(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


hehehe... can you tell my maid #2 to wake up her idea in bahasa??
i always joke with my indon colleagues that i need to learn from them how to threaten my maid. sigh...

Angelina : I think u are a really good host! Of cos Josh will be your priority. I can't imagine if it's me and my bb is fussing away. He can really throw tantrums. To the other 7 mummies that I met today, it's so fun!!!
Happyhippo : ahhh this maid from indonesia,some of them really good n trustable but some of them really just a headache for us... Sigh...

Ting : ha thanks a lot for coming
dear angelina,

thank you for being a gracious host to me, miser, my helper, Bao, Bally and most importantly, my lovely girl, Renee.

Heheheh today was fun!
Ah and we forgot to take a group photo! It would have turned out looking chaotic though! hahaha :p
shugar: haiz.. renee is unlike her twin bally.. Bally has a milder temperment. This Renee is such a prima donna, made a guest appearance.. started fussing.. that's why i seldom bring her out.
vodkarib >> if you are keen on BLW - you can get the book from Kinokuniya (tip from Loke!) i believe it will inspire you. BLW advises not to "force-feed" or even "feed" them using a spoon per se, as that would form a negative connotation with food. infants who first showed disinterest in one particular food type, can show vast interest in that same food weeks later. don't be exasperated. know that at this juncture, the solids we are offering them is more for play rather than for nutrition. breast or formula milk should still be the primary source. yes, dre may be taking a whole lot of cereal etc, but she does have a day off or two where she refuses to feed completely. that's also perfectly normal. if your son prefers finger food - a great option i discovered today is cucumber. skin it, cut in hard strips, no steaming required and just offer...

have fun!

astro >> did u see miser's face when renee made her guest appearance? sigh, teng really look like he doesn't recognise us anymore! see...too long never meet the boys...

angelina >> can't thank you enough for your hospitality...sorry for messing up josh's territory! but i love his gurgles and laughter! very cheery!! and..your place has proven itself as sleep conducive...Dre can nap at your place! woohoo!

shugar >>there was a partial group shot. it was chaotic...
cool. too bad i can't go to the gathering today. went for blogger workshop and learnt how to photoshop. u know xiaxue and her photoshopped photos? My wedding photo designer guy showed us how we would look slimmer, but he refused to do it, saying don't look loke us.

ww. if your family is like that, then avoid contact.
yeah, getting a confinement lady sounds great.
good your baby can crawl forward
my son could lasrt time. now he crawl in a circle, cannot crawl forward anymore

astro: why u like to cross dress ur children?
you 'daughter-siao' ah! hehe
Ting : I got suggestion. :p in front of bb intro her as this is kikoo kooki. Hope this doesn't backfire. Can go two ways.
1) she may ki KOO immediately.
2) or she may be taken aback that bb will call her kikookooki instead of ah ma.
I or ba kak-ing. Since like 2 weeks sgo I think or more. Lost count. My bb wake up at least twice at night. Suspect it's
I) teething
ii) growth spurt
iii) need comfort? Coz he will b ok if I hold him shoulder style n pat him like burping. But once he quietdown I try put him down he will cry. @-@.
Iv) ready to wean? But he just increase his milk intake. I still trying to drag/hold 2 more weeks till he turn 6 mths.

And I think he allergic to pizza. :s

anyone going through this stage? Any advice?
Aii just read recent post. My page was still loading. Wahh sound super fun at angelina's. Later I go fb c if anyone upload photo

Astro: initially I reli tot u have a dotter? Maybe s niece. Till I read ubsay twin then struck me. Hahahahahaha. So u found a hat for bally oops Renee. ;)
astro: haha you probably are thinking too much abt having a bb girl... Are you?

