(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

twinky: my gynae says i don't have blood clots. but yesterday after drinking some herbal medicine, which made me burn internally, i had more blood flow and some clots coming out.

pigsy>> i also BTH, after the delivery, i bathed in the hospital on the 3rd day too.. too niam already and my hair so oily and im tinking i so unhygienic, how to handle my baby properly!

PY>> i bathe everyday after i was discharged from hospital.. i try to wash my hair once every 2 days (so far only succeed not washing my hair 3 times).. and yes, i use facial foam and shower gel.. i bathe just like any normal day except that its with a pail of herbal water..
PY: it is like that one.. baby blues they call it.. plus post natel hormones.. all emotions haywired liao.. keep getting furstrated and lose our cool lor.. dun say post natel lah.. now i already PRE-natel liao. i keep getting frustrated/moody/sian over.. NOTHING!.. hence not posting lor.. Loke also the same .. hahaha. then we msn one another. keep hearing one another say 'sian!'.. hahahhaha

anyway.. what u have now is not PND yet.. i went see pyscharist last time with teng.. i was having post natel anxiety. also not post natel depression yet.. so post natel depression is really bad.. to the extent of sucidal tendencies etc.. SO.. i am 'monitoring' u.. :p:p u are still okok
.. dun control too much but at the same time .. BREATHE.. dun let it over whelm u.. slowly.. one thing at a time.. tell ur hb.. if u kancheong liao.. then he must keep cool. cannot he kancheong with u.. then both become overtly kancheong :p

I think when mdm Rokiah comes in to massage for u. u cld get her to show u the latch again.. i saved her number liao.. :p

ya.. bb's skin is quite delicate.. if need lotion.. must be very mild kind.. i find those off the shelves lotion too cloging' for teng last time.. i bought the goat milk moisturiser for teng.. from Drugstore.. am thinking of using that sparingly on yu he also..

Teng asked bear bear.. 'bear bear, are u a good bear bear?' then he helped bear bear reply 'yes i am a good bear bear' :S then he told him about his day .. he went swmming.. and he screamed lor.. haiz.. this boy.. dunno what to do with him.. computer and internet. yes. coz sometimes teng notti.. he tends to take a long time to finish his evening milk.. so i sometimes distract him by showing him some images of animals to coax him to drink faster.. so he will tell me 'mama.. i want to .. see.. hmmm .FOUR giraffes'.. so i got to google images of FOUR giraffes for him lor :S

aiyoh. CL sleeping on ur bed?! :S we bought her a bed.. eh. actually that is our guest room lah.. no way i will allow a stranger to sleep on my bed meh. so far only ellie an my mother.. coz they needed to look after teng when miser and i away on holidays or outside.. when teng was still sleeping in my room lah.. now no more..

that's what my hb told me too. might have a worse one when i wanted to change her that time! argh. men are lazy creatures :S

ok.. tracing archive now..

Managed to find some time to pop in tonight.

PY: Regarding breast engogement, try massaging and pumping your breasts as often as you can. I tried that and it works for me. i will feel a lump, then sor sor it using my palm (i find fingers too painful and too direct pressure) for a while, then hand pump. The lump may not dissipate immediately, but i thought the heat from our palms do ease the congestion a little.

It's normal to feel down, you are not alone, most of us are in it too *hugs*. I had my woes too, and was sobbing uncontrollably at one point. My baby was crying, and i was sobbing even louder, and he suddenly stopped and looked at me in bewilderment. They are very sensitive to their mummies's feelings, so we need to be careful not to send any negative vibes.

Now my latest woes is CL. The initial confinement was handled by my mum. After some disagreement, i moved home and managed to get a CL last minute. My CL food is good. But one thing i cannot agree on is her feeding schedule. By right for new borns, we are supposed to feed every 3 hours. But she simply refuse to let me wake my baby up to feed. her logic is if baby is hungry, he will cry. If he is not hungry, he is supposed to sleep! If he is awake, i need to suckle him till he sleep. And because of this, i only manage to feed my baby 6 times a day cos he is a long sleeper (>5 hrs). And because of the long stretch, he wakes up super hungry and can latch on both breasts for more than an hour, making my nipples feel like an electric fence. (a slight brush will send electricity round my whole body, cos they are soooo sensitive). My main worry is more if baby is getting sufficient nutrients and water with the long sleep. I think she is plain lazy lor. If baby wakes up more often, she has to fuss with him more, thats why she keep asking me to feed him to sleep. The less he wakes up, the lesser she has to bother with him.

