(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hello!! Being a long time since I last post! Been reading la. But no time to post.. Just a quick post here...

I am getting the same reaction from kd's sch as well. He is due to switch from IC to playgroup in 2 mths time. And today the teachers at IC asked me if I wanna stop Bfg cos no kiddy at PG is still drinking BM. Hmm.. I am apprehensive though. Even though I am expressing out and KD is currently on one bottle feed a day now. I never thought about when I should stop... If I were to continue, they will have to keep my milk at the iC fridge. Also need to warm up there etc. Gave me the feeling like it's very troublesome for them but they said is for kd's own good... Sigh! I still haven decide what I am going to do too!

Re: comments from others
Just few days ago, my manager suddenly said to me "sorry to say this, but your son seems to fall sick very often, is there something wrong with him?" and I am like... Dumbstruck. My boy fall sick like once a qtr or about 2 mths? So like 4th or 5th fever case since he was 5.5 mths old till now. Is it very often and is he something wrong already? I attribute to him
Being In childcare and when a child starts being exposed to other children, viral spreads easily and is inevitable. My other colleagues told me that as time goes by, the child will build up an immune system... Sigh... I only know we didn't choose for our child to fall sick or be short or small size etc etc. Parenting is a journey. Not just about learning how to be responsible and loving to our child... But also about dealing and coping with many others expectations or comments and how to protect our child and ourselves from those...

Joyce, hugs. Try not to worry too much before any verdict or result of diagnose (although I know it's really tough not too!) but u have to be strong and positive! Ur boy looks happy and fine in the pictures it's hard to believe he has any problem at all. Sometimes the doctors tell us the worse so that we have the worst case scenario and be prepared. It's something like they wanna be vigilant and don't want to miss out Something serious.

While waiting, just concentrate to enjoy urself w ur child's growing moment. Like what xoxo said. If we really dig deep, our child are really wonderful in our own eyes. There is no need to compare w others at all. They are growing In their own time. Even if we were To throw some Seeds into the soil at the same time and water and care for them equally. No 2 plants grow at same rate and exactly the same too... At least if he is diagnose early, u get help early and be able to learn to communicate w him.

Think positive k! We are here to pray for u!
xoxo/oricule : still breastfeeding?
*applause* :D think they just comment due to the norm and also the additional work required. you know what is best for your child

xoxo : abt bedtime. thanks. i feel better already. :D and yes guess its time for me to pick up a book to read.

nlimm : i fed last milk feed 2 hrs after his main dinner, which is at 730pm. then he will normally zzz from "8/9pm" to 5:30/7am. some days will have occasional wake ups in between not for milk but just sits up then plop down himself so i will just hide and observe.

i believe some books/mummies is adopting 1.5hr milk feed after main dinner.

last milk feed :
any idea when we should start reducing the milk intake amount for the last feed?

and.. anyone's kids drinking 300ml? thinking if i need to upgrade my 240ml bottle.

hippo / astro : wah..shiok :D enjoy your trip.

astro : teng so cute.
love the videos. Are the things we need to ensure they know before going into P1?
300ml?? So much?how many times ur kid drnk?Mine still at220ml, 3x a day.
Sleeping time
Mine sleep 2 naps a day, 1.5hr each.Night 8pm-7am. Theywillwake at7am and sit there and point here andthere...i pretend to sleep till i gam wan...then around 730am i feed milk.Dinner is at 530pm and lastmilk is 8pm before they sleep...Nighttime no nighht feed...sometimes will fuss coz pacifier drops...other than that, usuallysleeps thru
Nlimm: qualify for P1 earlier? ha. no lah. u wun want M to go one year ahead.. it is immensingly stressful.. teng goes one year ahead coz he is 1st jan boy. so he goes P1 with the 2013 cohort instead of 2014.. and.. it is a blunder on my side. i all along thought he has a choice.. till i read moe website that day and realised.. it is by default they go in 2013.. and u write in to DEFER if u want ur 1st jan kid to stay with that cohort (2014 in this case).. so all of a sudden.. teng was starting N2.. then 3 weeks later he finds himself in K1!! wah liew eh.. those were troubled days as i reproached myself.. despite my meticulous 'planning'. i commited the boo-hoo! stupid moe.. argh.. long time never check in on them since i left the service! damn.

