(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty> u r still my heroine lah!
damn power can ur labour! can wash clothes and still don take epi.

ling> ooh, the hair will drop off, linea nigra i tink after delivery will fade off

Rue: hmm.. Pray hard hard ur nurse is good.. like one time poke in den stable..or hee hee drink 2 bottles of chix essence b4 u go in...
I dunno if it is compulsory to have the glucose drip le i oso 1st time mummy and hai yo i nv stay hosp b4..the tot of stayin in a hosp abit oso freak me out le.. haha
ha, thanks sporty..yes, video show the most ideal example..ha.

Wah about the clearing of bowels, anyone took your own med to clear or go hospital to clear?
bearycue> i bot from taka bb fair/ kiddy palance both sell $13. u gg for outing later? maybe can go check out

i am like in a good mood hor. LOL
morning ladies..

it's monday again!!
haiz.. i got that very sng sng feeling at the pelvic area..
now walk have to walk very slowly!!
Jane, yeah many of of classmates bought a lot of things...I didn't though.

Kimifin, regarding the confinement tea, my mum told me she is just going to include red dates and black beans. No other dates or longan cos she said all those will be too sweet and cause phlegm / wind in the body. She said she has checked with the "experts" in the medical halls and she always listen to those Chinese Physicians dispensing advice on radio. I'll just leave it to her.

My mum also advice me to down a bottle of chix essence before I go to the hospital.....and also drink milo if I can..so that I will have enough energy to last me throughout the labour.
Jane, wow...mrs wong selling @$18 i tink so $13 is abt $5 cheaper leh...will go check it out b4 mtg u gals later...thanks! :p
Hahaha...good mood then time passes faster @ work hor
ling, i "ai swee buay ai mai" mah :p thas why wore the 3 inches heels :p hehe

bearycue, avent bottom balm...u can get it anywhere tha sells avent products...get it during robinsons sale...cheaper

jane, aiya...can wash laundry cuz first stage of labour nia mah...

kimifin, yup yup and everyone's labour is diff...maybe urs...u can really do tha with the mirror?! u never kno mah :p the bowels, the nurses will administer enema for u to poo...no need to DIY

saintbb, cheer up...dun be so blue!!
Bearycue: Last time i got the Avent baby bottom balm @ taka fair, is abt $13 b4 20% discount. Taka has..i saw b4 at kiddy palace..hmm i assume mothercare those kind oso have bah..

Ayukie: I agree with sporty! Think if possible try for HL or get more rest..I mean BH & cramps aside, the hedaches will affect how u work oso mah..
i just called SCBB, spore cord blood bank, to arrange interview to donate my baby's cord blood. they agree to do it tml while i visit gynae. Hooray!
Saintbaby, me too..due to the pelvic pain and stiff joints, I'm moving around like an old woman.

Sporty, is it painful when the nurse gave you the enema?
saintbaby, dun feel so blue la...oh ya, tha time u have a ML issue with ur employer...so how isit ah?

bearycue, no prob

rue, u reminded me...i have yet to call SCBB!!

ashley, not painful la...but my ass was quite tightly closed and i kena scolding...hahhaha...to ask me to relax...kekkeke
Saintbb: Cheery Cheery!! =) at least we are all one day nearer to seeing our bb! =) Move slow but steady..so we'll all get there! Ytd think i got some "nesting" behaviour..went to pack my hse, wash toilets and all the hsehold chores @ one go..den went to vivo to shop hai yo..haha i think the ppl behind me wanna honk honk if they were in a car.. Coz so many ppl zip by me too..
bearycue> np, got good lobangs we share. no lah, i gd mood cos gt dr's apptmt this afternoon so can c bb again and after tht go taka walk walk can meet u all mah!

sporty> whatever u say lah, u r still so STEADY :p i am droolin for the dessert cos over weekend i don dare to eat too sweet cos gg gynae later so mus take urine test.

ashley> icic, but u intend to get anyting?
Somehow, most of us got just bearly 4 weeks plus to go...
how excited are you?
Maybe cos I am trying to clear work, so not so nervous yet...
but of cos, been dong my antenatal exerciese faithfully. Rem to do the butterfly position, its sitting on the floor, but with the soles touching each other. It will help prevent soreness during delivery.