Wow i m so envious of you all having the gathering. (Jealous).So much fun going around hor! I have been feeling very tired these months

Hubby has decided that he will go to an infant care centre.
Why dont i turn things ard and think positively> Finally i will have abt month break, a good rest.
Accumulative of unclaim leave as a homemaker for 5 years. It maybe a good thing for bb to go infant care centre and interact with others.

gan gan lai... try for #3..mayb tis time will b gal? ;)

yes, think positively!! a good start.. dun bother with other things now. concentrate on getting well. once u r well, u can hv lots of time for yr bb
Astro : ah u joker,renee hahaha

Shugar : josh missed all the photo with other babies
I couldn't even took pic of all of u. Hope on gogo bambini josh will be better

Xoxo : good girl dre
how long she slept in total?
Astro: wah liew!!! Y I nv see this yest? So funny! U ah.... faster Try for number 3 la!

Angelina: u are so kind!! U could have tell us u had a stayacation and we will understand! But it's really very fun!

Gal: good idea leh!!! I will intro her as kikoo kikoo next time! Provided I dun burst out laughing. My bb also been waking up more than twice everynight since few weeks back. But prob is I already started weaning him for close to one month Liao!! So I suspect is teething ba? My bb drools alot alot. Urs?

Ww: ya initially u will hve separation anxiety from bb like I do and I came forum for support while my bb is way enjoying himself in the infant care lo. Give itself sometime and then u will realis. Quite thankful for the time! And yes, it's good for baby to be Expose to more pple. Plus they will also play w ur bb and do flashcards plus singing etc. For me I quite like mine cos they sing to him during bathing just like I do. But is different songs la. They will sing : this is how I wash my hands wash my hands wash my hands this is how I wah my hands every morning! Then to legs, body etc. I tot is very good!
Angel must be teething.. Cried big time at the hospital last night.. Everybody knows her now..

I think I got chicken pox. Yesterday got a bump on my back I tot its pimple. Then today got another one in front. My areola also got the bubbles. But no fever.. Let's see how it goes..

Anyone using the fibrelux mattress (or otherwise known as the coconut husk/fibre mattress)?

Do you get any depression (or sagging) in the area where baby sleeps? Is that normal? thanks.
Loke: take care and u rest well. Please be more viligant next time pls because the kids are all v young.

re gogobambini gathering

Wun be attending the gathering since yh might already have gana chickenpox yesterday. For those who didn't gather at Angelina's house yesterday, pls have fun. For the rest of us who did, i tihnk it would be good that we keep away.
chicken pox is infectious before the blisters appear all the way till the scabs fall off so good to keep away.

i called up my PD and inquired. pls monitor the babies within these 1 week. any fever, any red spots, bbs has contracted it.

a dose of antiviral med to the bbs can be given to minimise the severity of infection.... but that is one or two days before the rash. infection is normally mild for bbs BUT still need to monitor..
for adults who have not had chicken pox, cld go and ask for a chicken pox vaccine now because that cld possibly reduce infection by up to 50%.
Astro : thanks for info. I won't join the tuesday as well. For mums who didn't come to my house yesterday,please have fun n enjoy gogo bambini

Btw,any mums using pampers M size? Josh has allergic reaction,so I'm going to give to mums who can use them. I have 3 box of pampers,bought from sing expo
also.. before u bring the bb to the clinic, <u>pls call up the clinic before going</u> because there are other bbs/kids in the clinic and for some of them.. getting chicken pox is more serious.
Astro, that is a very funny photo! I like!

Speaking of weaning, boy am I having difficulty with Amelie these days. When we first started her on her rice cereal, she loved it. The veg purees she was OK. These days, can hardly get her to open her mouth after two tiny mouthfuls. Last time she would bang the table excitedly. Now it's hanging her head down, looking away, wiping her mouth on her bumbo so that she doesn't have to eat anything. It's making me quite depressed. Should I try BLW? She's 6 months 1 week already so can't really wait it out anymore I thought. Sigh.
re: chicken pox
i'm sorry for not knowing that i contracted chicken pox because there weren't any symptoms except for mild cold. the bumps appear BEFORE i had the fever (which most literature would say otherwise). furthermore, the mild cold stopped for an entire week.

