(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt.

Have 1 BN pack of Nepia NB (60pc) and another pack also nepia NB (just opened today - left 59 pc - only used 1 pc ) to let go at $26 for both packs. Baby outgrown it already.

Self collect at Bukit Merah/Tiong Bahru.

Pls PM me if keen. Thanks

wendy - mine feet also swollen nw .. even my female collegues also mention that and my feet swollen till increase 1 feet size le sianz ...
piggym - mine is pain on and off at the v area leh .. sibeh sian .. but still nt as bad as the pain the last time lah that i cant sleep just that it wakes me up .. also dunno if yesterday the hsbc phonecall agigated me cause 1 or i puke/cough too hard then cause it sibeh sian ..
hey mummies,
can we eat snowskin mooncakes? Is it too sweet for pregnant mummies as i know eating too sweet
will cause diabetics...
Piggym, me on ventolin too ... hands trembling like those parkinston disease lidat ... =( ... juz got scolding frm hubby for not resting coz I sneak go do my laundry ... shucks ... tink I workaholic, juz cannot rest and do nothing.

Geraldine, I've been eating lotsa mooncakes, so far so good. But if got GD then cannot touch coz the sugar content too high.

Ayukie, I like curry too but hubby dun like the indian smell so I dun get to eat ... sob ...
wendypoo, i also have water retention.
My calf is very swollen, like pig trotters
guess its the baby weight lah. I had the pressure feeling a few times last nite too. Then woke up at 430am to pee and after that cant get back to slp too. Sian....Try not to walk more and rest lor. How is your flu now?
piggym - eh my flu still block nose but since i start take the cough mixture my cough nt as horrid as just nw lor ..
For me, I will get headaches...

That is why I hate to take that medicine but no choice lor, have to take it since it relaxes the uterus.
Oh no! Dont do any housework now, have a good rest lah.
Why not watch some drama or vcds?
Hihi all...

Went metro today to buy the disposable panties.. the Impressions brand de.. 5pcs for $4.. bought 2 nursing bra from them too..quite comfy.. Anw, dunno if anyonme mentioned but metro is having 20% sales storewide till Sun but the panties not included..only 1 of the bra that I bought got discount lor...
Hi Jane,

My EDD was suppose to be 1st Dec but baby is quite big now and the EDD seem to have become end of Nov. I am delivering at KKH and my gynae is KT Tan.

Have not been sleeping well recently, waking up 3 to 4 times a night, woke up at 5.30am and could not go back to sleep, hence the early post this morning.
Re: F1 Race
The noise is really loud, I cld hear from my off but lucky it lasted only for a while b4 they called it a day. I don rem hearing from my off last yr but my colg reminded me dat I was at the F1 race thou, ha.. ha..

While I was going thru the thread, Kimifin was mentioning abt orea milk shake n I had a crave for Mac Orea Flury the sudden so I went out to grab one wh I shdn't hv cos of GD but I not gd lor... couldn't resist the tempation.
URGENT: So sorry to interrupt, anyone has a PC/laptop to spare? willing to rent $100 (laptop) $$70 LCD PC $50 (normal monitor PC) Rental from next wk till end Dec.
I found a job to do at home but my PC spoil, i can't use my hb's laptop as he bring to work oftn! it's a rare opportunity that i can work and look after my boy.. Pls help to ask around. thanks! Pls PM me if found.
Caffe latte,

My GD was borderline case 1 mth back, so I really din drk at all, put no ice cream!
so my fridge now is just normal food.
Only yest got craving. but find the milkshake too diluted...wat a waste.
Hi all
just went for gynae visit.
Total weight gain is 7.3kg.I lose 200g compared to 2 wks ago.
Gynae ask me wat happen.I also dunno.
But he said not to worry since my bb is growing.
Now bb already 2.5kg.estimated bb size at birth ard 3.2kg.
mummies, have the following for sale @ $100, used only for 1 week. bought 5 mths back. free Purelan 100 - gel for dry nipples.

pm me if interested.

finally sat...
had a good zzz last nite...hee hee :p
oh ya, went to buy the big claypot for cooking pig trotters juz now...

sponge, i didnt pang kang till 7pm yesterday lor cuz got work to do...

ling, i went for wedding dinner last week...i wore 3 inches heels if not look weird weird in flats leh...heheh...but only for tha few hrs la cuz mostly its juz sitting down mah

momoko, steamboat also shiok lor...tha day i went for shabu shabu...ultra shiok ah!! so baby avenue decides to import the drawers for u?

geraldine, can eat the snowskin mookcakes la...juz eat in moderation lor...

ayukie, i never tried samy's curry before...nice ah...where isit ah?

caffe latte, yes...see u on mon

zentan, wow...envy ur weight gain and ur bb size...all ur weight gain goes to bb! thas very good
wow.. steamboat! my favourite! i use to go for it very often during my 1st 3 months..

your baby is of a good weight.. i already put on abt 10kg le.. lolx.. i also lost 0.2kg when i went to c gynea last week.. but he didn't say anything cos prob i was sick.. hopefully next sat when i c gynea, baby has put on more weight.
Afternoon ladies,
ask u gals, had u all started not wearing your wedding rings liao. Mine getting tighter liao. Haha, my fingers also put on weight le mah?!keke..
water retention ah? How to 'cure' ah? Isit drink more water? My mum say since i am fat liao, my fingers sure also fat de mah..
they say water retention is cos never drink enough water That's why e body retains the water.. so must drink more water.. hehe..

so far my legs have not swelled yet. lolx.. comparing to my previous 2 pregnancies, my feet would b‭e like pig's leg at this stage.. lolx..
starrz, some pple water retention is at the legs/feets,..some on the fingers...thas why... dun worry, after birth u can wear back the rings one...

saintbaby, every pregnancy is diff mah...maybe this time no water retention for u...
don't worry.. after give birth will be able to wear back..
for me, i only wore back‭ when baby was 2 over months old. not because i can't fit in but cos scared will scratch baby accidentaly. that's why never wear..
ya lor.. i'm very thankful for no water retention on my legs.. hehe. but face became bloated.. lolx.. esp my nose! my sister always say when i pregnant, my nose becomes very big!
starrz, dun worry la...last lap liao!!

saintbaby, my face also damn bloated lor...sianz
nose big good mah, prosperous looking! like jackie chan! kekkekke
piggym - i gt menses like cramps discomfort/pain last evening till just nw sia ...
i just went to my gynae clinic and gt salbutamol (zenmolin) hopefully it wun cause me migrine like ventolin .. but needs 2 tabs twice daily sianz ..
i always tell myself drink more water good.. somemore weather so hot! lolx.. den i will not drink so much flavoured drinks like coke, ice lemon tea etc..

when i was carrying my gal, i drank a lot of those drinks.. den my gal always cough and cough.. so after that i cut down a lot for my other 2 pregnancies.
saintbaby, tha salbutamol is for controlling contractions one...wear mask??!! hahhaha...dun la, wanna see ur pretty face

ayukie, orhhh..dempsy road...icic...me suaku...
sporty - im preparing myself for bad migrine and erm the breathlessness again so sian ;( i wonder hw u can take for 1 mth -__-"

saintbaby - supposed to ease contractions like ventolin but erm its pink color instead of white haha ..
ic.. the medicine must be expensive ba.. i've been having this sng sng pain at my sides of my stomach since this morning.. now lying on my bed.. but like no position seems right! haiz..