SO.. it is stressful to go one year ahead coz the kid is set to compete against the kids one year older when he might not be cognitively ready for the challenges.. sian.. so i am slowly getting over it as teng shows me that he can do it.. on my side.. i need to do more work lor.. teng is starting the 'i can read' programme to get him to learn phonics so that he can decipher the words more effectively.. then aft that.. shd be no problem liao.. comprehension he is strong.. for both chinese and english. he uses both lang quite effortlessly. i think coz me and hleper speak to him in english while my mum and miser speak to him in mandarin. so since young. he knows what lang to speak to each person! ha. i hope bally can pick his lang up this way..

i think M is used to waking up.. if u leave him alone. what happens?

u can use lego to teach him colours.. lah.
. and sorting --> maths concepts..

xoxo: cheries hearts is quite okay. but as with all things.. it boils down to a matter of preference.. of the parents :p there wun be a perfect pre-school. but as long as everyone is happy. that is the best pre-school for the time being
.. have u considered montessori for dre? a bit pricey.. but i figured might be more ur cup of tea :p

wah. japanese playdates at disney.. woo.. steep. haha. we are going from april 2 - erm. 8 .. that week. then it is mad rush in school for me again.. haiz..

Ting: KD is so cute. i just look at him. i genna charmed liao. i dun have to bother about what he knows! :p

xoxo: u shd just tell that lady. short? nope. petite is a better word :p.. gosh. haha. then give her YOUR stare :p hey. it is good to wake at 7am (sniggers).. :p no lah. next time they need to start P1.. also cannot wake at.. 11am? :p *siams*.. joking lah. u know me..
it is good training to get into some sort of routine..
and it freeds up ur time aft that coz she will concuss earlier..

as for bf-ing.. how is dre with her dairy allergy now? if still pretty bad.. can consider starting her on soy milk from a cup/draw using a straw.. replace one feed with that and drop one latch.. and so on and so forth..

as to why u shd stop.. i guess noone can tell u to unless u want to . i feel u did a remarkable job direct latching till now.. and it has been an immense committement on ur part.. ur work flexiblility and the support of SF allowed for extended breast feeding so far for Dre inspite of the travels.. but the centre wun permit that.. unfortunately.. i am not discouraging u. but just being pragmatic about htings here.. coz the last time i stayed with teng when he started LV. i wanted to ask for a room to pump for bally. also no have. i got to go to my school to do it.. i guess at that age. bf-ing is no longer the sole focus and can hinder things (like they can learn to socialise and do things together with peers e.g. eating at the same time.. but if dre needs ot be latched. then she can;t have the exposure ..) and do more harm than good..my feel lah..

but utimately.. it is ur choice..

erm.. ladies. at this age. the toddlers need to cut down on milk. and not increase milk please.. else it takes away their apptetite for soilds.. milk is no longer sufficient to give them the nutrients they need at this age.. iron is lacking.. they need solids to grow..
also learning to chew and handle solids.. helps to form up their oral muscles so that they can have better pronunciation in future.. also the more milk they drink. the more they resist texture food.. just to share.. we shd be systematically reducing the milk intake.. and not increasing.. u all know my source.. haha :p
or do a google online. they tell u the same thing.. ..

