(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

gal: i dun trust GPs.. so i'll go pd.. haha.. i have something against doctors.. :p

roxie: titus is manly eh.. bring him to the little gym next time.. then he can become macho macho and not sumo sumo.. hehe...

i think i'm getting a little possessive.. dun feel safe to leave baby with anybody... except maybe the CL.. cos she knows baby's "pattern".. i shall try to take it easy while having her with me before i go back to work..
yes loke, fully understand how u feel.. had the same feeling when i was hunting for a suitable nanny for titus after i return to work.. am trying to take it easy too.. meanwhile treasure the last two mths i have with him before i head back to work... its really not easy to rest our minds leaving our precious in the hands of others.. when we are their best caretaker..
Loke: it's the maternal instincts kicking in. I sometimes feel this way too so can understand what you're feeling. :p We spend so much time with our babies now so naturally very attached to them.

Roxie: hope Titus gets well soon!
hello all, haven't been logging on for a long time.
count me in for xmas party if on 20 dec.

i simply can't have extra ebm. going on a 4 day course that is whole day whole night. don't know how to pump and bring milk back.

tien, famela, any of you taking NPL or 3/4 or 1/2 workload? I want to take NPL but my P trying to convince me to take 1/2 workload coz of massive shortage of staff. I have problems finding help to look after my son. might have to hire maid.
i have always been possessive over my babies. especially when they're still this young. that's why i took NPL when i had #1. only went back when he was almost 7 months. when they're bigger, then i let go a lot more

glass, and to answer your qn, yes i'm taking NPL. already told them but haven't signed the documents yet. they better not try anything farnie like trying to dissuade me now. i'm going down for the paperwork next week. my P is not for taking part-time workload lar. and i'd rather be on NPL.
actually i want to bring baby to work leh... but i think my fil and mil will be unhappy.. and dunno if i can be effective with baby around or not.. i'll see how it goes.....
py / ong: ameda pump

sometimes i really wonder how u gals hold the pumps at same time.. the bellow seems cant contract properly when i am do dual pump. does it affect our supply?

i have becoming more and more lazy.. nowadays only steriise 2 times per day. and the only part i keep dry is the bellows. the rest all still have water inside but i bo chap..hee.. the parts and btle can nvr be dry de..

ong: ya, i also dunno how much my boy drinking. when btle feed him, he can range from 60 - 100ml. depending on how much i offer him. and even after btle feed him, he will ask for milk after 1+hr..

aiyo.. unless he slping, else i will be offering my breast almost every hr.
Hi, discovered a FREE lobang today.. hopefully can perk up everyone's mood here(If it has been mentioned here before,then pls bear wif me yah)

The national libray has this "Born to read, read to bond" program. Basically, they give you a FREE goodie bag containing 1. Hardcover baby journal (Colourful baby record book), 2. One CD containing stories, ryhmes, poems and songs 3. Baby height chart 4.A reading record sheet where if you borrow 60 books, you'll get a gift.

Just go down to any library customer service, give them baby's BC number, and the goodie bag is yours


on a side note: i didn't have Andre's BC no. The counter staff keyed in his name in their system, and they could pull out his BC no. in a second! Scary! Dun play play with gah-men
Loke: This coming weekend I go haa!

Hippo: I used their nursing at b1 ok ok la haven tried the one at kids dept ha. I want to try ion's. Looks super comfy and posh haa!!!
wow, long time no come in, many posts!!

thks for informing abt the 10% sale at taka! shopping time!

ong/limmil: I am also total BF, i also have no idea how much my girl is drinking. even bottle feed, think she takes abt 100ml thereabouts.

siangjiao, thks for sharing dat! time to go down to the library!

I think i am also possessive of my girl. I even thought of quitting to take care of her myself! Think I've grown very attached to her, I dun wish to let others take care of her when I go back to work after CNY. But no choice, gotta learn to let go...
your case sounds bad - the total opposite of mine. I remember how Jo scream her head off the moment I lift up my blouse to offer her the breast
(before that was only wailing). Cos I have not been able to catch up with the fast moving thread, just want to ask if you have tried different brands and types of teats? Maybe you want to try dipping the teat in colic water before offering the bottle to her? Heard from my CL that all babies love sweet stuff. Might work?
Quiet here tonight..

