(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


Can I ask other than Gymboree, where else can we bring baby for a gym session? Gymboree is always booked up for birthday parties during weekends...

Congrats Tien on number 2.. I so wish I can try soon but my menses not even back yet!!!
Is it a must to stop breastfeeding before I can try number 2? Cos im still on full time bf-ing..

those of you long enough in this forum may remember the silly hippo buying an inflatable swimming pool? well, now that Min finally can sit STEADILY, i've instructed the maid to take it out, clean it and clean all the packs of balls that i bought and inflate DA POOL!!! hahahaha... i know you all won't believe it, but i am running out of SPACE in my house!!!
oh yah, btw, when you guys say 2-tier, 3D cakes mean what ah? i know the 2-tier part, but 3D means like as in like a figurine isit? WAH LAU!?!? what kind of a rip off is this kind of cake? are they even edible?

hmmm... i found a 1kg cake base + 40 profiteroles on top (stacked into cone shape) about 150? thought that is on the ex side already. after serious thought, i think i just have it at home lah. that will be a lot easier on everyone. *fingers crossed*
Thanks sotong_mum!

Babytum: It's not a must to stop bfg if you want to get preggy. For me, it was quite an accident and I was still bfg actually. But the thing is, my menses came, although for just that 1 time and I 'tio' already!

Hippo: Yep...3D cakes means those with figurines. Super pretty but damn ex. Some so popular that they close order all the way till end of year! Pengz!
angelina: yeah, he can't take cow's milk, and I've to stay off diary and eggs so that my bm won't affect him. Plus soy is out too.

xoxo: the baker is http://www.foodinfinity.com/
I've never tried the cakes, but the variety is a lot! very pretty.

actually i like the honeybee from bakerzin.

tien: better to get from agency
because if one pulls out, they should still have other backup.
Whether pro or not pro bf, just have to tell them lor.

I remember I got a 3D pooh bear for Ryan's 1st birthday. It's 3kg and cost me $298. That was like 6 years ago?! The thing with 3D cake is that it's very diffcult to cut!


You can get preggy while you are breast feeding and menses have not return. It's some misconcept that a lot of people have.
Tien >> Congrats for conceving yr number 2
im bb naven's mummy & 2 older boys 4 n 9yrs old...

Hippo & jpheh >> 1010 is also me & bb naven birthday

Vin >> saw yr method of reducing cough; will apply when necessary
Glass: Problem is agency might be more ex. Because they will earn commission on top of the pay to the CL. That's what one of the CLs I called claimed lah. Also sometimes agency anyhow find one. Heard more horror stories of CLs from agency except for 1 or 2 good ones. That's why thinking of asking mummies here. Think recommendation and personal experience is still better.
$300??? Gone are the days of the $50 cakes eh?

i hope we can make it to this sundays class. This bug she caught is not strong, but seems to be lingering forever!!! Argh!!! At least her mild cough has stopped. Now just runny nose.

Jamie n ipheh,
u guys are 10/10 too? Wow! Thats cool! All along thot only me n gal^...

yesterday was the first time since i came back to work that i stopped n asked myself why im working n not at home w Min. Of course it was one of those super frus days lah...
Thanks Gemson. Will check.

Hippo: You funny leh. Only yesterday then you asked yourself this question? I asked myself this question EVERYDAY since I started work! I always say it's CRUELTY to the kids that mothers have to work! Think you need a break lah.
Xoxo : how was ur yoga class? Btw,can I sms u once I'm back in sing? I don't have the number with me right now

Glass : I know which care ur talking about. I saw it before when I was there with shugar. It does look nice, super cute. 120 if I'm not wrong right?