bally is only on 2 feeds. he dropped his noon feed even earlier than teng.. moring is about 210ml then followed immediately with breakfast.. (cereals in milk or whatever) + Yogurt
then night before he sleeps. it depends. sometimes it is 130.. sometimes it can be 240!.
and he gets yogurt daily. which is already worth of 240ml of calcium.. and i give him creamy stuff for dinner.. so al in all. his daily requirement of 600ml of milk. all in liao..
Gal:they need to be able to sound out the letter sounds of the alphabet. be able to write abc.. know some chinse.. i prety vauge abt it :p
but i just make sure he is good with his letter sounds.. and have a good start with phonics. writing he is interested to keep rpacticing.. miser doing the chinese. he is moving at a SNAIL pace :S.. maths. teng is alreayd aware.. so like that lor. :p

i tink GUG and then montessori play group did Teng a lot of good. his letter sounding is strong .. fine motor.. he has the dexterity to write. so also good

a suggetion for our kids to engage them in acivitity which increases hand eye coordination..and dexterity of the hands.. such as cutting of paper.. treading things thru a paper.. playing with play-do.. things like that..
this is what bally did this morning..

he walked to teng .. teng was drinking his soya milk.. he looked into the cup of milk coz teng was sitting on the floor.. he raised his hand.. and open up his palm.. and released teng's green sharpener into the cup!!

teng then screamed 'mama! didi throw the sharpner into my milk!'..

then this bally can still run to me and laugh.. :S


bally starting on gug.. he is faster gross motor wise and in picking things up in general thanhis bro. but his lang articulation is not as strong though as bao at the same age.. but certainly he is quick to understand.... well.. let's hope he enjoys his gug..
xoxo: "i'm feeding her long beans everyday" hahahahahah this is hilarious.. you actually said that to the mum? i wish i was there to capture the expression on her face.

gal>> 300ml? wow.. belle is drinking 180ml per feed.. 3 times a day..

astro>> i am waiting for bally to attend GUG! hehe.. hope he doesnt wail when he sees me though..
Haiz din compare, I'm finding the one that meets my wants haha n convenient for my mum. Cherie heart not bad, but the one here is up the hill n I dun wan m to take sch bus thus off the list. But the branch at ur end take in playgp tt gd, the one here don't , they only haveN1-K2. Haiz I'm really hesitative , I wan m start N1 but a few mums with older kids ask me not to it's just waste of $ n ask me teach m at home but I have no patience to teach him every day in a structure pattern:p at my choice sch now n the PR personal also told me tt n her boi only comes in in N2. As for dre, maybe her physical dev is slower for the mOment but she progresses very well in other aspect. I just hope m unlike me cox my physical is fast too tallest all the way till sec 1 n hit 159 then n now only 161:p

Aiyo is ur boss implying anything? U too still bfing!o_o

E drinking 300 ml , ya at what interval? M drinking 250 ml only.

Dun understand zz m just can't zz 11-12hrs
nap aldy down to 2 hrs only. So envy all of u. U will up once for nitefeed I triedcut off but he will cry till he get the milk into his mouth n his voice very loud for the nite such tt neighbors will ask me what happen the following am.N all ur last feed seems early , m will have a milk feed abt2 hrs after his dinner at ard8 too but 12mn-1am he will cry for it if it's 9pm then he will cry for milk ard1-2am
to those who r still breastfeeding : my greatest admirations to u! keep it up! u are giving the best to ur babies!

i think the society is not supportive of breastfeeding in general bec of the lack of knowledge. only mummies ourselves know wat is the best. i've a fren who breastfed her sons for 3yrs 8mths and i really admire her. i always joke with her she breastfed her sons for as long as jap occupied s'pore. haha
HI Mummies!

Feeling so guilty after reading the posts. I seem to be the most bo chup mummy here! Ok, I will try to be more engage.