Saw the news on the tennis mum whose fitness got better after childbirth? so forget about the pain, rem, it's helping us to build a better physic n prepare to take care of the little one!
SCBB said must draw 27cc blood for testing frm mummy while they took the cord blood. *freak out*
but nvm lah, for the sake of saving lives!
Jane, nah dun intend to get anything. At first wanted to get the swaddle cloth cos Sporty mentioned it was very good...but then I have a few swaddling cloths at home already. Then hubby asked if we should get the avent barrier cream, but I reminded him that he was the one who said no need to get that yet during the Taka baby fair (and it was cheaper then).
they dun want to give me the ML lor.. so no choice, what can i do.. i'll be working till the 3rd nov.. den 4th go for my c-sec..
out of action for 2 mths, go back only in January lor..
yday my mum double boiled chicken essence freshly "squeeze out" frm chicken for me to drink. inverted a bowl, & place the chicken on top, so that essence may flow down & collected within the bowl. So yummy. The whole thing cost $50 cos of the increasing price of "dong chong cao". Has anyone bou "dong chong cao" for confinement??
ashley> hehehe. my dh also ask me not to buy anyting but i still tinkin of the small wash cloth and swaddling blanket. maybe if buy will only get those 2. ur husb hor don look like that kind got 'fiery' temper lei. i find it erm, hard to beliefve!

saintbb> i am not sure if u r keen on lookin for a new job maybe after ur deliveuy. my fren is lookin for someone to do computer work. let me know if u r keen
wad kind of computer work?
hehe.. tell me more..
actually i was telling hubby, cos of the pay they're offering me here, it's very hard to survive.. cos it's pretty pathetic the pay.. my plan is to look for another job after i deliver and when baby is abt 3mths..
jane, hahha...oh ya...u reminded me...i better go easy on the dessert tonite! cuz i taking the urine test on fri! haha

rue, thas what i told u...they will draw blood from our arms lor!! btw 27cc is how many test tubes ah??!!

ashley, can get the avent cream from robinsons if they have sale la...dun worry...whatever have sale on avent items then buy!

saintbaby, icic...so finally they dun wanna give u...so duhz leh!
rue> the stuff ur mom cooked sounds delicious! *licks lips

saintbb> it's in the east side, jus to key in like sales data and stuff. i dunno abt the pay though..but seems like very desk bound so not sure if u like it

sporty> can eat lah! ur apptmt still so many days away!
Rue, my mum double boiled the chicken essence the same way for me too
I think my mum will buy dong chong cao for me during confinement...she's gonna get them from Bugis.

Jane, looks can be deceiving! ahahahahah....most people also say he look very si wen. I am probably the one who bully him instead! But hor, his quick temper runs in his family...of course he can be very nice and sweet when he is not provoked lor.
i emailed scbb last wk and they called me back also. will have another round of interview on my family medical history, etc this thurs.
but good that my gynae done it before with other patients, so she know what to do.
too bad when i gave birth to #1, scbb haven't start collect the cord blood at private hospital..
yea lor.. wad to do.. i cant say anything.. so just let it be lor.. niao niao ma the boss...
even the uncles that r working here also tell me that the boss niao niao..

