(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

I hope loke and angel recover quickly.

I cancelled my baby's vaccination appointment today thinking that I want him to be bright and cheery for the gathering tomorrow, then I log in to see this news.
Yes, stark reminder that we must make sure our babies and us are feeling 100% before meeting up.

Re Isomil
I opened a new tin 2 Thursdays ago, but elgin cannot take soy products. ANd I forgot to pass it to my friend who's flying off for a holiday. So I don't want to waste an almost brand new tin. Anybody wants? It's for 6 months and above.

yah i think mummies should be more vigilant and responsible .. i think for future playdates.. i need to seek approval from my hb liao. =\

especially those babies who are sick... flu, cough, fever... should be stay at home.. hai..

no more gogobambini for me too
i still didn't dare to break the news to my hb.. for not wanting to hear his nags. oh well, i don't think i have had CP before too. asked my mum about it, she couldn't remember. and i dont see CP blister marks on myself.

mie> abt the FTG not urgent la.. i havent started school yet. will meet up with you again.
i fully agree that all mummies and daddies have to exercise more caution and be more socially responsible.

PY>> ya, the KS daddy not gg to easily approve the playdates for me liao..

anyway i spoke to my pd and my pd fren and his wife, they told us to keep a lookout and ensure baby's eating and sleeping well.. if in doubt, always check with our trusted pd.. the window period is 3 weeks, there is no absolute need to quarantine ourselves, but pls pls pls avoid crowded places, esp where there are lotsa babies ard.. (baby spa is one of them)..
re gogobambini:
Its ok. we can have it when all bubs have cleared the window period.
at least we can all have fun with a peace of mind!
mummies.. i dont mean to sound rude, but I do recall seeing a runny nosed baby while we're at Angelina's.. please please be more considerate by not bringing your baby out to such gatherings when he/she isn't feeling too well.
Hi folks,

The CP situation is definitely a mood dampener to Saturday's fun play date. Was excitedly showing hubby the pictures and introducing each baby to him in the evening. Won't deny that i was upset for a while after reading the news yesterday, and hubby's solemn response when i shared the news (he was reluctant for us to join the gathering cos Andre had his vaccination on Sat).

But then and again, viruses are everywhere, at the shopping malls, play gyms, food courts, churches, etc. so there isn't a way of 100% baby-proofing our babies from the bugs, esp when viruses like CP can be non-symptomic yet contagious. So I guess we shouldn't beat ourselves up anymore, but to take it along with our stride. We should have known better if we bring our little ones outside, there is a degree of risk we have to face. In a way, we should count ourselves lucky that we are aware of the exposure to the CP virus. At least we can now keep a look out for any symptoms, and read up in advance on the subject. I believe early detection is crucial to any treatment.

I had to inform my sis and sis-in-law of the situation as my mum takes care of their kids as well. We agree to keep Andre separated from the rest of the kids yet at the same time, they are also ok if in the worse case scenario, touch wood, Andre gets CP and spread to the other children. Like ting's reasoning, it's better to get CP at childhood than adulthood.

Anyway, this serves as a stern wake up call to us to be more vigilant of our health and our babies before we bring them out, not only as being socially responsible to others but as a form of protection to ourselves. I apologize for not bringing Andre home immediately when he started bubbling at the nose. He was well for the past 2 days and PD certified him fit enough to take his vaccination in the morning. He just didn't do too well in an air-con room.

Hubby and I talked through the situation and decided it's really not as bad as it seems and that we should stop scaring ourselves by letting our imagination run wild. Our only concern is a China trip planned end of the month where little Andre gets to meet grandpa and grandma again and everyone is so looking forward to. As we count down these 21 days, I pray that we and our little precious ones will be well.

Loke: Do take care of yourself . Hope someone is taking care of you and Angel. Keep us posted.

