(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


I haven't given Sam garlic. He's eaten onions & he seems ok with them. But the one time I gave him garlic was in his pasta. So I don't know if it's the pasta or both the garlic & pasta that he's got an issue with haha

Salt & Seasonings

I've given Sam some meat marinated in teriyaki sauce once or twice. But it was with mee sua so he whacked everything. Even without the seasoning, he whacks the 'noodels', so I guess there's no need for seasoning? Besides, the mee sua is rather salty by itself right?

P.S. I was using Jap Nissin mee sua. Dunno what to use after I run out haha


I'm still using the Pigeon Magmag straw bottles. Buy liao, gotta use till they get spoilt mah haha

I'd prefer to continue using straw rather than cup. Cup creates a mess! I'm maidless now leh haha

I also hate it when food bits go into the bottle. I find it very gross
Yalor, when playing the cd, after each song he will say no more no more.. Hehehe... After sch, when he say grandpa, he will greet him.. So cute ;p

Yes, finding job after my Bali trip in early may ;pp
Yesterday raining super heavily, strong wind... Aiyohh.. So diff to fetch K nowadays. Keep raining.. Unless I carry him all the way with umbrella but I think my back will break
Yalor, when playing the cd, after each song he will say no more no more.. Hehehe... After sch, when he say grandpa, he will greet him.. So cute ;p

Yes, finding job after my Bali trip in early may ;pp
Yesterday raining super heavily, strong wind... Aiyohh.. So diff to fetch K nowadays. Keep raining.. Unless I carry him all the way with umbrella but I think my back will break
Can! Me lazy mum is doing it :) Sometimes I forget (=lazy) to wash, can be even longer than 1 week. I change the water when I see food debris. So far no health problem, dirty eat (drink), dirty grow mah :)

My son started to use cup and drink from those drinking bottle (with no straw one) a few months back. We didn't do anything to make him switch to that. When he is ready, he would do it, just like potty training.
oh..sam doesn't like garlic? so far, i've not tried ginger in her food. wonder if she'd like it. any issues with ginger? hey...teriyaki sauce salt content also very high! i wanted to buy that to try that wk, then i read the label and decided to put it back on the shelf. keke...

so grandpa must be very happy! my dad still waiting for kimmy to call him...wait till neck long long already! oh how? did u managed to contact the bali driver contact i gave u?

haha..ok...maybe i'm very particular abt cleaniless when it comes to kimmy. scared she fall sick lah... go PD bery expensive! =p talking abt potty training, i think kimmy finally knows how to tell me when she does a poopy! she will hold her diaper and kinda bend her knees up and down and pretending to cry. quite comically looking! i'm wondering how to teach her to tell me BEFORE she does her poopy! that wld be great. hee...
Surprisingly my kids seldom fall sick **wink wink**. HR hasn't seen a doctor and didn't take any med for closing to a year liao.

According to the nanny, who has successfully potty trained XY a few months ago (she goes diaperless when at her place for a few months already), to start with, observe her pooing pattern and then make her sit on the potty at that particular timing (for XY, it's after meal). Then she slowly learns about the idea of potty and starts to tell you BEFORE she needs to do her business. My gal actually can tell us when she wants to pee and poo at home, but hor, we very lazy leh, ignore her, and let her poo on her diaper, keke. Used to get lots of scolding/nagging from her nanny that we are not cooperative with her, but after a while, she saw that our laziness didn't affect XY being toilet trained at her place, she stopped nagging me liao. We are really lazy hor. Also because we seldom stay home during weekends lah (excuse!).

I just tried for fun twice with the teriyaki sauce. I don't add anything into Sam's food, not sure about MIL though :p

I dunno if Sam dislieks garlic. Maybe I shd try this weekend, with tried & tested mee sua with additional garlic. If he refsues to eat, it MUST be the garlic!


