(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Vin, you can try OG too... I got my flower girls dresses from there.

I'm also looking out for a white outfit for my boy for his baptism. btw, are you a catholic?

gal: ermm.. no leh, i didn't do any sleep training. i follow a day time routine, yes.. but i'm wary of sleep training. i don't do anything special other than feeding her more in the late afternoon/evening. BUT even that is not forced feeding. she gives me cues that she wants milk more often during this time (usually between 3-7), so i latch whenever.

the only "special" thing that i do is to talk to her during the last feeding session at around 7pm and tell her that she's a good girl, that she's feeding well, and will feed til she's very full and that she's gonna sleep til morning. note that i don't use negatives. i don't say, "Ana is a good girl and will NOT wake up for milk later." instead i say, "Ana is a good girl, mommy love you.. Ana will sleep till morning and let mommy have a good rest" blah blah.. i know sleep suggestion is highly controversial lar but it worked very well with Adil and he slept thru without waking up anymore at exactly 8 weeks. (could entirely be coincidental la. it might just be that he met some physical development which allowed him to sleep tru without anymore feeding..?) but since it worked what's the harm in following the same method rite? anyways it's not that i'm doing anything detrimental. just talk softly n gently while lovingly stroking baby's body.. all good bah? if nothing else, it makes for a good bedtime routine. always good to make them sleep feeling happy and loved yah?
thanks all for suggestions.
hippo, i went to Taka on sunday. i did pick up a few stuff but didnt get anything in full white. :-(

famela, where is 'chateau de sable'? is it there in suntec also near Toysrus?

Loke, water will be poured on her head but i don't think she'll be dipped in water...
BTW where is 'Tom & stephanie'? guess i don't know a lot of shops/places yet :)

siangjiao, will check out OG.
BTW i'm not a Christian. my hubby is and he's a Protestant. are you a Christian?

Oh i forgot to mention - i took Riona for her 1st swimming session (those baby swimming ones) lasy Friday. she enjoyed it though it was only for 10 mnts. she cried a bit only when the tube was being put around her neck. rest of the time she was kicking away nicely in water.. :) i have pictures but i cant seem to post it over here cos of size restrictions. i have them on facebook though :)
have u guys read anything on attachment parenting? i didn't know anything abt this until i received an article in a newsletter in my email last year. naturally, i blogged abt it. i looked it up in my old blog to re-read and refresh my memory so thought i'd just share it here also.


caution: it's looooonnggggg.. and some parts are just abt me, me me! cos it was like a self-reflection journal entry.
so skip it if it gets too much yah?
HI mummies!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 3 without CL! I am still alive! Sigh YX's sleeping habits gone haywire..think CL carried her and pat her too much. On Mon could still fall asleep on her own but since yesterday's visit to PD she has been cranky at nite refusing to sleep again...my GF schedule also all haywire...feel like letting her cry to sleep.

Glass: I am taking NPL till April cos in my school even if I take 1/2 or 1/4 load..it's just taking lesser pay for same amount of work.

Sigh she is cranky again..going to help huby
vin: hahaha. i must be silly to ask u that!!! *duhhzz* think baby baptism should be sprinkling of water... haha.. btw, i know there's one tom & stephanie at westmall...

famela: i like ur style.. that's what i'm donig for angel... i dont mind carrying her to sleep though.. but not walking around.. after she falls asleep i'll put her back on the cot. if she makes noises, then i'll just pat her a little.. so far it works for her.. just keep donig it until the next feed.. and i think its important to feed her full enough at night so she can sleep thru.. parenting is so interesting!!

tien: my cl leaving tomorrow...
i asked her if she'll "bu she de" the babies after one month.. she said "of course!" wah.. i almost wanted to cry.. haha... so silly..
Boi910: Dun think the hepB jab will cause bb acne. Asked pd last time when sent my bb for his, pd say shd not hv any effect at all. I knw the California baby calendula cream is good for bb acne. Tried n it worked quite well.
tien: well done, well done! you survived 3 days, sure will do ok fr now on lar. there'll be ups n downs, easy days, and days you feel like leaving the kid at the nearest dumping ground (LOL! yes, i have had moments like dat) but we will all survive!

