(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

publicity: the diamond inclusions sounds so interesting! do they make the price of the diamond go lower?.. it is still 'transparent' in colour huh?
i think an inclusion of me and miser's photo.. and a wailing teng.. will be a good gift to #2.. whahahaha. sot liao. i should be sleeping.. hahahha..

very sure that i'm the only one left spamming the forum.. night all. just had apieceof bread to calm my stomach.. haiz..

*sweep the floor of the forum, switch off lights*
*switch on the lights*
woohoo..woke up cos of my pain..self-diagnosed pelvic pain..it's really affecting me liao. like i got separated joint or something. and i cannot reach the soreness? or sharpness of it? not a good sleep at all...haiz, my doc will surely shake her head if i call her AGAIN b4 my appointment's up..plus a rambling tummy to pacify...
loke >> my thinking is..if there's a time to commemorate anything, what cld be more significant than a birth..but i wanted something that the babe can possibly use later in life..so nvm baby stuff..hence a pendant/brooch..single set stuff that does not depend on a person's "size" e.g. finger size...

i didn't know beryls can be quite pretty too..but it'd be meaningful to use a birthstone. how to set it in which way and which symbolism to invoke..i need to think..the lime green stuff your husband featured were gorgeous!
(my HB was saying it looks it's more for me than for the babe..agree agree!)

thanks for the info. time to start imagining things! so your HB finally relented and agreed to your sapphire stuff?
astro >> ok, same course of action as you..took bread..also had a warm cup of thin milo kosong...now much better..the pain in the centre of the upper thigh-connected-to-my-butt is still there...cannot move too much. jialat..i cannot imagine if this continues for long.

eh? so how? i think i better sign up for my aqua class (famela...how?)...coming coming?
Hello Ladies,

Thanks for all your concern and prayers.

I am now confine to bed for at least a week. I have a threaten miscarriage and this means that I will lose my bb any time if I dun take care.... My gynae is suspecting the placental starting to tear and he can do nothing much but ask me to rest more.

He also told me that m/c in 2T is quite rare but still there is the possibility. So I need to continue to rest in bed till the bleeding has stop.

As of yesterday, my bb is fine and I am able to see the heartbeat. What a relief..... Please cont'd to pray for us and hope that we can get over this soon....
Chia, ong : ya, is the fat flat noodle...aall along i dun like to eat one but dunno hw come this pregnant like to eat so much even b4 the TV programme show....anyway i didnt get to eat the mee yesterday coz my mum cook porridge so hv to eat lor....
good morning ladies. Had a bad night yesterday, couldnt eat much...feeling so bloated and hungry. Sigh.. all the MS is really driving me nuts.

xoxo: u organising an aqua class? what is it about? swimming? I am interested in pilates and yoga? anyone interested as well?

Joyce: Take care and rest well. God Bless!
hi all,
been exhausted these few days. all of a sudden everyone wants to meet me for lunch or coffee this week. wah, feel so popular. am booked up all the way to saturday! hahaha...

the tennis ball doesn't help ah? i think it may be more than just tight muscles in your butt so that may not alleviate your pain/discomfort.

mini library - we meant your gina ford books lah. i think too many posting you blur already. eh how ah? dry spell no yellow jokes ah? i think i try to crack some for joanne k.

i love the sapphires lah. have a pink sapphire that mum gave me for my wedding. WAS looking for smaller stones to make matching earrings. but since not working anymore, i think better dont try to be funny in purchases. hehehe...

hey joanne,
looks like all my fellow RYC club members dry spell no yellow jokes so i try for you k? if it comes out the wrong way, no offense hor. ok ok ? eh, can you "deh" (sa jiao) with him or not? hmm, surely you have some "secret weapon" that will make him succumb willingly to you? maybe both of you can cool down over these few days, then have a secret rendezvous just the 2 of you somemore. get someone to babysit your boys? i know with the MS its hard. but if at least you are willing to make the effort, i'm sure he'll come round to it right?

most men will soften when the wife "up the service level" right? hehehe... i mean afterall, half the time they think with the other HEAD right? ...

