(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Pinkie Mie
Have enrolled my boys at Chiltern for jan 2012 intake, half day programme.read they raised their fees..now is around 900-1000 per person per mth... Guess i need to sell backside at night liao for extra income..
I emphathize with you. Is it confirmed he has autism? Have u taken him for the routine PD checks? My next PD check is in April, have already prepared a host of issues to ask. How abt interaction with u and hubby? U working already? If yes, maybe you wana take leave and spend time with him (aka personal coaching) sometimes kids need speaking to and extra 'tuition'...u need to be strong for him, whatever the outcome. Coz you are the pillar of strength for ur kids. I know its difficult and its good to cry it out to redirect ur anger and emotions...that said, at the end of the day, ur kids need nobody else but you n hubby.

How unlucky can it be. Go visit bpmc kindy for m's N1-K2 starting next yr & for next yr so unlucky they only have1 n1 class( usually 2 classes) & out of 14 slots 9 taken coz siblings w kindy follow by Methodist church members(every yr ard2-4taken) means left w 1-3 vacancies the most

Wahhh tts fantastic , my mum's area terrible playgp to cc all waiting list
i visited 3 kindy & 8 cc todates.which playgp r those?maybe ard ur area less 2009 babies .

CD's curriculum not bad , have drama too. Gd tt u satisfied w ur branch. feedback of Bt Panjang branch bad & I don't like the plc very messy & heard chers scolding every few mins.
Emailed u , u c if she's taken

Any plc to suggest? I'm not a so gd organizer hehe
Errr for Nathan, is he exposed to other kids or w any playgp prog or just home alone w caregiver? Another westzone mum having same prob, her boi was diagnosed autism I help u ask her where she seeks help n treatment.
U r? Last time(b4 I Mia for mths) nvr c ur nick b4:p
Chiltern is $1080/mth after Govt subsidy is$930/mth I think haven't add gst, u have 2 bois? Siong wo n u sending ? If not sch bus ex, heard increasing next yr too
my twins are coming 18mths (premature 2mths), so developmental wise, 16mths (just to 'console' myself..hahah)thats why i am here.My EDD was supposed to be 10Oct. PD did say that for premature kids, the actual age has to take into consideration the time supposedly to be in womb. But then again they shldcatch up by their 1st birthday. Me not working for now...taken ML, NPL and then study leave, since kids' birth...but going back to reality this May...
As for Chiltern, one of the consideration is curriculum and quality teachers. Went to the school, am happy...the other consideration is distance, which is just walking distance from where i stay, so would not be difficult for my mum to send.wanted a more play based curriculum like Eton, but it is 2 bus stops away...so dunwan lah..and of coz more exp...
Dear Joyce > I'm so sorry to hear that. Have you gone for another set of professional opinion? I don't know much about autism, and I understand there are varying degrees of it. So perhaps if the professionals can diagnose properly, then intervention and support can happen quickly for your little one?

Has he started any sorts of playgroup activities? If so, how are his interactions there? Maybe one possibility is to start gently transiting him to a small group play environment to draw his responses?

Until now, I don't even know what my boy wants at times, so don't beat yourself up too hard if you don't get his cues. I think the most important step is to get the professional's advice on how to deal with this if this is indeed true. I'm sure they can also advice on support groups as well for caregivers.

Don't give up ok? Stay strong for your boy.
annette>> ya lo, they have drama classes and it changes every month.. i quite like their curriculum.. im just thankful that there's a childcare at such close proximity to my mum's place that is to our liking.. just hope that belle will be happy there!

joyce>> *hugs* do get a second opinion.. i hope it isnt anything severe and that its misjudgement by the first PD..
Hi Mummies,

This the initial finding from my family doctor. He has asked to bring the case to KKH (Child development)
since he is currently reviewing for his late development.

I have already arrange the earlier appt to see Dr Selina Ho in KKH in 9th March.
I hope she can give me a better advice to what to do next....

Really cannot accept and I dun know how to face this fact that my son has autism...
Out of so many ppl why choose my baby.... what had I done to deserve this....