Same here. Have been very lazy with toilet training. Honestly, the idea of cleaning up messes from the floor, bedsheets, sofas etc just KILLS me! Plus we're aws rushing in the morning to go to MIL's place & Sam poos in the morning & again after lunch/milk/dinner. How to train like that?

I'd rather let nature take its course. But Hubs has been stressing me abt toilet training. Coz MFC requires Sam to be sort of toilet-trained when he starts school so Hubs has been very paranoid abt that. Er.. so lazy to start on another project
Potty training
My gal will tell when she wan to poo but not sure y she just refuse to sit on the toilet bowl at sil Place. We bring e potty there n she still refuse to sit. At shopping mall is ok.
For pee, at times she will pee in e potty but sometimes she will say ok n left e potty n pee on e sofa. So angry.

Soft surface
my boy previous teacher told me some kids just refuse to walk on sand or soft surface but will overcome after they grown up. Now I change my gal shoes to rubber base n she will walk on grass at times. Still trying hard to let her walk at playground.

If I can't find replacement for straw means I have to dump e bottle? I have being searching it at Kiddy palace but can't find lei.
Calling Jane

Are you here? I wanna ask abt Club Med Bintan - coz I just peeked at your blog heehee

It's abt $1400+ per couple for 2N till Sep, or $1200+ for 18-26 May. If we can travel by Apr, it's $300 off! Sounds like a good deal?

Just wanna know if everything's covered, eg food & activities? I suppose we shd be just bumming ard the beach or pool with Sam. No extras to pay for hor?
I'm also stress on toilet training. If my leAve approved for may/juneI will train her during tt 2 wks. Think they have to be toilet train when they go sch next yr.
And I will be v v stress on cooking. Envy most of u know how to cook.

I dunno how to cook lor. Which is why Sam only gets porridge or mee sua, coz I dunno how to cook anything else haha

Why're u stressed? By the school's requirement?
They have to b diaperless before they start sch next yr. No need meh? My boy was diaperless when he Start n1.

Maid gg back, I don know how to cook. 2 weeks long. No stress meh? Thats e problem when rely on maid.
Toilet training
this may sound silly.. What is the sequence to clean up after baby did a poop in the potty? Aiyo, twice Ian pooped in the potty, I so lost and chi chor lo kio! He pooped and wanna get up and run off! Tell me if this is correct...

After he pooped, he stand and I wipe is arse (!$&@), then I throw the poo into the toilet bowl and wash and show him how to flash. Then I wash his bum and wear his diaper.

Is this right? I wanna show him how to flash but when I was cleaning the potty, he kept putting his head over the toilet bowl to watch! So yuck! Should I just clean him up first, leave him outside the toilet b4 cleaning the potty? Hahaha so first timer! But really messy and smelly.. Poo poo in diaper easier :p

MFC said they can wear pull-ups then slowly let him get influenced by peer pressure. No need to be 100% diaper-free, but must try to at least say. Accidents are ok, esp if he wears pull-ups. So I'm not so stressed. He'll ne 2.5 leh, really expect full diaper-free meh???

Oh.. well, I've aws cooked for Sam - never, ever allowed the maid to cook his food. Now on weekends, I try to cook 1 meal. Then Hubs watches Sam while I cook, & he'll wash up. He says that he finally feels 'married' after almost 7 yrs coz I've never cooked. Duh...

Can you do simple dishes? You can do baked rice, rice with simple dishes like fry veg, fry egg, fry meat (use teriyaki sauce, oyster sauce) etc... Cook pasta or noodle soup. Maybe if just 2 weeks, just tide over with tingkat? I know those Lexin Catering, Neo Gdn etc have 10 day trials, which is just nice for you for 2 weeks. it's a bit more ex, but if u cannot cook, better than having to tabao? So you can alternate between tabao, eat out, tingkat for adults. For kids, just cook porridge or mee suah lor haha

That's why I haven't started toilet training lol

But also bcoz I can't get Sam to sit. How'd u get Ian to sit on the potty?
<font color="119911">Jul</font>
Once he is on his potty, all u need is 1 finger on his forehead to keep him seated. HAhhaha No lah, I tried a few times, initially he was v afraid of the hole in the potty but now he slowly learn that the potty is for shitting.. I just keep holding him down, but don't force him too much in case he get potty phobia.

