(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hi sporty, so nice that you recognised me at mel's house. I knew who you were but pai seh to say hello cos i tot you may not know me and it wld b awkward if i approached you hahaha. you really have a nice figure which I so envious of! Why cou;dn;t i get the same figure as yours???

Ayukie, i really pei fu you lei. I won't dare to give the cold turkey treatment cos my boy really very tyrant. lucky your boy accept similac so readily. Till now i'm still mixing 60ml bm with 90ml similac! reducing pump to twice a day also. i hope to wean off totally before i go HK end of this mth!

I still sterlise my bott and pump parts. tho i think not necessary, i still not so comfy abt not sterlising. heehee. moreover since got steriliser, just use loh

paperger, at least ur mum bothers lor...mine never even remind me! haha... i haven sterlised the bottles since my gal was 6 mths old...i only rinse with hot water before making milk... for pump parts as well...

funne, u going back to work liao eh...so fast!

mbj, if i am not wrong hor...our bb's lunar bday was last mon (25/10)...

rachelle, saw u in shirlin and mel's pics la, thas why recognised u...its not awkward la...paiseh didnt talk much cuz need to rush off to another party tha day! catch up with u another time! how come u never bring ur boy?
sporty, my boy super active. i think if i bring him, i cant enjoy the party as much. Then hubby on biz trip. if not he can help to look after.

Tho my boy still cant crawl and walk, he's still very active. sometimes i a bit scared he's hyperactive. I see some other baby boys not so naughty and want to touch this touch that. My boy will want to us to carry him and move ard. cannot sit still. very headache. i wonder what to do with him for the 4 hours flight to HK mth end!
rach, icic...no wonder never see ur boy...thot can "pinch" his cheeks leh...v chubby boy! hmmm...actually u can get med from ur pd/doc for the flight...haha... cuz i did it before when i went tokyo last nite, i "spiked" my #1's milk, so he can koon on the flight... i kno its very bad la...but then...i wanna rest on the flight and dun want him to di siao others...hehhe
alamak, sporty, over liao long ago man.
didn't thought of lunar birthday, not even when it was jovan's time.
i only remembered when jovan turned one, my dad asked him pick 4D numbers. faintz.
Wah mitsy, ur boy's birthday also on 4th ah? My ger is 1 day later...but I no time to prepare mee sua, only did it the day after & stir in whole egg with no drumstick! Forgot to let her choose items also even thou I know...
I see some of the pictures of the birthday cakes for their babies and I'm so envious! Due to budget constraint, I am only baking my own cake. Their cakes look so pretty!

sporty, everything just went too fast.. hahaha.. busy decorating the place then busy entertaining my girl n frens.. super no time to take precious pics... but overall, it went all well.. for the 2 days at the chalet, she slps very little.. heng not cranky....

hows urs...

talking abt lunar bdae.. I didn do anything lo.. even mee sua I also didn cook for her but ask others to cook n feed her on her actual day...

so fast... she is 1yr old....
morning mummies! can i ask what are the 4 items that we should lay out for babies to choose? My parents told me that for the mee sua it should be the sweet kind, how to cook man?

mitsy, okies...i must note down...九月十八! next year when its coming...remind me! hehehe :p

carol, i only let her choose the items before the bday party cuz got time to spare mah...so within 5 mins, we gathered the items and let her choose! haha

paperger, what cake are u baking? what flavor? most importantly is ur cake is "ai xin" brand one...

cljl, mine also went well...everything juz zoom zoom within tha few hrs...quite relieved tha its over! yeah! haha

adelynn, mine is an "improvised" version...i let her chose stethscope, a 50 bucks bill, calculator, ruler and pen... juz for fun so dunno whether is tha the correct items :p
Adelynn, my mom also said its four items but i think there's more than four items leh. there's money, toy, calculator, pen, ruler, chicken drumstick...
paperger, my gal picked the calculator and started "keying" it once she got hold of it! haha... actually what does the drumstick symbolise?
sporty, hahaha... gdgd... ya.. everything went too fast...
How many times u bf nw hur? i didn express out for 1 day liao lo.. n my breast didn feel full.. guess the ss wil be finishing liao...
cljl, i pumped 2 times now...morning and nite...juz enough for 4 feeds outta her 6 feeds! think will be cutting down further next week to 1 pump then none... v sad to see the ss diminishing!! this morning my hb still commented, "so little milk"?!... so sad! yeah, sounds like u managed to stop le since u can tahan 1 day w/o pump!
sporty, hahah.. maybe.. from 2 pumps, i drop to 1 pump twice then after tat no pump for 1 day and then pump out only 120ml.. shld be ending soon.. hehehe...
my hb say, "hur, u no pump then no milk hw?" i said fm la... i cow for 1 yr liao leh... hehee...

it seems the picking of items are fun.. can try now anot hur?

what item shld i include?
i did not change her FM. all along has been feeding her Enfa. Hopefully like what Sporty said, she's on milk strike, else have to find ways to rid my stock of enfa at hm..Anyway i have requested for Promil stage 3 milk sample. Try try lor. My gal only drink 2-3 times of 5-6oz per day. seems very little thou she's growing well. shd i be concern over this?

