mirror...heheh :p

ayukie, i still think u shd go on HL sooN!!
Sporty, u so sart ah.. still wear 3-inch heels. Sometimes I can even lose my balance wearing my flats lor.. hehe

Starrz, I’m not wearing my ring since 6-7th mths cos I hv water retention. My fingers are stiff stiff esp in the morn. Think swanston mentioned tat we can life up our hands and clench/open fists to aid in circulation?

Anise, they are all ready-stock! Usually she will post the following day once she rec’d payment.

Jane, my tummy still hairy lei…. And yesh, linea nigra still there!!

Jane, ooopsss...tink the sat 2pm class bought alot then our 430pm class left limited stocks so ur sunday class only towels available!!! Hahaha :p

Oic...tink the bottom cream is Avent brand rite, outside cheaper huh? any idea where to get huh?