oh oh. how about HOT ANGRY MAKEUP S&X??? *straight face* hehehehehe.... show him who's da BOSS???!!! hmmmm...
yup. eno has been ok-ed by my gynae. he's funny, said "eno? ok lah. eh but just follow instructions. if 1 tsp means 1 tsp dont go and keh gao put one TABLESPOON hor."
lor-kee loke / xoxo,
i have a great idea for heirloom. just go and choose something you really like for yourself. next time when bb grow up, you say "nah, this one mummy bought for you when you were born. now its yours!"
anyone has pimple/acne breakouts? am getting quite a bit on my face and back. wondering if I can use facial mask or not. cos the box doesn't say preggy cant use. but am not sure if i should. have delayed facial for quite awhile now. anyone has any knowledge on this?
Joyce : Now the most important thing is for u to rest and be relax/happy ya. Will definite keep you n bb in my prayers.

Loke : ahah. Told my hb abt the bb video. He say next time he will bring his camera and video too. ehheeheh.

I learned a lot from this forum. Me decided to tell my hubby everytime i got discomfort eheheh. Guys should know how xin koo we gals go through. HB asked gynae what he can do in the meantime, gynae told him 'pamper me'. hahahaha. But then..i stll waiting to be pampered. zzzz...

What exercise can we do when we get to 2T?
swimming? (gotta find new swimsuit though)
brisk walking (rushing to work everyday)
anything else?
HRD_RYC : yes, u can go do facial. Just make sure ur facial person know u preggie. They will just avoid using the facial machines (other than steamer) and some of them will stop giving shoulder massage. some la. some still does.
Joyce: Thank God that the bb is fine! I had a threatened miscarriage too when i was abt 5+ weeks. (was spotting for 1 week) Wasn't given bed rest tho (just duphaston) but after that 1 week i was fine. I did read up that placenta tearing is quite common and usually it will re-attach after a while. Did u check with the doc what is the heartrate of your bb? if its above 100 its a good sign. will continue to pray for u and bb.

hi all: my next appt will be this sat so i will post both my 8 wks and latest pics after that la at one shot. hope all goes well.

btw i notice my belly button getting smaller and smaller not to mention the small bulge below my navel getting bigger and harder too. think in no time my belly button will start poppin out. sheez. anyone else looking the same way currently?

HRD_RYC: i dun have acne but i know of other preggy frens who got it. face mask should be safe but acc to those preggy frens, since its hormonal, there is very little they could do except gentle washing with non-soap based cleanser. some of them used the regular pimple creams too.
Joyce: take care and we will be praying for u!

HRD : I got breakouts at my back. I used to have it b4 i hv my 1st one. After i pregnant for 1st time, all pimples disappeared and now it's back again as i am pregnant 2nd time
so sad. Other than that, i feel my skin is not as radiant as compare to first time. Now i just feel so ugly when look into mirror.

gal :MS is morning sickness.

cream magnolia: my belly button still look normal despite getting smaller. I dun tink mine will pop out as my previous one is still abt the same.
clumpsybabe: yours so cute look like floating as it's at the side. mine not as clear leh as gynae say i shld not clear by bladder but i didn't know it could affect the pics.
Joyce - Try to get as much rest as possible and dun strain yourself, get others to try to help you out if you need things etc. The most important thing now is to keep yourself strong for your baby. Must keep the faith and will pray for you.. Stay strong..
ong: but everytime we visit gynae, will be given a strip to test our urine mah so hw can dun clear bladder leh???? My gynae mostly use virginal scanning coz me too fat tummy scanning cannot c....hahahaha
Joyce: So glad to hear from you finally and to know that you and bb are both ok. Don't worry too much now just try to relax and know that as long as you rest well, your baby will be fine. Try to keep your spirits up as it's good for you and bb. Know that we're all behind you and praying for you and bb. Take care.
hey ladies.. today on mc coz gastrics and cough forming :S.. oh well..