Anyway, I have a question. Have you guys start brushing their teeth? Reagan refuse to open his mouth. I'm using finger brush and baby's toothpaste(can't remember the brand) but this fellow simply zipped his mouth! He is so different from his brother. Any suggestion?
Sotong mum
i started using finger brush at around 8mths...now at18mth, havestarted using toothbrush and firstteeth paste 2x a day..ithink its habit ba..they simply open mouth big bigand let me brush..ialways tell mum i machiam like brushing shark's teeth...
took Dre's height/weight at school today: 78cm and 9kg...still my ikan bilis as usual but finally, finally, finally..she has tripled her birthweight.

caesarsalad > yr friend is an inspiration..actually, i've some friends who also do bf past 5yo even. it really isn't for dietary needs. i suppose for bf babies, they depend on this for their emotional needs..somewhat? i am busy reading up now and thinking how to solve this.

nlimm > guess it's up to u...we listen to everybody's pov and end of the day, choose what works for our family's lifestyle. for me my rationale is that Dre's an only child and she would benefit from some constant social interaction. isn't so much abt learning her alphabets or what not - it's really just to play, sing songs and make friends.

mie > knowing me, what do u think? early in the morning, lao niang here not in the best of moods and this fella kept gg on and on and on and on abt height/weight/size. that was the most diplomatic answer i could muster. anyway, today i found out she is not the mother but the GRANDmother!!!! wah! i think i look older than her! :S and of course Dre is small compared to her grandchild. that kiddo is 26mo! comparing apple to pear. i guess that lady has quite alot of neighbourly exuberance...and i realised why she was so concerned..she thought Dre was also 26mo! :p

astro > we did consider montessori but Dre was quite clear what she was happy with and we went along with that. Dre's allergy is gone already. ate ice-cream even - hokkaido fresh milk ice cream and she was fine. having said that, i think the bfg part is not so much for dietary requirements as it is for her, out of habit/emotional stability etc etc etc. i am making excuses lah. i think i am the one who doesn't want to give up this relationship and the closeness/warmth that it has. whatever..let me go and sort out my thoughts and read up..then i can answer CH abt this soon...but from what i gather, Dre can already go for almost the whole day without needing to nurse but if she does that, the minute i come into sight, it's endless latching...so theoretically, she can go to class for 3hrs and they just have to offer her plain water and light snacks which they already do. no need for milk since i won't opt for full-day care. righto?

ting > at least KD can possibly take yr bm from cup etc. Dre wouldn't do that. if u are concerned abt immunity...bm does confer some antibodies which can help.
Mie: u leave him be first. then he will come and fawn on u.. haha.. :p

Sotong mum: hullo! long time no see.. ha.. sometimes bally refuses to brush his teeth.. but we would just make him cry.. :p same.. using finger brush and tooth paste..
76 > u are so funny!!!hahahahaha...SHARK's teeth? :p

sotong_mum > u brush yr teeth in front of reagan. they like to copy us and they would do that. in the mornings and nights, Dre brushes her teeth auto but at first, we had to brush with her. she's already using a baby toothbrush and don't wanna use the finger brush either.

abt teeth > Dre went climbing on a playground ladder, lost her balance and fell on her mouth. her two front teeth got pushed back in and lots of blood gushed. got her to the dentist and the dentist said "no more climbing on the ladder now". muahahaha..ok not funny when this happened a week ago. we were even told nothing could be done if the teeth is cracked/changes colour to black.
xoxo: i like ur 'lao niang'.. hahah. i have been pissed up the whole day coz of some irrating colleague who thinks his time is more preciosu than mine.. 'Lao niang' is also v pissed.. hahah. then i come and read ur 'lao niang'.. i actually burst out laughing! :p good.. hahah.. neighbourly exuberance.. hahahha.. i seriously like ur writing.. can u be more sarcastic huh? it is very fun to read ur writing when u are in the sarcastic mood :pP

but righto.. if it is 3 hours.. then u can continue to nurse.. as long as the Japanese occupation.. :p they say extending bf-ing can help lose weight. soooooo.. how's ur figure now? :p
astro > the only figure i am interested in is the one in the bank....unfortunately, it's as bare and stick thin as the physical lass.
xoxo: guess our children are super active. Elgin was just running about as usual, and he tripped suddenly. Good thing is he didn't fall on his head. Bad thing is his lower teeth cut his upper lip. Blood flowed like crazy. A small hanky was soaked. Managed to stop the bleeding after a while. The lip is swollen and bruised, but other than that, he is back to usual self.

hope there's nothing wrong with dre's teeth.