the only other symptom was that Angel had bad diarrhea for the ENTIRE week. took her to the doc on wed, and pd just said "stomach upset". last night was a terrible night with her diaper rash being VERY serious. hence brought her to mt A 24h clinic.

nobody mentioned it could be chicken pox.

so, i'm really sorry if i caused everybody here to freak out. i myself am feeling darn terrible cos when Angel was screaming and crying because of the diarrhea and diaper rash, i screamed and yelled at her too. both of us were in total distress.

there wouldn't be a next time because i don't think i'll have chicken pox a second time. BUT, i'll make sure the flu and cold symptoms are more obvious to me cos i'm not the kind who falls ill so easily.

if any of you who went to angelina's house when i was around and decides to go for the chicken pox vaccine, do let me know. i'll pay for it.
Aiyoh.. This is not good at all
I also won't be going for the gogo bambini too cos I was at Angelina's place ystd.

Let's all pray that the babies are alright
Thanks Angelina for hosting us yesterday and nice meeting the mums and their babes and hunks! It was fun (for me) though Charlotte was quite "anti-social". This girl always need time to warm up but she's also a sleepyhead la... Haha.. Will find time for the next gathering. I think it's a good paltform for babies to mingle and socialise.

Astro: I like your Renee!! So funny..

Chickenpox: Think it won't be that serious for kids to get it early ba.. That's what I hear from many people... Get it early will heal faster and won't leave scars. But not so sure for babies. Anyway, it's part and parcel of a baby's life isn't it? We can't control when they fall sick thou we try to prevent it. We can only be the best caregiver in times when they don't feel well and make sure they get all the attention from us. So mummies who gather yday, we just monitor this week and Loke, hope u and Angel are feeling better. Take care!
Loke, dun feel so terrible. Definitely you wouldnt want this to happen, ie getting chicken pox and went for gathering. I also never had chicken pox before, thus I guess if I were to get it I might not know it was chicken pox. I heard that symptoms for adults and children are varsely different.
so angel had chicken pox too?

I feel this teaches Us a lesson. Probably we shouldn't hold a gathering in confined space at all. Cos there will be too many of us. Dun say chicken pox, if an adult cough or sneeze I also scare cos an adult carries in the body alot of bacteria and virus. (that explains why if u enter an icu for a critical weak person has to wear gown etc to cover up, not bcos scare the sick one affect u, but scare u give a tiny viru which can be a killer to the sick one) I will also be more vigilant next time about myself and my baby. it never cross my mind that my bb might caught a virus during gathering or outings at all. A flu maybe.

Talking about this, I quite like what my bb infant care is doing. 3 thorough checks everyday on the bb to check for ANY symptoms. They had to cos there are alot of babies there. If spread will be very fast then they have to close. Parents pay a very very expensive price for their services so can giro work leh. If bb sick and parent can't go work surely piss de.

Frankly speaking, Its inevitable de la. Our babies will surely kanna some virus as they grow up, in a way it's building their immune system too. Let's just hoPe they will be strong and healthy.

So, no one is going to gogobambini anymore? If kd is not running a fever from his vaccine tmr, I might be going.
Duracell: For diarrhea, you need to watch out for dehydration. You may wish to give her e water that you obtain from cooking porridge. It contains lots of mineral which can hydrate her quite well. Maybe you can try to give her abit several times a day. Should not be more than 60ml a day.
I hope it helps.
Candywhite: BLW = baby led weaning.

Re chickenpox: yup read that chicken pox in babies normally lasts 5 days(short compared to when i got it as teenager.. few weeks!) and there's less risk for any serious complications once they are over 3 months.