And one more thing, she bundle my baby so tightly up until i heart pain. When he wakes up, he can only kick his legs. His hands will be bounded so tighly in the diaper cloth (machiasm being kidnapped, or how those crazy people are bounded in the IMH), that his little body can only jerk up and down. I dun want to argue with her cos she already quite nice to come help me at last min notice, So everytime, she is not looking, i will unbound my baby a little.

haiz, confinement is really not easy

hey by the way, they say feed baby every 3 hours. Its from the time baby starts his feed, or after he finish? I'm a little unsure here cos i have been timing based on everytime he starts his feed
siangjiao & PY>>

aren't CLs supposed to be doing wad you ask them to do instead of the other way round? you are the ones paying them their wages, why do you have to give in to their way of handling the baby?
ameda breast pump and feeding baby :
i think i am going to be like hunchback of notre dame soon.
tried using bf pillow the weight of baby sits on my stomach. v uncomfi.
if use hand to support wrist start to hurt.
the breast pump thing need to lean forward a bit.
i need serious back massage.
Any suggestions on better positioning?

ginger : yalo. i think i oso overstocked on the maternity pads. am now Day 7 and flow is little. normal sanitary pad can do the job.

glass : abt the soup to clear blood clots, is it sheng hua thang? the one gotta boil 3 bowl of water with e herbs till become 1 bowl.
siangjiao: >>
And one more thing, she bundle my baby so tightly up until i heart pain. When he wakes up, he can only kick his legs. His hands will be bounded so tighly in the diaper cloth (machiasm being kidnapped, or how those crazy people are bounded in the IMH), that his little body can only jerk up and down. I dun want to argue with her cos she already quite nice to come help me at last min notice, So everytime, she is not looking, i will unbound my baby a little.

Hahaha, my CL also use the diaper cloth to wrap him up. Then I also commented that my son looks like he's in the asylum, then she laughed. so now she doesn't tie up so tightly. Now my son looks like a chef, waving wildly, and then the nappy cover his legs, and he kicks and kicks.

sometimes he even kicks my other breast during feeding. super pain man.
PY >> re: rokiah - good news, hopefully she can solve yr prbs. but u prb still need to solve yr cracked/bleeding nipples ~ latching issue...are u seeing anyone from parentcraft?

i use shower gel with my herbal bath. just before night, i sponge down once more. have washed my hair everyday since delivery.

try your best not to cry anymore..i didn't believe this myth abt not crying during confinement..heck, my eyesight is suddenly alot worse now after my teary episodes so i better "ren"...prbs can be solved one at a time. when bb sleeps, drop everything and quickly sleep. when she's awake, time to become a cow again. that's the way it is for this one month..

Re: Feeding Water >> i had my reservations initially. however, i did try out with feeding Audrey 15ml (3 small tsps) before her morning/afternoon feeds and have seen the bilirubin level drop. i suppose you should only do it if you are comfy with the idea as all of us will have our own way of parenting. anyway, part of our human bilirubin is water soluble..
Mie mie: cos they come and insist they are more experience than us (which is quite true, cos me a bit karlang kar bok as 1st time mum) But what you say is also quite true lah, we shouldn't let them mishandle our baby if we are not comfortable. Will only add to our depression.

My ah lao says if we want her to look after her, we need to trust her. LL =_=
gal: what brand of maternity pad u buy?

i dunno what the thing is called. My mother says it costs $38 per pack, can cook 2 times.