God bless!
Em, well even if a bb is sick, also have to bring bb to Pd. I m sure that mummies here witnesses many sickly bb in e clinic.
Do we and are we suppose to be upset with other bb or mothers there?
What about the risks of having your bb in infant care etc... We will have many of these experiences as we progress.
I m sure everyone of us here feel e pain and want e best for our bb. If anyone wish to dwell into who and who, why not do a self reflection?
I feel that on hindsight, all has neglected their social responsiblities.
Did anyone highlight all e possible risks at first hand? Any precautions taken at e gatherings? Why? But since this already has happen.Why not rest e issue instead of dwelling into it? I m sorry that i may sounds curt but i wish to steer e mummies here in a more positive directions. Everyone take a gd rest, monitor their bb properly?
Lets pray that everyone turns out fine alright!
i tink for those pple who were not involved in this gathering, if your intention in posting is to console us and make us feel better, thank you.

but if you are not, would appreciate that you keep your comments to yourself. and it doesnt help that pple are acting nonchalant about this.

some mummies think its all right, but i am a kiasi and kiasu mummy, it is not all right for me.

i am just hoping that all babies and adults will come out unscathed from Saturday's contact.
sorry to be the only one here, apparently, who can't feel the sunshine. but i guess it's alright since it's just me and one little one. but really, no more playgroups for us or any bb gatherings. better to be a recluse than to be tortured constantly and be haunted that i had let my own babe down. so not to be this huge wet blanket, but i think this episode shows that i have misplaced my trust. henceforth, i need to practise my discernment and exercise better judgement.

SJ >> no worries. you left before loke came. hope andre's touch of flu is better...maybe he is allergic to aircon rooms rather than being downed with a bug or something.

natalie >> SJ's got worse with the dripping nose as the playgroup progressed - so it could be the cold air. haven't told your HB? i suggest, maybe you should, then again, shouldn't. cham. mine after being informed became a can kill pp type. he absolutely forbids me from future playgroups..not that i need him to tell me. today he has called up the PD to ask him to chk with the manufacturer if bbs under one can take the jab.called his uncle who is a liver specialist to ask the same qn. stupid thing to do - what has liver got to do with CP...in any case, we seem to be the only ones panicking.

ww >> mind my language. do u mean to say i have neglected my social responsibility by choosing to go with dre to a playgroup? goodness. everyone knows the risks per se. but we had hoped to keep it to a minimum only because we trust one another- being fellow mummies/daddies with young little ones, to be mindful and to keep away when the they and their young ones are ill. I am sure you will be dwelling non stop if u are in my shoes. Sorry for losing my cool but this comment from you takes the cake for me. hindsight always grants wisdom even to a fool.

tien >> yep, sorry..don't think can see u liao..before u return to work. your staycation pics did perk me up..i was thinking...serving my quarantine in a 5* hotel also not bad. just kidding.

loke >> since it is confirmed, have a good rest. let me vent and vent and vent. i can't bottle it up. mad at you, yes. but that can't be helped. despite it all, hope u recover soon and may angel be protected from the worst.
Social responsibilities> Evaluating the risks, highlighting e risk etc... to everyone before going for e gatherings.

Miemie: Does it makes sense to keep dwelling into it? Is that going to be of anymore help? Or just adding onto e distress of all the mothers who attended the gatherings?
xoxo: OK then only the wise should be upset, angry, dwelling and lamenting abt the gatherings. Does it makes sense to you? Keep your calm pls. You need to take care of yourself. Being angry at anyone is not going to help.

All mothers who are there are probably stricken with enough fears and anxieties of the uncertainities.
They certainly need to keep their composure to attend to their bb if anything do happen!I m posting because i feel their anxieties and fears.
If i m non chalant,i wouldnt be posting.
Anyway I state my point clearly. It is up to the mothers to decide on their course.
i think its high time u SHUT THE F**K UP. i mean seriously, just SHUT YOUR TRAP already gettit??? keep your lousy moronic comments to yourself and make like a tree and LEAVE!!!
this forum is for pple to vent & rant. its also for weirdoes like you to come in and collect sympathy by writing your third grade sob stories.
clearly in this episode a lot of mummies are feeling vexed and frustrated. you of all pple should know how to sympathise. this community has babied you when you needed sympathy & encourage & support. so unless you learn how to give some of this back when others need it, i think you better find somewhere else to unload your stupid sob stories and wallow in self pity ok?
Social responsibilities> Evaluating the risks, highlighting e risk etc... to everyone before going for e gatherings.