and same thing abt my skul.. part time pay but full time work load = not worth considering! it's my HOD who alerted me to this, can u believe it? i had my letter all prepared to convert to part time or resign (this was last year before i even got preggy) then went to my HOD and she advised me not to submit. she asked me to 'ren' til my horrible P leaves the skul. haha! which is why i'm still around la

gal: no worries!

loke: i do still carry my girl to sleep at times too. esp in the day. but like you, i don walk around. most of time carry while seated on bed/sofa. hold her upright against my chest to sayang2, at the same time to burp her also lar. then when she's drowsy but not fully asleep i put her down. sometimes needs to pat2 a while, sometimes don need. somehow at night easier for her to fall asleep on her own. maybe cos it's much darker and quieter

i agree, parenting is real interesting! real headache at times too! bitter sweet
Anyone here knows how to differentiate if bb is allergy to milk protein and if it is just reflux? I went to buy FM just now, happens to read the Isomil Soy formula introduction and it states there that if bb has allergy to milk protein, will have 1)nasal/chest congestion, 2)diarrhoea 3)spitting milk 4)rashes 5)vommiting 6)colicky... Jo I think have 1 and 3 leh... but I am not sure if it is due to reflux or milk allergy. Last time bring to PD he said reflux without suggesting milk protein allergy but the medication that he gave Jo doesnt seem to help much. Any advice?

Btw, I am selling my Medela Advance Pump in Style. If got lobang please PM me...
Famela: Yes I survived 3 days...but her horrid sleeping habits are driving meand hubby crazy...just now I just latched her on for 1 hour and guess what? 10 mins after I put her on bed (she and me dozed off together) she woke up!!!!!!!!!! Cos she couldnt put herself to sleep...now hubby is patting her to bed...

Loke: Actually Cl do feel a sense of attachment to the baby. Before mine left she will tell me what to do if baby dun want to sleep etc..but I refuse to do it cos too much sleeping and patting...but now no choice...sigh...
ddnikz: not very sure what i'm gonna say is right but i guess if you want to really know, then take your baby off the current FM and give him the soy formula for a week or so and see if the symptoms Jo has disappear or are alleviated. if they disappear then it's likely that there's some allergy going here. then you can continue with what you're doing for another week and monitor again to confirm that the symptoms have really gone away. then if you want to double triple confirm it, go back to the FM you were using and see if symptoms come back... conduct like a science experiment lor.. must make sure all other control variables remain constant while u switch the milk. sounds right...? but disclaimer here: i am no expert. better check with PD again?
tien: slowly.. slowly. if u want to undo the habits set by your cl then it takes time yah? hang in there, babe. play some soft soothing music in the background? doesn't have to be lullaby. adil loved (and still loves and can recognise his songs on the radio!!) sleeping to michael buble
my hubby's method of putting adil to sleep last time was completely different than mine: he'd be in the study, working on the PC so he'd play buble's songs on it, place adil on his chest as he leaned back on his swivel office chair and just swivel left to right, left to right, to the music. and it works every single time! and hubby would still be working and surfing the net throughout. whatever works la huh?
Rats, I lost my earlier post...too tired now to re-type everything...

Roxie >> I hope Titus is feeling loads better!

Tien >> BB driving the parents crazy..haha, familiar tune to me.
try yr best to keep yr cool and muster all the patience you've got. *hugs*

Loke >> emo abt CL leaving? me too! in fact, my CL just called and will visit Audrey next week..hehe, she's quite attached to this girl and felt she didn't have a good goodbye to her since she left when Audrey was hospitalised. Mr SF and I had such good memories of the first month with her priceless inputs in bb handling..I really wished I had her to help me deal with my bottle and sleep terrors!

