(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

PY >> I hope Charlotte comes out of this none the worse..very scary indeed..is there something wrong with the handle or the incline of the seat?
The huggies dry that u bought, is it the dry comfort or the ultra?
Hi, ladies!!! Merry Belated Xmas to all! Hope all is well...

Ask u all hor.. for latching, how much is enough? Wat shld the frequency be? My Aaden boy seems to have a sudden rejection for bottle.. Sighz.. I really dunno why! He was introduced to bottles very early and thus, gave up on latching. But lately, dunno why, the moment he sees the bottles, he wails... real real loud.. Wonder why.. When i gave him the breasts, he starts suckling and works real hard... This is getting me stressed cos am gng back to work soon.. and if still rejects bottles, how? Haizz..

Tats not all.. observed tat my boy is into suckling of his own fingers/knuckles.. sucked till his mittens are all wet.. somemore got the "chook chook" sound leh.. Haa.. bad habit.. jialat.. give him pacifier, he dun want leh..

PY>> I am sure bb charlotte will be fine... Will keep her in my prayers... in the meantime, dun worry too much, okie?
Xoxo: nth wrong with the handle.. The handle was locked behind the seat and he wanted to lift it up w/o knowing it's locked? So he was like pushing it and Charlotte got flew out
and she was crying quite badly too .. Sigh

Mrs neo: thx.. I could not get over what had happened
the toughts of it bring tears to my eyes sigh..
PY>> Yeah.. understand ur feelings.. cfm will be very heartpain de.. i m sure baby Charlotte will be fine de... God will definitely look after her de..
PY:wah my god,charlotte ok?any blueblack etc?i will faint seeing my M fall on the floor

My frd using huggies dry comfort, she said gd, cheaper then huggies ultra.

Dreamygal/boi: 6 days no poo u not worry? M 2days no poo i worry liao. boi as u see, urs still ok only 2 days
mrs neo: mine also,M into sucking his own hand too not only thumb till wetwet

funzee:Mtoo, by right it shd be ard150ml n 5 feeds per day but he just dun finish all,always stop at 125ml max nowsaday n ard7feedsper day.
hi funzee


thanks for ur advice
i shall try that out

hi annette

morng too

mine today 3rd day not yet poo le... hmmm, maybe i will drink more Yakult? hope it helps hor
btw, i send u a PM
is Charlotte ok? Got cry on and off or not (ie, after feeding, diaper change..etc then still cry) ? Poor thing... Sure hurt like hell.

Re: poo
i enquired abt pooping once with Abbott. The lady who called said that if bb no poop, it is coz bb absorbing the milk well. If she finally pooped and then is not the hard hard type, she is not having constipation.

Re: diaper size
I really worried cannot finish the S size diapers. Anyone interested in Nepia S size? Have a new unopen packet.
Ya she is ok... As normal lo.. Dunno if I should bring her for check up? She can smile at me, talk, and play by herself..

Last night I kept crying.. My hb ask if I have a running nose? Wth lo.. He tried to give tissue after he knew I was crying but I kept pushing him away. End up he just went to sleep in the living room. I was really mad at his carelessness

he kept saying it's an incident but I strongly feel that this can be avoided!! I jus cannot accept this has happened and what I saw. He need to change his own way of handling Charlotte.

Sometimes he carry her facing out.. But when he wanna take something, he jus use a hand to support at her buttock. Charlotte can fall on her front easily. I keep saying him but he say awhile only etc etc .. Sigh

I can use one hand to hold the pacifier (cos she always reject) and another hand to carry her, but he can't. This shows he still can't really carry her well lo! Hai!!!! The scene I saw kept flashing in my mind
but he apologised .. But something cannot be undone. My girl is hurt. He said he landed on her tummy first. But I kept thinking if she was seated in the car seat, hw can she land on her tumu first instead of her head?!

