(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Oh we have a little list working out! Great!
will start working out on the dates once we have more houses!

Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
Shugar, Saturdays, Ang Mo Kio

natalieL : My mil always complain to me about her daughter... I think she will complain to her daughter about me when i am not around... Must be complaining that i always restrict her grandchild's food... Haa...

Alexis : Understand not enough leh. If they don't support.

PY : Pump more? Mine also feel soft all the time.
ladies. check this out.. hahah

me = piscean , teng = capricon, bally = scorpio

Pisces Parent, Capricorn Child


Creating a structured life

Your Capricorn child probably didn't inherit your colourful imagination or your emotional, instinctive nature. From an early age, your child is firmly grounded in the real world and believes most readily in what can be seen and touched. This is a real adjustment for you. Your world is much more about feelings, impressions, fleeting sensations and passing intuitions. You have no trouble believing in notions or the mysteries of the universe, but your little Capricorn requires a practical grip on reality.

He needs a routine and to be rewarded for his accomplishments, such as tidying his room. You're nurturing enough to want to provide him with the structured life he wants. And who knows, sooner or later, some of your creativity may rub off!

ya.. teng is not v creative! i feel i must teach him how to dream???

Pisces Parent, Scorpio Child


A driving need for love

You're intuitive enough to understand your little Scorpio's need for love, reassurance and a strong connection. This is a complicated child, but you're just the parent to give him the affection he needs. Your unwavering love helps little Scorpio feel secure. Better yet, you forgive his passionate outbursts and displays of temper because you recognise what lies beneath them, a powerful drive for acceptance and understanding.

As your child grows up, your heartfelt devotion helps him become more self-aware and in touch with his feelings. His deeply emotional nature is more effective when he learns to express himself honestly instead of withholding his true emotions and getting mixed up in power plays. Now, you're a bit of a pushover by nature, so don't let your child manipulate you too much! Remember, you're the parent, which means you're the one in control, no matter what little Scorpio likes to think.

oh my ...as if one manipulative teng is not enough.. gosh.

ha.. interesting!
shugar: i am ok with volunteering my house too. but sats.. think have the bb aquatic classes leh. but these few weeks still can lah..

Oh we have a little list working out! Great!
will start working out on the dates once we have more houses!

Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
Shugar, Saturdays, Ang Mo Kio
Astro, Woodlands
and this is a probable relationship between teng and yh!

Intense and competitive

Trust is extremely important to your Scorpio child, and his Capricorn sibling is nothing if not trustworthy. Despite their differences, these two can rely on each other. Both children are intense in their own ways, though Scorpio's intensity is emotional, while Capricorn just wants to succeed. This practical child doesn't waste time with messy feelings or under-handed behaviour. Both children are unusually intelligent, serious and mature - or, in Scorpio's case, talented - and both are attracted to toys or games that require problem-solving skills, like riddles and puzzles. Scorpio, especially, looks deeply into things to find out how they work. The main area of tension between these two springs from their shared competitive streaks. Scorpio wants all your attention and affection, while Capricorn wants recognition for her many accomplishments. Be sure to give both children lots of support and applause for their talents and hard work.


ops.. jialat..
Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
Shugar, Saturdays, Ang Mo Kio
Astro, Woodlands
Angelina : saturday anytime Hillview

shugar, natalie, PY : swimming this saturday? 4pm onwards is the best time. no direct sun but the water still warm
Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
Shugar, Saturdays, Ang Mo Kio
Astro, Woodlands
Angelina : saturday anytime Hillview
MieMie (not hosting)
Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
Shugar, Saturdays, Ang Mo Kio
Astro, Woodlands
Angelina : saturday anytime Hillview
MieMie (not hosting)
pigsy_sg (not hosting)
dreamygal/ting: not i dun want to pump leh.. everytime i pump, i can only get max 40ml? (combined) and it took me abt 15-20 mins..

you all still can pump out coz you all have been pumping very consistently, unlike me. when i decided to latch her totally 4 months ago, i already dropped pumping.. and now my boobs is used to her suckling and not the pump anymore.

Not sure if i get pregnant again will the boobs adjust back to its normal behaviour anot hor hahaha!

Angelina> Charlotte is running a mild fever now 37.4 very cranky. keeps crying.. hai.. i think she's teething ...
dreamy, u sure our MIL dunno each others? cos she always complain to me her son (which is my hubby) n her dotter. But in front of them, she is like wah 36o degreed turn... trying to pls them so much. That also pissed me off... why bother to complain to me, while u dun even dare to tell them how much u dun like this n dat?
PY> i dun pump often de... i had been latching all the while for the past 6 months... maybe that's why i had difficulties to pump out... gambateh...
<font color="0000ff">Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
Shugar, Saturdays, Ang Mo Kio
Astro, Woodlands
Angelina : saturday anytime Hillview
MieMie (not hosting)
pigsy_sg (not hosting)
ilovemaxmax, Sat, Jurong West</font>
mie: nice one! hahaha..

loke: that chair.. cannot take my height.. wun take off. but will BREAK off!
haha. whatever u call that..*ops.. i meant to say my 'weight'.. anyhow. both it also cannot take! hahahah..
sunnyling: Nope it wasn't very crowded during lunch. There are still heaps of clothes left. I would say probaby 50% adults, 50% children. Initially, i wanted to get a sweater for my boy cos we're travelling soon... but it is like $26, and the design a bit orbit.. so i just gave up.
Saturday baby play date sessions
Hey we kick off play date no.1 at:
Angelina's : Hillview, Bukit Batok.
Time: 2pm - 6pm

Activity: Hang out on Josh's new playmat and swimming at 4pm. BBs who dun wana swim or no gear can relax at the sides and watch!