OG now having 20% off avent items eh..
until 4th oct..
jane, hahah...cuz last weekend had too much sweet stuffs liao...so better be "in control" abit! hehe

saintbaby, bo bian lor...look for another job after u popped lor...no pt staying with them la...
ashley> ahh, that mus be part of our dragon husb's personality traits. mine also very act but can be very bad tempered at times!!

saintbb> no probs

sporty> wah what u had???
urine test on fri, can still take dessert tonight lah.
if u consider 1 test tube as 5 ml, 27 ml is ~ 4 test tubes lor. But if u consider this amt to donation of blood. It's just <1/10 of a bag of blood. No worries, u r nt alone! I'm going for it too.
yea lor..
i'll c how my pelvic pain goes.. if still painful prob i have to meet up with u another time to take the mother's tea from you le..
jane, had alot of yeos packed drinks at botanical garden yesterday! had cakes also! hahah

rue, the prob is i very scared of needles lor...hahha... thas the thing tha's putting me off! hehe

saintbaby, orh okies...or anyone staying near u thas going for dinner tonite? if not can pass to tha person...
About the BH, my doc prescibed 1 pill in the morning n 2 pills in evening. morning cos I said, thk due to morning wanna remove bowel, so irritated the BH.

So far, seems tummy softer..less BH.
just look away when they draw ur blood. Dun back out cos of the needle. It will be over very fast. Rem, u can save lives with just a little sacrificial on ur side.
i juz called the SCBB...gonna meet them on fri...
the lady told me is 3 test tubes of blood!!

rue, i think i will still be "very high" when they draw blood becuz of laughing gas ba! hahaha...
did ur gynae said die die must take the med for BH? the side effect of the med seems horror frm wat the rest described.. I'm scared my gynae will also prescribe me the med cos i've freq BH too.
sporty> I LOVE YEO's! Lychee and chrys tea. Wahahah. can lah, we order, 5 pple share each person one glass nia.

saintbb> i also can perspire in an air con room jus feel SO HOT!

sporty> u scared of needles ah? i not scared but i am an IMPATIENT PERSON! so i would hate it for labour to be long!! can show u my tattoos tonight LOL. are u excited. ayukie cant come hor. LOL
Good morning! mummies ...

> Rue, try to lie down on your bed if you had BH contraction, i always do that when i have BH and i will go away after a while, keep yourself hydrated k, cos dehydration will also cause early contraction, you will be alright, dont worry ...

> Jane, so happy for your friend! Finally see her princess, kekeke..my hubby and i are looking forward for this day to come! you mean your friend insist she does not want epi? that way doc did not give her epi when it's neccessary?

> blueginger, you are very good! i like your attitude, keke...it is so encouraging when see your post

>momoko, are you feeling better, why need to go CTG? doc asked you to go?

>sporty, me also have a lot of sweet stuff during weekend, the delicious mooncakes and stuffs, hit quote liao, need to control this week intake...you are afraid of needles? did you had epi. during your delivery on #1?
hey alicia> thks ! i tink everyone cant wait for the day though i wonder y some pple like my sil say they miss being preg! lol. yah, my fren insisted she din wan epi but in the end couldnt tahan so cave in. i tink the dr wasnt there when she took the pethidine jabs twice then 'scold' her lo when she took epi say how come she din take earlier. so bad right!
jane, yes...i very scared of needles...thas why i try to tahan and dun take epi! i also impatient person la, was quite pissed when my labour was sooo long... hahha...dun con ayukie to come for dinner la...kekekke

alicia, nope didnt take epi for my #1... actually dr ang's patients...think 80% no epi one...so u could do it as well
my gynae just want to play safe, he would rather ensure that the BH will not turn into premature labour or to settle me in hospital with the contractions this early. ($$$?)
For me, the side effects are headaches, but occasional...not as bad as I thought.
I also took this progesterone in my early stages in the 1st trimester to stabilise the womb. (an tai). At first, I tot it worse my morning sickness, but so far, in 3rd tri, I can eat normal.
Seek advice from you doc.
From the antenatal class, realise this hormone is important too..just that my doc did not really go further to take test to see if my levels are low.
>Sporty, are you serious? 80% of his patient no epi? you all are my heros leh, although my pain tolerence is not low but i dont dare to think how to go though it wo epi ...still trying to physco myself ...

hey kimifin> tink epi no standby one, what i heard from my dr is if u want it, better try to ask in advance cos need time to call the dr who administers it and he/ she needs time to come. if ask for it too late can jab alr then haf no use one. hths.

sporty> wahahahha. ur labour in hrs total how long ah?