Haha... Min hasnt triple her birthweight yet. And I dont know if she is even 78cm yet. Last i measured she was 76cm n stuck there for a long time.
Sotong mum:
M started when he was 1yr old, finger brush n the bb toothpaste Fr the pd( can't rem the brand but she said quite a gd common brand used by alot Bbies) wkend at our plc we use oral b toothbrush for his age gp.m will only let me brush if I brush mine infront of him together

Alamak tts hurt. U meant the 2 front teeth shifted in? Will it affect the adult teeth infuture? If just the milk teeth tt be fine

Wah great they open for u to brush thruout? Mine most of the time not the entire

Patpat Elgin , the swell subsided?Guessed our tots r real active mowsaday

Errmm guessed difficult for m to start earlier, dun think he's under ' genius' category based on his progress haha. Do u have any idea for pri1 if eg m can't start pri1 in sg in 2016 do we still reg in 2015 n enjoy the privilege to be in phrase 2A under oldboyoldgirl category but only start in pri2 or pri3?

Unhappy incident at jg:
Sian today my m stupidly sit there during the bubble time staring at the bubbles n get beaten by another Bb on his head 3to 4 times and tt Bb mummy just sit there n watch n smile somemore. I cut thru the other mummies n beat tt Bb hand gently n told him tt he shd do tt n carried m off. Tt grin at tt mum's face irritates me, always just sat there with her maid doing nothing n her boy went ard beating other Bbies. Am I wrong? My mum keep saying tt I shdnt beat tt boi shd just carry m away.

Sad , m don't call me again since sun
he called me everyday Fr last mon to we'd , sound so nice but he keeps calling papa n is everyday so envious.
Happy hippo and xoxo
my boys grew 6x and 7x their birth weight..hahahaa...sounds high??? Illusion only..coz they were premature and small to start with mah.1.4kg and1.7kg..now 10kg and 11kg, 80cm.Next PD checkup is april,when theyare 20mths (actual age 18mth)..hope they clear..if not cant be discharged..
dun be unhappy abt jg lah..i always think the parents are the ones suffering in the long run not victims likeour kids..coz theyare the oneslivng with such ill brats and non chalant parents.
i started my boys early..thats why they are used to it..in fact, when theythrow tantrum, i justhaveto say'bathebathe' or brush teeth, then they willstop their tantrum..coz theylove these activites..My boys will even lower their chin or tilt their head to let me clean upper teeth or lower teeth...hahahhaa...only prob..they like to suck the brush and the 'juice' (aka paste)previously theylke to bite myfinger when i used finger brush..thats why ii chnaged to brush...wana use it soon sothat they dun have phobia of using... i am slowly holding their hand to the brush and doing the action..slwoly transiting..
Hmm... Don't need to compare Liao. KD is only 74cm!! And 9.1kg. Kekeke. And he wasn't from the ikan bilis club last time leh. But join in now! Hohoho.
76 : my boy (a 10Oct) is also 10kg. so your boys should be alright?

toothbrush :
haha. mine will eagerly let me put toothpaste on the brush. then put him his mouth and suck like ice-cream =.=.

milk :
8oz(240ml) 3 times a day (normally). :p some days drink more..some days drink less 7oz.

i asked abt 300ml coz my friend fed his kid 300ml ..so i was thinking should i ...upgrade my bottle. hehe.
(i suaku thinking he use two milk bottle to feed 300ml, since to me the biggest bottle is 240ml :p)

astro : okie noted. no more upgrading of milk bottle. :p thank u :D

xoxo / glass : eek. hope dre & elgin is okay now.

