(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

happy hippo give up mud bath to stick around here to provide more entertainment k? *hippo hug* housefly that kind just use the fly swat and ZZZZ!!!! straight away chao ta and die. very shiok one u try b4???

hahahaha... crocodile or praying mantis? my HB already used the female praying mantis term on me b4!!! hahahahaha... sssshhhh.... donch tell others my secret... oh yah, proper terminology must active THE MOTHERLAND i also cannot helpch you.
wah... where are u? u dont have ready food available 24-7 one ah? that's no good. i am eating a bowl of salad now. otherwise cant last til 7pm dinner leh.

eh, actually u never pom pom b4 going to school isit? that's why the flies attracted to you. tomorrow even got lagi bigger QUEEN FLY?! bring the swat man...
fifi>> i same case as loke, also dun have food available 24-7.. only in the 1T, i would carry a bag of food / snacks ard wherever i go, but ever since i stepped into 2T, my appetite has gone down, so i stopped bringing my goodie bag ard.. now the hunger is making me irritated as well.. ROAR!!!
actually happy hippo EVERYDAY also happy poon pee pee nowadays. i think i have a happy bb. my HB is quite amazed. just b4 pregnancy i quite moody abt the job thing also. i think he also surprised the 180deg change in my mood.
hmmm would've wanted to go swimming. but have lots of emails and wishes to reply. i wish i'm in the pool now man. air is hot one leh. *hmph*

my HB also same like miser. power chinese. england half past 6. so he said he better speak mandarin to bb, i speak england and we keep it that way. bwahahahahaha... idiot always roll his eyes when i make a tiny mistake in chinese. *hmph*
hahahahahahaha... wah lau. lets be realistic fellow hippos. we need to be fed or we're gonna be angry hippos!

*please dont forget to bring your goodie foodie bag EVERYWHERE you go*

i nearly bit the waiter at lunch cos they took 1/2 hr to serve us. hahahahaha...
yeah, tmr onwards im going to LUG my goodie food bag ard again...but i need to stock up on the food first.. wahaha

wad's for dinner, folks? i need inspiration for dinner!
tempura dinner *slurp* for the happy hippo today!!!
i made bee hoon soup last night. today i had korean hotpot beancurd soup. oooo the kimchi was damn shiok. ;) am craving for soft-shell crab handroll now...
ah HB hippo just activate me. i better go get ready... bye bye babes!!!! check in later or tomorrow... depending on whether the female praying mantis sprung her attack or not!!!

*wah lau, that's not a nice mental picture i want you guys to have of me!!!*
hi ladies.... have been reading all the posts but not writing coz nothing exciting to share. but i m so excited to hear that some of you know the gender already!

did my Oscar and the risk was 1:15000+. disappointed that my gynae did not scan for me when we went back for the results. i thot dr will scan at every visit. if he had, i would be able to know gender too
ginger: that's the unadjusted risk right? got one adjusted and one unadjusted one.. the unadjusted ne risk is often much much lower.. but that is normally based on maternal age only...

hrd: u cute lah. so happy.. if that is the case.. this one is grouchy bb! with teng i was SO calm. and teng has a calm, though, reserved temperment.. like that this bb.. going by the same logic.. sure spirited and highly touchy liao.. *sigh*

getting more and more vexed thinking of the meeting tomorrow.. think gigantic mozzie bats or baygon wun help too.. STUPID miser is away when i need his cool analytical powers the most.. argh. talk about support..
astro, my report reads:

maternal age-risk for trisomy 21: 1:784
adjusted risk for trisomy 21: 1:15674

dr was saying my actual results is abt 20x better so i thought i should take this reading, no? btw, we are in the same boat... husb is away too
ginger: i see.. ya. i am so vexed and that stupid miser is away that i mixed up the oscar results! aiyoh..

my maternal age-risk for trisomy 21 is 1:697
adjusted risk for trisomy 21 is 1:13940

wah. both urs are better than me

my gyane jsut said.. everything is normal.. as usual lah..
astro: my gynae oso dun say much n will keep asking if i have qns instead. just heard from my fren that her gynae scanned her bb everytime, even if she saw him for cough n flu... hmph!

ur results are also good!
ginger: ya. i will have an ultrasound scan for every visit.. that's why fees are steep as well..

but read somewhere that shd avoid unnecessary ultrasound scanning..
wahhhh.. so happening today?!

hrd: u really are in a cheery mood today! can 'hear' your happiness oooooozing out through your words leh. hope you're having fun now.. can't wait to hear about your celebrations tmr. ;) i hope no one gets injured tonight!

ok too many posts and comments back and forth.. don't think i can answer them all la..

will just join in tmr conversation hokay?
ginger/baygon~ yes me too! i do ultra sound everytime i see doc too! i think it is worth the money... thats the only thing that can bring a smile to my grouchy face after the long wait at the gynae's ;)
is there a real risk to getting u/s done all the time? heard abt it before but never got to reading more.. hmm

i oso do u/s every visit. look fwd to it too. it's all counted into the consultation fee anyways and cheap so just went along. gynae also always on auto mode to scan. never ask whether wanna scan or not. shld be worried? but first boy ok so shld be ok..?
Hi Everyone

I'm new to this thread. I see that it's happening here

Do u always get to rec'v e scan photo per visit?
Tt's wat i say to reassure myself too, gal.