Tien : now I'm super sticky to Josh, I can't even consider to find a job now

YL wants to have a maid,cause he's too tired if still have to take care of Josh after working,which he always do everyday. But recently,cause Josh is super active,its super tiring to look after him. N Josh is keep waking up at night. We're both drained out. Another YL's reason is so we can really try on #2 if we have a maid. But them I'm a full sahm, what's the point of having maid at home? Well others then help me with the cooking stuff n give me some break. I don't really like depending on my mil when I need a break. I just feel like its ridiculous to have a maid when I'm a full time sahm. Hmm confused, but too be honest I'm tired.

i know lah. but i'm one of those irritating i-love-going-to-work-cos-i-love-my-job-cos-i'm-good-at-it type of person. thats why it takes quite a lot of frustration to get me seriously irritated.
Haha hippo...then I must be the I-hate-going-to-work-cos-I-hate-my-bosses-although-I-am-good-at-my-job person!! I like that!
Hmmm think this one is better:

I am a I-hate-going-to-work-not-cos-I-suck-at-my-job-but cos-I-hate-my-bosses-person!!

ARGH!!! I am going crazy!!!
Mr wanted no.4 but prefer a girl. Hope its not a gap of 4yrs again... however, i prefer to stop @ 3 liao.

I guess the birthday bash is cancelled rite???

Any bbies here attending kindermusic lesson???
if i rem correctly, my CL charges abt 2.8K during CNY period but not sure if she's booked alrdy. she's quite popular. I PM u the contact aft this. regarding the charges, u gotta check again coz i am not v sure.
U hvg 2 rounds of celebrations for YX bdae bash???? Gosh, it will really drain u esp since u r pregnant now. Btw, congrats once again!

I rem YX & RN bdae are 2 days apart only.
tt time, i rem i was one of the last few waiting to deliver wif astro & loke... everyday counting down and wondering who will go 1st. haha. time flies!

happy hippo
celebrating bdaes r once a yr kinda event thus the bakers will wanna rip us off! sigh... $50 cakes? still do-able, tt is if u r not fussy!

u got my sms rite?
i think RN will b the next babe to b able to walk b4 she turns 1... she's showing signs tt she is gg to walk sooner than my 13 mos nephew! and seriously, i am not really looking fwd to it. she's still hvg her toothless smile & grins... her pearlies dun seem to wanna emerge anytime soon. anyway i guess its gd in a sense so she wun bite me! but she's been drooling forever!

i muz b cock-eyed! cant find the link to ur BP leh...
glass: yeah! that beehive cake is super cute!! was admiring it with Angelina! hehehe... but haiz, kinda out of my budget leh! oh well... will keep looking ard.
Angeline, are you looking at full time maid or part time?
Handling a baby by yourself full time can get very tiring. Its always good to have a helping hand. Its a blessing if you can get a good maid.
I have a full time maid but not through any maid agency. I got it from someone's reference. She's from Nepal and quite decent in her work and taking care of my girl.
If you are not able to find a full time maid immediately, you may want to have a part time maid come to your house daily or frequently to help you out with house work.
and yeah, for full time maids, you may want to set some ground rules clear initially itself, like number of off days, etc.
glass: thanks for sharing the link! They happen to have pirate/nautical theme cakes and cupcakes which is what I am looking for!

Shugar: do you still have the rabbit towel? I wld like one.

Angelina: Both my sis and I use Nation. My helper has been a good addition to my household. At the end of the day though, I think it boils down to luck. I didn't even get to speak to my helper on the phone or anything before I got her. Just look at profile and select. I guess it's a vibe/intuition thing. Such a big gamble. But overall, I am pleased.
Angelina: I know of someone who is a SAHM and has a maid.
I think you need a break, and you look forward to your hubby coming back, but he also needs a break from work.
I really hope to have one, because Elgin is wearing my in-laws out, and I need time to concentrate on my work. It's like I'm always interrupted while writing something. But while I'm still living with them, it's out of the question.

And my husband not only needs to come back to rest, he comes back to work from 8pm all the way to 1am plus, and leave the house by 6am. He hadn't had a break since baby was born, and even before baby, there wasn't a break. He's in the same profession as the few of us here, but in a higher position and I'm seriously worn out by his constant work. Didn't even have more than 1 day off in June!

shugar and angelina: yeah man, the cake looks so cute I just want to admire it. But really expensive, and people usually don't really like to eat cakes. Hmm.

funzee: no prob! Wow, you have a theme already! I only started looking at a country club near my place. It's $25 per head. Dunno whether to spend that type of money or not.

tien and candywhite, dedicated folks! Too bad I'm the I-Hate-My-Job-Because-I-Hate-The-Management-And-I-Suck-At-It.