Miemie >> thanks..i dunno what to say abt her...mixed feelings at times WRT the baby. not all my feelings towards Audrey is sweet and tender at times..sigh, guess frustration might be building up that day and definitely festering. might need to check myself on this

Abt Audrey >> Astro saved my household from certain insanity by telling me abt the Tommee Tippee. The teat is so close to the actual nipple, Audrey just loves abusing it. Nah, I suppose for TBF babies, they have grown used to suckling in a certain way..took an experienced eye to tell it (Astro..thanks!) so they respond better (or exclusively) to this...in any case, it works. I won't say it's 100% success as she does fuss a wee bit still but it is a giant step in the right direction...

And, she has somehow self-righted her sleep cycle. Guess the marathon crying session from 10pm-11am left her so exhausted, she got the rhythm right the next day. hmmm...

famela >> don't apologise..it was just coincidental that u were asking me on a day i was doing battle royale with her. Ana is an inspiration

ddnikz >> we all seem to be navigating double-edged swords...like what astro and I were discussing, breastfeeding isn't all it's cracked up to be...the best is a bb who can easily switch from breast to bottle..but since i don't have one that is so, i wouldn't know how that can be nurtured...

baptism >> audrey's also on schedule for this in Jan..all white onesies can be bought at mothercare
ddnikz >> ok, audrey has a confirmed allergy to dairy. spit ups are common - so it isn't a true test of an allergy. as for nasal/chest congestion..no comments since i don't know much abt that.

my babe's allergy is confirmed via the following:
1) poo must show signs of intolerance, i.e. green - the green is not yr dark green. light and sometimes fluorescent.
2) if on breastmilk, mum should abstain from the suspected, offending food item for 48hrs and observe if the poo has an change. if so, you can up the suspicion to almost 90%
3) the spit-up..in the case of an allergy, nearly the entire feed will be brought up without a burp. meaning, right after u feed her, burp her and while she is resting..bwah! the entire feed is regurgitated and u don't see milk solids, but alot of bubbles in the "spit up"..you can be sure it's an allergy. milk solids = some form of digestive processing and would be a clearer sign of reflux actually (that much i know).
4) diarrhea and lethargy - they go hand in hand..this one, is more serious since babies this young can dehydrate q fast.

unfortunately, they are too young to do skin allergen tests..so we never know for sure. i found the best way is for u to try abstaining from the suspected item and see what happens. then..isolate that item again and deliberately consume it..watch the results. u would know for sure.

last bit and rather interesting, according to audrey's PD, 60% of dairy-intolerant bbs are also soy-intolerant. audrey is in this funny class of bbs who can't take dairy, can't take soy. so she must rely on BM...

good news is, all these "allergies" are not lifelong. they tend to clear after the 5th-6th month once their stomach lining develops...
xoxo: hey gal, glad to hear that audrey's sleeping ok again. yeay for audrey!

ana is beginning to show a clear preference for the boob these days. fed her with a couple of bottles for last 2 days to give my left sore b a break (no thanks to that freaking blocked duct incident!) and each time, she took quite a while before taking it. she kept using her tongue to push the bottle teat out. again and again! yest night, she kept at it for 3 minutes(!!) before finally accepting it and finishing the milk. no crying protests yet. hope it doesn't escalate into that. and yes, i agree that best is a baby that can easily and happily switch from breast to bottle. adil was able to do that and made it very easy when i needed to run out to shops or catch a movie and leave him with my mom. easing back into work life also smooth sailing. his sister? yet to see. hopefully she'll be as adaptable too.
famela >> a relief certainly..i will apply the don't jinx it caveat here though! try the tommee tippee on ana? before i came to know abt this teat, i have tried every single brand u can find, syringe, supplemental feeding sys etc..they didn't work..sitting back and thinking logically, it is most likely due to the fact that the suckle bbs deploy on the breast is truly different from that of a bottle...hence the solution must lie with a teat that best resembles the aerola + nipple. i don't wish it on u to go thru' the temper fits i had...though audrey did start out that way too..playing abt with the bottle teat, pushing it out..then escalating to taking one suck, spitting it out and clamming her mouth shut..next level was the head fussing away from the bottle when it was displayed to her and so on and so forth till we reached that awful climax

