(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

candy white: elgin had diarrhoea also when he was on antibiotics. almost 6-7 times a day, but we continued. Anyway, after all the trouble of bringing him to the hospital and stuff, doc says it's ok.
antibiotics must complete, if not she will be unable to take that. ask your doc for advice.

what i did to finally get elgin to take all the medicine was to use heinz biscuit, soften it with a little bit of water, add the medicine to it, and then feed him. this was the only method that could have consistent effort in getting her to drink everything.

does she have any favourite food? Control the amount of water, so that if it's wasted, at least you know how much more to give again.

hope charlotte gets well soon. Wanted to share with you what we just discovered couple days ago, which works very very well to my surprise.

My god mum came to visit min n she gave min her medicine. Before that she explained to min that she needs to eat that to get well. Then show her her happy bb yoghurt drops which she likes n tell her can eat this after taking medicine. Min really guai guai take the medicine n after that we gave her yoghurt drop (otherwise she used to vomit out the medicine immediately). Then everyone will clap n cheer n hooray so she knows she did well. Then she gave a smug "i can do it" look somemore.
hippo: alternatively, did you try tellng Min that you'll take photo for her after she finish her med? :p kekeke...
hope the Dolly recover & get well soon.

your sore throat better already?
candy_white: and yes you must,. stay calm and brave. Please finish up the antibiotics as glass has suggested too. It is a known side effect for bbs when on antibiotics.. has the PD prescribed some good bacteria/probiotics to make up for the loss in good bacteria? itis normally lactore forte/Lactogg/ or some probiotics...come in here .. for the support that you deserve

Serenity: yes.. teng.. when he was hospitalised for ear infection.. and on round the clock of bufen and panadol.. his temp went as high as 40.5 and went to as low as 35.2. i remembered staying in the hospital alone with him.. and terribly worried at the low temp.. but i know he has to go on the fever med.. for both temp control and pain relief from the ear infection.. i summoned the pd.. and asked her all the questions i can ever conjure up.. and she assured me that the panadol and bufen are safe.. it shouldn't cause the body temp to plurge.. i remembered asking the question 'if it does plurge,, will teng wake up and let us know?' (on hind sight it sounded silly..:p).. her reply was 'no.. but we would be doing a lot more things than what we are currently doing..' wah liew, that's even worse! so i did't sleep.. and stayed by him. piling up blankets on him.. asking nurse to take temp every 15 minutes.. didn't care if iwas being an irritance..

i can't trust miser .. i think he probably snore the night away if he had stayed there.. haiz.
anyhow.. now i regret not going into medicine?!

blessedcyn: sorry i keep forgetting to reply u.. teng is at the learning vision in Woodlands.. and for the google group. pls pm me ur email so that i can add u direct.
candy_white: did u take the medicine out of the fridge and immediately feed her with it? I'm not sure, but my girl always get a shock and hates it when the medicine is cold. So i'll usually take it out of the fridge about 30 minutes before the medicine feeding time, so at least the medicine will warm to about room temp, easier to feed her then. Good to hear that things are better today, continue to hang in there!

Astro: Yes! Agree we shld have gone into medicine! Didn't know it'll cost us a bomb visiting PDs! Maybe u can get teng and bally to study medicine in future!
candy_white > hope the worst is over! Char get well!!! A little diarrhea when the babe's on antibiotics is normal. Don't worry too much abt that..impt to finish the course. If in doubt, chk with your PD before stopping the antibiotics. Astro is right, probiotics will do her good in the long run.

hippo > Min on the road to recovery already? How abt you? Feeling better? Hope both of you are OK for this Sun! :D

astro > srsly, I think u would make for a good PD! ;)
candy_white>> hey babe, im so sorry i din know charlotte's not well! dun need to bother about our trial ok, charlotte's more impt.. *hugz*
Hi Shugar,

Thanks for making the collage photos for the babies!
But one question, why my boy is not inside?

Just make sure you still have my boy's photo. I have just upload to the SMH google page. File is Photo112.jpg
hi all,

Logging in after a long time. was drowned with work last few weeks, phew!!
anyways, I have resigned from this job and taking up a new job - mainly hoping for a better work-life balance. lets see how it goes when I join there end of this month.

