(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

kimifin, i prefer the one at United Sq...so might go trial at tha branch instead...

cljl, ya what ur gynae said its true...cuz after we stopped bfing, the menses can be quite haywire one! my gal have 6 teeth! and not even close to walking yet!! is urs walking yet? i realised lotsa nov bbs are walking even before they turn 1!

cljl, my baby still has only 4 teeth. She can walk pretty well now. She likes to walk around the house and look for people.
Hi Sporty, I'm keen to go for the GUG trial too. Now that my baby can walk, should be better to attend the class right?

I'm thinking whether to go to the United Sq branch or the Suntec one.
ashley, yeah...ur amanda progressed v fast...tha time u were still worried tha she's not crawling and suddenly she can walk so well! actually, walking/crawling doesnt matter for the GUG class... i would prefer the United Sq branch as if i will to continue, its nearer to my hse and also can "avoid" the IT fairs held at suntec every quarterly...heheh... which time slot do u prefer?
sporty, yeah...amanda is a little weird. She can only flip at 8 months and only crawl after she can walk with assistance.

Okie, i've just call GUG Suntec for a trial class this sunday

There's ony one time slot for weekend class.

I would like to enrol Amanda for the weekday classes but need to check on the minimum "commitment period".

My baby boy just turned 11 mths last Friday. He has 4 teeth; I think the 5th one coming up soon.

He crawls and walk along coffed table, his cot, etc. No signs of walking yet.

In terms of talking, he can only babble.

He recently learned how to hi-5. How to teach the bb to clap? Any advice?

What about other bbs' progress?
ashley, they go by term (2 mths)...so minimum is 2 mths, which is quite ok if u wanna go back to work...weekday will be twice a week lor...the "syllabus" for weekday class and weekend class will be slightly different cuz weekday classes got more time, so not as rushed...

kanelmo, every bb's progress is diff la...my gal also juz learnt to crawl not long ago... dun have to worry too much as they eventually will learn and be ard the same at 2 yrs old...juz enjoy the process of them growing up
Bee, come on.. join us tml for lunch..

Any confirmation to the venue??
Mummy and babies lunch gathering this Fri 29 Oct. Any muumies wanna join in?
1. Ashley
2. Bidosoh
3. MBJ
4. Rue (anywhere, except east)
5. Bee

Venue: TBC
Time: 1230pm

My litt C has 8 teeth, 6 started popping last mth (4 top, 2 bottom). She can only walk < 10 steps w/o support shaky..

How much is the trial lesson for GUG?
sporty, yeah.. so i will continue to monitor 1st lo... whow.. ur gal has so many teeth! Mine only 3 leh... 2 bottom and 1 top... so funny i feel.. normally wil grow 2 bottom together n followed by 2 top.. mine is grow 1 at a time lo.. haha... Mine need to hold on then she will walk round the table.. on the bed, 5 steps then fall flat... hahaha...

Ashley, whow! thats fast! super fast learner...

kanelmo, whow.. ur boy also growing fast leh... so far i see no signs of 4th teeth coming out from her leh... i really hope my gal can faster walk then i can chase her so that i can lose wt fast! ahaha...

as for talking, she can say mum mum, dede, whow, and some i dun understand language... hehe.. she knows how to clap when she is 10 mths old as we always let her watch Your Baby can read... I feel its quite gd... n when she saw Ball, she will say be be ball... something like tat...
rue, if i rem correctly, GUG trial is abt 50 bucks...

cljl, many teeth meh? ok leh...i always feel her gums to see whether got other teeth popping out but still no signs lor... at least urs cruising already...mine juz stand n pose nia...hahhaha
bee - my gynae gave me 2 small pills nia .. i hope enulf le .. cause the pills give me back headache and naseau .. i puked .. sianz .. machiam morning sickness manz .. horrid pills .. but i no longer feels engorged lor .. not so urgent to pump and lesseer milk le altho still have .. and sporty yeah nehs smaller le cause less milk inside ..
re: teeth .. ethan i think is growing 4 teeth on top gum nw .. so thats in additional to the 2 bottom teeth he have now .. werid i thot will grow another 2 bottom teeth first ..
my lil precious boy only walks holding on to the playyard sides .. he wont even allow me take his hands to try walk and he wont walk outside the playayrd .. think he do not trust his mama to keep him safe
and he is very lazy to walk .. and he absolutely detest wearing shoes ...
but for babbling .. my boy have been babbling alot and so far he is building his vocabs i think he can say "gey gey" (give give) and byebye .. "bu yao" (dun1) lor .. apprently he only picks up the chinese nt english words whahhaaa ..
My boy still can't pull to stand and still don't know how to sit by himself from lying down position. Anybody's baby also can't do that?
ayukie, so u totally stopped pumping to throw liao?! my gal kno how to do "flying kisses" yesterday after i taught her 2 weeks back...really caught me by surprise tha she can do it...think she needed 2 weeks to "digest" tha action! hahah
sporty, at least more than mine.. hahaha.. mine only 3 lo... she is quite a lazy gal lo.. ask her to walk, she wil crawl lo.. then i hold her hands to walk, 10 steps then she wil crawl liao...