My boy has not go to playgroup yet...
Actually I have already enrol him to his sister's childcare in is coming April.
Now I really wonder should I proceed if he is really a special child...
Cos I afraid that he may be bully as he still dun know how to speak or walk....
hi joyce,
my heart goes out to u and Nathan.
Its not confirmed yet correct? I know its difficult, but try to be positive and wait for Dr Selina Ho to do more investigation.
*hug hug*
Joyce > I am so sorry to read abt this....I hope that Dr Ho can shed better light and give u more assurances. You should keep the place in childcare..SF's nephew is autistic and he attends mainstream classes near his home with weekly therapy elsewhere. I could get these contacts for you if u need them. Yep, and do try to remain v strong and positive for Nathan & your family.
Joyce: pervasive developmental delays? Good that u are alert enough to spot it. It wun be easy this process but have faith that everyone will be supporting u and cheering u on. Nathan is a special child, differently abled. Pathlight, a school for autistic kids accessing mainstream education, give talks to public . Scratches the surface but informative nonetheless . Attended a few lately.

If confirmed autistic, Nathan will have to start his early intervention early so that he can be conditoned and trained to handle all the aspects of life.

And for yourself my dear, u need to get yourself into some form of support groups so that u can manage all these string emotions and be supported by pple in similar situations.

Keep us updated on Natan.
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for the all your support!
I just feel that I need some place to share my sorrow... I hope all of you dun mind....

Nathan has not confirm his condition yet. Dr Ho mentioned that she need to assess him on the 9th March to see his respond....

I have checked online as well, a child after 2.5 years then can only go through the series of tests before confirmation.
Meanwhile the child needs to go through physiotheraphy, behaviour theraphy, speech therapy etc...
as the form of early intervention.....

I really want to stay postive but sometimes is very very hard to do so.....
But at least I know I have a group of mummies like all of you to provide the support and
lending your ear to me when I in need... THANK YOU!!!!

Let's try to meet sometimes during the March Holiday... my intention is to get Nathan to social with other children too...
Hi friends! Didn't come in for a while and glad to see that the thread is alive!

Joyce: My niece is autistic and attends pathlight. I know of 2 other boys who are autistic. For the other 2 boys, their parents got them diagnosed early on and had interventions for them. Today, they are very sociable. One of them is such lovely company and is even more sociable than his "normal" brother. But I must say that the mum put in A LOT of effort. She is a SAHM, later got trained and even taught at Pathlight. For my niece, diagnosed late, so not sure if that is why she did not improve as much as the other 2 boys. But we think she has definitely improved after having interventions and attending pathlight.

As for preference for the help - well, I have many sob stories to share on this topic. But the one lesson I've learnt is that we must press on and realise that we have to put in the effort to "win" our child back with a lot of attention, and one-on-one time. It takes a lot of personal mastery to face the rejection and still put on a happy face for the child. Schedule some special one on one time, be it reading, or singing to him. It will help him with his speech devt too!

Just curious, is he able to identify objects/body parts? My friend's son could not talk even when he was 2, but her PD said most impt is that he could ID body parts. Now he is about 3 and can say words.

76: 10 Oct was my EDD too! But she came 2 weeks early.

As for books: managed to find one tao shu book at the library. Have read it to her 2x. I quite like it as the words are big and I can still read most of the words, with help from the hanyu pinyin for the "difficult" words. Hee hee hee!

I think I am a little late on the scene for play groups and such. Must buck up and find something for her soon! :p

Food: my fussy little eater is still fussy. I have concluded that she only eats really salty food. And really, it's not that I have been exposing her a lot to salty food. I was careful when weaning her to give her lots of veg, not very tasty stuff but she always rejected food. And now, when she has the oppy to eat tasty stuff she just laps it up. I can only conclude that it is in-born in her that she likes salty stuff - like me! Ugh! She is obsessed with mushrooms. And as for carbs, no rice or porridge. Even bread has been dropped - or she will just pick at the fillings/toppings. Latest acceptable food is bee tai mak and plain chwee kweh. I really don't know how to ensure that she gets neough nutrition. Eating is such a stress point for all of us at home.

Playdates: I am good for playdates on Thurs and Fri, cos I do not work on those days.
Hi funzee,

My son till date has not call me "mama" yet.