I read a few posts mentioning that quite a few babies and mummies are down with flu/fever.
Hippo/Serenity/candy white - hope your babies get well soon!! keep strong.

For babies down with cough - mommies can try applying baby rub on the feet and then covering with socks. It worked for my girl and a few other friend who tried it.

looks like that i have missed out on quite a few trials (GUG, playgroups) :-(
I hope to join in the ones going forward!! When is the kindermusik trial? can someone pls advice? this sunday or next sunday? and what is the timing? I'm quite keen on this one.

I havent even uploaded Riona's photo for collage. Let me do it soon. Shugar - Hope you don't mind including it in the collage so late!
Called the PD already. He said can stop the antibiotics if very sure there's no fever. It was given as he was concerned that the fever might persist and develop into something more serious. But since no more fever since yesterday afternoon and she had only taken 2 doses, it's ok to stop as the diarrhoea is bad. Otherwise will end up taking medi to stop the diarrhoea. Yup, she was on BioGaia for a long time. PD also reduced the dosage for other medication since she's better. Sigh... nowadays PDs have differing views that Im so confused le....

Actually, come to think of it... the major cause of discomfort is her cough and runny nose which are both cause by virus. Isn't antibiotics used to treat illnesses caused by bacteria? Like that will also wipe out the good bacteria right? Not a good thing in the long run, isn't it?

Whatever it is, Charlotte is a smiley babe today! She seemed much better looking. Im happy that she is happy!
No worries! When I told Ting I can help ask I also didn't know Charlotte will fall sick. So since have to call them to report sick for C, might as well ask for the pte trial for you all. Doesn't matter.

We need a minimum of 8 to start a private trial for Kindermusik. Right now, 5 Sept is out and left with with next Sun's slots. So it's 12 Sept at 12.30pm at Tanglin Mall. Would you be available?

pigsy / pinkiemie / cat02 / serenity :
So it's ok for you to attend the trial on 12 Sept? I will indicate on the list in our google page. Edit if necessary ok?

gal / ginger : Both of you ok with 12 Sept too? Pls indicate in the page with details if ok. Thx!

Ting / PY : What about you?
candy_white: i'm ok for 12 sep n have indicated in our google page. thanks for arranging despite Charlotte being ill. hope she gets well soon enuff for gug trial tis sat!
Candy_white: Good to hear that Char is all happy and chirpy today. At least put your mind at ease a little. Must be tough on you. Take care too, ya!

And yeppie! We will be in the same class! I just hope it will not be a waste of money and that Kay's enthusiasm will not just limit to that one class.
Candywhite: thanks! Sorry to trouble u so much!! I hope charlotte is better now and will get well soon! Hugs. I know how it feels when the lil one falls sick. Is really tiring n worrying but yes, it's a part and Parcel of being a parent. Hugs. We are here with u!

Hippo: hope min is well now too!

Kindermusik trial: yes I dun mind changing to 12 sept as well. Sorry too bz to login n only manage to read n Post once. All via my trusty iPhone. Haha wat will I b wo my iPhone?
Candy_white: Hope Charlotte gets well soon! She will feel better that mummy is taking good care of her.

Ginger: I am sorry, I hope I didn't make you feel bad about show time... I guess at this stage we need to give the babes the time and space to be themselves. Lots of encouragement (verbal and physical by clapping, hugging etc) would be good.

Astro, Candy_white, Cat, xoxo, Tien, Hippo & Ginger: You've got msg via FB.
Candywhite: great to hear Charlotte feelin better. Thks for org the trial but I managed to slot myself in for a trial today since I was off
thks to astro!