Hi BB, i think most of us do. Guess oso depends on your gynae and the availability of scanning machine in the doc's office.
welcome BB!

famela: i read about it.. but i forgotten why.. but u realised they dun do scanning every week.. one not economical.. secondly. the ultrasound actually 'disturb' the bb slightly..

hope: i just get relieved when i see the scan that everything is alright..

ladies. i just cried. i think i am down with pre natel anxieties.. miser couldn't couseul me over skype.. untill i watch channel 70 show on extreme obese pple.. and perhaps the rain.. make me realise.. maybe my problems are really very minor. but still i dun think i am seeing the Light fully.. well.. deep sigh.
hiyo...i am exhausted from trying to catch up with all the work. the more i do, the more appears. it's like clearing rubble with a small spade. was working yesterday till 3am and was so dazed today..i think i am also experiencing migraines. behind my right eye..blistering pain. and the worse bit is my MS has started acting up again. Moi now trying to get sleepy (went past that point) and think I'll not go back to work tom..

HRD >> HAPPY HIPPO BIRTHDAY!!! Your cheer in this forum was infectious! I feel brighter after reading your posts!

Gal >> MS is back like you've read. The babe's seem to detest veggies...and my craving at the moment is for strawberry jam..., when I have peanut butter..so much like Life isn't it?

Baygon Astro >> I think you need to whip out the thermal fog. Baygon does not help with modern flies..okok..need some light from me? You can take mine..i am so zonked i will be switching off tom..

Famela >> I went to Anaheim in '93..and i rem it was during the June school hols. We'd to queue for hrs for rides that lasted a few sec. Hopefully you don't encounter that. As I was already a teenager then, felt that Disneyland is a place for 5 year olds..so I think Adil will enjoy himself superbly...you sure u wanna take the "teacups"? The whirling and turning/twisting..I took it and the turns can be quite vigorous...hmm..better take care ok? It'll be a long flight and all but I look fwd to yr pics.. as for me, my mother has banned me from ALL TRAVEL..mothers still carry plenty of weight when one's 29! So kaput, there goes my HB plans to take me on a hokkaido trip and all I can do is sulk big time..
BB >> Yep, I receive a scanned image everytime..and..welcome here..at times moody, at times kinky and almost always a delightful place to share your thoughts abt yr babe-to-be
meimei: from what i understand from the officer from MOM, it is b4 our confinement date. Tat mean if u give birth on Oct, then u must pass July or 28 weeks of pregnant then is safe.

Yesterday told HB on the compensate & retrenchment thing, he was like "huh, like tat hw? sian hor". Can understand hw he feel la, he only take home $1.2k every month, cant support the whole family at all if i'm nt working. So nw juz pray hard it wont kanna me...
good morning, ladies.

wow, so many posts after i knock off..... i will be going for my chkup tis sat.. hope to be able to see my bb gender...
NO WAY!!! you gotta go to hOKKAIDO!!! argh... i would be upset if i couldn't go. ok, some pple say that place boring, but i think if you went in the right season its beautiful. i went both times in between season, nothing much to see, but i still loved the place! FOOD IS HEAVEN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAWWWWW YOU GOTTA GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!
you go for 1 week, come back and you'll be like "pui, i dont wanna eat sub-standard jap food in singapore". must go must go!!!

you know i dont wanna worry you unncessarily but i just spoke to a gf of mine, who's 37 weeks. she said her doc dont encourage travel beyond 10 hrs flight. so she went perth for 12-13 days. even tho it was relaxed self-drive, on 2nd last day she had some spotting so she freaked and went hospital there. luckily no big problem. but she told me to remember not to over-exert myself when i went to spain and paris. so i guess i should caution you as well. somemore your flight even longer than mine. oh yah, did your gynae give you those "emergency medication" to bring wherever you go? i have a pouch for those for if i experience bleeding. maybe u can ask your gynae to give you to bring along to US too k?
HRD is a still a happy hippo today *happy poon pee pee*
hmmm... hippo thinks she will go downstairs for a nice mud bath today. the sun is out. hmmm hmmm hmmm...

welcome BB!

*offers round belly hippo hug* girl, stay with me. don't slip into that vicious downward spiral. once you go there, its tougher hor. think happy happy thoughts. maybe you're just anxious about the appraisal thing today. take a deep breath and take it in your stride. nothing can happen to you that can mean end of the world. if work is really so bad, can think about starting something on your own.

you know i was just thinking, since you and famela same industry, start like a tuition/day care centre or something lah. that industry is so fragmented, its free for all. so there. i've hatched a plan B for you guys!
*curtsy* hehehe...