joyce: rest well.. bed rest ok? are u prescribed hormones as well?
Strawberry Stars: I think ice lemon tea is ok if consumed in moderation. The tea may have some caffine but that is fine because I've read that it's ok to drink up to 1 cup of coffee a day. The other thing is too much cold stuff is not good for general health (according to TCM)so just try to control the amount you take lor.
Chiapatty: ok, i will have just half a glass to curb my craving. Nowadays keep craving for cold drinks cos i feel very hot. Be4 preggie, seldom take cold drinks. sighz
joanne: ha... u cannot imagine my tummy size (leftovers from teng).. yet at 6 weeks i think gynae can use the normal scan to scan and can see heartbeat.. so i think.. u can ask ur gyane to try again :p

HRD: hahaha.. good try.. show who is da boss huh? :p:p

cream: (sorry for shortening ur nick again :p)
so fast belly button pop out? wow :p mine last time was just 'flattened'.. no more pop out :p

xoxo: erm. think i will pass for this aqua one for this round.. i am still interested in the pre natel yoga though. that one can wait till 2T right?
hmmm.. call gynae lah.. bo bian mah. this kind go GP .. they also cannot make no head and tail one.. can't give u muscle relaxant somemore.. lagi worse wor..
straw: i been controlling.. no ice lemon tea for me..
.. no bubble tea.. no tea. no nothing.. dunno why imposing this on myself.. maybe because for teng.. i really manage to do it.. haiz. for this current one. coz i conducted some workshops .. teabreak. only have.. ya.. TEA. haiz . will die of thirst if dun drink. drank some liao .. haiz..
astro: really admire your determination. So far, i have not been controlling leh. cos of the bitter taste in my mouth, cant really take plain water. Lets hope things get better after 2nd T.
joyce: so happy to hear that bb is fine. do really have good rests k.. we'll be praying for u.

joanne: u sound better today.. hope things are also getting better for u and hb? my gyne also used vaginal scan for the first few times. but the most recent one he used the ab scan.. as seen on the video. hehe

gal: must remember to bring ah.. hhaha.. when we reached the clinic, we realised we forgot to take the cam out the car. so hb had to go back to get it.. then when he was inside with me and the gyne, he forgot that he was supposed to video down the scan.. i had to make sure my pregnant brain remembers to remind him. haha..

xoxo: my hb also getting pregnant brain like me. haha. his explanation is that he got to wear my shoes so that he can understand what i'm going thru.. excuses only.. hahha

p: i think i rmr something about eno.. the idea is that eno helps in indigestion by getting us to burp the gas out so as to relieve bloatedness. the content in eno is harmless. but prolong use of eno will cause the body to eventually be dependant on eno for the relieve of bloatedness. so eno just helps on the surface. it doesnt really help to cure the bloatedness. gaviscon is a better choice.

>family heirloom
i like HRD's idea.. hahha. just get something we really like then wait until bb grows up and tell him/her its our family heirloom.. kekeke...

p: u want ur family pic in the 'diamond' ah. just stick the neoprint (cos its small enough) behind a piece of swarovski crystal lah. haha.. very hard to get interesting inclusions in diamonds. and yeah. the clarity drops because of these inclusion even if they are interesting ones. this is because this is how the market works. the
famous 4Cs.

hrd: very hard to get a pair for earrings. usually it costs more, unless it comes in a lot, then u slowly choose two that looks the most similar. but if u looking for small pink sapphires, also not too difficult. small ones are more common. only tedious to match them. a pair of pink sapphire studs would cost from $400, including the sapphires. it depends on the size of the sapphires also. :D

Attached is picture of a pair of earrings my hb made for me for my bday.. hee.. retail price is about $900 -$1000. 8 pieces of diamonds total 0.28ct. 2 round purple spinels and 2 pear shaped blue spinels, total about 4ct. 18k white gold.

my mum also keep telling me not to drink cold stuff.. but sometimes i also cannot take plain water.. will puke it out.. recently also cannot take hot milk.. i try not to drink teh.. but teh halia is good to help me burp. so last choice is milo. what else can we drink? haha. oh.. i drank boiled coke with ginger. not bad also..
i have the following books in my mini Gina Ford library. but some are loaned out to goodness know who! so i need to get it back before i can lend it out again.. :p