Kindermusik trial experience: I had mine at 0930 this morning.. Boy was quite awake since he usually wakes arnd 7plus. It was a regular class and I was one of the only two kids on trial. The regulars are very comfy q the environment n can see clearly they were enjoying themselves. My session teacher was teacher huzzy. Quite nice lady n engaging too. The session was part of Dream Pillow. And I was talkin to one of the regular mums who have apparently attended 9 classes and prev semester was some "zoom zoom" theme abt vehicles. I think my boy enjoyed the class quite a lot. Clapping and bouncing up and down when they were singin some songs. And I think he likes exploring all the instruments like shakers, drums, metal instruments. Not exactly a class for much socializing though I see some of the regular kids hoppin around the class "sharing" (snatching) the instruments frm fellow kids. Hehe. Overall I myself had a happy time, and so I think my boy did too. I guess it really make me a hav a rather good impression of the class when I see the regular kids enjoying themselves. And 45min jus flew past like that ( I think we prob sang n repeated Er 4-5 songs)?
I was really tempted to sign up for the class there n then.
But hmm held back. Cos I m no sure if I m ready to commit to a weekly class schedule given that I only get to spend that little time with my boy on Saturday/Sunday. Was thinkin maybe I revisit this in another 1-2 mths when a new semester starts? Oh n I think sept is jus goin to be a very busy month for me with his birthday etc. Oh n daddy quite agreeable with the class (unlike mygym which he dislikes vos he saw my boy crying in that class)
Mummies goin on 12 sept trial..do share if u r all goin to sign up.. Then perhaps I can join too
hi Candywhite
yes, i'm ok with trial class on 12th Sept. Just that I can't update on google group page right away as its not accessible for me in office. But pls count me in.

Paging for Esther - Hi, is the baby swimming class on this sat?
funzee: no worries abt show time
yeah, i learnt from teacher gerry that encouraging A works wonders. he was doing the backflip n almost wanted to cry once he reached the floor but stopped when he saw gerry clapping her hands... haha
Ginger: way to go! A love to be 'fawned' upon.. exactly like teng.. heh.. continue encouraging him! and practice more at home.. let him cling onto window grille? :p and ask papa to tone up using A as a dumb bell? hahahahha :p

ya.. countless $ spent but worth itlah.. at least now he explores , abeit still grudgingly in the beginning.. haiz..

so tomorrow.. we will see A?

sunnyling: hey. ur post on going to school is meant for me or for gingner ah?

teng is v happy today.. wanna guess why?
coz school closed for a day.. i woke up.. he ran up to me.. 'today i am not going to school.. right? todya i am staying at home right?.. You go and bath.. then you will go to work.. i will stay at home.. whne you come back, i will open the door for u.. you go to work ok? i stay at home'... haiz.. IRRITATING!
then he keeps following me around the house,, wanting to get an answer from me on him not going ot school!.. then when i was about to go to work.. he stayed on the sofa.. watched his tv.. and said 'byebye mama! see you later!'.. very chirpingly..
candy_white: antibiotics used for bacterial infection.. C had mild lung infection right? for that she needs antibiotics.. to clear the infection.. normally they are given amoxilin (forgot how to spell)..

however there is another type of antibiotics which is preventative in nature.. like the ones that bally used take to prevent urinary tract infection.. and i learend when bao was hospitalised..that they decided the antibiotics to be used .. pending the range of infection from the report of the tests they do.. interesting...
The Kindermusik review makes me wanna bring A there.... but then again, not sure whether or not we have the time since we only get to spend time with her during weekends.

Astro: Heh heh heh, this Teng ah. So funny! Is it a case of "ke qi you ke qi"?

Ginger: yes, I think babies need a lot of encouragement. When A refused food, I had to clap everytime she ate something to encourage her. Kinda crazy when you think about it.... It's great to hear A making progress! I would love to see him tomorrow if you are going. BTW... just wondering if you or your husband skipped crawling. Could be a hereditary thing? Also, maybe it's good to let him have some tummy time even though he doesn't like it if you are keen for him to crawl. A couple of minutes a time and slowly increase over time? Have something to entertain him while he is on his tummy e.g. a moving toy. I used to use wind-up toys to entertain Amelie during tummy time.

Angelina: hope Josh is better now.
astro: no lah, tmr i m gg for gug trial mah.. haiz. anyway i noticed he only gets upset when he is exposed to new things so even though he may be fine on window grille, he may still cry when he is at the gym. now i can only wait for him to slowly warm up to dat place. btw he started crawling maybe abt 3 steps or so but backwards de... haha. i tink its gd beginning!

