(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hey ladies, just thought we shd update the list for next tuesday's meet up.
This is the last list i found... anyone else missed out here? Pls add yrselves in.

Maybe its easier to see from here who can/wants to share transport.

Meet up on 6 April Tuesday
Time : 2pm ~ 6pm
Venue: Go Go Bambini (For directions: http://www.gogobambini.com/)

1. Astro
2. Mie
3. xoxo
4. angelina
5. Shugar
6. bbseed?
7. Tien
8. Sotong_mum
9. vodkarib?
10. glass
11. SJ
12. PY (anyone wanna share cab?)
13. Ting?
14. Natalie


This thread is way too fast man!
OK..i was out cold half the day cos of my weird nausea. But work quickly overtook all my wanna puke sensations and zap, zap, the day's gone.

hippo >> Min is cute as cute can be! Ask your Dad, don't stinge on the pics...it's your fuel!
i think i may be low on something - blood sugar, potassium???? see how it goes, just too busy to look into it but I am definitely not expecting #2.

mie >> time for us to migrate our bath arrangements! now it's neither here nor there...sigh...they are not big enough to bathe in the shower, but not too small and obedient to remain in their bath tubs! argh.

vin >> good idea! i am gg to put the bath mat on the floor and see what she does..my wrist hurts from trying to prevent her from flipping in the bathtub but she still manages to..so very futile, wet and scared momma..

ting >> i am overfeeding her?
she went after the spoon...just keeps opening her mouth and stretching her tongue out. she enjoys eating and when she wants to stop, she stretches her arms upwards and gives a very satisfying burp. if i restrict the food, she actually whines...not cries, but whines. cute lah. but i take note..must not overfeed...FYI, entire pack of cereal gone in 5 days. she loves her avocados, hates pears, loves bananas...i am trying butternut on her today. she went gaga over it..walloped the plate clean. just glad she is learning how to eat without the mess. more finger foods next week..this week, i have been too busy to do that for her.

diana >> why can't u join us...hehe..

angelina >> yes, josh and dre...they should play with each other...hyperbunnies..the two of them!! erm..but the pic..shows they wanna have a "pillow fight"!
ilovemaxmax: try just organics. they have rice cereal 4-6 months, no diary, no gluten and no eggs

i bought mine at novena sq 2 3rd level i think
natalieL : Should be early next year bah. My place only reach 5 years end of this year.

Alexis : Fair. We gossip about them and they gossip about us.
<font color="aa00aa"> Angelina, I am staying in the north - admiralty to be exact. A SAHM who seldom bring baby out on her own. :p

xoxolight, I am very... hmm, how to say, I am not good in the public, I don't know what and how to talk. That's why I always turn down whenever my blog readers want to meet up, so far, I only met 3 and that was after 3 years talking at my blog comment corner. I know I am a weirdo. </font>
Xoxo : how r u now? Hope ur better

Diana : no,ur not weirdo. We can always "meet up" here in the forum :D without meeting up face to face,we can always share our story here

Gogo bambini : so r we meeting there straight? Maybe I'll have lunch with nat before. Anyone want to join lunch? Somewhere in the city,so very near dempsey
Hi mommies!! Another day! Counting down to Easter! Looking through all the threads, I'm really envious that you ladies are meeting up with your little ones. I'm sure the day will be full of fun and support!!

So this morning, my little bubba decided to wake up at 4.43am. I heard him whine a little and went in to his room to check him out. In true form, the pillow is gone, he is positioned in a way which only a true gymnast can do. One little foot dangling from the armpit hole of his grobag. So no wonder he whines. Then of couse, he cannot go back to sleep after I repositioned him. When finally he decides to sleep, its 6am. AHHHHHH!!!! I have to go to office liao by then.......

Don't know whether to cry or to laugh...

Yaya we can find more legs and play MJ together. Just leave the baby aside and let them play together wahahahahaha.