Today I met a business contact, who said he would recommend biz to me if I have my own business. It's very easy to register a business, but if I have to go back to work in Jan, I would get into trouble when I do my annual declaration. I really want to throw away all my stuff that's clogging up the corridor at my house.

I feel I'm at a crossroad.
Jrrt: *wave wave* long time no hear and talk! Hey got your PM. Thanks. Will keep it as one of the contacts cos I actually managed to book one (my previous CL's Cousin in-law) for 2.5k! Happie!!! Yep, think RN a bit older than YX, right? I know she was like the 3rd last here. Anyway, I have decided to do away with the 2 birthday bash. Will stick to the 10/10 one since venue already booked. Then maybe a bit later and when work allows me to breathe a bit, I open my new house for Oct babies (by then will be toddlers) gathering! Hb is so going to PENGZ! Will msg / watsapp /fb / send by doves or whatever lah!

Angelina: Hmm actually if you have a maid, you can find some freelance work to do already, right? Honestly, I really feel that being a SAHM is really noble. You all know me lah..always say want to be tai tai etc etc but I know I will not be able to stay at home. And the part of sticky, I can totally understand. This few days that I have been on MC, my YX can just stick to me like superglue. In fact everytime she sees me, she would want no one else but me to carry. Very tiring and this makes you want to get out sometimes...

Gemson: Hey no prob! Cos she needs to pray pray! Anyway prob solved here! Thanks for your contact!

Glass: You also thinking of venturing out? Hahah...me also! I am just waiting for #2 to pop and see how it goes. I need a more flexible job! And your hb is in a higher position and work so hard? Not supposed to be so what. He can delegate right? Anyway this job I feel will only get easier when you are way way up there. Stuck in the middle also not so good. But at least, he is now in a position to have a shot at the top...so he must ganbatte! Then you no need to work at all liao!
Vin : I have a half time maid right now, she came like every 2 days. But the difficult part is when at night,when I'm worn out then I'm expecting my hubby to help me. But he also needs to breathe after working full day long. This is when he keep asking me to keep my mind open bout having the maid

Funzee : big gamble is the perfect way to put for choosing the maid

Glass : that's is exactly how I feel. But I know he's tired also. Especially know,since my boy is more active then previously. Sigh, I just hope the idea of having maid won't make me feel guilty. For having another hand to help me on taking care of Josh

Tien : I wanted to dedicate my life,full time just for my son (n hb) but everytime I'm thinking of the maid,I feel like I'm not succeed with my mission,which is being a full time sahm. I don't need to work,all I need is just taking care of him. Does having maid means raising the white flag? N I hate it when my mil always think herself as a hero everytime I asked her help cause I'm tired n need a break. Bleehhh...
tien > if u do still need another CL contact, there's always that CL of mine...but she's super hot cakes...hard to catch her timing. but this CL is really out of this world. everytime she finishes an engagement in SG, she will buzz us and come for a visit - think Dre has a hold over her!

angelina > getting help isn't called failure... while your intention is to be a full-time SAHM, the objective at the end of a day is to have a running household where key members (i.e. YL, Josh and yourself) are functional and happy. if it takes a maid to get that objective achieved..you should consider that. but a maid is not a magic bullet - i have a helper now and yet, i feel exhausted taking care of Dre (just 1/2 day attending to her full-time can deplete my energy too!) and my work...but on the bright side, it's "happy exhaustion".. haha, time to pile the chicken essence, red bull..whatever!!

You can read more: http://www.singapore-maid.com/recommendations

MOM also has a list of agencies (found at the above link under pt 3(4) "list of valid agencies" and their "turnover" rate, from there, think you can judge which is a good agency and which isn't.

Good luck!
Angelina: Actually I dun think getting a maid means throwing in the white flag. It frees up more time to spend with Josh, instead. In our case, we are just not comfy with an additional person around. That's why we sort of decided not to get a full time maid. Going to get a part time one to help with housework. When #2 comes along, we will see how it goes. Chances are YX will end up in childcare by then.