Ayukie, I heard from old ppl that boy will grow teeth on top then gal bottom 1st... whow.. hw com ur boy dun wan to wear shoes? beter to say bu yao then yao.. hehehe....

whow.. now im on 2 pumps.. tot of reducing to 1 pump then im off to retire.. haha... not sure will kana engorge anot leh...
My gal have 8 teeth, 2 bottom 4 top, and another 2 bottom coming out. She can walk w/o support but only < 10 steps. she can clap and wave bye bye (teach by my baby sitter :p). Can't really speak, but understand what we says like bring mummy your tutu, she will turn back and take and bring to me.

Weekday, she had 4 feeds of milk (6 oz each), 2 meal of porridge. Weekend, she will have 5 feeds of milk and 1 meal of porridge.

However, my gal weight and height like quite stagnant. Think her weight still less than 9kg (don'tknow she crawl too much, and always want to climb up the sofa)
sporty - still pumpin to throw but nt as much as before before i throwing ard 350ml but nw ard 250ml lor .. 3 pumps lah a day .. but i nt yet finish the med cause i only dare take at night nw ..
ethan also knows flyin kisses but he took 1 mth to digest the action and come bup with his own vresion that can make the "muacks" sound .. unfortunately it ended up with his finger in his mouth ..
cljl - think hes nt used to wearing shoes besides the removing the shoes snaps gt sound which he likes whahaa but he loves to play with the shoes .. he prefers the shoes to be in his hands than feet haiz ..
hi mummies,

so fast our babies are going into toddlers phase liao...

my boy got 3 top and 4 bottom teeth..nothing more coming out..

he now prefer to walk then crawl **guess he figure out walking is so much easier and less pain for his kneecaps..** haha

my boy too, whenever i wear the shoes on him, he will not walk, guess he's not use to it too..

nvm ba, he's birthday still 2 weeks more, so still alright..**soo looking fw to 11 nov**

abt weight, he's quite stagnant now..abt 10.5kg..
Karen, whow.. thats quite alot of teeth leh... hehe.. yeap yeap.. my gal say bye bye is the cleverest... whenever i carry her n bring her to the door, she will wave bye at everybody liao.. hahaha...

those who have so many feeds of milk, do they stil drink water? mine only 3 feeds of 9oz each and 2 meals of porridge and 1 day only drink 20ml of water lo...

Ayukie, haha... he more amazed by the sound lo... my girl, after i wear her shoe, she will lift her leg up then take them off...
cljl, she's not lazy la...juz tha she prefers to crawl now...by the time ur gal can walk steadily, u rather she dun walk so early :p hehe i also got 2 pumps now, can see the effect liao, dun feel engorged anymore...

ayukie, wah u still doing 3 pumps? actually u can reduce ur pump time...then slowly cut to 2 pumps le... ethan wanna flying kiss to my gal or not? whahhaha :p

noel, ur boy really v steady in walking
sporty - yeah gg try 2 pumps today or tml lor since nt so engorged after taking the med lor ...
haha of course wanna throw flyin kissie to ur gal whahahaa
cljil - my boy hor he now dont drink water! he will take 2 sips if he dont rem he is drinking water thereafter he will "puke" the water out or "buuu" the water out lor and he is soo happily doing that haiz ..
sporty, haha.. but her crawling quite funny.. she only crawl using 1 leg lo.. e other leg dun touch the floor one.. haha... she damn fast in climbing lo.. once she climb the gate at my mil house lo.. faint...

i 2 pump quite long liao.. less than 200ml.. then sat is her 1 yr mark.. maybe i wil cut to 1 pump liao.. then after tat retire... hahaha...

Ayukie, same as my girl... at most onli 20ml.. sometimes even 0ml lo.. haiz.. likewise she wil sip then puke the water out... hahaha...
ayukie, ask ethan to send flying kisses on sun lor :p heheh... u bonded so much with ur pump, will u miss ur pump? hahha

cljl, next time show a video of ur gal crawling with one leg...i wonder how...must be very cute
yeah, after i dropped to 2 pumps, can see a drastic drop in milk ss...
sporty - haha no i wun miss my pumps but ive retired most of ethan milk btls already lor and fridge to go .. haha only left the pump to retire and finally can wash my nursing cover as well whahhaa .. all retiring whhaaha .. anyway my pump adapter is goner already and i din get a replacement cause like v exp manz the power adapter whahaa ..
okiez will ask ethan send flyin kissie to lil M on sun
oh yeah sporty - sneak preview for lil M bday pressie .. gt a set of clothes for lil M .. ethan gt matchin boy set whhahaa :p
you are really gg bth me whahhaaa .. im soooo smart ... whahhaa
Bee, ya please come to join us. I don't know most of the mummies too. Only saw Ashley and MBJ in person during one of the mass gatherings.

Ashley, MBJ, Rue and Bee

Yes, can we confirm on the venue for tomorrow's lunch?

If no objection can we go Swenson at United Square? Feel like shopping there.