Anybody going to Fox &amp; Pumpkin Sales in Wing Tai???
wow this thread is moving way faster than i can type these.. lol

too bad i'm working on tues &amp; nope i can't apply for half day.. (bring baby out to have fun is not a valid reason for gahmen
) Want go gogobambini!!!

blender: I was looking around for one. Spotted Beaba baby food maker, which costs 200++++ after shipping from US. Then spotted it @ taka for $285! The price is a super turn-off la.. Saw Avent's for $200 which is over-budget for me as well

After friends advice, I then went to Courts to take a look for those multi-blenders and hand-held ones, which are cheaper. Depending on your needs, some of my mummy friends actually got hand helds. The staff told me that if we want to blend hot stuff, it is better to get one with steel blade so that it can with stand the heat. Something like that
Anyway, i just managed to dig out my mum's 'almost new' blender which i only used for my cake making last time. Saved $$$ Yay!!

blurbbmummy: My colleagues bought me a Combi High-chair - http://www.taising.com/Combi/Combi_Rashule_new.jpg

Quite good la, can adjust height, with removeable tray.. only thing is my girl get a bit warm after laying awhile :D

Alternatively, think you just go to Kiddy Palace to take a look @ the various high chairs that fits your budget :D Maybe even can put your baby onto one, see if your girl/boy likes it or not. Hur hur. Sorry I am those AUNTY mummy :x
For blender, I also brought a hand held one this time because I use to buy 2 multi-blender before during my elder boy times which is quite expensive near to $200. But both was spoilt by my MIL so I give up. This time round buy a hand held one which is easier and more handy.
<font color="aa00aa"> Thanks sunnyling for sharing.

gina, save $
I can't use mine to make because the one I use to bake is Kitchenaids! hahaa..gonna splash everywhere if I blend baby food!! haha

if you spotted any blender from Avent/Philips, hmm... I will share here if I know of any sales/internal staff purchase, up to 40% sometimes. My BIL always get things for me. </font>
babymax : josh woke up at 4.30 asking for milk while YL is watching soccer. josh tend to wake up whenever YL watch soccer. then wake up again at 6.30 then 8 am... tiring!! not for me, for YL. cause he;s the one who fed josh

sunnyling : yeayyyyy majong !!!!! hahaha
where is wing tai ?

anyway, good morning all mums
my mil just took josh to bring him out gai gai. thats good for me, so i can have my own time. not actually still need to do laundry n study. ugh my evaluation is this sunday. wish me luck
tien / sunnyling >> ive downloaded the class schedule for amore fitness.. im keen on kickboxing.. you all leh?
i wanna sign up soon coz company allows us to claim gym / fitness package!

Wing Tai is at Tampines Road, a bit far for you.

haha Now I hard to play MJ with frd cos with 2 kids. I will sometime take leave and play with my friends hahahaha

My hubby also a MJ lover.


I don't mind kick boxing, can PM me on the amount and details/schedule.
dreamygal> my MIL gossip abt me in front of me all the time *duh* she would always call up those innocent relatives to complain to them abt me.. wahaha i pity them cos they had to endure her whining for hours end, lecturing them on how to 'zhuo ren' *rolls eyes*

angelina> you can do it! after that can drive out &amp; about on your own liao! hehehe.. good luck yah? btw.. am uploading the pix from last Sat's swimming to my fb
mwahahahaha my mil can only baby sit josh for less then one n half hour... hahaha
she always think that josh is very easy to take care, but now josh is back with me. she said that she give up n tired...

nat : will see the pic later, cute cute megan
Diana, coming 40% off for avent/philips is in june.

dreamy, i dun mind they gossip at all, so they will "understand" wat all the dotter-in-law thinks :p

talking bout MJ, the last time i played was during CNY, but half way thru always hv to gon pump milk n let my hubby take over, then never give bak the seat to me
Milk supply

I'm suspecting my supply is drying up!! coz the boobs are so soft
how to increase supply now huh ?

I'm taking 4 cap of fenugreek daily and pump once a day only. sometimes if i feel that there isnt much milk to pump then will pump once every 2 days..

<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Bellamy Cereals</font>
I need some help here. Managed to find the BP, thanks to MieMie.. but have to pay $1+ for postage. Want to try out 1 box first. Feel so not worth while having to pay for postage, so wondering if anyone will be ordering the cereals from the organiser and picking it up from her instead? den i see how i can drop by to pick it up from you?

I stay in Jurong West and work in Tuas, so kinda inconvenient for me to go pick up from her

The bad thing is i cant find it at NTUC. It used to be there.. sighz</font>
IloveMaxMax>> u can try cold storage or the organic supermarket at city sq mall.

avent blender
i also want the new avent blender! please let me know if there's any sale going on haha!
PY : if im not wrong, milk is depend on the baby;s demand. so ur milk will adjust according to what charlotte needs. maybe also because ur giving her solid food so she dont latch that much anymore?
im still pumping twice a day, before n after sleep so my supply still d same everytime i pump. although my boobs also became soft right now
eh r u free today? want to go to sale together?
<font color="aa00aa"> thanks for sharing the infos on Avent/Philips Sale !

