(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

thanks for asking. we enjoy the party, but ordered the cake too small, like not enough to go round. saw your cake for little M at fb, very nice.

i oso forget his lunar BD, will let him play picking tomorrow on his actual day.

i've try training him to hold bottle to self feed, he drink half then throw bottle liao, had to catch him back and force him to finish the other half.
Ayukie and sporty,
I mean self feed using a spoon...
self feed gerber puffs, he is ok, but recently, he likes to bite off one gerber piece by piece, instead of putting the entire piece into his mouth...duno he is playing with food or trying out his front teeth? He only had 5 tooth out...

shoes, so far, I think his are hard soles, not so easy to bend. Got practise at home....cos MIL said below 1 yr old, cannot wear shoes...arghhhh
oh self feed those food no way .. i shudder at what mess he will create .. at least nt now yet ... but he is playin with plates and spoons nw ... (empty ones of course ..)
cljl, the combi shoes or shoo shoo shoes are pretty good for them to walk in... so far if i wear shoes for my gal, she will "bite" them instead while sitting down! haha

ayukie, i will try to open over the weekend (definitely) as will be on leave tom ! yeah...long weekend! hee

jazz, my gal only hold the bottle when she hungry la...after she had enough, she juz dump the bottle one side! haha... yeah i saw ur "milk bottle" cake/agar agar also...very cute too!

kimifin, self feed using a spoon not easy to master... think my #1 can only do it well when he's almost 3 yrs old! hehe
wah, I thk i would let him try "for fun", shd not have much expectations.

Any mummy want to go Mountbatten GUG babes trial on any Sunday in 1st 2 weeks of Dec?
Let me know...
Ayukie, whow.. sounds so posh! ahahaha...

paperger, I also duno leh... I worried if walk outside then got stones or what, the sole can protect.. but now her shoes dun protect her feet leh...

sporty, oh ic.. mine now the sole like those soft type leh..

How much wil you all spend for a shoe hur?

talking abt self-feeding, i scared to let her try leh.. hahaha.. she wil throw all over lo..
my son wear combi shoes and my gal is going to wear colette. imm has 1 outlet which sells colette at $10 only for certain design.

my son can walk on his first birthday but i don't think my gal can lor.. :p

It's Thursday! My good friend, the long weekend, is visiting me!

I'd like to join the Mountbattan GUG babes trial in Dec. Can?
Sporty - Where do you get Combi shoes? I'm so anxious for bb De Kuan to walk that I'm looking at bb shoes now when I shop. Supposedly good shoes are not cheap, sometimes even more expensive than mine!

Kimifin - I saw Taka selling Combi self-feeding fork and spoon at 20% discount. They are curved to ease bb to reach the spoon more easily.
pediped shoes are soft but the sole doesn't provide much friction.. the shoes i bou for her cost more than my own.. haha
when will out litt ones stop feeding at 3-4 hrly interval??

Oh, will be bringing litt C for pneumoccocal next fri, any advise for me? like what to take b4 & after? What special med to request from doc for higher fever?
Rue, i don't think got any special medication to take leh. if i'm not wrong, my girl took pneumoccocal with her 5 in 1 and they only gave paracetamol.
my son's puma is ard 60 bucks after disc ... think orig is ard 90 bucks ..
his shinkasen is cheaper 27 bucks or so with 10% off frm kiddy palace .. they gt sell nice hk shoes for bb gals ~ sanrio series .. made in taiwan nt bad lor ..
oh i let my boy play the choosing game ..

he always choose the pen 1st then next moment take the calculator .. after that put down calculator take the 50 bucks bill ... he threw away the stetoscpe and ruler ..
Topic: swimwear

if i buy those normal swimwear for my gal, how is she gg to wear swim diaper? Can i bring her to the pool w/o diaper?
whow.. some of you all very she de on their shoes hor.. maybe i stingy.. hahaha... max i wan to pay is 30 bucks nia.. coz their legs grow damn fast!

Ayukie, are shinkasen's shoes with harder soles?

Rue, just take paracetamol after jab then shld be fine liao... no worries...
as for swimwear, i did not wear any diaper for her leh... hehe...
hello everyone...
happy long weekend...
went USS today to celebrate my M's bday! think we had more fun than her...haha

kimifin, soft sole is ok for early walkers...for me max i will spend 50 bucks on their shoes cuz they overgrow v easily...

funne, the colette tha u mentioned is really cheap!

kanelmo, i saw combi shoes at departmental stores like BHG etc... but u can try seeing the bulk purchase section on SMH, sometimes the deals were pretty good

agata, thks for ur well wishes...ur gal's bday coming up during the weekend also! any party?

rue, u can let ur gal wear the swim diaper inside the swimwear... btw can juz take panadol after the jab to prevent fever...
sporty, my boobs were still as hard as stones for 3-4 weeks (i think) before they shrunk back to pre-preg size

rue, the colette shop at imm has v cheap shoes but if i rem correctly, most r for bigger kids. i bought a pair of colette shoes from robinson. it was too small. so i went back, this time with my boy to exchange. then i realised clarke shoes are actually much softer... unfortunately, none fit my boy's big foot
in the end we chose a leather shoes which cost more and not suitable for outdoor walking. haiz! then, at the recent bb fair at Expo, i found a cheap n good shoes which my boy wore to swensens... nrv did i know it is so hard to buy kid's shoes... combi shoes are pretty soft

anyone knows what's the reason tt bbies are not supposed to wear shoes b4 1 year old? as my boy can walk pretty well at 11th month, i ignore this myth
Rue, i brought my boy to swimming pool twice thusfar without thinking that he will poo inside the pool.. so he merely wore his swimsuit. i thought bb will not poo in the pool, just like AF will stop flowing if we soak ourselves in water due to water pressure :p

I tried to PM you but it says you don't accept PM. Strange. Do you want to try PM me instead? If not, any alternative way of exchanging contacts?
Kanelmo,pm ya.