I am yielding for him to call me once....
Identify parts of the body??? Haiz... of course still cannot...

He only like certain activities or songs. The songs that he like are "twinkle twinkle little star", "Old macdonld's farm", Barney's theme song and Barney "I love you"....
As for the rest, he will cry very loud and he will just crawl over the DVD player and off it...

I know he is not the only person to get this type of condition...
But I just cannot accept the fact at the moment...
joyce > Nathan's so smiley and happy! Dre's favourite nursery rhymes are very similar too - twinkle twinkle little star esp! I believe you are a strong mummy and glad to read that u do feel better...hey, i've read that keeping blogs could be therapeutic. Not specifically for this condition or whatever, but how about pouring your feelings on a blog to keep tabs on your parenting journey? Hmm..March..how about Royce for a playdate? Have you been there? nudge nudge nlimm and funzee - i am ok on fri..

funzee > sure things are looking up now that u are making time for her on thurs/fri. hope to see u ard soon
Joyce: anyday(early notice)
FunZee: thur & fri
Nlimm: best b4 6th mar coz op

Xoxo: any preference day?

Venue suggestion:
1)Botanical garden( me n Iimm planning 1, next fri am?)-anyone know which part nice?


1)Royce: xoxo I went once member bring in$22/Hr I think. Still have member discount if u bring us in? If no quite ex for an HR I think. Fri m's class 3-430,ilmm's 1130-1


That online mum yet to reply. Maybe u can sign Nathan up for once a wk class or of ur caregiver can, sign him for daily playgp b4 enroll his cc commencement
nlimm > how about hort park, if it's outdoors? hmm..or peekaboo at kallang? that's $10 per entry, unlimited....not as many toys as royce though. as for timing..i am ok for wed or fri.
nlimm > just to add for me, i can only join the gathering if it happens first week of march - mid-march, i am travelling again..so hope to see u gals, if not, gotta catch u when i return in april.

Ohya hortpark, a mini picnic haha?
PeekAboo gd idea, I nvr been there b4 I dun mind.
Another plc at Dempsey , can't rem the name, any idea?wanted to go last time but Bb still small, peekaboo type of play plc too.
Next wk I only left w fri anytimejust end by 230 (m's lesson3pm) next mon to thur need to go sch mark exam scripts.next after next mon to fri no prob except m's lesson wedn fri3-430&thur b4 2 pm can't.
Errmmm if so based on urs, mine,funzee & Joyce , remaining slots be
1)next fri 25feb end by 230pm
2)thur 3mar start 2pm &after
3)fri 4mar end by 230pm

Anyone else joining?
nlimm > dempsey's gogobambini is rather rowdy and the softplay structure is v high. peekaboo is not anything fantastic but at least, there's a cosy corner for us and some snacks...the slides and stuff are more age-appropriate...hortpark SF just looked at me in horror (think: heat!) hahaha...

i am ok for 4 march, maybe we meet earlier in the morning, say 10am - won't join for lunch though.
joyce : nathan so smiley! i spot 8 tooth!
my boy also not able to identify body parts. been trying to get him interested.
(anyone any tips?

calling me mami is hrmm...super rare...maybe once?

funzee: i tried udon today. ding ding ding. pass (for now). or maybe coz he was really hungry (5 hr gap from last feed). Since A likes mee tai bak, maybe she will like udon too. I'm tempted to try soba next...soba has a lot of nutrients right?

4th march 1030am fine for me,funzee & Joyce how how? Anyone else?

Joyce , m not yet too only know knee n hand I think but rare to response. Gal, u try change to mama & papa? I insisted to have daddy n mammy, end up m only dar dar dar since 11mths but no mummy no miiii so we change to papa & mama & m start calling papa few mths back & mama this mon hehe so far after mon he called mama on wed to today everyday
Hi hi!

