(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

ok ladies..

here are the best safe sex positions during pregnancy..

If you’re looking for some ideas to jumpstart all that creativity, you might want to develop your own sex positions by exploring the sex positions game. If that seems like too much work, the following sex positions are generally considered to be more comfortable as your (or your partners) body changes during pregnancy:

The edge of the bed sex position
(The Dr.Ruth and Dr.Amos position) offers many possibilities for greater comfort during pregnancy. You can lie on the bed (on your side, or briefly on your back) at the edge of the bed and your partner can be off the bed, either on their knees or standing up. Combined with the rear entry position, you can be off the bed on your knees (with a pillow underneath them) and rest your upper torso on the bed, with your belly off the bed.

The spooning sex position can be very comfortable as there is no pressure on your abdomen and you have lots of movement. Your partner can position themselves behind you at different angles to allow for penetration. Avoid lying on your right side in this position.

The side by side sex position allows for more equal physical contact than spooning, but penetration can be a bit trickier. You can cross your legs over each others and this may help. As with spooning, this position can be very comfortable as no one is feeling the weight of the other partner’s body.

The woman on top sex position offers the benefit of you being in control of the depth and angle of penetration. Later in the pregnancy you may find this position more tiring, and if balance is a concern you may prefer a lying down position, but others find this the ideal position.

The rear entry sex position is said to be good for g-spot stimulation and can be a comfortable change as it’s a position you aren’t in that often, unless you’re doing yoga. This position can either be done on a bed, or modified as a version of the next sex position.

Happy BDing safely! LOL!

hahahahaha.. you girls get wad i mean!

astro>> stop laughing!!! i can hear your laughter from changi! lol

rina>> yes yes yes.. same case for us intially.. we started TTC before our actual customary, so we got quite a lot of action for about 3 months only before we strike bull's eye.. and ever since we saw the BFP, fire ceased..
miemie: hahaha. i can't stop laughing wor.. how? hahahhha.. :p:p

glass: 黄/蓝(depending on what colour u like :p)色笑话??.. my partner in crime at the other thread.. (she's the PRESIDENT, i am only a MEMBER.. got the difference in skills? hahah) is a nurse lor.. so she said we should name our club.. RBC.. not red blood cells.. but Royal BLUE club. that's how blue we can be!!! hahaha.
so when she's online.. the two of us will 'do our stuff'.. and get amused nonstop.. (miemie: i will always be laughing till i choke when she is online also.. hahaha).. and all other on the thread do selective reading.. hahahhaha :p
astro: hahhahaa.. that's funny...

anyway, on my first visit to the gyne, he said "go ahead and do all your normal activities, live normally.. even sex.." my hb blushed!!! hahhahaaa
Astro, how to apply to become member in this RBC eh? I also can be as BLUE as how you want me to be ney. Wahahha!!
Oh they are of the same family...maybe the one I'm having now have more sex hormones in it lah.. :p
astro: haha, now i get it.

I'm back from buying food. But it seems to be grossing me out. Yucks. Maybe I should go home and work on my stuff another day.
i suspect i was pregnant cos that was the only time we did not use condom as my Hb says shld be the safe period. Who know so "zun" and kena strike just becos did not use for once or twice. Anyway, we r prepared for "accident" as we intend to have it this year but just nt sure when so jus thinking nt to use it for a short while.

MieMie : some ppl hormones will change n their sex drive will be at peak during pregnancy. Cos one of my ex colleague say she was enjoying so much than b4 but her hb was scared.

For me, ever since i knew abt the bb, i only did once or twice as simply no mood for BD . My poor HB have been asking for it but i have been rejecting him so far..
I am in my 9th week. Can see bbs hands and legs growing. I didnt expect it to form so soon, Or I just could not remember. hehe.
I found out that this week I am in its peak. COuld not eat much and puking every now and then. Especially if I eat too fast or ate something my bb rejects. A fussy one. But Im glad you know what insanity it is driving me too. I have no such experience with my first. Anyway with this symtoms, I am sure to close shop after #2. Confirm. I cant take anymore of this.
feeling extremely hot. office trying to save electricity, so only a few airconditioners are switched on.

realised the bamboo disposable chopsticks stink.
Loke, looks like someone might get lucky in 2 days time...*cheeky wink* LOL!

