(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

PY: the shields n strap work or not?

my ratio of FM is also getting more compared to EBM. i m trying not to think so much coz my bleeding nips are not helping!

my waist is 37" from 44" n i cant start jamu until 2 weeks later due to c-sect. duno in time to slim down or not. i asked my gynae to prescribe binder for me coz when i walk, i feel like my womb dropping!

gal^: dats wat my PD says leh. esp if on breastfeeding, babies tend to pee/poo at every feed.

PY ; ya lo. same dilemma. I always call him my little hard worker. :p tough work to suckle. i din know he drink 50ml each day until nurse told me. my EBM is still in freezer. duno when i will thaw it to cup feed him. right now i will latch and latch and latch.
sometimes i so tired and sleepy, try to keep myself awake in case i drop him :S

aria jo : hmm.. back to the Q PY asked, er.. if he drink until he too tired then zzz. i.e. haven drink full but too tired to continue. if that happens i am guessing he will ask for more freq feed? instead of every 3 hourly will be shorter?

gingerz : orh
. i tink poo easy to measure (coz' we gotta clean). pee leh on disp diapers..hard to measure. not sure how many times he pee until e diaper can no longer soak it up.

weight and waist length :
hmm.. i have 7 kg extra. but am fine if lose or not.
but what i not fine is my flabby tummy.. when i breathe in, it doesn't move! (ie suck in).
Loke, sorry to hear that. Hope everythg goes well.

PY, I think it's good to have a binder as it can provide support to your womb & help in firming the abdominal muscles. When you do jamu massage, they will usually apply some herbs on ur tummy. The binder can help to enchance the action of the herbs also. See if the massage lady can help you to get one.

mymelody, nipple cream is supposed to soothe & heal sore nipples. Mayb u can try to air ur nipples for a while after BF. Some say applying warm, wet tea bags or breast milk help. I've read a lot of recommendation on how to deal wth sore nipples but not sure whc one works leh.. guess will have to wait till I really try it out. :p
hehe.. :D i realise that i cant pump every 3 hrs leh.. the yield not that much.. my last pump was at ard 8am.. then i pump again at 2pm.. i got a total of 100ml from both breast..

later i wanna try latching Charlotte.. sigh i'm guilty of not offering my breasts to her as frequently as it should be
btw ginger, my hb help me put it on lah the hands free thingy.. i think i'll be v lost if w/o his help leh.. hai .. coz must find a balance for the 2 sides and both sides must maintain the suction force..

i tried last night w/o his help and failed lol :\
PY: me too... my yield is similar to urs, 100ml if gap is 6 hrs. i m resorting to FM more n more... very guilty too
i will be ordering from mumsfairy the strap n shield soon once i figure the chart out

my gynae asked tmc nurse to get me the binder when he made his rounds n i requested for it. when i was discharged, i saw that they billed us $56 for it.
sigh i think there's nth much we can do if the supply is not up to their demand
drink more water?! hehe hippo told me she drank 2l per day!!
gal: if i use breast pads, i still need to wear my bra to sleep leh .. quite uncomfortable.

Hippo: i will try to check out lilipadz. envelope, thanks for the source.

ginger: my baby left eye also keep secreting yellow "mak sai". My mum say my breast milk too heaty liao, ask me to drink more water. I dunno if this is related to jaundice leh, but she say its quite common, so i just let it be.

PY: I bought my binder from the KKH pharmacy. They let me bring a variety up my ward to try, and i just pick the one i am most comfy with. But so far, i hardly use, cos it makes me feel even hotter and i sweat buckets.

Loke: so sorry to hear abt the news. Take care okie? *hugs*

Gal: My baby also can suckle up to an hour. I find it very boring initially starting at him. Nowadays i just watch TV. But normally, he will go to sleep, and seal his lips when i tickle him at the mouth, so i assume he is full liao.

Mymelody: my nips are still smarting after a week, but definitely toughening up. What the breastfeeding hotline taught me was to squeeze a little of the milk out after feeding, rub it round the nipple and let it air dry. After that, i'll apply the medela purelan cream. After every feeding, i tell baby "mummy need to liao shang" Hopefully my breastfeeding woes get better from now.

I am so bored at home, wearing my frumpy pyjamas the whole day looking so ah soh. Dunno when i'll get a life again. Tuesday hubby is going back to work, hope i dun fall depress again.
oh, wanted to ask, how you all store your EBM in the freezer? I've been drinking Brandz chicken essence and they come in these glass bottles with screw on plastic caps. Do you think i can use them? The breast milk storage bags are so expensive.
Meiting: just saw your post. Very hard to read post from phone. Quite comforting to hear from someone is similar situation. So, you are still waiting right? When are you going to see gynae? Well at least you are 0.5cm dilated. I'm not even 1mm!! Haha stubbron cervix. Now just have to wait.