nlimm : i insist and will retain consistent as mummy. mama (dialect) is used for grandma. laoma (dialect) is used for great grandma. hard to distinguish. papa and daddy is no prob for him. I'll wait for him

hehe. always share my woes at bedtime, so its a change today. today was a blessing though he zzz at 830pm. hehe. same routine. once on the bed he started to tell me his day (haven't heard that for some time now :p), asked for water and sip as if he having a champagne..sip..ahhh....then sip...ahh.. =.=. then start to give me his bolsters and pillows one after another. and take them back and said 'put back'. hehehe. yea..its out of routine but..
i'm wishing its saturday tomorrow already *beaming*. he just made my day.

astro : p1 requirements. thanks. gosh.. i did nothing. :S
does GUG have chinese?
yes my smaller boy weighs 10kg, he was the 1.4kg guy lah..stayedin ICU 6weeks then reach 2kg, then can be discharged.they were born 19aug,yes original EDD 10Oct
Another 2 more wks haha then dun need c her, we( all mummies) consolidating names n contact excluding her:p haha so I'm not the only one

Mama( is Di yi sheng) in dialect = grandma is Di si sheng diff wo. N Fr his mum, sound so nice n surprisingly accurate hehe when pronouncing, again coz new:p I'm thinking if really sending m to hb's pri, my Hb 's mandarin cannot make it la I Fr neighborhood sch n attend pcf kindy still better haha. E said ' put back'? Wah gd gd I think our tots r learning bites n pieces here n there. M 's new word today is 'an'(in mandarin)as he passed the tv remote to my mum n pt to the tv using another hand haha. But I still like mama to all these:p zz 830pm tts gd zz till tomm. Just now m ko at 730 pm not sure if can zz till tomm, my mum keep saying m nvr wake up at her side errmmmm shall stay over n find out next wk

Errr but I rem kd was same ht n frame like m when we were at polliwog leh since then nvr c kd aldy
Was pleasantly surprised to find the thread so active! Took me some time to finish reading all the posts.

xoxo, glass: woah! Hope no serious damage to the bubbas. Must have been very scary when it happened. Speaking of accidents, I am so ashamed to say that my carelessness led Amelie to fall from the vanity counter. How? She loves to climb up to our vanity counter every morning to play with the bottles, jewellery box etc. She was getting really good at climbing up, walking on the counter etc. So little miss wanted to sit in front of the jewellery box, and boom, she fell backwards landing on her back and the back of her head! I felt really guilty because I was sitting right next to her, but reading the papers so could not catch her in time. Very scary cos the counter is the same height as her! Thankfully after some very bad crying, she seemed to be alright. Sigh. Big lesson to me to be more watchful of her. BTW I did a quick google and found out that head injuries are worst when they come from the side rather than the front or back. Just sharing a tidbit of info here.

Astro, xoxo: wah so envious. Japan! I hope to go somewhere in March - maybe Japan, maybe not. Eventually I would love to bring her there to see the sakura and eat sashimi! LOL.

Size/height: Erm Amelie started out as heavy but average in height. Well, I think she is still 75 cm, shorter than Dre! Weight is about 10kg. Xoxo, good come back re the long beans. I think I wouldn't be able to come up with such a good reply. Anyway, like there is anything we can do about height (or lack thereof).

nlimm: I guess it is reasonable to want the child to sleep 10 hrs straight but perhaps not all kids can sleep 12 hrs (excuse me, Astro and all fans of GF). Recently, Amelie has been pushing back her bedtime by 0.5 - 1 hour! I also don't know why. She will run around instead of settling down to drink milk. Refuse to sit down for her stories, keep changing books, etc. Well, I do like being able to spend more time in the evening with her. On the other hand I would like to maintain the habit of going to bed early. I notice that every few months, she pushes back her bedtime back by 30 mins!