also, i wanted to chwck wif u if u enrolled teng in little gym only at 2 yo?
funzee: nope, we were both crawlers... haha

we bot vtech crawling ball but he couldnt be bothered. then we bot a chick wind-up toy n he threw it on the floor several times until now the chick is legless. tyrant at hm but so timid outside! haiz duno wat to do w tis boy!
Josh is so much better now. But then I'm down with this stomach flu also. Really can't eat anything so I've been taking isotonic water since yesterday.
Super weak now,lucky yl managed to take leave to jaga Josh
glass: good try. graphic. yes.. this morning i was like that.. smoky ...:p

mie: lovable, is an understatement.. ha.. spilt of a second, the boy can change his mood.. next time i demonstrate in front of u.. 'teng ,today u dun need to go school'.. (teng's reaction: beaming and smiling!).. 'teng, let's go to school now'... (teng screams, 'no! i dun want to go to school!)..*sigh* VERY amusing.. :S

funzee: sometimes i want to DEEP FRY the boy...

ginger: hey! 3 steps?!!!! way to go! Aiden has just started crawling.. they often started backwards! steady wor! ur worries are unfounded liao!.. maybe little gym is doing its magic? hahaha.. no matter what.. continue exposing aiden to more gross motor devt opportunities..Aiden could be having stranger anxieties also.. this age.. they tend to be more aware and fearful of their environment..

for teng.. hmm.. let me think.. he joined initially at Beaties.. then after a while he went to super beasties.. hmm think either 2 or 2.5 years.. why?

angelina: take care.. have u seen ur gynae and let him/her know that u have stomach flu?
I went and saw my gynae when i have v mild stomach flu when preg with yh.. she did an ultrasound and assured that everything is alright as i waited for the flu bug to clear...
Vod: great to know that u enjoyed it.. so it was Teacher Huzzy as well? i am trying to get teacher shuana's for mine.. but then again.. having tested her pattern.. doubt i can run with her with bally.. hahahaha so huzzy might just be fine!
astro: i hope he will progress further to crawling forward man. the whole nite i was playin w him, i noticed his pattern was crawl backwards-whine to be carried to sitting position-grab something n pull to stand-whine to sit-crawl backwards... his whining really got on my nerves after 4 cycles -.-"

thanks to ur recommendation, i tink little gym did work its magic
at least it gave him oppy to see how other babies crawl!

oh i asked abt teng coz somehow i had the impression he was enrolled abt same time as A at 10 mo. so i wanted to ask at which point u started to see results, big or small
Funzee: hehe the tics reserved by a mommie now. I will let u know by next week k?

Sigh.. I have some stupid family issues again. Really feeling so tired abt all these.. Be back again!
Ting, more kikoo? Hope it will be settled soon. Cheer up, k? It's the weekend! OK, hope to be able to get the tix. Tried to book online 3 times but always can't process the payment. Left a stinker msg but obviously they (Sistic) have not bothered to get back to me.

ginger: I am so happy for you and A! Don't worry, I am sure he will progress to crawling forward after a while. Maybe this crawling thing is new and effortful for him, so he is feeling whiny. As he gets better, he will like it!
ginger: ha..what you recount really sound sooo familiar... A really sound so much like teng..! :p manipulative.. :p:p
pardon me.. if dun like me to call A manipulative.. just let me know direct hor?

then i will say he is 'resourceful' :p
i think take a while. maybe one month. shd then be forward.. but by then. think he will jump very fast to cruise liao

some bbs are like that.. they dun develop 'consistently'.. as in they might reach a earlier milestone (Say pulling up to stand) later.. but once they pulled to stand.. they very fast proceed to crusing liao.. i think our thread a few are like that.. bally accomplishes his milestones.. osme of them crawling.. pulling to stand relatively earlier. .but criusing just barely started at 10 mths plus a few days..
so all the bbs progress quite differently...

teng.. when he was 10 mths.. wah liew.. can't crawl. can't stand.. cant sit up from lying down position!!!! :S.. i had him on kindermusik.. then i and miser carried him till hair hair chuan.. didn't take up gymboree classes coz no pt. he wasn't moving at all! i only discovered little gym when he was 2 lah.. was walking back and saw the acrobatics that the kids were doing one fine day.. and heck.. just signed teng up!

ting: take a deep breath...
astro: I think if Teng's happy you will be happy too! That's how I feel today!