Aiya whatever is it my heart broke into million pieces.. Nv experienced such thing before.. Just like what the poem "before I was a mom" described

really sorry to hear abt charlotte. but thankfully as u said, she's ok. perhaps just to allay your worries, just bring her in for check up to eliminate anything which u cant see?

as for the HB, i'm sure he is really sorry for hurting charlotte as well. as long as charlotte is fine, thats most impt. dont be too angry w him for too long lah k? *hug hug*
PY: hugs...i can imagine ur anxiety.. there was once teng fell rom the bed, head first, facing upwaard..he screamed! ..i was in the ither room.. i thought i heard someone cry.. so thought just go and check it out.. wah liew.. i find teng lying on the floor crying! omg!.. then that night i cldn't sleep.. keep surfing the web and monitor.. see if got vomit, concussion, drowsiness etc. haiz.. heng teng was abt 8 mths plus old liao. wah liew. if infant like that.. alamak. cannot imagine..
that time yh admitted for viral fever. i was reading what is the SOP to admit infant.. i read cracked fontanelle (the soft parts of the bb head).. i was like.. 'wah like that can still survive meh?' then i keep having flash backs of teng falling on his back of his head last time.. (behind got one soft spot)..

must be ver careful on holding in fant lah.. ur hb. if he really needs to pick up something while holding charlotte upright.. giap C's body against the chest while holding/supporting C's neck. not buttock.. buttock sure drop one!

haiz.. monitor.. if miser does that. he gets it. already once he almost dropped yh coz yh arches backwards and it was in the nigth, we all sleepy .. night feed.. heng yh 'dropped' all the bed.. miser freaked out and shouted out.. i looked at him.. yh wailed and i mmediately 'wake up'.. then took over the carrying.. miser stunned.. he seldom stunned one lei.. seldom lose composure.. the next day i casually bring up the incident. he just said 'yes.. that was quite scary'.. :S
boi: u gotta a mail

ddnikz: oh yakuly can prevent constipation? i have been having constipation, shall try tt out.

PY: i understadn how u feel,im like crying when M keep crying nonstop infront of me n i cant pacify him lor,just dun weird,seeing our bb not in gd front etcmaybe this is the mum n bb attachement tt other have been saying. Dun think ur hubby will lie to u la, hedefinitely feel sad too tt he dropped charlotte, give him some time to adjust his way of carrying C,dun let him carry unless he change those style tt u feel unsafe? tts wat i did to my hubby la though im not too gd myself:p
Astro: huh! If there's a crack in the soft part of the head i think the bb will cry non stop right?

I think something must happen then our hb will learn lor..

Last night i couldnt sleep.. i just kept thinking of what i saw lor.. if charlotte didnt fall on the floor, instead of hitting some furnitures or what.. or even still some sharp object was on the floor.. or kena the eye etc etc.. sorry no cure lor.. because of his carelessness, it could have hurt charlotte for life!!

Hippo: he knows that i'm still angry over what happened eventhough I still talk to him haha.. But in a v buay gam wan tone lol. He dare to tell his mom on that incident.. And the mom reaction wasn't really big leh.. I dun dare to tell my mom cos I know she will jump for sure
Annette: i always say him liao.. but he nv change.

today he spend more time with C liao.. when i bathe her, he sit beside me to watch (usually he will be doing his own stuff, playing computer etc)
and he checks her if got any pain here and there.. and now he's playing flashcards with her.

I hope this is not a one time thingy just bcoz he is feeling guilty! TSK!
PY, not sure if this is going to help you or not, but I think if the baby looks fine and behaves normally after that incident, things should be fine. My baby also slipped off the pillow and knocked her head on the floor, only cushioned by the thin play gym mat. Twice. My fault lah. First time she looked a bit stunned, didn't know whether or not to cry then after that decided to cry. Second time she cried quite badly, but she was OK after a while. Then once I lost my grip (wrists very painful from carrying her) and kinda dropped her a short distance onto her Combi chair. I think I am super clumsy as a mother! Of course we feel very bad when such things happen to our babies, but I think if there is really a problem, baby will let us know in their own way like change in behaviour etc. I am sure your hubby feels very guilty too. As for the what ifs, well, don't think so much. Be thankful that the what ifs, didn't happen!

Annette, did you baby go on fewer feeds before this? My baby always been on 7 feeds. What is of concern to me is that she is not finishing her feeds. I am giving her more or less the same amount as she was at about 1.5 months. Increase also she doesn't finish. Now 3 months already leh! She seems to prefer licking her fist and sucking her fingers rather than drinking milk. So weird. Then last night she didn't want to sleep after her bottle at 7pm. We rocked her, sang to her and she kept making smacking sounds. In the end, we had to top up 3oz (1oz each time) until she was satisfied then she fell asleep! I know she has this habit where she will make up for "lost milk" in the evening, but this is a bad habit. I hope it doesn't persist.

as long as charlotte is ok, then maybe its a blessing in disguise. then daddy can wake up his idea a bit...

my hb quite on the ball. as soon as he gets home, he like becomes Min's bodyguard. sit beside her, watching her all the time, even if she's sleeping, so that i can get enough rest.

