(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

hmz saintbaby i think i get my mum to get for me then he cant say anything sianz ... my hb nw stuck with the f1 duty reservist .. hmz the f1 heats starts so early meh ?

piggym - pain near the v area .. gt like pain on and off also dunno why ..
kimifin/jane, yes, it's that feeling, at first i was wondering what is that, then it get more and more obvious when she grew, my gynes told me she was having hiccups, soo cute ...
kimifin> yah, maybe u can consider bookin a hotel nearby then can watch the 'whole' action. maybe i not f1 fan so don appreciate.

alicia> hehe
sporty - haha i heard a lady went into labour during her dinner at samy curry haha so i also dun dare eat that nw le ~ but i do take curry sometimes ... but lately i havent do so lor ...
ayukie and sporty> i do eat curry lei. i read that indian culture is that curry helps mothers produce milk

kimifin> yah!
saintbaby, ok...abit no mood lor...counting down to pang kang!

jane, wahh...ur thermometer is contactless...not bad leh!! foc one somemore! i love curry too!!

kimifin, u f1 fan ah...no wonder u so envy :p heheh

ayukie, normal to have the sng sng feeling at v area... gave birth at samy curry? thot famous one is muthu curry??! LOL
sporty> nono the office give is the lau ya type, the contactless one is the one i bot from the spree lah. lol

45 mins more to pang gang. can't wait!
>jane, how much is the contactless thermometer? sound useful when my bb popped, thinking of getting one ...how do you find it so far?

>sporty, im same as you, tan pang kang, today i got nothing to do, surf net until i want to zzzzzzzzz...
ling> ooh
what are u surfing to buy?

alicia> i got it from the bulk purchase spree @ $112.5. normal retail at popular (heard from ayukie) i heard is $150. but i heard from ayukie, no more bulk purchase liaos. yesterday at guardian, i saw a similar one gg for $192.50!! it's very good for bbs i feel esp when u don wanna 'disturb' them when takin their temperature and very erm fast to get a reading. the thermometer is a very nice lilac and comes with a nice lilac velvety pouch too. it's what those govt bldgs used during h1n1 scanning
so good u haf nothing to do. i am preparing for some meeting .. *bleahz
wah thread is moving fast, nearly cant catch up.

so ur gynae got prescribe medicine ah?
Ur gynae still got say wat mah?
>Jane, i see, i was a very good deal!!
yah! but im quite bored now, my pang kang timing is 6pm, wow pangz, still have one hr plus...

>funne, how much have you gain? im always eager to ask my gynes how heavy is my bb already...

>ling, im always "window shopping" at BP...hehe!..
Hi Ladies, sian ah. Trying damn hard to clear my stuff before long leave and yet today got more new datelines and stuff came in. Damn piss now. Arggh.....

Spoil my weekend.
me back frm the calls...
another one to go at 530pm...

ling, any good buy on the bulk purchases?

alicia, i got things to do la...i juz saying my colleagues all no mood, waiting to pang kang...

funne, dun worry abt ur weight gain...most impt bb is healthy
> funne, that was very little, how many wks are you in now?

> tanly, understand your frustration, but rem. dont be too demoralise k, your bb is supporting you

> Ling/sponge, me also like to browse though the items, see if have good deal, it can be very addictive...got to control, hehe! i also miss the nice nice clothes that all the young ladies are wearing, esp. those slim slim ones ... i saw the nice nice clothes from taiwen that the BP is selling, feel like buying...but i cannot wear them now...

so i can only buy bags and nursing bras, haha!
ling, diaper bag organiser sounds good...got link?

funne, sure will...dun worry...1 mth plus to go!

jane, so fast going back liao eh!
Just to share ah (im not selling) hehehe!

They have very soft quality blanket/face towel & swaddle, I like the blanket most:-

I bought beanies here:-

This is the tee pee cap, u check out their Hilarious heels!!!:-

This is the diaper bag organizer:-
Gynae said its BH lor. Gave me ventolin. Yucks!
Nurse told me must rest more and dont walk too much cos I am only beginning of 33 wks leh.. Haha

its normal to have the sng sng feeling at the V area.
i have been eating non stop!
next wk going buffet lunch with hb on thurs and sizzle salad bar with gf on fri!!! haaa..
alicia, i'm wk32 now.
me going to see my gynae. Just pass Week 32 yesterday!! and my feet are swollen like an elephant legs. Look so cute, toe small small. Hard to bend the legs though. Anyone experience that already?
hahah Ling,
u also a shoes lover eh? me too!

I still buy from the sprees.. but i keep the clothes.. hopefully after i give birth i can fit into them! hahah garang hor?

pang kang time! yea!!~
wendypoo, tats water retention. mine is at my hands, fingers became stiff hard to bend. U try lifting/propping ur legs up and wearing socks to bed. it helps
sponge, ok la bt not exactly a shoe lover. just tat dress up with makeup ask me wear ballet flat abit duhz lor..... take pic also shorter than other ppl.. heheh
then u guai guai eat the medicine and rest more okie..
gals i logging off liao.
Enjoy the weekend and all pls take care!
End up having steamboat juz now instead of Kway Chap coz hubby tink eat indoors better then let me eat in the haze =.="

Oh yes, Baby Avenue finally revert after I "scare" them with my condition. The drawers coming nxt week. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Juz finish packing bb's clothes into the organizer boxes and the top chest of small drawers. Couldn't sleep so juz sit down n make myself useful. =P