Xoxo: Thanks for the offer! Will let you know when I need. And plssss....Dre basically has this magic power of having a hold over anyone who has met her! She is a genius!!
<font color="0000ff">Tien
Woohoo... congrats!! now our babies 9 mths.. ok lah.. not too bad. imagine the shock i had when i found out i was preggy again when no. 1 was juz 5 mths. But hey.. i still managed to cope, of coz with the help of a maid lah.. else i think i'll go crazy manz...

On Birthday Cakes
Try Pine Garden lor. Their most basic cake is about $30+ per kg depending on the flavour u choose. Then there's a $15 delivery charge and artistic charge as well.

This is my boy's 1 y/o cake last yr from PG. Total damage: $181 for 4kg

tien: I'm already doing stuff that is considered venturing out, and I'm starting to see the returns. It's not enough to be profitable at this moment, hence I feel I need to take a bigger step forward, and step up my game.

My workload is heavy because I have a lot of things going on, and I've just started to outsource the things I don't like doing to India and Philippines. So that I can concentrate on the strategic planning.

Like I've mentioned, the big step could mean registering my own biz.

After staying at home and working on what I love for six months, I've decided I really like what I'm doing. My husband can support us for the time being. It's more of whether I can let go of the lifeline, instead of remaining on NPL which can be quite restrictive.

Seriously, those in higher positions have to work even harder. On top of normal teaching, they have to do a lot of reports, strategic planning (don't know why must keep doing that) and cluster activities. He's in line to go into a non-teaching position in 2 years (if you know what I mean), but until then, I seriously think he's going to be so busy that nobody has the time to look after our son. If I go back, I can kiss sunshine goodbye, and even night time, and weekends.

At least now I'm so busy, but I'm still at home.

Angelina: SAHM doesn't mean housewife. You are just a mum who stays at home. You can do lots of things, including managing the household which means delegating tasks to a maid. When you are a happy mum, you are being fairer to Josh.
Talking abt periods, i got mine after 2 mths of gving birth. So super early given e fact dat I am still bfing nw! I scared of getting preggy cos was bleeding during my 1st tri then but then again, oso dun wish to drag too long. Let God decide bah.

Glass: I understand totally wat u r gg thru. Both mi n hubby r in e same profession as ur husband.
Not much life lor. sad. I'm gg to work part time soon. Hope its better than working full time as b4.

ilovemaxmax: Beautifuuuul cake! How long must order in adv? my gal loves pooh bear! Jus appropriate. Did u let ur kid taste e cake? U order e signature martini cake?
silver bellzz, i was asked to go part time, but i decided not to. i don't want to detract from my goals. hope it works out for u
Xoxo : ur right, I prefer to be a happy mummy then an exhausted-grouchy mum. N thanks for the info bout the agency. Let YL reads it, hee

Tien : I don't like having someone inside our house also, but Josh is too small for child care, or Im just not ready to let him "out" yet ... Hahaha, so maybe I'll go with the maid plan

Ilovemax : that's a nice cake!!

Glass : ya ur right, having a maid means that I can delegate the housework to her. Especially cooking, I'm getting sick of eating caterer food every single day

silverbelz : ya,I'm also like that. Let God decide
hoping for the 2nd one,but don't know whether I'm ready or not
angelina > that's also right - i was so sick of eating badly then...always eating lunch at 3pm, dinner we are always driving out and struggling with crowds etc, thinking where to eat...so on and so forth. with help, it's magic. i eat three good, solid and wholesome meals everyday. it's also for the little one. they need to eat properly to grow up well. so yeah. cooking figured BIG TIME in my decision to hire help. it's been a happier, healthier household since - but still tiring lah! muahahaha...
angelina: talk about cooking. I live with my in-laws but we have to eat takeaway every single day because my MIL doesn't cook and she doesn't like me to cook (not that I can anyway).