I have a medela freestyle pump for sale. Bought in nov 09. (US set without warrently).Use only for one mth. Selling at $400. Freeies: Avent breast pump conversation kit for medela freestyle. Please email me if interested.
PY >> if charlotte is all ok by now it should be fine..thank god! the "flew out" bit was really scary. i had my own fears abt such a thing cos i'd my close shaves when i was sleepy etc. also when i used to get into the habit of latching her lying down and we both fall asleep...i wake up suddenly and realised i fell asleep - and get into all sorts of hallucinations abt the what ifs...so let's all try to be really safe abt babies..we can never be too safe. but don't be too upset with him for long..sure he is feeling awful too...so cheer up and put this incident behind u...k?

i bought both the ultra and the dry comfort. good choice - the dry comfort is really much better. i think it's the one thing that is helping audrey sleep in longer nowadays. everything else was a constant, but after i changed to the dry comfort - she slept well. it may well be a conicidence but i will be sticking to it, promo or not.
Yakult is supposed to prevent constipation but it doesnt work on me. The best solution is still drinking more water.

Gosh??!!! Your hubb ask if you have running nose? My goodness... Sorry to rub in, but I don't think she can lend on tummy first leh. Coz the neck now is still quite soft, face will fall forward first. Can understand your pain but your hubb also apologise liao, angry with him also no use, wont help. Right now guess you can only monitor. Bring to doc also no use unless you go through Xray and stuff. Just monitor to see if she has any abnormal symptoms before bringing to doc.
PY: Hug hug...sayang Charlotte more. I think the notion of pain has yet to be well-developed for babies, so Charlotte is probably more stunned than feeling pain. ASk your hubby to sayang her more too.
Thx everyone she's fine now.. Still as her normal self

my hb wants to bring her for swim tml.. She jus had one on Sunday.. He said since she love it so much, he dun mind letting her to swim twice this week as he's on leave lol.

Xoxo: hmm I went to see the package of the huggies and it stated dry only leh nt dry comfort haha..
funzee>> My boy also leh.. prefers to suck his fist and lick his fingers than to drink milk leh.. sighzz.. and he suddenly rejects bottles .. dunno why..
PY>> Glad that baby charlotte is okie..
Am sure she will enjoy her swimming tmr..

Which outlet did u bring her to? I also wanna bring my boy for a swim.. saw an outlet at northpoint.. was thinking to go there.. compared to vivo and PS.. go yishun dun need to pay ERP.. lesser traffic.. :p
annette : I brought my girl when she was 4 mths. Now Lele earlier cos my girl loves going to the pool. Should be ok bah. I see that if baby goes for formal swimming lesson, they also go normal pool leh.
6 days no poo of course worry loh. My mil said bfed bb is ok, even PD said so. But i'm still worried. I have been massaging his tummy everyday.

sweetzinc : Believe your hubby learnt his lesson le. Glad that Charlotte is fine.
Lele's poo really massive loh. Now its another 2 days le since his last poo. Sianz...
PY >> I see..you bought the blue pkg one..cos at the price u bought it, i was like WHOA! the dry comfort is the one that is red. need to tell SF that he shouldn't go and stock up like there's no tomorrow at times...end up we have quite abit of excess supplies. anyway, i need to lelong my unused diapers soon.
Dreamygal: lol today will be the 4th day since I last clean hers .. Why always this kinda pattern huh ha! I'm bringing her to swim lol, nt sure if she will poo in water? :x

xoxo: ya the blue ones ;) u nt using goon anymore? Cos I was looking for one for her day use. Dun like drypers cos of it's sticker type tape.. So saw huggies was on promo so I jus get that hehe! Dry comfort is the most ex range of huggies. Think it's quality and absorbency abt the same as mamypoko too?
Py: glad to know Charlotte is fine...phew! Must have. Een rely stressful..