I only know I was heating up so much like those martial arts exponents who zuo huo ru mou.
even the air con didn't help to cool me down.
astro >> you are funny..pre-natal dep...hehehe, no..i think you won't be seeing a psychiatrist this time round for bao #2..

siangjiao >> from start to start..so in actual fact, we don't have three hrs..you got what i mean? sigh...

confinement & heaty food >> was wondering if i took too much of this? my babe has 3 pimples..

ok..gotta sign off now, audrey didn't finish the left one, so it's feeling the twang...
glass : i bot pureen madame maternity pad (2 packs) + 1 pack of poise. Using poise now but think my skin no like it much.

re: jaundice
bb elias is back home after 2 day suntanning in e hospital. when discharged his jaundice level was <10. however me and hb find his eyes (white area) still a bit yellow.
Today is day 7. We still have to be wary and monitor till day 10 right?

my place not much sun leh
am concern.

Tink my HB oso concern coz just now he ask whether wanna intro water to bb or not. but parentcraft say no need coz Breastmilk have water. How ah

glass : i suspect it is
i was tinking to get. hmm but i kenot on aircon leh. bb in my room and he scared cold. i sweating buckets but he wearing long sleeve, with swaddling cloth can still ah choo. so we added blanket.
<font color="0000ff">Hi mummies,

Just to update I have popped.

Date: 12 Oct 2009
Time: 1911hrs
BB Name: Malcolm
Weight: 3.475kg
Natural w epi

Am struggling to look after baby Malcolm and my no. 1 at the same time. Not latching coz bb doesn't wanna suckle at all. So i'm fully pumping and not getting much yield. Today is day 5 of bf-ing and I can only get 40-50ml after 1 hr of pumping. Pathetic. Was telling my mum, think i'll stop bf-ing totally after confinement coz once she goes back, dun think my maid and i can handle 2 kids and still have the luxury of pumping for tat hour :p</font>
xoxo : the pimple u mention does it look like acne? if yes i asked PD abt it. PD say its normal and we will see it on bb (any part of bb) for a couple of weeks.
wah liew! i replied to so many liao. but dunno hit what stupid key again. all lost! wah liew.. forget it.. i start here.. :S

xoxo: ya. infant acne.. quite common actually. they will go away by themselves..

siangjiao: when the bb is awake.. unswaddle him.. let im kick on a playmat.. do some tummy time.. yes. we trust the CL. but also.. cannot be abiding if something is really not right.. ..

just to share something.. i have a fren.. her infant boy. slept more than 5 hours in a stretch last time.. everyone told her that it is common for bb to sleep so long and dun wake the bb up.. turn out. the bb had complications.. which was not noticed by gynae also.. had fever and inflammation. and now affected for life.. hmm. i shd not reveal all the details.. but what i am saying is.. be more vigilant.. over paranoid is better than listening to other pple and just taking their words for it.. not verifying for self.. ya..
PY: i dunno when yu he wants to arrie wor. his edd is oct 26.. my gynae also not kan cheong. coz everything all fine.. ok lah. wait lor.. teng also just came out 2 days short of EDD.. so let's all wait.. hahahaha.. i need to get a haircut anyway..

congrats i lovemaxmax!

tien.. where are u?! popped already? so i update the table ah????
Nope, I din get the handsfree… dun think its necc for time being…
Dun mix FM &amp; EBM. Why dun u give EBM 1st and top it up wif FM aft tt?

Ur deal sounds good!  I bot mine at isetan so as to offset my purchase wif the vouchers I hv at hand and will expire soon.

Yes hv heard tt some gynaes help to clean the inside of our wombs when they r stitching up so less lochia.

Some ppl’s lochia take a longer time to clear. Dun worry. Hv heard of frens whom’s lochia took abt a mth to clear.

Aria jo
This time round I dun hv to “sell”…. My #1 will help to finish it. I hope I get as much supply this time round.

Wah u r GOOD! Can put teng to bed and surf at the same time???? My son will sit up immed and demand to know wat I am doing. The room has to be complete darkness.
All the silly ppl tt says BM is not filling… WRONG concept! It shld be “BM is much more easily digestible as compared to FM! Tts y babies get hungry faster. And tts y BF babies poo more than FM fed ones.”

Dun allow CL to ctrl baby’s feeding time. If u feed baby only 6 times a day, ur supply will nvr increase. In the daytime, wake bb up at least aft 3 hrs. If its night time, then I agree to leave them alone. I cant help feel sthg is wrong when a baby sleeps for >4 hrs at a stretch. Its just not right and their tiny stomach need to reload again, right?
3 hrs calculated fr start of the feed. Dun care how long he took to complete tt feed. Doesn’t matter.