1. The Complete Sleep Guide for contented bbs & toddlers (available)
2. The contented little bb book of weaning (dunno when liao)
3. Gina Ford's top tips for contented bbs & toddlers (available)
4. Potty traing in one week (available)
5. The contented child's food bible (the complete guie to feeding 0 - 6 years old) (available)
6.The new contented little baby book (dunno when), (this is the recommended first time reading)
7.The contented toddler years (available)

kekeke.. all the key books lah. the sleep guide, the weaning and the contented little baby book are good recommended readings. even if u dun intend to practice the GF routine..

another book which i recommend is this..
the secrets of the baby whispherer by Tracy Hoggs
Tracy Hoggs has passed away but her book, this one in particular is still in print..

essientially, it is a flexible routine..E.A.S.Y schdule.. stands for Eating, Activities, Sleep and Your time..
not as rigid as Gina Ford.. but i did some studying on the routine and realise it is built on similar principles.. based on bb's sleeping patterns and such..
this book also attempts to classify bbs into 4 major types and describe the temperments.. Angel, Spirited, Grumpy, Touchy bbs. interesting read here.. got a test to guage ur bb.. ha. in the earlier months. teng was so difficult, i thought he was a grumpy and touchy mixed.. turns out once i establish GF routine.. he is an Angel/touchy bb.. :p
intereting read also. maybe more suited to pple who would like more freedom.. got a segment on cues and identifying the bbs cries. i tried. but i think teng bascially bellows all the time lah..
wah liew..

Publicity: wow! nice earnnings!! i like the purple! *jealous*. . how come Miser is not running a family business in gems?! arghh..

ok ladies.. next time when Lor-kee attends our functions/gatherings.. remmeber to wear our sun glasses.. coz sure a lot of bling bling on her one! :p
kekeke.. got it on the Eno.. ya. i thought the ingredients are ok. just the action on the body though. ..
anyway. doctor give me a yucky white solution.. dunno what MMT.. is that similar to gaviscon?

straw: ha.. sot one lah me.. not determined.. just dunno why so stubborn! :p
Publicity: a bit hor? hahahah.. but quite a cute book. but warning. verythick and wordy :p

shucks.. i still cannot get over ur bday gifts.. if every bday u get something like that.. really can collect and sell at a fortune liao! ha.. :p
i think miser never give me a bday gift which is more than %500? hmm. the most exp ones.. are handphones lor.. he just like buying me handphones??? i dunno why wor.. i got only one pair of ears, one mouth.. one brain.. and not so many frens.. why i need so many handphones? *scratch head & see dandruff falling off*
p: haha.. u r really funny.. u keep calling him miser.. of course he's a miser lorh.. hehee.. i would like to have a new hand phone though.

anyway, not sure about MMT.. i think its abuot the same as gaviscon lah..

i just read about gina ford at http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/gina-ford-tears-before-bedtime-439708.html. seems like she's really passionate for what she's doing. those pple who criticise her also sot-sot one.. everybody got different ways of doing and handling things mah.. and everybody got different principles and beliefs in their lives.. y go and criticise her not as if they are as good as her.. really dun understand these human beans.
Publicity: Exactly! i share ur sentiments.. i feel if u like something.. fine.. go and adopt it for own use.. dun like.. then.. erm. keep ur opinion to urself.. coz maybe at that pt in time.. u dun see the good in the method.. but it doesn't mean the method is all crap mah. there is two sides to every coin lor..
in fact.. even she is not good. let's just respect pple's integrity lah.. pity lah.. maybe that's why she can get quite defensive if pple challenge her.. can't blame her if she has to go thru all the exp.. can we?
ha. u spell human beings as human beans.. is it intentional dig at the brain size of these people?? :p

Miser is a miser lah. he is very very super thrifty.. :p but the good thing is.. when he has to spend. he will spend.. and i can normally get him to spend.. just takes sometime for me to convince him. BUT it must be done subtly.. such that he feels he wants to buy it HIMSELF..he is very smart.. to know i am using this trick also.. so half the time. i just say' i want u buy for me lah. please?'.. hahhaah hahaha.. :p
actually at one pt in my life as a sAHM trying to 'sort out' teng. i wanted to hire Gina Ford to my home!! hahahahah. i am serious.. as ridiculous as it sounds :p
Loke : ya today my mood is better, nv talk to him last nite after rch hm, i treat him as transparent. After making my son sleep i also sleep then he suddenly come in sleep beside me & hug me, think he knw wat he say really hurt me lor...
p: haha.. my hb also the same lah. but he's not so smart.. his brain dont think as fast as mine.. so by the time i finish talking and analysing the whole situation, he would be pretty convinced he should spend the $.. hahaha...