Mummies with boys, how do we pee pee train our boys? Can't ask them to pee in the potty sitting down, right? Then let them stand and aim? Aiyo, so shang nao jing!
wow! congrats!!! u struck 'gold'! kimberly will sit on the potty when i ask her to but unfortunately not for long and i've not struck 'gold' yet! keke.. sometimes she will put things into the potty. jialat man...i don't think she gets it that that is her 'toilet', she probably thinks its some box to play with or just to sit on!

i think little boys can sit n pee pee for now lah! maybe juz got to kinda hold the little 'birdie' down so it doesn't spray at u! lol. when older a bit then teach them they can stand and pee? hmm... thats my logical thoughts lah, not sure whats the correct way! =p
He used to put his foot into the potty too until one day, I saw his gek sai face, I quickly pull off his shorts and put him on the potty. He was a little flustered, but still managed to poo and after that he knew the potty is for pooing.

Few times, he drag me to the potty after he poop in his diaper. I told him no need the potty (cos he already poop in his diaper ma), and I think he got a bit confused by me :p

Hahaha ya lor, whenever he sits on the potty and I sit facing him, I'm very scare he pee and spray at me!
<font color="aa00aa">Potty Training</font>

how to make Jaelle not afraid of shitting inside her potty huh? She more or less knows how to indicate to me that she wana poop. She can even take me to her potty and ask me to bring it out for her... I will then remove her pull ups n she will auto sit on her potty; smiling. But when her poop is goin to come out, she will get up n cry if i force her to sit on it. She would rather just poop on the floor... I really duno wana laugh or get angry lor! so far only managed to get her to poop in her potty (by force) on 2 occasions ba... maybe she's not ready yet? shud i just let her cont pooping in her diaper or try train her? hmm~

oh! btw... this girl very smart! She used to poop every morning without fail. but ever since she started sch, her pooping time changed to night time bef she goes to bed. Sometimes even if she skip her night poop, she will either poop again the next morning right aft her milk feed bef she goes to school or in the afternoon when she returns... Why is this so huh? she really paiseh to poop in school huh? hurhur~
<font color="119911">Ling</font>
I think if Jaelle can indicate that she is going to poo poo then she is ready. I read in a book that you can show her how u poo poo in the toilet bowl.. Wahahhaa I wanna laugh when I read this. Anyway, I dun think I will do this lah. Maybe 'force' her a few more times and she will get used to the idea of poo pooing in potty? Is her poo poo very hard? That's y she cries when it's coming out? Ian cries too when his poo poo is coming out, once out, ok le.
i can't catch kim's gek sai face! i think coz she don't really gek, thats why! she takes quite abit of fruits everyday. but wow, u can pull down his pants take out the diapers and sit him in the potty once he is geking sai? u must be super fast then! keke... anyways, i kinda stop trying for now liao, coz she very notti, i sit her in the potty she won't do anything. then once i put her back in diapers, she can poop in like the next 5 mins! make me so mad!

lol...i read your post i wanna laugh. keke... was trying to imagine jaelle jumping up from the potty. so good that she can just change her popping timing to suit school! teachers have an easy time with her then.
I know what you mean!! When HR started to poo in the potty, I almost wanted to give up, as it's like what you said, so gross that he was interested to look into the potty and the toilet bowl, and wanted to help me cleaning up (creating a bigger mess that I don't want to describe here), and not forgetting the smell, I have to shout everytime after he poos (don't touch this, don't touch that, no this and no that). I really wanted to give up, I actually told my hub, nothing wrong to poo in diaper mah, since he was using petpet, cheap cheap nia. But luckily he soon moved on to poo in the toilet bowl, phew, problem solved!