Dun hunch ur back. I find the only position tt helps is sitting up straight when u pump. Even this position causes some backache! During latching, u can assume more comfy position by leaning back on a few pillows.
re: lochia
can take up to 6 weeks to clear..

Jrrt: i use hp mah.ya. room was in complete darkness.. eh.. coz it is more digestible hence it is less 'filling'? :p same mah.. kekeke.
jrrt and astro: Thanks for your advice. Problem is my hubby agrees with the CL rationale and concept leh ... haiz... I think tomoro dun care. I will just wake baby up to feed. Now that he feeds less (but at a much longer time), i can feel my supply dwindling liao.
siangjiao: yes .. dun care.. just wake him up.. if not hor. u tell ur hb my story of my fren's kid? i think that might 'frighten' ur hb a bit. coz that is a real issue
congrats ilovemaxmax!!! *Hugs*

Alritey, logging off. just finished one hr of feeding and my electric nipples are acting up again.

By the way, any tips to handle this situation... My breasts are leaky.How to prevent dripping all over other than wearing a bra (very uncomfortable to sleep in)

Goodnight mummies.. sleep tight tight
tks will try tt out sometime.

lilypadz work leh. In fact am not using the rest of the normal breastpads i bot cos first time i wear some dried skin stuck to it!!! But m not sure where u can get. We got from spree w diana...
YEAH!!! i got my ameda dual pump and i pump out 40ml each breast!!!!!!!!! wah lao so happy!

compared to my manual pump only 20ml (combined) pathetic!!!

ok i will reply to u all tml hehehehehe :D:D
PY : wah..40ml each breast. i must work on my supply liew to catch up with u :D. ok now i go pump out. just fed baby from 1.45 till just now. zzzz... he had hiccups so continue to suckle lo.

haii my mum oso told me shouldn't wake up bb for feed. let him sleep. i followed her advice. oh dear..going 'to to to mo mo' wake bb up already every 3-4 hrs. Dun wanna bother to spend time convincing her. tiring.
wah lau u are SART SART BO CHIO!!! Jiayou!!! No joke man 40ml each breast!

finally i figured out your nick. Got u on fb but couldnt figure out who u were in forum.

eh everything ok on ur end?

bb sam first mth oredy so fast! Congrats! Eh, i still wanna CHOPE him leh!

no i havent gotten to eat my sushi/sashimi yet leh. Been on semi liquid diet since delivery cos easier to move bowel n wound will hurt less.
hippo : er.. u asking abt milk supply or in general?
in general okay la. its normal ting, differing opinions with my mum and her general response to those i share is 'not true la, where got such a ting'. tink u get my drift.

milk supply :
sometimes like tonight i only manage to pump nearly 30ml in total.

u le?
Re: jaundice
I dunno how to see leh.. Bb Charlotte eyes the White part abit yellow too.. Should I bring her to the pd? Our appt is mon. Can I wait till then?

Hippo: ha but I still got block ducts I think.. Dunno if rokiah can help me with this not.. My engorgement not that jialat Liao
thx for asking me to buy the pump ha

gal: Jia you!!!!! Lol I'm gg to sleep le.. Sleep less than 4 hrs for the past few days since discharge .. Becoming panda soon .. Btw u all wake up to pump before bb wake up or pump after feeding bb?
the eyes look yelowish cos they cover the eyes whensun tanning. The forehead will also look yellowish. After discharge
expect the jaundice level to go upbut as long as below 15.2 then it's ok. Also according to pd, by day 9 baby liver would be matured and can pass out bilirubin.
aria jo: *cross fingers* two days to go then for baby Elias. Am seeing PD again on Tue. later i go chase after the sun.

pumpity pump pump time.
Hi all who have not popped, I am 4 days past my EDD. Did a membrane sweeping on Friday (1 day past EDD) and I totally regret it. It was so painful. My gynea has to reach very deep in to do it and it hurts man (like having sex without lubricant) and I bled for one day (like day 3 menses) Paid the money, sufferred the pain and still no show...