Thanks mummies for your concerns for Charlotte. She's still coughing and having runny nose but she's very chatty today. I had a busy time chasing her... Guess she's trying to make up for the lost time when she was sick. Her appetite is good and she kept wanting to eat... me! So many bites from her and she really bite hard! Ouch! Medication feeding is also quite a breeze. Only thing is that she's still having diarrhoea and again diaper rash! But I guess she's not at all bothered. Haha... She laughs at her own farts. Funny!

Ginger: Im not gg for the GUG trial tomorrow. Want let C rest and get herself fully recovered before she goes out to meet her friends again. ;)

ting: Yup... Breathe...
Ting /pigsy / pinkiemie / PY / cat02 / serenity / gal / ginger:
There are 8 of you for the Sept 12 trial. So can proceed!
The next thing is payment. Do you want me to collect all or would it be easier if one of you takes over from me and make the lump sum payment to kindermusik and be the contact person as well? Just thinking if the latter is better as Im not in the trial. Let mi knw pls. I forward the administrator, Yenny's contact details to you.

Vin: U update the details in the google page when u can before Tue can? What's your email add?
candy_white>> let me take over from here.. thanks very very very much! either whatsapp me or email to me or leave the details in the google group page will do la..
candywhite: aiyo din come in for 1 wk, missed out on the trial for tomm ones, is it still onz?next sunday trial still have slot? M has gymboree class, i see if can skip to join all of u, if not 1 after another very xiong for u, 2 gym seesions per day.

Anyone of u know any gynae who have alternative way of removing cyst without operation?
Xoxo: haiz ur gynae gog oversea,need wait till 21st sept then can consult her leh.

SSO prom tix:
hippo/tien: when to pay for this?can pm me coz alot of things happen and jaga, wont come in often.hope i din missed the payment for this as well.

oricule: keep cool..........

astro: haha earlier holiday for teng, tts y hes so joyful ye
angelina: wahhh take care.i cant imagine u need jaga josh n preggie at same time.y not get yl to get a helper for u?

10th Sept: Marina Barrage Gathering[ 4 to 7pm]
Yo , coming near.We have abt 12 families joining, lets make this a happening one hehe^-^
[ Hope all our princes and princess wont crawl ard there :p]

Basic Items requires:
Big pinic mat- any one has this?
[I only have a small one which i will bring along as wellas 2 small pinic 'director' chair haha

all mommies prepared their own ye[easiest way:p]

Water Fun:
I will bring M for the water fun at ground level fountains.Any other mommies who dont mind to bring their babies and join M do get towel and new set of clothing prepared wo.
Ginger: woo hoo. That's great. Way to go Aiden :D

ting: hmm hope the issue resolve soon.

Nlimm: me n py indicated in the google page we have one each. But do not think it's enough. If no one else have maybe I go carrefour or NTUC too see if there are disposable ones.
Then adult sit on disp; bb play on the real mat ;p
Astro : I haven't got the time to see gynae, cause Josh is very fussy n refused to be held by the maid. So its double work for yl.

10sept : whoa I haven't check the google group since long time. I would like to join, hope that I will recover by then
astro: manipulative is the only word to describe A... haha

pinkiemie: thx for volunteering to be coordinator. let us know when to trsf $, k?

nlimm: how abt u bring M to gymboree tmr then join us for kindermusik next sun... hee. tink class size is 12 n we haf 8 or 9 now.

i dun haf picnic mat leh... gg to my mum's plc tmr so will go n shop for it at jurong point after lunch
any idea wich shop sells picnic mat?

gug trial: it was surprisingly gd
maybe its bcoz we went in wif low expectations after reading the reviews. the teachers spoke good english n sang well. the only problem is dat our babies probably dun really understand wats gg on. like wat the other mummies haf mentioned, it may be more suitable for older kids.

i m oso pleasantly surprised dat A looks like he enjoyed the class. at least he din burst out crying during parachute time, something dat he is terrified of at little gym.

it was oso nice catching up w the other mummies n babies

gug trial:
hey hey. yeah it was quite enjoyable the GUG.

And great to meet the mummies and babes (actually that is what made it enjoyable)

thanks astro for the coordination and sharing of lobangs ;)

the zoo-alphabets thing was interesting, however..E don't like me moving his hands. he just want to 'break free' :p and snatch whatever the teachers were holding.