Re; lunar birthday,
Missed as well. Haiz. bo xin, only cares abt the english birthday. Nvm, i dun wan her to take mee swa now. Mee swa contains salt.

the $0.8, just forget abt it. No nd to trf to me

u can go to online lunar calendar to calculate based on english birthday..

Yesterday, i went to room for dessert to change my 1kg cake to 1.5kg, the additional mazipan #1 costs $7 extra. My hub said do away with it, y waste $.. stingy man.. I choose not to listen, haha
Rue, my girl also drink 5oz 3 times in the day but she also wakes up for milk feeds 2 to 3 times at night. I remember someone mentioned that our babies should get about 500mls of milk a day.
thanks paperger85!

rue, to get rid of the salt content on mee sua, my cousin taught me to cook the mee sua over boiling water then rinse with water and then cook with soup stock...
cljl, i also tried the picking of items late...on the day of her party... juz for fun la...u shd try it!!

rue, if ur gal is taking solids well(3 times a day kind)...2 to 3 times of milk is fine la! she looks very well grown...think u dun have to worry!

paperger, mee sua got alot of salt! thas why if u cook mee sua (for adults)...dun even need seasoning!
Rue, sometimes bb go on milk strike for various reasons.. so long as she is growing well, it is fine. need not worry...

Ayukie, are u referring to my gynae who charged me >$50 for 2 pills? :D actually, if u are still pumping, u dun even need the pills, just reduce gradually. i took cos i want to stop immediately to avoid more lumps forming

another reason why mee sua is usually cook separately and rinse with water is becos so that it will not be so sticky
bee, thanks! i learnt something new today. lol

our thread is moving so slowly. heehee...

mummies, have your babies started walking already? my girl is only just starting to "walk" with the help of the walker. i don't know if its called walker...the toy they hold on to and cruise along?
bee - i didnt managed cut down on the pumps before i took the pills but after taking hor i only had engorgement like for a day but this time no blocked ducts .. i pump to ease the load nia ... with the pill i manage to cut 1 pump a day till now im doing 1 pump lor but tml nt gg pump to try .. if suceeds im totally off milk production liaoz ... pretty fast hehe
hello all!
long weekend's coming! yeah!!

happy bday to the 3th nov bbs...tom my gal's turn! haha

ayukie, better dun complain tha u wu eng in office...very pantang one! haha

bee, did ur boobs reduce in size after u took the stop bfing pill?

paperger, yeah...this thread is slower as compared to last time...guess either everyone is bz or juz reading!my gal is still far from walking! she juz learnt to stand lor!
today's straits time cover page mentioned abt IVF in Thomson went wrong. Child doesn't belongs to the dad, but has mum's DNA.. Wonder what will happen to the child..
Rue, just read about it. i wonder what will happen to the baby...

Ayukie, mine also played with the wheels initially. it was only yesterday that she started walking with it.
I thk I am blurrblurr mother...
I din know my son can be on his own to hold and drk his milk from the bottle...
Cos recently, I realised it kinda funny to cradle hold him to feed him cos he is bigger in size n more mobile now.

So I go ask nanny then I know he can independently take his milk feed....

Oh, anyone intend to train bb to self feed cereal or porridge? Cos I tot of letting him to feed himself when I have my meals..
Any tips of the brand of spoon to buy? The one I am using is Avent and he may poke into his mouth too deep.
my son started self standing 2 weeks ago, now he just loves to walk...

and somehow, he loves the "new" view, he can see and touch the tv, dvd player and get everythg off the shelves!
My gal now has 7 teeth...3 of them just appeared recently. No wonder she has been crying in her sleep and less appetite.

Walking...only using a pusher or crusing along furnitures. But can see she'll be able to walk very soon.

Lunar birthday? I didn't know about it. Just celebrate the English one and have the Zhuazhou on the day itself.
jazz, how's kimi's party last weekend? same lor...my gal prefers to crawl also...

kimifin, my gal juz self feed milk (if she's really hungry) and can self feed biscuits... for porridge and cereal, not yet ba cuz i am not ready to clean up the mess after tha!
hey hey.. i tink all juz silent reader.. hahaha...

my gal started walking by herself for abt 5 steps to and fro then after that she crawl liao.. hahaha... BUt if there is things for her to push, she wil push and walk a distance...
my boy he is ok to self feed (when he is hungry lah) other than that he will take the btl and turn like steering wheel ..

oh yeah sporty - does the size fits now?
and yeshhhh v pantang i will nvr do that agn ... haiz ...
cljl, hahah...ya lor...maybe all reading :p good tha C is taking 5 steps already...slowly will be 10 and more!

ayukie, what size u referring to? tell u hor, if u referring to the size of the "gown" hor...i haven opened the pressies yet!! too bz le!! hahahha
sporty, hahaha.. hopefully.. she is quite lazy thou.. but i wil train her to walk.. hehehe...

oh ya.. since we talking abt walking, what type of shoes do you all get hur? if walk on those outside road, those shoes w/o hard soles nt that gd rite?

my boy gt a ferrari puma and a shinkasen shoes .. whahaa shinkasen is softer sole but he prefers them on his hands than feet ...