MBJ can only join us after 2pm. So perhaps we can have lunch then chit chat for another 1 hour or so.
Flying kisses! I wanna teach my boy that action. So cool! The clapping of hands - he hasn't master that either.

What's the method of teaching bb to do that? Just keep repeating the action in front of them?

I'm trying to teach him the finger action of '1' to signify he's 1.
kanelmo , yeah keep repeating to him at apporiate times (like saying bye bye etc ..) and use his hands and mouth to action it repeatively like also lor ...

clapping of hands u just show him with his hands hw to clap as well as u clap like him see lor .. let him associate with the words clap also lor but for my boy he only associated with "pai pai shou" .. dont ask me why he responds in cheena then england whhaaaa we teach him both he only adapts to cheena ver lol
sporty, Yeap! whenever she crawl i take video.. next time she grow up, i will show her.. haha... ss drop damn fast after 2 pumps lo... maybe tmr i try 1 pump... see hw much my ss... hehehe...

kanelmo, yeah.. must keep on repeating and show... now i wan to teach her how to take her hands off her mouth when she do flying kiss... hahaha.. when i say flying kiss, her hands will go to her mouth then stop liao...
cljl - yeah my boy also his flyin kissie also stop at his mouth whahaa but he will put a finger inside so that gt sound when he do the flyin kiss and stops there whahahaa
Actually all babies developed differently and at different pace and pattern. My gal can't even crawl very well (she can only crawl like 'swimming') and suddenly one Sunday night she used all her strength to pull herself up by holding on to the headboard. She let go a loud 'e....' to pull herself. It is so funny.

Then after she acquired standing she also managed to crawl on all fours after 3 weeks or so. So there is really no fix pattern. They su ka su ka one lah.

Ashley, yah, I still rememeber you are so worried that Lil A is still not flipping while most babies are flipping like no body business. Wow, who knows she is one of the earlier walkers. My gal flipped at 3+mths, but she is not walking yet.

I am just hoping that she can acquire walking exactly at 14 months. Same as her gor gor.
ayukie, kaozz...really BTH u leh...still got matching outfits... hope its not a "wedding gown"... whahhahhaha :p

kanelmo, i will hold my gal's hand while i tell her tha its flying kisses n kept repeating...slowly teach them, they will get a hang of it!

cljl, ya lor...i agree...sometimes i even on my lappy juz to watch videos of #1 when he was a bb...bring back good memories

bidosoh, i think i never set expectation on when my gal can walk cuz my boy was a late walker...so better dun set expectations lor ... hehe... thks for the invite for lunch...novena abit far for me and tom i got to cover lunch duty...so cant...next time lor
Hello everyone!
So so so long nv come in liaoz..

Sporty! See you on Sun! Haha!

Anw, My girl now only sprouting her 1st 2 bottom teeth.. Hehe~ Not even fully out yet.. Has learnt to crawl and and stand w support.. But dont dare to walk yet..

She understand basic sentences like 'take out your pacifier', 'switch off the lights', ' do you want milk?' and the very basic 'NO'.. She hates the 'NO'! LOL! Also know how to wave bye, do flying kiss and clap her hands..

I also not setting any expectations for my girl.. Let her learn at her own pace cuz I thk cannot rush this kind of stuff de.. Let her be ba.. Most impt is she stay healthy n happy!
sporty, I don't mind if my girl is a late walker. Even if she is walking later than her gor gor is fine. Just don't be earlier. I have enough of siblings jealousy to deal with.
ayukie, phew! luckily not wedding gown...u haven paid the pin jin lor!!...whahhahha :p

shirlin, yeah! see u
ya la...healthy n happy v impt!!

bidosoh, korkor jealous of meimei or the other way round?!
sporty, he doesn't like his sister at most time. Yup doesn't share toys with her. Disturb her when time for her to feed and sleep. Capture her in his arms and dont let her move. I think his age is the worst, only understand halfway. It is a in-between age. If they are very young, like my nephew, age gap with my girl is 1. Jealousy not that great compared to my boy. If older like 8 will be ok too.
bidosoh, mine's ok leh...my boy v sayang her meimei,...sometimes used too much strength on her! but my gal already used to his forceful hugs!! LOL
My boy is turning 1yo in 4 days time. He has pearlies and likes to walk and climb up &amp; down sofa now

He has 4 milk feeds (5-6oz) but refuse to hold btl, 2 porridge meal (which he always swallow with lil chewing) and little cereal/bread for breakfast. He drinks water from straw and his favourite finger food is biscuits

He can clap; wave bye bye; say papa, mama (only when he cries), apple and up :D trying to teach him flying kisses

He will look up when we say fan or light (in mandarin). When we say bathing, he will pull his shirt. When we say sleeping, he sometimes will lie down or fall back (very dangerous act). When we say kia kia, he sometimes will take his shoes or sit down waitign for us to put on his shoes.

If only I can spend another year with him to witness his development and teach him further...

i will join in if my boy is not sleeping. He only takes one nap (2-3hrs) usually btw 10dish to 2dish. Btw, where in PS are you gal meeting and how do I contact anyone of u? pingchat?