Re body parts: Please do not be concerned if your bubba can't id body parts yet. The health booklet says by 19 months can id 2 body parts. So still have some time. Ideas to encourage identifying body parts:
1) in the bath: sing "this is the way we wash our (body part)". Amelie liked this when I first tried it out.
2) stick a sticker on the body part - something we discovered yesterday while she was playing with the flag day sticker
3) touch your own eye/nose/ear and then say "here is your eye/nose/ear".

xoxo: yes, I think the 2 days off has helped us. There are still ups and downs of course but I think the extra time has reduced the intensity of the rejection. BTW, I recall seeing some BPs selling chinese hungry caterpillar before. You might want to keep a lookout for it. I'll let you know if I come across any.

gal: there is this other thing you might want to try. Called somen, also a jap noodle. Got it at NTUC. Amelie is ok with it.

Joyce: Nathan looks happy and smiley! Sing more to him and you'll get more smiles! You can try humpty dumpty? My mum would sit amelie at the top of the sofa and let her slide down to the song. Or pretend to row a boat to "row row row your boat".

Playdate: I am ok with 4 Mar. Recently A gets cranky around 11am so not sure if 10.30 is a good time but I can try. At most she will just get cranky lor. Preferably a place where I can get to with public transport.
Or cab. BTW do you know that Royce will be charging $15 for 1.5 hrs from April? No more $12 per hr.

Xoxo, to reconfirm,Peekaboo is the one at leisure shopping complex right? If so funzee, there's a mrt station right beside.
Sama here m's nap is ard11-1 , I c if can let him up later n nap12+ till2 + there b4 his3 pm class.

$12/HR?!Funzee u sure?
I paid$22/HR during our last playdate leh somemore is1st trial member bring in rate tts y find it's a overprice playplc, somemore far Fr mrt station
Or shd we find a sat pm Fr 2pm onwards?most of our Bb nap time shd be ard12nn plus minus I assume?26th feb or5th mar then wking mums can join us too?any wking mums keen? Xoxo how's the sat crowd there?or the one at eastcoast which we went last national day(can't rem the name) ard 2-4then a simple get together at the beach afterwhich(shdnt be too hot then Im a no sun pax too hehe )
Hi mummies,
My son juz pass 16mths few days ago and yesterday start he reduce drink milk. From 180ml down to 100ml. So I tot he don like the taste of current milk so I change it to pediasure. At first drink back then today refuse milk at all even porridge too.. Do any mummies encounter this problem? Pls help I really worry...he not enough nutrition and I don wan him stop take milk.
nlimm > i suppose u gals go ahead. i have something on for the 5th already and i won't be in SG the following week after that..
Dear mommies > May I check your views on this? When does the "Terrible Two" syndrome actually starts? My little one has been throwing tantrums recently and I'm very concerned since usually I can distract him quickly with other things. Now, I could not get him to calm down and he just escalates himself into such a frenzy that its quite disturbing to watch. Some of the tantrums really need a very stern discipline I think because he will throw things (not balls) and I think can hurt other people if not kept in check. But my husband disagreed. He thinks that he's still very young and has no concept of right and wrong. When do we actually start to discipline the kids?
babymax>> My boy also throw tantrums and he will cry if we dun understand what he wants.... Haiz...
Even you want to discipline him, maybe he dun even understand....
my boy has been doing the same thing. took his toy and started hitting hard at my sister for no reason too.

he also screams at us. i supposed we don't understand him what he wants too. at this stage, perhaps this is their way of communicating to us that we need to understand them further.
Thanks Caesarsalad, Joyce and stlock15. Yeah, I think he may not fully understand the Why am I not getting my way...He probably thinks I am being a monster to not let him have his way. And its quite tiring as well to keep up with his tantrums.

Also have been feeling a bit upset with my helper. I don't want my little one to have the habit of throwing things across, so will always stop him and tell him no. My helper will stop him but say things like "Look at mommy, mommy will be angry with you." I mean I felt like he should be taught the reason why that action is bad, not who will be made angry by the action. Maybe I am over complicating things.
Body parts:
My boys know how to identify most body parts: head, hair, eyes, nose, cheek, mouth, ears, shoulder, hand, fingers, stomach, bird, backside, leg and toes. We really praise them when they got each correct...not just 'very good' and 'well done'...its really an EXAGERATED form of praise (e.g. wow!!! Wonderful...(child's name) got it correct!!!..and thn repeat the same part after they got it correct and asked again. But all these are done in front of mirror..we got a mirror in the hall. Probably also they see each other do, then the other want to get praised also.. but i must admit gorgor a bit slower in such things, so didi mottivate him.
Nathan looks much bigger and grown up now compared the the 'standing up' photto u took the last round...wow..how much he has grown wor!!! and such a happy toddler...Good tthat he responded to songs....
76: you have just reminded me about a learning point. We would cheer wildly when they can poo, eat, say the 'abc' or identify body parts. As they get older, our number of praises decreases sharply and these get replaced by criticisms, or questions such as "Why didn't you get 100 marks and lose four marks due to careless mistakes?"