Miemie, so now I know I'm not the only oversexdriving pregnant woman here..wahahh!

Cream, I'll be goin for my check up next wed, will then be about 9weeks +. Hope to see my baby formed too! Maybe you wanna post a pic of yr ultrasound scan for our viewing pleasures?
hui min: this is my #1 and i'm already thinking of closing shop after this. hahaha! it is v depressing puking even after eating only v v little. feel super weak after that. yours could be a girl since i hear girl babies give more ms symptoms
anyone having pimple breakouts ah? im having like the worst pimple outbreak ever in my life! everyday new pimple finds the way to my face.. i feel so pimply now...
miemie + rina: aiyoo... that's if i feel ok at night mah... good thing he wasnt around the last two weeks... Ms throughout wor.. how to enjoy?? and he's like astro's hb lah. work work work work work work work work.................. work until so late.. i wait until i also sianz.. where got mood... hahhaa..
MieMie : enjoy yourself during this period cos one the bb is out, u may have no mood to do it for a while

loke : u will knw it very soon ! maybe u r at peak too! haha

huimin : same as u. i am closing factory after my #2
miemie: oh dear.. i dun have pimple outbreak eh... i only slim down.. my face become smaller... but my waist area expanding... become unproportionate already../.
wahahaha.. you all make me feel like getting some action done today! hahahahaha.. but have to see HB ok or not, think he still worried...
Talking abt BD.. hubby is also worried.. he scare he will "poke" and "burst" the waterbag leh.. LOL.. Then hor, he crazy de.. he said since the bb developed hands.. who knows the bb will grab his birdie and dun let it come out! LOL.. I told him its nonsense lah.. how can he penetrate into the waterbag??
rina: er, i v blur. how to post pics on this forum ah? my latest scan was at 8 weeks. can see arms and legs. quite cute. yours at nine weeks should be able to see quite a lot liao. Possibly can see it swimming
maybe we should create our own RBC here. LOL!

Mrs Neo, your hubby's theory is so funny!

Cream, there's a function just beside the previed/post tab - upload attachment. You can use that.
Cant wait to see yr scan pic!
My hubby siao 1 lah! Always talk nonsense.. sometimes i also buay tahan him.. But the gd thing abt him is.. he is very cheerful.. like to "Gao Xiao"
Hey mtbs!

Hmm interesting topics going on huh..but I think it is not recommended to BD during 1st trimester right? Hahah should copy and mail to hubby Muauhahahah...

xoxo and Mrs L: Thanks for asking...the flu bug is not flying away yet...sigh...as I am typing this, I can feel my spirit floating..thanks to the flu tab. I also think the beanie pillow is very cute hehehe...will probably get from my friend nearer to date.

Yan: I am not the one doing the beanie pillow. What I will do is, I will get my friend to email to you the details
Mr Neo, my ex colleague hb have the exact thinking too! that's y her hb not that willing to do it often as he kept thinkg abt the bb inside.
Talking about BD, i also make my DH a "vegetarian" for the past 2 months. But one of the nights, i had a h**** dream, when i woke up, my lower abdomen cramped like nobody's business and i spotted a bit. I didn't tell my gynae about the dream lah, but she immediately told me no BD in the 1st trimester cos of the spot.
hv not log in for so long...hope every1 doing great! I hv abit of stomach cramp but that was when I lie down ok bed.any1 experience that b4?
waiting for 1st trimester to end but time passed so slow.

I also have make my HB a monk for abt 2 month plus liao...he's complainning liao but really hv no mood & feel so sick to BD...u knw wat, i told my HB i cant BD coz i saw his birdie nia wan to puke liao....hahahahaha.....hw huh....