Ginger: ideally I still want natural delivery. Doctor is also holding out for it that's why she say wait till Tuesday. If I'm at least 1cm dilated induced birth can be successful. But if induced at 0cm failure rate is high. So my guess is if I'm
not dilated by Tuesday it shld be csec. Really hv been finding ways to pry open the cervix haha..
Tien> how heavy is ur baby now ? i was induced at 1cm too and it was successful! and 6 hrs labour only.
there's hope there's hope! :D:D
(chey, now my turn to give pple encouragement) wahaha....

some induced at 0cm also successful. you dun wanna try natural ?
siangjiao : me too. i oso assume he full liew once he purse his lips. before that i will try tickle his chin, feet, ear to try wake him up, etc.

siangjiao: hehe. i am using those brands essence chicken bottle to store my EBM.
btw, in case ur chicken essence bottle cannot screw on, most likely its just press to close.

express breast milk :
my EBM is pathetic

morning feed - express only 18ml.
midmorning feed - din express
afternoon feed - express....no need to count..duno how puny ml nia.v insignificant.
getting worried. i got drink warm drink, massage leh. HB say maybe Elias drank most of it oledi but afternoon feed he din take 1 hr to drink le.

Tien : maybe can try to sing Happy Birthday song to bb? :p
someone shared in previous posting someone sang and bb came out like 2 days later.
siangjiao: wah 1 hr! so long ah! mine not even 15 mins then she started to fidgeting around.. not sure is it she's too used to bottle feed or i dun have enough milk.. but when i squeeze out, got milk come out leh
any ideas what i can do?
Tien>> Maybe our babies will share the same birthday. I will admit tomorrow night and likely to deliver on Tues. My cervix also stubborn and one kind, didnt even dilate!! But my previous 2 pregnancies also same lah, I hv given up. I know this cervix of mine needs some medical interventon before it will open. :p

Astro>> You still around! At first thought you went to deliver already.

Loke>> Sorry to hear about your hb's grandma's passing. You take care. Hugs.
gal: yah she burp liao then after that she fidget.. i think coz she poo poo at the same time.. haha so i gotta change her diaper and continue to latch?

wah chim.. she'll be shouting and screaming liao by then..
it seems that most of us are havin the same problem.... hai..... like wu tou chang yin. (headless housefly) =\

HB hope that i can direct latch coz he say besides the BM benefits, it also have the bonding between the mom and the baby.. =\

i think quite hard to achieve that... sigh
Hello anyone popped tdy???

<font color="0000ff">I've POPPED! Greetings fr TMC!
</font> My lil chilli padi arrived tdy &amp; is v petite @ 2.6kg and is 48cm long only. Water bag broke @ 3am+ and i was admitted at 7am... delivered @ 10+am... v fast labour.

Will pop in again when i can later.

Astro &amp; loke,
Sorry ladies, i jumped queue! hehehe
I also have the same problem. My baby can suckle for 1 hour, I switch breasts, and then after that he falls asleep, and within a short time, he will start waking up and want more milk. Sometimes, after feeding him, I express my milk out, still got a lot.

The other problem is also leaky breasts. I feed him on one side, I need to put a bottle at the other side to catch the drips, which sometimes can be a lot. The only way for me to not to have leaky breasts is to pump after feeding. If I pump before feeding, I will have no milk when it's time for baby to drink.
glass> hmmmmm i'm not doing that leh (pumping after feed).. maybe i should. but my CL sure keep saying BM not full then she will need to wake up so many times to help me latch the baby... i think by having a CL i feel v restricted leh.. sigh
dunno is it a right idea to have CL in the first place anot..
wah so quietly n quickly popped already? U make labour sound so easy like laying eggs man. Congrats congrats!!!

There was an ang moh who came in just overnight to pop next to my rm and nxt day discharge straightaway. Nurse told me her 5th kid. Really like laying eggs that one. Hur hur...

Re: other glass bottles
not sure if we shud cos those that hospital give us are MADE for storing ebm. Byt ur brand essence bottles may not be so better be careful. Astro posted something on this recently.

Re: pumping
think if im not wrong we r suppose to pump max 20 mins right? I just tried pumping both boobs after feeding one side for 1/2 hr n got about 40ml i think

re: leaky boobs
lilypadz will do the job. Now m thinking shudda bot 1 more pair

Re: low supply
gotta drink enough fluids be it soup, red dates or water. Im definitely drinking at least 2 litres a day. Rest is very impt too. Must try n sleep whenever u r not feeding. Thats all i do. Sleep n feed only. Havent read newspapers havent paid my bills. Dunno what day is today. Luckily so far been ok.
aiyoh! all along i've been doing the wrong thing!
i nv latch her at night at all.. all feed EBM and FM.. i think i gonna learn from hippo from tonight onwards!! hopefully charlotte can latch 30 mins each side..
py: I'm definitely all for natural but if I'm not even 1cm dilate, my gynae is not very confident. So, all I need is just 1 cm.

Gal: ya maybe I will try the singing..

Bluesea: Jia you! Yep maybe our babies will have the same birthday. But you going in with 0cm dilation?