So I think we must constantly remind ourselves not to stop encouraging them.
u made a v gd point..isnt that what we always see in our sch context? Sad lor...coz adults expectations of kids is 'u are older, u ought to know this and that...so, nothing great that deserve a praise'...we really ought to remind ourselves...just the other day, i was talking to a fren...frens around us who are young parents..put up photos/videos of their toddlers/babies reaching new milestone in facebook...e.g. first song, first dance, first nursery rhyme, first walk...seems like every toddler v clever and every child is a genius..but how come when they reach primary school, we see differnet kind of standards in the kids?? watever has happened? Well, lots must have happened. As paretns, we really need to reflect.
who's looking for HIPPO???

i've been here all this while, just reading but not posting. been in a really challenging work situation for the past few months now and is constantly trying to keep afloat.

and i dont wanna be bitching about negatives in here so i dont say much since it isn't anything really palatable to the general person.

anyways Min has been growing well, she does identify the occasion body part here and there. understands most things we say to her and is generally getting more and more talkative with more phrases added to her vocab weekly. of course, nothing like Nat's Megan kind of speech development but hey, we are still proud as hell for every little thing that she picks up along the way.

i constantly remind myself not to get caught up with the milestones and what other babies are capable of. as long as she's the happy girl that she is everyday, we are happy just at that.

looking forward to her starting playgroup. i'm quite sure she'll love it after she overcomes her initial apprehension.
ah... i forgot to mention that princess will be taking her first holiday to HK end March. this will be during the time that her nanny goes home for her home leave. we figured that since we have to do the real work, we might as well try taking a trip while doing that.

of course being the dependent folks that we are, my parents will be going along with us. so there is plenty of LURVE to go around. hehe...
tantrums :
JTS : http://parents.berkeley.edu/advice/worries/hitting.html

i am so tired battling bedtime with him these few days. Yes there is a bedtime routine in place. At times I have to scold him i.e. tell him loudly and firmly to 'lie down and sleep'.

Lately, he scrathes his leg or arm fold and fusses. If i ignore him like 10 mins and say 'lie down and sleep' (a couple of times), then he sleeps without scratching. ?? attention seeking? or what?
gal > *hugs* has he slept for the night already? erm, meditate! hahaha...that's actually how i decided to deal with this. since there's no way to change them (normal part of development), better change our own mindset so that i don't become a frumpy, grumpy, moody, foul-mouthed mum! not joking lah...Dre even rolls on the floor in public places before..i consider that the nadir of my parenting journey.

hippo > look forward to your trip end March....am sure it'd be a great shopping trip to chase away your blues! hahahaha...erm, i am looking for u! i got stuff for u...but didn't see u online...guessed u were busy battling work forces!

playschool > i started Dre today on a trial class and my only complaint was that it's too early in the morning - i'd to be up at 7am! She was cautious and reluctant at first, content just observing the class but the teachers did try hard and she soon warmed up to her classmates and teachers. Hope she would continue to enjoy the classes over the next few days then I'd consider the drop-off. Anyway, got reading homework from this class...quite a good food for thought. beyond just ensuring our kids have a roof over their heads, food to eat and (lots of) clothes to wear, we should also pay some thought into their heartware. here's a reading: http://www.familytlc.net/resilient_children_preteen.html
bally and bao also going for a holiday come april to tokyo disneyland and disney sea too!

hippo:yeap.. i been there and done that.. so for bally.. i am v v cool.. ha.. he is endearing and cute. i see him i wanna laugh.. even without speaking so much. he si already charming me non-stop :p

anyway. to share something i did with bao today.. bao did me proud.. i love this boy . to think i was so worrieda obut him starting P1 one year ahead of his peers.. i think this boy can do it..

cut and pasted from my other thread:

how about transfering reading to a game? And hor using the 1st 100 words from P & J series (from the link i posted earlier), throw in a few simple words, the kid and you can enjoy of good learning fun! Don't even have to buy the readers! haha!