OMG i so bo liao until i can give career counselling. ok maybe i gotta state my charge-out rate here. hehehehe...

for today only, anyone else wants career counselling??? hahaha...
hello ww!
A FEW DAYS with MIL. interesting... no complains? ;)
luckily i only see mine for 1 hr every week. still thats too much.
hi all..

xoxo: read my message to u in the facebook?

ladies, erm.. housefly is in my facebook.. so to ensure that no comments on work on my facebook, i might remove them.. sorry hor.. in advance

or any other way.. i can remove a 'fren' from facebook without her knowing??
HAPPY HIPPO'S BIRTHDAY... did the female praying mantis appear? spring an attack? ate her male counterpart? read on... (hehehe... )

it was indeed a happy day for the happy hippo yesterday. cos in the morning went to mum's place. she made MEE SUA for me. then she said "pregnant woman's birthday very lucky one. take 4 numbers for me buy 4D." (actually thats why i was excited and couldn't get much sleep.. ) but then after I took the numbers, she said "i think i better DON'T TELL YOU and go and buy it myself then more lucky" WADDAHELL??? hmph! nevermind, i got my own numbers to buy. so i went and bought all my numbers. but there was one particular number that was sold out. ok remember ah. 1 number cannot buy. ...

then i went home, read all the birthday wishes, feeling all the LURVE from everyone, sms-es from my gf from australia, etc, etc, etc. then i went and met my ex-coll for lunch. who told me about my other ex-coll who had been TTC for the longest time and received the good news that she's already 37 weeks. was very very very happy for her. cos she tried so many ways. anyways, so still on a high from all the buzz...

then came home and was too hot outside, so turn-on aircon full blast, then took a nap. woke up and was happily cracking silly/dirty jokes with miemie, Pu, astro, on the forum... providing free entertainment... ;)

we had a really good dinner. but i gotta say. i think that one i will go like once a yr. every course was superb and very fresh and it was just excellent. of course the bill also quite excellent when it came, i nearly pop out my eyeballs. next time i am going to celebrate over lunch (cos cheaper than dinner).

oh! and my HB was so sweet he went to patissier and got me 3 slices of cakes - passionfruit meringue, tiramisu, and a chocolate something (dunno what its called). i was just elated cos he knew i was craving for passionfruit meringue and i only mentioned it once in passing. yup, that's how sweet the HB is actually... he's not the most romantic HB, but every little thing which i like, he remembers, and he will surprise me with them at some point in time.

so what happened after that hippo will leave it to your wildest imagination. ... ... hahahaha...

lets just say the female mantis decided not to eat her prey and instead to keep him around like a toy. happy take out and play with it a bit. ... bwahahahahahahahahhaa...
i m staying with MIL,but not so bad i got food to eat everyday and yet i cant eat much for the past few months.... cnt imagine tat i had lost 1 kg since my 1st visit to my gynae...
HRD~ WOW! your HB realli sweet leh... i really think such guys (who remembers little things and DO them) are really sweet! Lucky you!

Astro~ you okay? sori, juz saw you post... dont cry ok? maybe it is our hormones, i broke down twice during my pregnancy too (which is very unlikely of me, cos im quite a toughie ;p)... juz remember it is hormones okay gal? Stay strong for your baby! And come online when you need gals support!*hugs*
kow tow to you. i cant imagine living with MIL. ... you're one great babe!!!

yah... he's like very ah pek like that but he will quietly do these things one. thats why i only dated him for 6 mths, hurry up CHOPE first already!!! hahahahahaha...
hrd: let's do an experiment. u try removing me as a fren from facebook.. see if i receive 'any notifications or not..

hrd/hope/xoxo: thanks for the comforting.. so nice to know that for pple i had never met.. the words are gentler and the thoughts kinder than pple who i see day in day out.. sian seah.. i am not crying liao lah.. crying is my way of dealing with things if it gets too pent up.. we will see what happen later..
miser. aiyoh.. sent me an sms.. giving me some hugs and kisses.. and wish me good luck and have a NICE day?! *fainted*.. i dunno what to do with this hb of mine lah.. i love him for his cool intellectual and high eq.. and for his philosophical nature..but don't he just take things toooo easy?!

what's the highest score in EQ? i betcha he has that..

deep sigh
Astro~ i think it is his way of comforting you.. you know lah, men are just not so gd with words. *pats*

HRD~ that makes 2 of us! we oso dated 6 mths only and closed the deal liao ;)

men are like that one k? mine also the same. when i was frustrated being jobless, you know what he said?

"situation beyond our control, so nothing we can do about it. just relax" i want to knock his head k!!! i think he was short of saying "dont be a cry baby just suck it up".

i think your miser and my HB a bit similar DNA this kind one lah. but at least he's trying to show you you're in his thoughts so i will still give him brownie points for trying. men are not emo like us women so they wont understand fully lah. but the little thots count a lot too aint it?

eh... how to remove fren ah? let me figure it out.