hehe..i was so ready for diaper changing, sleep deprivation etc as part of the parenthood package..but nowhere did "breastfeeding experts" forewarn that there was such an issue as bottle rejection when TBF...either that, or i simply wasn't paying enough attention where it was due..
Just flared up from feeding. Don't know why the BPA free Avent bottle I have actually leaks milk!!! Poor Jo got the milk in her hair and pyjamus and I got milk on hand and shorts. NOt the first time already but this time leakage quite bad. Super fedup!!! The bottle so ex somemore!!

Hubby has been scolding me for switching FM for experiment - switched from Friso to Enfa AR. Now if I go switching again, not sure if he and bb can take it! :S

if according to what you have listed, then I don't think Jo has allergy. Her poop is light yellow. As for regurgitating, she threw up quite abit but not enough to consider entire feed - roughly 20ml. As for bubbles, I need to monitor again on this as I didnt really take note. There is no diarrhoea. Instead she constipated! Thanks for listing down the symptoms for me. Have a clearer pic now...

re your bottle feeding issue, did you try dipping the tip in colic water first?
tien : yea..u survived
btw, i find christmas song works too...those soothing kind like "merry christmas to you" by nat king cole.

famela : michael buble? i like!

xoxo : so glad e answer is found

hmm.. sites say bb sleep around 15-18 hrs rite? any idea how to count? if bb feed take 1 hr * 8 feeds = 8 hours
24-8=16 hrs.
so does tht mean bb shld b awake to play/bathe/etc 1-2 hrs max?
tien: i have same prob as u. CL pat bb too much.Now adjustign back.

roxie: wah T hit 6.6 kg,wonder M how heavy now need wait till7th dec for this jab. M also ahve nasal congestion, pd prescribed a nasal spray to clear his nasal. M coughs once to twice a day ,does T has same sypmtom?Wonder if shd bring him to check on his cough

gal: same as loke, i prefer pd at elast for the 1st few yrs.doc nowsaday abit unprofessional or coz not all, at least get a specialist is safer.

ddnikz:im using avent too but dun have leaking prob,is there some manufacturign defect for ur set?Mine though no leaking but the teat hole differ, 2 of it is bigger then my 3rd hence tt 2 will leak from the tip even withoout sucking.

xoxo/ddnikz: one of my colleague is the same as audrey cant take diary pdt.So thru the 4 syptoms u mentioned, audrey confirmed alleagy to diary?coz for M he has the spit uo sypmtom like merlion, quite worry but pd said its normal
so does it mean sicne M dun have the other3 u mentioned, he shdnt be alleagy to diary pdt? And hor 1 qn, how u differentiate vommitting to spitting out(large amt) and diahorrhoea from normal poo(since on BM,bb poo is watery like when we having diahorrhoe)?
Re:Defrozen EBM

sorry will like to ask a general qn, for the frozen milk, if i bring up to defroze inthe fridge fr the freezer section this morning, by when i need to finsih up the milk?
ddnikz >> yep, yr babe sounds OK..yellow is the colour i am always hoping to see...mine macham like the rainbow...had red, orange, yellow, green..heh...i didn't try the dip in anti-colic solution cos guardian ran out of ridwind when i tried to buy it..both branches..and in the end, i wound up buying gripe water...but TT works without the dipping. and the gripe water, ended up in my own tummy..hurhur.. :D

gal >> cross fingers, cross fingers, cross fingers...i hope this solution is permanent. audrey is no paragon of the bb ideal..but my observation for the past week is that she is getting by with a total of 13hrs of sleep. of course, when she chooses to snooze is at times, not according to schedule, and therefore, the cause of much woe...