My only worry now is that my water bag burst and I dunno. Because my gynea was the one who delivered me, i get to find out that I was a 6 days overdue baby too. My MIL told me my hb also. So I guess i have to wait. One good news is I am 0.5cm dilated last friday so I am waiting now.

To all mummies who have not popped, do not worry k? just got to wait, am sure bb will find a good timing to come out themselves (consoling myself... hehe). So Tien hang on.
I dun have to worry about aging of placenta right? Since the doc did a doppler analysis on my ambilical cord (measure blow flow, etc) last week.
Hey all mummies who have not popped or going to pop, try rolling your nipples or pulling/tugging your nipples to get ready for breastfeeding. I have been doing that so that I get used to the sensation to reduce probability of soreness or swelling later on. Experienced mummies, does this help?
PY: way to go gal... impressive 80ml! hope u had a gd night's sleep after expressing
was the strap n shield useful? i oso becoming hunchback after a while on the pump le.

last nite mil volunteered to jaga CL so husb n i slept thru the nite. i didnt bother to wake up to pump until tis morning but breasts got shooting pains... gd thing is the yield is more than usual. i better stop doing this to reduce risk of engorgement.

hippo: i got confused wif all the new frens i added on fb too, until i match names of bb in forum to photo albums on fb

meiting: ur gynae shd alert u if ur placenta shows signs of aging. in class, we were taught that the placenta nutrients can last abt a week past EDD, but then again EDD may not be accurate so better to check wif dr.
re: jaundice

my boy's eye white also yellow. his tears are very thick n yellowish too. PD ever told us to monitor tears, pee n poo. he said if eye white got abit red, then must see dr immediately. then must pee n poo abt 5-6 times per day.

so far raining since we are discharged... no morning sun! and he hates to be stripped! duno wat to do

anybody knows if the yellowish tears are signs of infection or he is "discharging jaundice"?
hi hi mummies! I haven't popped yet! Stubborn cervix dun want to open! Think will be induced or cut up to deliver ms diva on tuesday.

Hippo: thanks for your tip and advice ! Will request for 4b ward when I admit...

Astro: need your help to update the table. because my excel file is on my laptop n laptop is at mums place... Now usually phone to chit chat.
Re: Lilypadz
Those who r interested can get it from Moms in Mind. They are selling it at $36 per pair.

Astro, you are still around ar? Havent seen your posts for whole day, thot you popped alrdy. Me still no sign yet. EDD another 1 wk to go. Now start to look fwd for the bb's arrival. Let's see who pop first ya....

Loke is also another one who has MIA. Loke, are you still around?

IloveMaxMax, congrats! Do share with us ur bb Malcolm's pic when u r free..

Tien, all the best!

Mymelody, did you apply nipple cream?
Hi mums,

do you all have binder to bind ur tummies?
my massage session starts next sat.. not sure if i should get a binder myself, or wait for the massage lady... my tummy is still 35 inches!!!! weight only -5kg after delivery. i think my water retention is really bad!
envelope: i'm still around.. baby's alive and kicking in my womb. but now i'm glad she's not out yet.. hb's grandma just passed away on friday. at the wake now.. funeral on tues. i think baby knows and she's just taking her time..
gingerz : so many times pee/poo a day? i tot 1st week is 3-4 times a day.

was reading prev threads abt BM and FM.

can i ask, how do we know if the baby have sufficient milk?
my babe normally take 1 hour to suckle. Is that normal?
after he suckle i squeeze still got milk come out. so mean he full and i have provided him enuff milk?
Gal, if after bf your bb gives u the contented look then it should be ok. Our breast will never be fully drain till one single drop also dun hv
as long as ur breast is soft that mean your baby is drinking well

btw hor.. sometimes i wasnt in time to express milk out for her.. so sometimes she on 100% FM..
should be ok lah hor?

gal> 1 hr very long leh.. sometimes i think it's v tiring for them to suckle the milk out and end up they fell asleep.. v hard to measure how much or is it enough anot unless we pump it out ... but then again, latching is the best lah. aiyoh i dunno leh v in a dilemma also =\