<font color="ff0000">then wad happened to YOUR social responsibility? you din highlight the risks and evaluate them to us, did you? oh dear, i must have missed out your SO VERY IMPT post on that.</font>

Miemie: Does it makes sense to keep dwelling into it? Is that going to be of anymore help? Or just adding onto e distress of all the mothers who attended the gatherings?

<font color="ff0000">u might not have realised it, but i am also one of the mummies who had attended the gathering, and im very worried that my belle might have CP.

and precisely cos i am one of the mummies involved, i can feel their anxieties and unhappiness, and which is the reason why i highlighted that mummies who had not attended the gathering please keep the comments to yourself.

you simply have no idea what is going through our minds now. you might be thinking "who would not understand!" it is completely different when you are in that situation. and the anxiety that our precious might have CP in the coming weeks is not drilled into you simply coz you were not involved.</font>

xoxo: OK then only the wise should be upset, angry, dwelling and lamenting abt the gatherings. Does it makes sense to you? Keep your calm pls. You need to take care of yourself. Being angry at anyone is not going to help.

<font color="ff0000">and please, all of us who had attended the gathering are upset enough without you commenting such.

our babies are our precious, our bao bei, our everything. if i need to die for them, i am willing to do so. thus even though its just CP we still wouldnt want them to go through it as much as we can. so stop telling us what is sense cos nothing makes sense except our babies' health and well being. nothing matters more then that. dun you agree, or you beg to differ?</font>

All mothers who are there are probably stricken with enough fears and anxieties of the uncertainities.
They certainly need to keep their composure to attend to their bb if anything do happen!I m posting because i feel their anxieties and fears.
<font color="ff0000">and for tat matter, its becos of our fears and anxieties which we are feeling now therefore the only thing we can do is to pen it down here. if you can, please excuse us and let us relieve our stress, becos you are not helping but making us worst</font>

If i m non chalant,i wouldnt be posting.
<font color="ff0000">then thanks very much for your interference, but i believe we would prefer that you keep your comments to yourself</font>
hmm anyone knows hot to conduct sprees for family tees? i would like to order for photoshoot but under bp oni got 1 person selling and is not the kind i wanted leh...

bb kd just had his vaccine tis morning and he had slight fever at 37.6 jus now which dip back to 37 after bf him.. he is so lerthagic today.. slept so much and just blabber and blabber to me.. hee so cute.. cos he can be very loud and vocal de...

nurse say my bb head very big, then when see the doc, doc said my bb overweight... ????? nv nv nv nv occur to me my bb overweight de lo.. anyway doc says pple misunderstood chubby baby = good, cos the cholestrol starts when they are bb liao.. no need to cut back on his feeding.. but to make sure he has more activites to burn off those extras!! wahaha.. i said he is so lazy thus dont want to flip.. he said nope,.. he is too heavy that's y... -_-"" so straighforward ah...

ok i realise my poor boy doesnt have much toys for his "age" now except teethers.. kiasu daddy go toy fairs buy so much stuffs all for him when he is older or at least can sit on his own de... ltr i gonna buy something for him to play... like those toys josh has!! ^-^

I didnt buy much for my younger one also. I remember when I have my elder boy I buy alot of toys for him but this one like never leh.

Anyway, Rhys is more interested in his finger more than those toys. He play a while will push away and continue sucking his finger.
i got qn to ask, when ur bb have constipation, do they cry alot when they fart? also when finally they poo, is it normal (color &amp; smell) poo?

my bb started constpiation one week after he enters infantcare.. i thinking cos of the cereal they offered to him.. he doesnt poo like he used to leh and kept crying when he farts or just crying cos of tummy pain.. there are only lil stool stains on his diapers nia... then yesterday he had this super massive poo!!! i wasnt aware that he poo until i checked... and..... i got choked by the smell man!! triggered my asthma as well! the poo is very very thick kinda which i nv see before too. geez.. i wonder if it's normal??