annette >> the spit ups, can occur cos they have over-eaten :p it always look worrying but it is normal. it cld also be due to a burp that was not resolved..so do burp...bf bbs are notoriously difficult to burp..i think the biggest indicator is the poo colour and once u do the food exclusion/inclusion test on yr babe, it's pretty much there. mine had all the symptoms i've listed, plus one more - bloody diaper. blood because her lining got more and more irritated each time i took diary (and i take quite a bit cos i love cheese, pizzas and had the habit of drinking a few glasses of milk per day since my pregnancy)...u know it's vomit when it occurs with ALOT of force. it's like a projectile and the amount is tremendous. just to give u an idea, audrey vomitted while lying down, the vomit ended up beyond her legs and she brought up what i can imagine almost the entire feed in one go...soaked from mouth to end of the bed. diarrhea is watery, u don't see any poo bits in it...and the surface poo area is rather wide..so it appears like yellow pee. diarrhea could also pt to infection, and may occur after vaccination. i'll take famela's lead on this and say, i am no PD so do consult yr doc if u suspect anything cos nothing is more accurate at times, than a mother's instinct
electricity bill >> just received my bill for the month...$446...
...loke, you'd better teach me the art of saving bucks here...the scent of burning dollar bills is filling my room now...
xoxo: will keep in mind this TT bottle. thanks!
i pray v v hard that Ana will just stop at being cheeky n pushing teat out with her tongue and not go into complete and absolute refusal of the bottle. currently i'm using NUK teats for the wide bottle. maybe one of these days when i make my way down to cP i will get one of the TT to standby.

ddnikz: you've switched FM? then maybe wait a while and see if baby adjusts to it first. sometimes babies take a while to adjust to sthg new.

gal: hee hee. yeah, i like Buble too!
am glad that my son has pretty decent taste in music. haha!

not too sure abt how much sleep they need at this age but i rem vaguely reading somewhere that at this age you should try to keep their waking hours to a max of 2 hours each time cos that's the max they can last before getting really really tired. beyond 2 hours they get cranky and it'll get harder to settle them after that.

xoxo: woah that's a hefty amount for a bill. i don't think i want to ask my hubby abt our bill. i don't switch on the aircon but i have def been using lots of water.
famela >> was at AMK hub ytd with astro and shugar ~ moms & babes having a 50% disc on tommee tippee..looking back, i'd rather not wait till absolute refusal becomes a reality cos it does escalate my stress levels and the bb's...

PY >> we are VIP member of SP services..power! tsk tsk not good for our earthy karma.. :p
famela: try TT. nuk teats are too narrow for audrey. the last time i saw her suckling on the teat.. she was like swalloing the whole teat! hence i told xoxo to try thte TT. it works.. it really minic the breast suckling very well..

Causeway pt has TT.. but no fifty percent i think. so go amk hub!
one bottle 150ml.. $5 plus nia. BPA free.. cheap cheap

annette: think overfeeding M lah.. causing al the merlion.. :S
rejction of breasts and bottles.. both equal big headaches!

i was telling shugar yesterday.. yh prefers the faster flow of the bottle.. and he will fuss when the flow slows down and keep unlatching himself.. i will FORCE him back on the breast and HOLD him there.. shugar said she tried with samuel.. i replied.. shugar too gentle.. :p

coz i cannot take the fact that i have endured the cracked and the sore nipples.. and the bugger still prefers the plastic?! extreme situations requires extreme measures ..*straight face*
loke/roxie/shugar:same here.wanted to be with bb but then im like talking to teh wall for the past wk, home alone taking care of bb only.is it the same for u gers now?im like gog crazy lor no one to talk to.Shugar r u a sahm?