Mummies, enjoy your shopping and bring back more loots!</font>
today is megan's first day of taking cereals in the mid-morning :D maid reported that she finished the portion i allocated.. yeah! but then again.. i only gave her 30ml EBM to mix with a tablespoon of nestle cereal lol.
Astro I can't go 6apr outing. Can't take half day becos of darn meeting.
I jus came back frm a short trip to bkk with my gal frens!! Whee.. The feelin of being single again ;) for a few days
PY, to increase milk supply u hv to pump more frequently tho... i still pumping 4x a day, n milk is increasing cos my ger is drinking more now. n my mum still give me fish n hot soup everyday, know wat... i used to hate FISH into gut! but no choice now

Ilovemaxmax, haiz... u should tell me earlier... just pick up milk bag n sunscreen from KP few days ago.

PY, will let u know when I go for the 40% warehouse sales. cos my best fren's hubby works there. but soon he will suspicious why i always get so many items
Hey mummies!

I read an article about how its great to let babies at this age play together now to foster socialization and interaction skills... so i'm really thinking that the home play dates I mentioned earlier are a great idea.
Maybe I'll compile a list of mummies who are interested and willing to open your homes for play date sessions and we can arrange the dates?

No need to rack brains on what to do on saturday and can have fun and avoid crowded malls!

Hehhe can also opt to meet up for lunch before playdates or dinners after (if we still hv any energy left :p)

Interested mummies can add your names and locations to the list below!

<font color="ff0000">Saturday baby play date sessions</font>
Saturdays, around 2-5pm.

I don't mind you gals coming to my house also but my hse very messy must advance notice so can pack up

Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
shugar> i dont mind joining too, but i cant host cos i got 2 furbies at home. and also i'll be starting school soon, timetable got saturday classes
sooo sad! but i must enjoy my free saturdays while i still can yeah?

Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
natalieL (but not hosting)
Hi folks,

Good morning .. saw that you all mentioned abt the fox baby sales. I just went to check it out during lunch and honestly speaking, i think its not as attractive as it promises. For example, the retail price of a FOX boy's shirt is $26... the warehouse sale is priced at $19. Although they say prices start from $3, they only apply to girl's hair accessories. Clothing eg. Rompers start from $9 onwards, but mostly will fall within the $13-$19 range. Pumpkin Patch are even more expensive. Anyway, there is a minimum of 5 pieces to purchase, so i ended up buying 0. Sale items are in a mess, so you really need to toss and do serious filtering. Most of the items look rather grubby. Of course, some of the girl's items are very sweet, but like not worth the price leh. For those who are still keen, the place is very near Kovan MRT. Probably 10 minutes walk in the sun.

Sorry, don't really mean to dampen your moods, but just sharing my thoughts abt it.
natalie> high five! my mil will do that too... but in a subtle way.. i always think why she so stupid.. by complaining, isnt she telling others she very useless? haha

GogoBambini outing> i will go if my boy dun haf fever etc after his vaccine on Mon. hmm, probably i will sms Angelina and watsapp miemie &amp; shugar!! hee.. BTW, important notice!!! my hubby will be going with me, so no mentioning of MIL and Kikoo stuffs hoh??! thanks ah! just dun want to turn into a arguing event.. haha.. like not very nice to complain abt his mother to others la.. pls and thanks ok!? ;)

PY> i experienced less milk last week! that's bcos i couldnt pump it out and left it in the breasts for 8 hours stretch!! then the breasts take a long time to fill up cos they think the baby dun need the milk so fast ba.. just 2 days like this does alot of damages.. hmm, then i wack fish soup for 2 days and drinks lotsa water.. though my son in childcare but i only pump once a day only cos where got so much time? i try to latch on more whenever my boy is with me lo. if u taking funegreek hoh, u can try take 3 caps ea time for 3 times a day, for 2 days... must maintain a good mood la..

Angelina>> Yes!! we can meet up! just sms on the days itself! maybe i can bring him over to ur place after his vaccine on Mon.. cos won't fever so fast.. wahahahhaahah!

My place (IL place) also can cos their house quite big. free parking somemore.. but need advance notice so i wun go out. haha. Saturdays will be good cos IL wun be at home..

Saturday baby play date sessions
Sunnyling, Saturdays, around 2-5pm, Sengkang
Ting, Sat, 1-4pm, Jurong East