anyway, the spelling error is done deliberately. haha..

the thing about leaving babies to cry.. she's not the only one who advocates that.. there's this Sears' method on babycenter.com.. by this sears family of doctors.. they also apply that method. if u watched rachelray show on channel 5 in the mornings, there was one episode where the mother wanted to get her girl off the milk bottle.. also used that method of letting the girl cry.. but all these are not done in extreme sense.. its done in control.. e.g. let the bb cry, but only for a certain period of time.

i see my sister doing that to her kids too.. and it works pretty well.. all three of them are quite well trained. so i'm also quite convinced that this method works.. but of course parents must do it wisely.. not just follow the method blindly..
joanne: that sounds really sweet of him lah.. i'm still convinced that guys have a brain that has a processor older version than women. so next time just remember to cool urself down first.. then wait for him to go through his thoughts and after that then come together and talk. haha.. it should work most of the time lah..
Publicity: wah.. u good leh. ur hb is so 'obliging'.. kekekek.. the more i try to analyse it for miser.. the more convinced he is NOT TO buy. and end up. he can convince me NOT TO BUY also.. gosh.. so half the time. i just be whimsical and tell him.. 'i know it is going to be a waste of money.but can buy for me?' then i flutter my eyelids.. hahahhaha. *gross* :p

nice one.. i caught that.. human beans.. ok. i will use it too! hahahah..

yes. there's sears also..but i thought sears is the nice camp.. saying bb-led lifestyle. family bed etc? ops. i forgot all liao. must re-read.. hahaha. so many different camps shooting at one another :p

i did the CIO (crying it out) method on teng before also.. and boy, the boy CAN cry leh. and worse still.. I CIO-ed him TWICE.. coz my mum couldn't tolerate the crying and spoilt the effort.. haiz. poor boy.. he was dependent on the pacifier to sleep lor.. haiz.. now is a thumb sucker.. but i prefer him that way.. call me selfish lah.. but i am no noble mum to wake up and pop the pacifier for him when he wakes up 30 minutes into his nap cryin gfor the pacifier to get back to sleep. i feel that is so disruptive .. and that was one of the main reasons i went into the depression.. well. good thing miser was supportive. but i did the CIO on teng lah. miser really can sleep thru. i went in and checked on my boy who was cryingtill sweating in an aircon room :S.. then wiped his sweat.. i cam out and cry myself.. haiz.. :S

BUT all is over! and the verdict is.. from the start, make sure everything is done as 'right' as possible!! this time with #2. i am not going to let all these crap happen again.. arghh..

joanne: on the few occasions that miser will iniiate apology. (most time i say sorry first.. coz cannot stand disharmony) i still make things difficult for him one leh.. :p.. i say things like 'do u knw what u did was wrong? can u promise u wun do it again? u sure? u very sure?? very very sure?'.. till he sighed.. then i laughed :p
p: hahahha!!! that's what exactly i would do also... everytime hb come and say sorry to me.. i'll still ask him.. u know y i'm angry or not.. most of the time his answers not very right.. and i'll give him the look again... then he'll guess until he's right lor.. hahaha.. after that then slowly become better..

Wanna ask yall if my humongous appetite recently is normal.

I had one big packet of nasi bryani (with 1 big curry chicken drumstick and azhar) then after that I still took char kway teow like, 15 mins later, plus 1 cup of orange juice (without ice).

Is this considered as normal? I will still feel hungry even though I am already eating. Dunno if it is my stomach getting bigger and eating more or baby eating more. But I am only at my early 8th week, this huge appetite doesn't seem normal to me.. ??

angie: wow! u have such good appetite! :p
not affected by MS? lucky u

hmm i think having a good appetite is ok.. everybody's symptoms differ.. but need to make sure u eat more healthily..