Brushing teeth: Despite my efforts at brushing, noticed that her top teeth are slightly yellow. This is a recent devt. She absolutely hates brushing her teeth, even though there used to be a time where she liked it. I have 3 types of toothbrushes - the pigeon one, the finger one and another silicon one which she can bite on. She just enjoys sucking on the toothpaste, but refuses to let me brush her inner gums. I don't think letting her do it herself is very thorough. Even if she cries, the mouth is not wide open enough for me to brush her teeth. It's a daily battle for us! 2 of us have to brush her teeth - one to hold her down and the other to brush. Also, there have been times when she bleeds when I brush her teeth, even though I don't think I brush very hard. I did read that it sometimes happens when a child is teething. Anyone has similar experience?
gal >u can make the training chopsticks yourself! my mum made this for us and i did this for Dre too so she can pick up stuff getting the ends together though most of the time, she just goes on a stabbing spree. hehe.. saves u $9. :p http://lifehacker.com/#!5616695/use-a-rubber-band-to-turn-disposable-chopsticks-into-a-training-set

funzee, glass, nlimm, gal > her front teeth got knocked back up. the colour has thankfully not changed to grey/black which would indicate a crack or fissure at the root = hopeless. sure it was very painful for her....she lost appetite for a day but is back to her usual self now.

funzee > hmm, dre can't be taller than amelie. i am srsly thinking if something is wrong with the height chart! don't get envious. i am working my ass off and this is a working trip. it's terribly un-fun! as for bedtime...several months back, dre was into the 11pm-12mn bedtime and it was easy for us to indulge her @ that sort of hour cos we work late as well. but i decided after a couple of days, it's a terrible habit to keep so out that went. i try to switch off the lights at 10pm latest..and it's only ambient lighting at our home right after dinner, around 8pm and i give her some sleepy recitals so she gets the sleepy vibes... slowly but surely, she went back to sleeping before 9pm and we try hard to keep to that even when we were travelling. in this aspect, i think her routine helps her so she gets well rested.

nlimm > i'd just remove M and ignore that boy cos u can't discipline other pp's kids no matter how bad right..the situation might turn sticky...but yeah, i'd do the same - stay away from this Ms Chin Chye and her street fighter...

hippo > that's because min was much heavier than Dre to begin with. thus, for Dre to "triple" her birthweight, it's actually erm, easier to attain that? different baskets of comparisons lah.
funzee > cld the stains come from a multi-vit that A is taking? anyway, u could use abit of baking soda to take that off...as for bleeding gums, not to scare u, but it could be due to gingivitis or the result of a new molar/teeth cutting thru'.... get A to a dentist for clarification if u are unsure?
A few mummies told me coz I zz when preggy tts y m zz late, no idea but mowsaday I'm trying tomake him zz at latest 10pm so far nvr work

Gum bleed:
Errr no such prob for m, I'm very very gentle w him when I use the toothbrush( scared tt I hurt him) not even sure if really manage to remove the dirt:p

Errmmm gtg home n check him out later:p

Xoxo :
Errrmm maybe I shd just do tt , u n my mum think alike. For me, i wont mind another mum discipline m if m is to do tt to another Bb but again I myself will jump up n stop him aldy. Guessed diff race diff culture n diff way of disciplining her child, I think she's Fr pakistan, India n wherever it is, the one n only which 3 adults accpy a tot to class every wk n despite the Cher said 1 adult w 1 tot on the mat, she n her whoever companion will be down at the mat w the maid at the sitting area n despite tt her son go ard pushing n beating other tots.finished grumbling haha.

Gal: u saw it quite often at the Bp , kiddy palace sells too if not wrong
Hi oricule,
Thanks for youu encouragement. His upcoming check up is on the 9 March, hope the doc can provide some insights for me in his conditions.