Jrrt: Congrats! U also popped earlier than me lor! Envious! But good to hear u n bb doing well!
halo mummies, dun mind my interruption here..my gal friend just gave birth to her baby gal on Friday..I ask her to log in to join this thread to get support frm mummies here

BTW, I am a march 09 mummies, hv a baby girl

I read abit of the post abt breastfeeding issues here..frm my experience pump &amp; latch as often as you can to build up milk supply. Sore nipples apply nipple cream everytime before and after latching on, latching is the BEST

Ask CL to cook green papaya fish soup &amp; drink lots of red dates tea.
Mummies give birth naturally can take papaya soup immediately.
Green papaya fish soup can be cook as normal soup even after confinement to maintain milk supply, black bean sooup also helps, basically drown urself with lots of soup EVERYDAY to hv lots of breastmilk.
After confinement, to build and maintain milk supply:
buy fenugreek supplements, nursing tea to maintain milk supply, eat oats helps too!
DO NOT TAKE PORK LIVER, it will reduce milk supply.
Pump, I recommend Ameda, price are reasonable for good dual pump. Esp those gng back to work and continuing breastfeeding, need to pump at work can consider Ameda

Hope above BFing issues helps.
I know BFing it is tiring...wif the annoying block ducts:p

All the best everyone and hope my fren will join this thread soon!!
WAH i'm so happy with mdm rokiah. she say my breast from cup D now become B hahahahaha.... :D she's so good man!

btw xoxo, i need ur contact for ur CL lol. she keeps telling me ur CL very good. I wanna hire her for my No.2 wahah!

she say why i need FM when i have so much supply.. lol kena "scolded" anyway have tell my CL liao hehe she feeling lan lan now i think oops. =x
Hi, mummies

Talking abt breastfeeding.. I wonder how much we shld give our bb per feed.. I prefer to pump the milk out and let the bb drink from bottle.. at least i can monitor what is the intake.. Gosh.. my 2 weeks old bb can drink abt 80ml per feed.. is it too much or too little?

Currently using the electric Avent single pump.. everytime hold the pump till hands tiring leh.. Is the medela pump really better? Tot of maybe buying the double pump leh.. Any1 using it?
mrs neo: my 1 week old baby can take 100ml per feed!!!!!!! mdm rokiah just commented the huge consumption.. i gotta cut down her intake liao.

hai.. i dunno why she take so much..maybe it's my CL's fault ha

get ameda dual electric pump. it's very good! mdm rokiah recommended that as well. i just bought mine ytd from mumsfairy. $412 includes super shields and hands free. but i collect myself at bukit batok so she minus away $8 courier charge
PY, ya Mdm Rokiah is REALLY GOOD!
She is a saviour to our March mummies too

Happy mtb, standard latch on is 30mins minimum for 2 breasts.
mangogal: yes yes!! haha somehow i regretted not engaging her for my post natal massage. lol... but her charges are more ex than the lady i engaged.
So, 80ML is not considered a lot? I am worried that i overfeed my boy leh.. cos sometimes he takes 80ml.. and not satisfied, Not sure whether to give or not.. After tat, he will puke out a bit.. And after each feed, his tummy seems to be bigger leh.. :p

Not sure whether shld get amenda or medela.. wonder which is better.. but for the time being, think i just stick wif my avent single pump 1st lor..
charlotte also has a big tummy !!! omg.. i'm starting to worry that she will grow up to be a ah pui =\

seriously i need to cut down her intake!!
PY, my binder comes as a free gift as I purchased the Amway postnatal care set. I think you can also get it fr TMC.

jRRt, congrats! Wah, u really jump queue. So many of us still waiting for the time.
I think my boy is relying a lot on bottle feeding.. think he got a bit of problem to latch properly le.. Sighzz..

Btw.. any1 heard of this thing called praying to the "Mother of Bed" 床母? I a bit sianzz.. my mil asked my hubby whether wanna pray or not.. claimed tat my boy dunno how to smile.. But hor, i always see him smile lor.. so, i kinda against the idea.. any1 know wat is the procedure? I think need to put chicken and food on my bed.. felt ghostly to me though
Mrs Neo, my MIL said once you start praying to the "Mother of Bed", you got to do offering every 1st &amp; 15th of the lunar calendar until the child is 16 yrs old leh. And the procedure is kind of complicated. She explained to me I also dun understand. I think better not lor.
Thanks Envelope for the info.

My mil just told my hubby.. and i think hubby tot its a 1 time affair.. Since its so ma fan, we better dun start.. Anyway, my religion belief is different from theirs.. I asked my hubby to stop his mama le..

Anyway, I told hubby.. who says bb dunno hw to smile.. i saw him smiling many times le.. where got bb everytime smile 1 mah, right?

Mummies , my 10 days old girl is drinking 120 ml every 3 hourly. Sometimes 4 hourly. So 80ml or 100ml not a lot la.
my pd said when bb full they will reject.