Loke: hope you'll get well soon! Dun kick yourself too much over this coz i'm sure no one enjoys having chicken pox.
Let's all hope the babies will be fine!
Duracell: Who is e pd? I will avoid this pd!
diarrhea a week is serious. Did they advise you to chnge FM to soy base? I was told that if a bb has diarrhea he/she should avoid diary products til they are better. They could be lactose intolerant now. Did you ask the doctor what milk and food to give temp?
chicken pox vaccines
two jabs. the 2nd one taken 5 weeks later (if has it within the 5 weeks, then dun need 2nd jabs). Each jab $80.
ww: no i brought her to see the pd when she had diarrhea for 3 days. his prescription was ok. changed to soy and diluted. she was better after i brought her to the pd. but i guess it was because i was the one who was the problem, that's y her diarrhea didn't get better.

candy/ting/shugar: thanks... the fever has gone down.. i just hope that the pox goes down faster than expected. can't carry angel for now. i better not get near to her.
Loke, I think should be ok to carry your baby? Unless there are oldies in your house that oppose? Hmm, i just asked hubby if it's me dignose w chicky pox where will we do. He thinks it's ok, we will ask doc if still can bf or not, and since I already dwn w chicken pox, might as well let my boy get it at same time so both can recover together. Will only get once in a lifetime? When the bb is young, they can't scratch everywhere so wun have that much scars?.

angel diarrhoea could it be due to teething ah?? I heard teething might have diarrhoea... I dun understand y she will have diarrhoea cos u are sick, unless bcos of ur bm wor.. Probably just a coincidence.
dun think too much, jus concentrate on getting well and play with angel!
Loke >> like i mentioned, focus on getting well soon. i hope this blows over for angel and you quickly too. hindsight is always 20/20..while u need not beat yrself up over this, perhaps u cld have paid more heed to the week-long diarrhea that angel had? you mentioned bad diaper rash for angel? i helped u in the diaper change at 6pm..i did not see any rash..how did that rash appear so quickly to warrant an A&amp;E visit at 9pm? could the "rashes" be CP blisters instead? have you gone to the doc to verify if you are indeed having CP? in any case, i appreciate your updates. At least I know what to look out for from now.

Chickenpox>> I have called Dre's PD. I have never had CP, the baby obviously doesn't. At least if I had CP before, I would already have the varicella antibodies in the milk. Unfortunately, I don't. Long Q PD gave such a long sigh on the phone. Says nothing to be done. Children under 1 yo, PDs would be careful. Why? Cos if the attack from CP is particularly bad, they cannot prescribe steroids to help in recovery. Whether the CP is severe or not, really depends. Regardless, from time of exposure, it can take up to 21 days for the first blister to surface. In bbs, we will see the small blisters 12-14 days later. You can already be contagious before the first blister appears - the PD thus asked if it is possible to "limit gg outdoors" - sigh..take that to mean - no gg out at all for the next 21 days? but if that is what shld be done, then so be it. *glum*

1) No more gogobambini for dre and me...
2) spend the next 21 days watching out..
3) no vaccine for me to help things - cos it's a live virus vaccine..and is not for lactating mums
4) future gatherings are impacted.

ting >> i wished i share your optimism. it is seriously in short supply for me now. no laughing matter at all. if i closet myself at home - i have existing projects that are running and i have things to attend to. if my PD can sigh like that, it is also not a cough or cold sorta thing to catch. CP for under one yo is really something u don't want to contract. by the way, i think u left the gathering before loke came.
Hey guys.. sharing some useful info i got...

Question: When is chickenpox contagious? Is it dangerous for a six-month-old baby to get them?

Answer: Chickenpox is a virus that is easily spread from one person to another through the air. When a person develops chickenpox, they are considered contagious -- able to spread the disease to someone who hasn't had it -- for 24 hours prior to the rash first appearing and then for as many days as it takes for the rash to crust over (often times up to an entire week). If someone who has never had chickenpox is exposed to someone with it, you have to wait 10 to 21 days to know whether or not they are going to get it.