To all thosse mummies still Bfing>> You are a doing a great job!!! **applauds**
xoxolight : Dre can hold chopsticks and eat on his own? wa! can tell me how u teach him to do it so young?

mummies, how do u show ur babies u brush ur teeth? u do in teh toilet? u let baby sit in high chair in toilet? toilet v cramped already leh...no space...
caesarsalad > Dre can hold a cheaterbug chopstick and giap properly half the time. the other half, she uses it as a stabbing knife. hahahaha....
i dun even knowhow to hold chopsticks myself..i hold it like a pencilandmy fingers ache if have to use chopsticks...Iusually use fork and spoon.Wonder how iam going to teach...
xoxo : DIY training chopsticks. idea idea! i gg to try. hyakakaka.
i don't even know how to hold the 'right' way. i'm still using scissors way :p. will ask daddy to demo to him. :p thx!

nlimm : abt sleeping late. er..when i was preggie i zz like midnight or so. doesn't seem to be applicable for my case. though i did hear abt trg to sleep early even when baby in the womb.

maybe u can slowly bring the hours earlier and do lights out?
again, each baby is different..so... try try.
xoxo: can recommed dentist for baby? Or did you just go to your regular dentist? I might want to bring her if the bleeding thing continues. It just comes on and off, mostly before 2 of her teeth came out. After that it stopped but it happened just the other day again. Unfortunately, I can't get her to open her mouth like a shark to check! And hm, you might be right about the multi-vits! I was a bit surprised be the stain cos I think we do manage to clean the front teeth quite well, better than the back.

nlimm: If you want to bring forward the bedtime, try doing so by 15 mins at a time.

Ceasarsalad: Dre is a girl... and since you joined us only recently, let me fill you in that Dre is advanced in all areas.... hee hee!

76: Wanna thank you for your suggestion on the beansprout thing. So simple yet fun. Amelie is always wanting to bring her beans. I also got the aqua doodle mat as you shared and I must say it's a lot less stressful playing with that than real markers.
u are welcome. am glad it was of some help.Nw i am into creating dance steps with them. Just now, we held hands(boys and I) and formed a circle and did "Ring a ring of roses" song.., walked round and round, then 'sat down'..when the lyrics ended with 'and all fall down'..they like it..quite fun...then teaching them to assciate books to real life...there is this book where they showed a girl holding hands with mum, and a car passing by..then my boys will say 'car'..i will tell them, when u see cars, u must hold mama's hands...so whenever they see car outside nw, they will hold my hand.
caesarsalad > alamak..pls don't be mistaken. first Dre is a gal (though she's mistaken for a boy sometimes...) and the other is that, she can't use the chopstick lah. i am just joking. she is just playing about with a cheaterbug chopstick..just tie a rubberband at the end of a pair of chopsticks and insert a folded paper..that helps them simulate the act of "giaping"...that's all. other than that, she would just use the chopsticks to stab at things. also..i definitely don't think she would learn how to use a pair of chopsticks anytime soon so not li hai at all...muahahaha...

gal, 76 > my way of holding the darn chopsticks is a disgrace. my excuse is that as long as i can giap something, it's fine. no hang-ups abt it, can giap, can already lah! :p

funzee > wah, suan-ing me huh! hmm..dentist? i brought her to my dentist at Q&M. they are very big with branches all over. maybe u can find a branch near where u live and call them? my dentist at century square happened to be this australian chap who's also a pediatric dentist. very reasonable charges. the cost of examining her punched-in teeth was just $28. http://www.qandm.com.sg/..if the stains are from multi-vits, using a teeny bit of adult toothpaste or just baking soda would work.
does Q&M specialise in seeing kids patients? If not,where to take boys to? Iwana take them to dentist..but afraid itwill scarethe daylights out of them...now they have >12 teeth..lost count liao..

76 > i won't say they specialise in pediatric cases. but they do have pediatric dentists. the best way is to call up the branch closest to u and enquire. they may or may not have but i think they can pt u in the right direction. this australian dentist we saw was good with Dre. but as always, hard to tell what the kids' reactions would be. good luck!