Any chance I get to go back home to eat my mother's home cooked food, I'll go.
On e contrary, I ask my mom not to cook cos its alot of work marketing, preparing porridge for my gal and mopping e floor etc. Outside food is sian but no choice

Angelina, I wanna b a happy mum anytime! But reality bites... nid $$ to provide for e lil one in future. Btw, anyone heard of educational technologies? Its a reading program.

glass: Yeah hope things work out fine, else I'll go into pte teaching.
Angelina, I totally agree with xoxo! With hindsight, I am 110% glad that I got a maid. Esp cos I had the bad back and surgery, if not for her, no one would be able to look after Amelie. And yes, after we started weaning I really appreciated having a helper in the household. I can get proper home cooked food for Amelie, which is best for her. I can't cook for nuts while my helper can. Also, I am relieved that someone can help clean up after Amelie makes her mess while eating. If not for help, I think I would have lost it at Amelie every meal time cos I am super hot tempered.

Looking after a baby is very tiring, and you and your husband are entitled to breaks. It's not a bad thing. And in terms of privacy, I find that it wasn't so bad - and the relief she provides more than makes up for the little loss in privacy.

OK, on to more frivolous topic. So I went to Mothercare to pick up the dress for Amelie. Then, I realised that the dress had some flaws in the fabric. Last piece for 12 months and the next smaller size is not available! I was so upset. I shopped at all the other stores in paragon but didn't find anything suitable. My husband and I agreed that the Chateau de Sable dress doesn't suit Amelie. Somehow can't imagine her in it - she's too tomboy perhaps. Sigh!

The cupcakes thing also not going well. The baker I was looking at is closed on the date of the party. Other bakers very ex. So I've hit another wall. Sianz!

Mummies, please continue sharing all the sites on cakes and whatever. I'm finding them useful - better than when I just google. Thanks!
Dear oct 09 mummies..
Wanna ask..
Well u know.. our babies are now 9 months plus old..
What food do u all give ?
I gave him blended porridge everyday.. think e eat until siann le.........
Any snacks that i can prepare to give him ?
And oso.. he dont know how to crawl yet..
Is that normal ?
Think we should all bring babies out one day
Hi kungfuger. Do you give your boy fruits? Can chop little pieces of soft fruit for him, as finger food. Blueberries (if still available) are great! Just wash and serve. Other fruits also ok. You can get little puffs, rusks or biscuits for his snacks.

Besides porridge, you can try giving pasta, or a little bit of rice. Baby pasta is available, or if he can hold and bring food to his mouth, can get the spiral shaped ones. Porridge can also try giving a little coarser.

As for crawling, some babies skip crawling altogether. Do you give him tummy time? He needs that to crawl.

xoxo: Thanks for the mygym trial. Going on 1 Aug @ 4.15pm. So I guess I won't be able to see you.

Angelina: Wanna ask you smth - you did sleep training with Josh right? I just restarted it with Amelie. Now when I read her bedtime book, she already starts to cry and fuss cos I think she knows its her cue to sleep. Do you have similar experience?
Funzee : my sleep training is thrown out the window once my IL always let him sleep in between them

But,my routine is always let him flip around on his cot before he sleep. When he's sleepy n start to fussy let him fuss for a while but keep checking on him every 5 minutes. Until he can sleep by himself. But ofcourse its not always like that. There were days when my hb needs to carry him til he almost sleep then pat til he's completely sleep

its been 1 month since i started my new job.. working late every single day and having very little time with belle.. nearly wanted to give it up, but felt that its a pity to give up without fighting a battle.. and so yes, i am pressing on, hopefully things will get better!

ya, had no time to play with belle, needless to say spend time on my lappy. the only thing i could stay connected is thru FB (via iphone).. no time to surf SMH and no time to buy anything! indeed, the month of june i bought NOTHING from BPs leh.. hahahhhaa.. good? lol

1st YO bash>> wahahaha.. i think the only person whom will clash with mine is Roxie, but we already worked it out and she's gonna take sat and me sunday.. coz how can titus and belle miss out on each other's bday party! they are born on the same day same place same method and about 1 or 2 hours apart! hahaha!! quite glad i dun need to worry about any date clash! ;)

those with date clashes hor, maybe you all can work out who take wad timing? so that we can all attend everyone's party?
Mie : I still haven't found the venue yet
once I confirm the venue then can estimate bout the baby guest. Ofcourse It won't ever reach 80pax :p
So far I didn't hear any 1st oct bday. So my date is still safe