re: Rejecting bottle feeds
Mrs_neo, Annette,ddnikz: have been reading ur posts past few days n decided I am at my wits end now n really need some advice on what I can do now .
My boy has been on occasional bottle feeds since 1 month old e.g. 3 -4 times a week by my mum when I go out on errands. Using avent teat size 1
till 23dec he was still doin that (11 wk old baby)
then suddenly on 24 dec he just decided to reject ALL bottle feeds by my mum, my hubby n even me.
After reading ur posts, I bought teat sizes 2 and variable flow teats n tried over the next 2 days, he continued to reject.
Thinking he was throwing tantrum, I dragged his feeding time n refused to breastfeed him.but he only cried n cried n even tried goin on hunger strike for 6 hours in the day ( he was previously on 2 hrly schedule in the day)
after 4 days of torturing, I give up already, seeing that he is cutting his feeds from 7 times a day to about 4-5 times of breastfeed after struggling with the bottle.
I have also tried pigeon bottle n teats (thinkin that he could be disliking avent all of a sudden) but same problem!!
I have also tried leaving the house so that he doesn't see
me around.
I was thinkin maybe he has a real fear of the bottle now. Is it possible??
does any mummies have advice on What else I can try??
I have to go back to work in a month's time n it's bothering me real bad...
help! any babies here with cradle cape? i suddenly noticed a lot of yellowish patches on bb's scalp that will turn flaky like dandruff when scratched. what shd i apply to make it go away?
dreamygal, would olive oil clog the pores? i was using baby lotion on his scalp coz we shaved him on xmas. now i stopped coz duno if the cradle cap was already there but we never noticed because of his hair, or the baby lotion caused irritation to the scalp.
ginger : Apply small amount of pure olive oil, wait a while and use soft brush to comb.

So far that's what my mil did to all the grandchildren who got cradle cap. Think Mrs Wong said that too in her lesson. Mummies who attended, can confirm?? I attended mine 3 yrs ago, rusty le.
PY>> Hope Charlotte is ok. I can fully understand your feeling. Felt the same way when my second child, Kimberly, fell off her cot. She was about 9 mths back then and my heart broke into pieces. I was worried it might hurt her spine, her head etc... thankfully, she was ok. Time flies, she's now coming to 5yo! If your girl is still her bubbly self, I'm sure she's fine. Hugs to your girl and you too.
yeah, wat dreamygal said is correct. tts the only way i know tt will effectively get rid of cradle cap. RN is gg to hv it soon. there r some on her scalp now and on her eyebrows too. and..... she smells! hahaha.

So wats A's weight during the last PD visit?
i guessed its 6+kg then.
vodkarib: mine too still using teat 1 for avent, nvr cross my mind tt i need to change the teat till i see the other mom's post then tt i overlook on tt. now M total reject avent teat 1 but still accept NUK teat1.Im now using avent bottle fit with NUK teat.decided to pop the hole bigger like other other mom suggested instead of buying no 2 1st coz have too many teat 1,quite wasted to throw it away wo.U can try NUK teat coz M reject all avent teat n pacifier but at least still accept NUK teat n pacifier but not as b4 also.

PY/happy mummy: ya theres this new branch at northpt for bb swimming session,same shop as the one in vivo.

dreamygal/py:tt 6 mth r u refering to swim at normal pool? im waiting to bring M to normal pool

ginger: my M had tt during his 1st mth, cl applied olive oil n gently massage, all gone in 1 wk time but recently theres a $1 coin size again,been applying the olive oil for few days,getting better though,u may try.
Hello! Am just going to add on to the distress over babies rejecting bottles. Mine has been on the bottle since 1.5 months. Now, 1.5 months later, not wanting to drink her formula. She can even use her hand to push my hand away! Or she will sometimes whack at the bottle. Just now I spent one hour feeding her! Finally finished 4.5oz. She drank halfway then started to reject. In the last 10 mins, she finally finished the rest after I reheated the formula. Other mummies may want to try to keep the milk warm while feeding their babies. I hope this helps.
Sigh, had another one hour battle with baby just now. Keeping milk warm didn't help. She was too sleepy. In the end, wasted 70ml.
hi funzee

hmmm, y is ur bb rejecting bottle? hmmm, how abt latching on? does it helps?

my bb has rejected bottle too b4, when i enquire with dreamygal for advice, i was guided to either change the size of the teat, and if it doesnt help, den bb maybe prefer my BM more. so i change and it work
thx mummies... just went to buy pure olive oil. gg to try tmr morning

jrrt: ur guess is close... he weighs 7.12kg at pd's visit 2 weeks ago. explains the numbness in my left arm.

haha the stupid daddy let charlotte swim for 35 mins today and it totally exhausted her out!

she became quite cranky .. didnt wanna latch... latch 3-4 mins only then cry.. she wanna sleep.. finally now she's sleeping after a 20 mins feeding.

hope she can sleep longer haha.. poor her must be damn tired lor. i told the daddy "eh like v long liao leh.. carry her up lah" he said "she's enjoying herself ma.. etc"

haha yah she only knew what is tired after we carried her out frm the pool..