bcos of this, i hasnt been sleeping well too, cos he will kept waking up at night to fuss fuss and then he will fart and go back to sleep.. anything we can give to bb? he is already drinking lotsa water as well as the probotic leh..
ting>> i think peer pressure works.. the one thing good that came out from the gathering was that belle is doing 3/4 flips! hahahahah
that very night she came home, she attempted her flips with much gusto, but kena stuck la.. from then she has been doing 3/4 flips.. and i think astro's way of teaching her to flip worked!
sunnyling>> actually my boy too leh.. he dun seem interested in anything except adults talking.. so constantly have to talk to him, sing to him or show him flashcards etc.. it's also very tiring wor.. dunno what i should buy that he will like.. he seem like.... a very boring boy now! oh no!

Mie Mie >> sobz!! belle is doing 3/4 flip now? wahahha that day i was so excited to ask kyle to see both charlottes and josh flipping etc.. dunno his eyes looking where ah.. nv learn at all lo! still throw tantrums when put on his tummy.. ok, then i look forward to next play date after 21 days where we practise "Social responsibilities" > rem to Evaluate the risks, highlight the risk before we attend the gathering huh..... OK??

PD just demostrated to me today what i should do, to put him on tummy and place ALOT of toys around him.. then he cried leh.. PD said ignore him.... aiya i can ignore, but if my mil at home she will kikoo kikoo de lo....

(talking about this, yesterday she was kikoo-ing leh!! i took videos leh!!!! but hoh i realised i was too far away so not clear the sounds.. i will take again next time and post on my fb says kyle playing w granny - discreet discreet... ok?!! hahahha)

Shugar >> he dunno how to jump when we try at angelina house.. i ask hb if can rent, he said dun rent cos kyle wun jump... hahaha.. later i go chk it out see what can buy...
ting : I also don't have much toys for lele now. Most for 6 mths and up when they can sit steadily. Just yesterday, he was playing with one of those toy when he toppled forward and hit his cheek. Oppsss...

I'm waiting to see your video... Hee...

Mie : 3/4 flips - about there le. I'm curious how Astro teach belle.

Oh... I remembered one of my friend telling me before that she taught her son how to crawl through personal demonstration. I wonder if it really works.
Something nice to share!

A woman, renewing her driver's licence, was asked by the woman at Registry to state her occupation.

She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.

'What I mean is, ' explained the woman at the Registry, 'do you have a job or are you just a ...?'

'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman.

'I'm a Mum.'

'We don't list 'Mum' as an occupation, 'housewife' covers it,' said the recorder emphatically.

I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself in the same situation.

The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised,
efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, 'Official Interrogator' or 'City Registrar.'

'What is your occupation?' she probed.

What made me say it? I do not know.
The words simply popped out.
'I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.'

The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as though she had not heard right.

I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words.
Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written, in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.

'Might I ask,' said the clerk with new interest,
'just what you do in your field?'

Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice,
I heard myself reply,
'I have a continuing program of research,
(what mother doesn't)
In the laboratory and in the field,
(normally I would have said indoors and out).
I'm working for my Masters,
(first the Lord and then the whole family)
and already have four credits (all daughters).
Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities, (any mothers care to disagree?)
and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).
But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.'

There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up and personally ushered me to the door

As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3.
Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model,
(a 6 month old baby) in the child development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.

I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!
And I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than 'just another Mum.'


What a glorious career!
Especially when there's a title on the door.
*paging for Astro*


ting>> your 'kikoo kikoo' post brightened up my gloomy day a bit..

actually belle is also very kaypoh, the whole day at Angelina's house, she was doing 'people watching'.. and she does that at home too..

ok, belle can already do half flips actually la.. so wad astro did was to encourage her and 'showed' her the technique to flip.. where to place her hands and legs etc..

and then the most impt thing is not to let them be scared and enjoy tummy time.. and wad i do at home when belle does her 3/4 or 1/2 flips is i will position myself in front of her (sometimes im on my tummy too) and do those funny antics at her to make her happy and encourage her that its fun..
shugar>> i have one to share too, my fren's emo thots actually..