My hubby trying to pat pat Andre to sleep. Playing baby lullaby in the background. Baby's eyes big big staring at daddy nodding off. Looks like my CD is effective on the wrong guy. Dunno why but this scenario tickles me so much..

Alritey, going to catch "The Four" on channel 55 now.. Nitez gals
Kate Spade bag for sales
ladies, sorry to interrupt , have a Kate Spade Classic Noel Daisy Shopper Purse Bag to let go at $270 nett. Comes with dustbag and tag still intact.Self collection at buangkok MRT in the evening or Tanjong pagar MRT on weekdays. PM me if keen
Hi mommies,

I have stop breastfeeding due to some medical condition and still left with 15 packets of Blue Egg Milk Bag, would like to let go at $7.50 per pack of 25bags. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks!
that's funny... hahaha... now 11+ liao and my bb's eyes also big leh. Think going to be long night for me again >.<
famela: i'm really at a loss. Have to decide within today or tomorrow.

hey people, I think I read somewhere about how much the baby's weight gain should be, but I can't remember much. How much should it be?

Yesterday my husband got into his kancheong spider mode, felt baby's face eczema was very bad, decided to bring him to see pd even when I was tired and wanted a nap, plus he brought his parents along. My mother offered to drive them back coz my husband had to go off for his own med appt, but I felt it looked pretty exaggerated to have 3 grandparents fussing over a simple case of eczema, so I went instead. Anyway, couldn't find the branch in Bishan, another clinic was closed, and the rest of the 15-20 clinics we saw were all GPs instead.

Finally I told my hubby to try to pd near my house, so brought baby there. PD said his weight gain is not enough. birth weight 3.7, now at 7-8 weeks only 5.25. Is it too little? How much should baby gain each week? THen he suggested that I give a bit more of FM (had been on 95-98% BM), but the previous PD told me to go on TBM to reduce allergy. My son has eczema on face. This PD said it's a tricky situation becoz to reduce allergy, should go TBM, but becoz weight is low, should supplement with FM. So now I don't know what to do.

Then I also realised the health booklet states vaccinations at 1st month, but the PD at thomson booklet says 2nd month, which I had asked the replacement PD. Argh!! I'm so confused. So far my son had gone to see doctor 3 times, and every time different one.
good morning all!

siangjiao: that's funny! LOL! a very familiar scenario at my house too.

sharing good news: i *think* baby Ana is finally sleeping longer tru the night. for past couple of days only woke up once after sleeping at 8ish/8.30. yest she slept at 7ish (abt 7.15), woke up at 3.10am and the next one at 7.45am. yeahhhooo!

BUT, unfortunately, my #1 is down with fever. so he woke up several times yest.

glass: just think thru it and decide whichever is best for you and family yah?
don't stress, don't stress *hugs*

can't rem abt the weight gain either. i think it was astro who posted it..? hmm.. abt weight gain, i thought as long as poo/pee ok, baby healthy.. is ok? this has always been my assumption lar. i think best if u stick to one PD otherwise you'll get different instructions and feel even more insecure with all that you're hearing.

i bring my kids for vaccinations at poly so i follow their schedule which is stated in the health booklet. so ana had her 2nd hep b at 1 month old. next jab we're taking the 6in1/5in1( haven't decided but most likely the former) also at polyclinic. that one has been scheduled for her 3rd month so her appt's in January. only when sick then i bring to a PD at woodlands - Baby Bear Clinic. Always crowded but i like the doc. always explaining things to me.
<blink><font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Ah Goo Baby Plush Pad &amp; The Diaper Clutch</font></font></blink>

Anymore orders? We've got 11 already. MOQ=12. Pls PM your interest to <font color="0000ff">rach</font> soon. It's def a very good deal. Hurry!
limmil: u can check out Gmarket, i saw the chopstick there ard10bucks if rem correctly

xoxo: u wanna total bottle feed also, im thinking of starting tt as well but M dun like
even EBM he only accept one feed on tt, the next feed he wan to latch on if not keep crying nonstop

famela: tts a gd news. hope all our bb can sleep thru the nite soon

Bluesea: mine same as u
so drained
Have your pregnancy tummy flatten and firm up?