How do we do that? See the case in the videos demonstrated by our in-house model Teng.


a second one.

Towards the end, the Mama ran out of permutations for the sentence. haha!

soon we wld be doing this for our kids.. and i saw that some of u gals are already starting hur? ha.. i am going to be ZEN abt this with Bally.. else i wld freak myself out with playing catch up with TWO boys!.. :p:p
Ya difficult to compare every babies, my colleague just told me this pm tt her Bb(dec Bb) can identify all face features aldy errmmm n m only 3 todate haiz stressed don't wanna compare , just make sure our Bb r learning something every day/ wk

Dre is with which playgp now?

Gal: errrmm now e zz Fr what time to? I'm thinking of adjusting m's zz to 11pm to 10am wonder y will work, currently he zz ard12mn n up latest 9am, how u make e zz so long ? The last time u said he zz fr8pm to 7am?

Haha m like to scream too n it's bad coz their scream pitch can go really high
Astro: wah gd job bao, I find myself very lazy , just can't get myself down to teach m English haha cox I dun like English:p
Bao gog to start pri1 a yr earlier? How to qualify for tt?
As for zz, I'm trying to make m zz longer n so envy all ur boy can zz thruout, m still sun zz thruout n up at nite
I tried cutting back to 2 short day naps of1hr each but he still zz near midnite n up latest9.tried one nap, he will zz ard11though I tried make him zzz at 9pm n up ard8+ n of coz a nite feed n 1-2 nite cries
the preach I wanted only have session2(1145-245pm) in thinking of making him zz 10pm-10am (big challenge to have12 HR zz for him) or 10-930am coz need him to be fresh for class n yet hope to give a short nap when he's back tt be330-4pm . Thinking of doing without but was told they need more zz at this stage till k1 or 2 then without nap. If not possible then have to look for another sch tt have am slot
astro > i would have so much fun with Teng! he's simply fantastic! hope to see him and the Charmer soon! :D

nlimm > i think it's impt to believe in M. if u dig deep enough, for sure there's something M has that Dec kiddo doesn't. comparison is not a very meaningful activity to engage oneself...haha..no end to it, so don't stress yourself 'k?

playgroup > this is not confirmed yet so i hesitated abt posting the name. it's actually cherie hearts, a street away from my blk. i didn't even think this place would be #1 but when we visited, Dre was comfortable with the environment/teachers and so we just took her cue. went to a couple of places and big name ones etc, but none had that sort of affinity like this place and it's right at our backyard. they were also willing to take Dre in now- everything on trial, plans can KO if Dre shows she is not ready or unhappy..and i can accompany her for classes for now. for awhile at the beginning, i thought this won't work out cos Dre stood like a wooden block and stared and stared and stared. then she warmed up and joined in the music & movement..and from there, things became better. timing wise, i hope she can adapt for the drop-off soon...cos if so, i can take on some projects that i have been wanting to do but that part, i guess i've to leave it to her to adjust. just more rambling thoughts... started the school today, the other mummies started comparing immediately...so after the courtesies and safe replies, one mum couldn't resist and said, Dre is not just short but VERY short (i know, matter-of-fact) and proceeded to ask me what i intend to do abt it..so i just nodded and told her, i'm feeding her long beans everyday but it doesn't help, if she has a solution, pls tell me... :p
astro > when are u going to tokyo? I am heading there again in march. skali same timing then i think disneyland can be my regular jappy playdate location! muahahahaha....

one other thing bugging me..and apologies to non-nursing mums... but i am getting all sorts of weird reactions from pp when they know that i am still nursing Dre via direct and exclusive latching. the teacher today expressed doubt that this is the best way gg forward. and she isn't the first. i am really feeling that the climate is anti-nursing or extended breastfeeding - question is, how to stop, why should i/we stop?