Children of all ages can get chickenpox. The older you are when you get it, the greater the likelihood that any of the potential complications may occur. In general, a normally healthy six-month-old baby with chicken pox does better than an adult. In fact, if the baby's mother has already had chickenpox, her antibodies (things in the blood that help protect against it) were passed to the baby during birth. This then helps the infant and makes the disease milder.

<sup>Henry Bernstein, M.D., associate chief of the Division of General Pediatrics and director of Primary Care at Children's Hospital, Boston.</sup>
oh dear.. im sorry to hear abt the chicken pox, Loke.. but have you confirmed that you contracted chicken pox?

astro>> the antiviral medicine only minimises the infection, so it only helps to 'lessen the suffering'?

ok, no gogobambini for me and belle as well..
loke >> thanks but no thanks for the offer for paying for the vaccines. it'd be great however, if you could please verify if u are indeed having CP or not...perhaps call a clinic for a doc to pay u a home visit or something?

shugar >> that's for the babies...for adults who get it, the potential for complications get more severe. Dre's PD was kind enough to point that out to me as well. ha..he even says, if we develop symptoms, no need to go to kinderclinic. just send SF to collect antivirals and meds. why? cos the risk to newborns and other kids there is just so high...and to think i have gone to great lengths to bar my two aunts who happen to be very close to me, from seeing audrey for the past three months incl CNY - all because one of them has shingles, and the other lives with her! they miss Dre badly - part reason also, i did not sign her Easter baptism date cos i want these two aunts to be present. part of course, our own laziness. ironic right? that's also the reason why i gave up my japan trip with them that was planned for late mar. somehow, i think i am not doing too great with this piece of info - very unlike the usual xoxo too in terms of mind over matter - if my mood becomes darker tomorrow, i think it's time i get help. despite dre's best efforts, i find it tough to feel good. poor babe was really puzzled all day why i simply had very little smiles and spunk for her. sorry..for stating such. it's just really the way i feel. on one hand, i naturally worry very much for my baby and for every other baby there ytd- and on the other hand, i also worry abt myself. i haven't even got started on SF. he normally don't use strong words, the entire Easter day - it's been nothing but very strong words from him with regards to this situation. in his eyes, intention or otherwise, does not discount the consequences. thus, while i know u are trying to comfort things and soothe it...kudos for your optimism...but getting to the bright side of things is taking awhile for me.

mie >> have you had CP before?
u'r wrong. i had chicken pox TWICE and HFMD TWICE.

sorry to hear that something like this happened to what was originally a happy playdate for all involved. this prompts me to think that for all future gatherings, mummies should be more vigilant and responsible since the bbs are all so young still.

lets keep our fingers crossed that all the babies are fine...
Hi mummies, sorry to hear about what happened. Hope that all mummies and babies will emerge well and fine!

Spoke to Loke on sms, apparently, this CP is affecting her quite a bit - itch and aches. Think she is probably resting.

Re: Gogobambini
Hmmm looks like I got to miss, cos supposed to 'tongbang' xoxo and quite a few mummies and babies are affected. Not quite sure how to have fun when quite a number of you will be worrying about CP. Let's do it another day ok? When everyone is well and fine!
oops heard the bad news this morning. Hope all mummies and babies are well and did not contact the disease.

I also nv had any CP before that why am thinking of jabing CP for myself but bcos lazy that y keep delay.

CP can be jab for all babies only after 1 year year old. Is one the jab that I will confirm giving to Rhys.
Read abt the meet up, hope all mummies and babies are fine..

Loke: thou I did not turn up for the gathering but still hope that u and angel is fine.. Take care ya..

As for the gathering at tomorrow, agree with Tien that we do
it another day... Furthermore It's my first joining in the gathering so hoping to get to know all
mummies and see e cute babies.. So how agree to fix another date again?
Xoxo>> you are not alone.. I had difficulty falling asleep last night after I logged in.. The Saturday events kept replaying in my mind.. I finally fell asleep at 4am, but I barely slept. I'm very worried n upset.