PY: WITHIN 24HRS!!! it take almost a day to defroze wo. thought it shd last longer then those store in fridge(48hrs)?

xoxo: thxthx. wa audrey vomit so much!! then guess for M coz i overfed him
but even when i just stick to8 feeds aday he also puke .was told those like 'beancurb' spit isgd but nowsaday its either like those normal liq milk or like today he spit out 'water' like fluid is tt normal since i dun really feed him water?

xoxo/astro/shugar: wa u all went shopping!!!! so nice! With babies? I just scare bring M out after tt 1st 2 try,he just keep crying.N if dun bring him out im stuck athome facing 4 walls, gog crazy soon if like tt

astro: i cnat judge how mcuh he drink when direct latching leh, but i only latch hime for 1 breasts , i cant have like 100+_ml for 1 breast leh coz suually i need stop latching for 5-6hrs b4 can pump out 220ml fr 2 breasts wo. then i only feed him8 feeds now. i guess bb boi always suck fast n strong,nowsaday when M sucks i can feel the pull on both breasts man,quite painful soemtimes.
sigh.. my boy got sleeping problems. refusing to sleep. if sleep only like power nap 5 mins or 1 hr max since this morning. how how!!
tot he may still be hungry..feed him he push away the bottle nipple. am playing lullaby full blast now..
Astro: hahaha! U vy funny lah! hey, I still cannot forget u bf-ing YH! :p

Annette: er, I work from home... So consider as SAHM? :p hmm maybe you can find some things to do to pass time? Any hobbies? Time passes too fast for me though... So much things I wanna do but like not enough time. :s

Gal: sometimes find Sam dun sleep well in the aftnn too. Wakes up easily n if fall back to zzz, it's not for very long.
shugar : oh dear..how did u solve the prob?
he now sleeping back at his crib.. (rather than rashule). hope he dun confuse now is night time :S but he sleeping after i pat his back (burping shoulder method). .. me going to nap too.. drained. :S

*sniff* back. so much for nap
he woke up again.
what am i going to do with him. his eye so big and he just gave me two sweet smiles
Gal: these babies.... Just one look at their smile n it's so hard to fault them isn't it? :p
I managed to pat him to zzz... On our bed. I dun put him in his cot in the day. Want him to learn that when sleep in cot is night time. Day time either nap in rashule or our bed.
shugar/gal> i also having the same problem since v long ago. sigh.. using the yao lan now.. but it seems that she also can sleep v long in it. =\
shugar: hey, quite a sight huh? :p
i will try covert xoxo into that too.. high chance she will :p

shugar/gal/py: normal..the REM pattern of the bbs.. dun talk tp them when they 'wake'.. give them the paci/breast/rock them to help them go back to sleep.. if un want to create any any of such association.. then let thm cry it out :p
shugar: oicc. have alot housechore to do not muhc time though but all not wat i wan to do(usually housewk done by hubby ma:p) my hobby all outside type like play tennis,squash etc im told tt can only start all this sport 1 yr later anyway no kaki at this area.

gal/shugar: me ahving saem prob. today matthias dun really wan zz since noon till now still lying in the yaolan n i yao him to zz.

PY: me aslso change to yaolan last wk n M zz more. but today nope.
Thanks! that does look helpful. Will try to experiment abit. Hope it works!

I have 3 bottles but only one of them have such prob. Seems to be the white ring that has the "defect". Just bought a few days only. Shouldnt be spoil so fast?

your bb's poop sounds scary leh. How come so many colours??? :eek:

I switched FM when I read that there is anti reflux formula. Thought of trying it. but now thinking to switch back cos Jo don't like it. She takes one whole hour to finish it!! Always drink until she doze off then mummy also doze off. haha.
annette> there was a typo on my yao lan post. she dun seem to sleep v long in it. sigh.. maybe she need sometime to get used to it ?

and hor.. my baby is still taking 60-80ml!!! this week is her 7th week liao. omg... but i dunno how much she drink she i latch her lah.

and the intervals is still 2-3 hours.... i want to peng san liao