I would like to recommend <font color="0000ff">LipoBody Undergarment</font> from Europe to flatten your Tummy, Reduce cellulite and firm up your Hip and Thigh.

Can find out more from: www.itsi.com.sg.
Siangjiao: thanks for telling us abt the pre-birth kit at the library! I went to get it just now! Btw, if u registered baby as a member of nlb, u can borrow 4 bks n they'll give a free cotton bag... Get ur kids to start reading from young! Haha...
glass - our PD at AMK baby clinic said that weight gain or baby shud be roughly arnd 1 kg per month.
Riona gained 1 kg during her 1st month and 800 gms in the 2nd month. Dr said its healthy weight gain.
i too sked if i need to supplement with FM as she keeps on sucking her hand. Dr said as long as she is not crying for milk and her weight gain is healthy, just do TBF.

For eczema, did u try calendula cream? heard that it works well for eczema

may have missed some posts in b/w..so just checking again - when is the drugstore spree arriving?
i can't seem to find the name of the mommy who organised the spree - so checking with you...pls don't mind.
i got no hands free so just hold with the hands lor that's y it is so tiring plus the neck oso aching fm constantly lookg downwards to check on the milk. My bellows was wet cos i steralise them together. Sometimes the bellow do not contract properly could be becos the adaptor cap have clip on part of the bellow as this happen to mine before.

sometimes i oso realise the pump siao siao one like can suck sometime and can't suck sometime. Usually when breast not slightly engored, it is hard to pump cos nothing comes out.

thks for the info on the free stuffs.
I think the birth weight thing is ok leh. Mine is born at 2.94, at 6 weeks, she is 4.26 and PD say she is healthy. Like what Famela said, don't worry too much about weight unless you can see signs of unhealthiness in your bb.
vinbaby &amp; drugstore spree mummies
The items have been shipped from drugstore. waiting for vpost to acknowledge receipt hopefully by this week. takes about another week or less after that to arrive in singapore. =D
haha... joelle already replied b4 i did!

tks! just let us know when to pay you!

haha... i see you like pretty things.
well so do i! bwahahaha... already PM-ed rach. guess i'm considered one of her regulars. am on her sms list. hehe...
yeah Joelle, let me know ho much and when to pay you. :)

can anyone suggest where i can buy a nice white dress for my girl? I need it for her baptism - so the dress shud be fully white. i have seen a few in Kiddy palace. but i wud like to look out for more options before buying. pls suggest....
Hippo: Hee Hee... Me on her sms list too! but this time before she sent me sms, i sent her one first. Haha! immediately sent her an sms e minute i read on sept thread tt she might try neg for better price for e pad. Haha! Been eyeing this too longgg la. But held back cos of price. I blogged abt it when in 2T i think. Lol!

did u get the leg warmers too? i got 7!! i cld haf shot myself after that cos then came the deals on babylegs. had to give that a miss la. 7 leg warmers dono wear go where in hot SG.
bb acnes

dear mummies

my bb has a lot of acnes on his face today, he toke the 6 in 1 inj n hep b on mon... does it has anything to do with it?

i am partial giving fm n bfing, ate fried chicken wing ytd... is it due to this?
bwahahaha... nah i restrained myself on the leg warmers!
cos like u said, wear to where???

what about petit bateau? they have really nice looking stuff. looks real expensive but i never dared venture in... hehe... taka card additional 10% discount if u have it.
yalor.. i got carried away la. tsk. now i MUST make sure i go for that hol somewhere colder soon.

anyone knows what's the h1n1 situation in US now? safe to bring baby or not? i still have those open plane tix
vin, forgot to reply just now. have u seen any from chateau de sable? they have quite a few white dresses but don't know if they haf those that are suitable for riona's baptism though.