Both me n ks Daddy contracted cp before, so should I feel more at ease? No, I'm not at ease at all. And if it so happens that belle really kena cp, I think I will box myself into a pulp. I really hope that none of the babies and adults get it.

Loke>> I know you aren't feeling too good abt the situation.. Take care n rest well.. Have a speedy recovery n hope Angel's fine too..

Nat>> alamak, I forgot to pass you the FTG on sat, now we not meeting on Tuesday le.. You need it urgently? I pass to you tonight at your place?
Thank xoxo for the info. I didn't know Cp can be so troublesome! think your mood is normal, cos if I were u, I will be fretting too. The feeling is like u already put so much effort to take precaution for dre but still kanna "slapped" in the face, now can only wait. The first thing that came to my mind when I first read abt Cp incident in the forum was.... Uh uh, I just returned to work! If I gonna get Cp After 6 mths leave then my colleagues gonna bitch again! Plus my mil surely will throw a fit!! I didn't worry so much about kd getting it as I thought getting Cp is a part and parcel of most children. But U are right! I had already left when loke arrived and thus no such worries like you have.

But then again, it could be tommorow when I bring kd for meals outside, or in the shopping malls etc where he might pick up something! Rem the h1n1 where pple who are sick still take trains etc? Thus I feel it's really inevitable. I told hb about this and he replied me if I am so worrried, then not only baby shouldn't go out. Adults shouldn't leave home too Liao cos we bring home virus and bacterias too. Impossible ma... Make sense!

Thanks shugar too! U provide alot of info for us to learn! I am that kinda lazy to search myself and thus always come to forum to learn from fellow mommies.

I feel This really Gives us a lesson to be more prudent and responsible! For future gatherings, if adult or baby is feeling a little unwell, we should give it a miss. Not just to prevent spreading to others, but if ur bb is a lil unwell, wouldn't his or hers immune system be weaker and will be exposed when bring outside?
Hi everyone,

Read about the CP incident, hope all will be fine.

Me myself has been troubled by HFMD. Not that we have gotten it, but my sil's daughter. She was diagnosed last Tuesday and the doctor said her condition was mild and recovering. Recovering? That means my kids have been in contact with her for don't know how many days. The doctor even told my sil that she don't need to keep her daughter at home. As long as she don't share any food with anyone, they should be fine.

??? I thought HFMD spread easily?

Anyway, i kept away from my mil's place since then. Have been checking for symptoms. My mil was quite unhappy about us staying away from her place. She kept passing cold remark about me being so scared. Her other children are all still going to her place everyday with the grandchildren. Of course all of them are above 7 yrs old, so the chances of contacting is lesser than mine who are less than 5 yrs. Well, i don't care. I just want to ensure my kids are safe. I am pretty sure that if my kids got HFMD, i will not get any help and my sil will probably set order for us to stay away from my mil's place since she will be there. So why the risk??

I still don't understand why the doctor told her that she don't need to keep her daughter at home.
Jus took vaccine for kd. He is more and more like a girl throwing tantrum Liao. -_-"

his head is 44cm at 90th percentile!!!
Height 65.5cm Nia at 50th percentile and
weight at 8kg at 75th percentile

comment I got is his head is a lil big compared to h and w lo.... Actually at the gathering, I realised my bb got the biggest head!! And miemie's is the tallest!!

Ting: wow 90th percentile? think he'll be a very smart baby!

i agree with you that there's only so much we can do to keep bugs n viruses away from baby. once they start playschool/nursery etc even harder to prevent.

yups, pls give any gatherings a miss if daddy, mummy or baby are unwell or just got jabs. remember, there's always the next gathering to go to once everyone is well and recovered!

oh n maybe mummies who are offering their homes for meet ups can let us know how many pax their homes can accommodate to avoid overcrowding! :p
remember... 1 bb = 1 mummy n 1 daddy too! :p