Everytime I make milk for my girls, I feel like a chemist. When my girls are sick, I feel like a nurse. When I teach them, I feel like a teacher. When I ferry them to the nanny, I am a driver. A mother has so many professions. Tell me wat a mummy can't do!
re jumperoo
i think i have something like that, but i got no place to hang it. Any ideas on what I can do? All the doors in the house are covered (no air vents)

miemie: yeah, babies learn by imitating. my husband taught elgin how to crawl by crawling. but he doesn't want to leopard crawl anymore.

P.S Me a bit pissed off with my employer! Gave me some pay in March and now expects me to pay them back more than $1k because they overpaid me.
Hi mummies...

Terrible Monday is going to be over. Hope that everyone is feeling a little bit better.

Xoxo: No worries about meeting. We can still do it later on (when you are more ready). More importantly is you hanging in there...I guess I have a rough idea what's going on at home for you.

glass: Hmmm are you the one in the same profession as me? Anyway, I am going through something similar.

Shugar: How timely your little story is. I guess as mothers we certainly can identify with it. Thanks so much for sharing.
Mie>> when I sing or play with my baby, I am a clown ;) hehe

ting>>on constipation, my boy also displaying uncomfy tummy signs. And he will like "gek" ver hard before he finally poos. I think it's recent start on weAning. I jus try my best to massage his tummy every night.. U may wan totry??
tien: yup same profession.
wah biang, the hr damn slow to react. the other time they paid me much later, after CNY for my first 11 days in Jan. Now they want to take my money back. Sian man.
ting: There was once my girl tried to poo but only very little came out... n she tried to "gek" then became uncomfortable. Realised that she was constipated. Then next thing was she cried non-stop till she kept farting and then poo more out... Almost immediately, she was smiling with the face still wet with tears... quite interesting sight.. like a big relief for her. That was 2 weeks ago... when I first started her on cereals.. think her stomach needs adjustment but we do feed her with more water. Since then everyday poo once which is a norm for her even before weaning. The ru yi oil is a must everyday after her baths... on forehead and stomach and on the back of her feet before wearing socks to sleep at night.
Re: Constipation

For babies who have problem poo-ing, can try to give pear puree to them. It works for Charlotte. So everyday i will give her a feed of pear puree
she she pooped today! Her previous poo was 3 days ago. (not that bad ah hehe)

Kindly avoid carrots! (Most books would recommend carrots to be their first puree) but try not to give them too much carrots coz it's one of the veg that causes constipation.
candy white: dunno leh, they just said pay me too much due to npl. me taking until end of year but my aim is to totally quit.

ruyi oil can apply forehead izzit?
Glass: haha expected of them. Just pay back lor. Else they will hound you!

Candy white: my story quite complicated. Shall not share here. But I need to pay the back in may when I return to work. Basically they will deduct from my pay.

Anyway I'm envious that you ladies can take npl for soooooo long. I wish I can too. But I'm looking at the dec plan thinghy ( you all knoow lah) need to go bk to work for at least 6 months then they will pay. Once I got it, I'll say sayonara!

Py: yx also constipated too! How do you prepare the purée? No nEed to cook right?
glass: Ya.. i apply ru yi oil on my girl's forehead twice a day after her bath. Both my mil and mum said it's to help them breathe better. Not sure true o not la... but my ger always gets very excited when she sees me moving my finger with the oil towards her head and when i apply it in small circles on her forehead, she will guai guai stay still. But apply gently hor..

Tien: I have a story too... if not for that evil witch, I could be happily staying at home everyday with my lil' one now. Haiz... Like you and glass, i want to say bye bye too... But the dec thingy is too much to forgo now... mine due next yr... so now looking at taking npl for 6 mths or more to get out and go elsewher then tahan for a yr then really call it quits...hopefully..

ok.. it's time for me to gt back work now... Sigh..

Mummies wanna check whether u all on night light for baby when they are slping or total lights off?

Am abit reluctant to let the room total darkness but heard from my friend that research shows it will some how affect their eyes when they slp with night lights on?

Furhermore my boy will be slping on his own once we move..