Okies! who can make it?
wa seh.. im damn damn damn damn pissed

i ordered this boon squirt spoon from this BP at $18
then just now i was at Mums &amp; Babes, I saw the exact same spoon selling for $17.90
i very angry already

so i went to her thread and i posted

<font color="0000ff">me: i found out that this boon squirt spoon is selling at mums &amp; babes for $17.90
aren't BP supposed to be cheaper?</font>

<font color="ff0000">she: The price is quoted based on the cost price the supplier has extended to me. As I do not order in large quantity as compare to companies such as Mums &amp; Babes and my order is made without an MOQ, that is the best price I could get. My price is also inclusive of normal postage. I seek your understanding in this matter. Thanks.</font>

<font color="0000ff">me: aren't BP = Bulk Purchases = cheaper???

then this is to act as a reminder to all mummies (especially me!!!!!!) that making their purchases online does not mean that it will be cheaper

pls pls pls check your prices before you buy or might end up like me, paying more!</font>

<font color="ff0000">she: Thank you for your constructive feedback. The price offered by Mums &amp; Babes serves as a good reference point for mummies who wish to purchase the Boon Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon.</font>

she has the cheek to thank me for my constructive feedback
im sorry, but i really want to curse and swear now..
Hi Mummies,

Any of your babies still rejecting the bottle after trying out all the possible methods?? I'm going back to work in May so this is my plan if my girl still refuses bottle by den.

would like to know what you think of this plan?

6am: latch on
9.30am: Cereals with bm
12.30pm: Puree(fruits/sweet potato) with bm
3.30pm: latch on
6.30pm: latch on / porridge if she is ready by den
9.30pm: latch on

is this feasible? replacing 2 meals with cereals or puree?
Shugar: I'll join you folks this sat, provided Andre's leaky nose has stopped and he's not feverish from the sat morning's vaccination. =)

by the way, my boy has this leaky nose since sat. Had been dripping Illadin since Sunday. It is still leaky and stuffed occasionally. Is it time to see the PD? It's the 4th day liao, and my hubby keep saying nvm, don't every little thing go find PD. How? Am i being too kiasu?
shugar>> i will whatsapp you if im gg.. erm, does this mean that mummies need to be in swim wear?

nat>> if im gg on Sat, I will bring the FTG and pass to you okie?
Dunno if I feed her too fast using cup feeding. She chokes easily when drinking from cup.

But she drinks water from Mag cup but not milk.
mie> okie.. or on the 6th also can, cos i going to gogo bambini too!

liting> has she started on solids yet? if not, i dont think she is ready to replace 2 meals with solids leh. at least my girl isnt.. cos she still is taking her milk at 3-hr intervals irregards of whether we slot in a feeding of solids in between or not
mie> dont need to be in swimwear.. see megan's pics today, i was not in swimwear lor. the baby pool is only at knee's length, so mummies need to wear shorts above knee level

but if you wanna show us your assets, we dont mind one :p
Mie: Nat gave you the answer liao!

Nat: hahahaha... your last sentence damn funny! :p

SJ: hmm do you want to go and get baby olbas oil?
can get from some guardians and NTUC healthcare.
Good for leaky n stuffed nose. maybe can try?
Saturday baby play date sessions
Hey we kick off play date no.1 at:
Angelina's : Hillview, Bukit Batok.
Time: 2pm - 6pm

SJ (if andre's ok)
Mie (TBC)
Nat-> I have started her on solid this week. Will be letting her try out a few different food for these 2 weeks

Hopefully I will be able to replace 2 of her meals by den.

mie: yeah starting my new career - my son's maid. hahha.

hey saw that there's a gathering on every sat. me also can let out my place (which will be ready in may). as astro mentioned, our swimming lesson will be starting in may but all are welcome to use the pool as well if you all don't mind.

Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
Shugar, Saturdays, Ang Mo Kio
Astro, Woodlands
Angelina : saturday anytime Hillview
MieMie (not hosting)
pigsy_sg (not hosting)
ilovemaxmax, Sat, Jurong West
esther, saturday 1pm-4pm Flora drive.

Shugar: this sat i cant make it gotta go choose lights for my hse.. haiz first already cant make still say wan to join.. so pai seh... hehehe.. next one sure can..

and got one questions to ask, can we introduce 2 different types of food as wat liting mentioned one cereal and one fruit puree on the same day or need to introduce 1 type of food per day and continously for 3 days to see whether the baby is allegic or not..

coz now i starting my boy on the cereal once a day (one scoop mix with FM) in the noon feed. am tot of letting my boy try some apple puree.. then tot of like giving him some fruits around an hr later after his milk or cereal feed.. or its better to give him fruit puree and treat it as 1 meal? i know i'm kindda late compare to some mummies here.. :p

no choice coz i dun really trust my mil.. :p
nat / shugar>> i have the neck float, but i dunno if belle can fit into that float or not.. cham liao.. and i never pong the air leh.. my neck float is buy from BP one, not from BB Spa..
I m so envious of all the mothers here... I hope that i will be able to join all of you if i m well...

Sign. I will be operated soon. Finally set a date. Hope those cancer cells dont spread too fast hor. I hope that i stay alive long enough to see my boy grow... The only consolation that i have now> is e last 6 mths was e happiest days of my life.

I hope that all the mummies treasure every seconds of their time with their kids.

Ww: we can come n visit u if u r well enough. Jiayou! I'm sure every part of your Body wants to are Ur son grow up.. So bad cells go!