If bring bb out, dun dare to let him walk in his shoes, worry he sit down anywhere he likes.. So at home, practice to make him hold my hand while walking... Wonder how u all teach?
I've Enfagrow stage 3, 3 free sachets, + $5 voucher.COs I join enfa-club.
My bb drk S26...so probably wont use these...

anyone wan, can pass to u on bash day!
nice picture funne! i used the same top for a photoshoot for my girl too...

i still cant find a dress for my girl for her first bday, or maybe i havent tried hard enough. any recommendations mummies??? Ive tried gingersnaps, bloomb, chateau de sabre...

help??? hehe
adelynn, i also had prob to get the dress for my gal.. i'm picky la..
at the end i bot this dress online.. it's not really what i wan, but no fish prawn also good. :p

try tom and stefanie, some dress are nice!
actually i quite like the dress CL's Cheryl wore for her party, is fr Gingersnap!
Hello Adelynn, agreed with Bidosoh. I got Candice the ruffle butts for her first birthday party!! Paired with tights and she is absolutely cute. I also got it at the link copied. Heehee...

I tagged the pic for you to see. Hope this helps gal.
hello all
back to reality again after the looong weekend...

bee, think i can stop soon... my boobs dun even feel anything if i never pump for like more than 10 hrs...but if i pump, still got milk la... some old pple said cannot wear shoes before they turn 1 as its patang, cuz they dunno how to walk yet...so better dun wear shoes...

funne, i like ur gal's skirt with the nov tee...nice!

adelynn, found THE dress yet?
morning all!

So fast the long wkend is over....

Ayukie, thanks! Coz her shoes now the sole are those slippery type.. so i tot it is better to get those with better sole...

funne, thanks! her dress was bought by her grandaunt.. n ur gal's skirt is so cute...

sporty, i ask u hor.. nw my pumpin session is once every 3 days... ss shld be gone soon hor? but when i press, milk still come out leh... take time to be totally gone?
Hi Bidosoh & Sharon: Thanks, i'll check it out

Sporty: NoOo, not yet
I've got this Friday to find it if i don't she'll be naked HAHA
she will be in "emperor's robe"? NO PLS, it was only on her hatch day that she was naked.

sporty and all, about the pumping to stop, any one knows if there is a difference to our boobs if we take a long or short time to wean off pumping?
Or the end result will be the same, like "lou feng" effect?
kimifin, the color theme...think u have to ask the organisers lor! think no matter u take long time or short time to wean off its the same la... u still pumping eh?

cljl, yeah...will still have milk if u press...but juz ignore it! it will go away one!

adelynn, naked?!opps :p
i wean off when he started solids, just wan to ask for next time lor.
Cos very pathetic, like during use, in good shape, after use...hhaa,. not nice shape!
sporty, hahaha... okok.. so i will ignore it... will only pump if i feel heavy.. so far so good.. tink i can retire liao... whahahahaa.....
mine i tink sag liao leh... but so long nvr wear wire bra, abit uncomfy leh... hahaha...
hi all,
my boy is anti-social, he dun like to be carried by uncle, aunty, my dad oso can't carry him, he'll cry out loud. he only mixed well with kids no adults. how huh?
sharon: ahhh, so pretty!!!!!

kimifin & sporty: yar i hope she'll not be naked... i hope i find a dress... hubby's flying off tmr so tonight gg down to the shop to see.. think if we have the luck in finding one today. wish me luck~

cljl: how long did u drag before u reach the stage whereby u hit once every 3 days and what was the 'routine' like?

jazz: my girl sometimes also like that. its more difficult to 'pass her over' to other pple from me as compared to her daddy, grandparents etc. we sometimes 'con' her by giving the person who wants to carry her some time to play with her and letting the person offer a snack. once she's 'handed over' she has no issues... UNTIL she sees me again.
Hello Ladies =)

Jazz: think need to let him meet them up more often. My gal used to b like tat with her grandfather.. den after a few weeks she is ok liao..
how often she visit her grandfather?
my boi visit grandparents once a wk, he only let grandma carry him, my sis/ bro/papa all failed to carry him loh.

ya snack might be a good ideal, will try that.

Adelynn, actually for me quite fast leh... frm 2 pumps, i drop to 1 pump after 2 days then 1 pump for a wk then after tat every other day for 3 days then now its 3 days once...
for those pumps, i normally do it at nite and wil squeeze n get at least 100ml... hehe.. so now tired...

my fren told me, to tell my breast to stop producing, only pump when feel uncomfortable and if breast if full.. n dun empty the breast..