The "right sequence" for me, was leave the potty aside, clean and dress him up, then shooo him out of the toilet, then clean up the mess. When he refused to leave the toilet, I would just leave the potty there till later, didn't want him to get involve in "cleaning up". No worries about the flushing part lah, he soon will learn to do it, and you will have a headache how to stop him doing it again and again.

If possible, skip the potty and go toilet bowl straight away! Buy a cute child toilet seat, good investment. Actually it helps to show him how you poo in the toilet bowl.

For the peeing, HR pee standing up from the very beginnning, never sit down to pee, except when he do pee and poo at the same time.

Think J is ready. Don't force her, but to give her more encouragement. Sooner or later, she will want to poo in the potty.

My son was only fully toilet train when he was approaching 3yo. Childcare has a rule saying must be potty trained meh, I never receive this info leh. In fact, I think the teachers prefer young children to wear diaper till they are fully ready, else more work for them (to bring them to toilet and to clean up after each accident happens).
Yes I think ur right! I'm going to buy a child toilet seat this weekend! Aiyo, so gross to see the shit in the potty and SOOOO smelly! LOL

My friend told me her son was potty trained by 2.5yr old cos his school required that.
Itsy> Ian is doing great!! RY knows that's the potty and she has seen me pee and sometimes poo...
When we go shopping we go toilet I have to bring her in ma... (last time) so whenever I pull the toilet paper, she wants a sheet too... Then she will squat down facing me and use the toilet paper to wipe her butt.. (she's fully dressed)
When at home now, if she sees me go toilet, she will say..."sshheeeeee..." lol...
I tried to sit her down at the potty, she will refused though and jump up even before her butt touch the potty seat...

Mmmmm... Maybe I should buy a child toilet seat as well....
Also find it gross to clean the potty full of shit leh... Lol...

Where got sell nice ones?? Maybe buy frm amazon??!!? Lol...
potty training
actually the point of using a child potty is so the child can go and sit on the potty themselves rite? if its on a toilet bowl, how will they get up there without an adult?! hmm.... but i see some of the kids abt 24mths in kimmy's school know how to tell teacher they wanna pee and teacher will brg them sit on the toilet bowl (no child seat) holding them while them pee! super impressive! dunno by 24mths will kimmy be toilet trained or not? *stress*

growth spurt
i think kimberly's on a growth spurt! suddenly eating ALOT! not that i'm complaining. but its quite scary how few days ago she can like 'don't eat' much and suddenly she eats up everything! and when i let her self feed, i usually cook alot more coz i scared she eat not full coz drop here and there. but ytd, i made pasta for her and she didn't leave anything! even the pasta that dropped into her catchment bib she also pick up and eat it! also, another big headache is seems like not napping on schedule these 2 days. dunno why! she's doing strange things! she untied her cot bumper at 1 corner, make a 'divider' then put the pillow, bloster, toys in there then squeeze herself in there too and start playing!
HAha Kim is so cute! She's must be playing HOuse.

Ship in seat? No need ba, can buy from stores, easier.
I just anyhow got 1 from the Toy R Us.

Is it so? I never thought of it that way. My boy still needs our help when he poos, and sometimes pees, regardless of using a potty or a toilet bowl.
Ya, I really don't know how to cook unless just fried vege and boil soup then ok. I wondering who to seek on cooking lesson. Maid or mother. Planning the cooking class from my mom but the thought of taking train from Jurong to Bedok put me off. Must start the idea again.

Last time I bought from BP. About $10 for the cover.

CC no need to be toilet train but some nursery need. Yes, totally diaperless takes longer time due to nap and sleeping at night but they must at least know how to go in the day time. My boy still wearing diaper at night but when he started the nursery in Jan, he was toilet trained. Both my brother'son was diaperless before 2.5 yrs old. SIL very hardworking on that.
i dunno what she's trying to do lah. juz now she got her fat thighs stuck in between the cot rails! then cry for help! i almost panicked coz couldn't get it out at first!

ya, i wld think so. but yeah, come to think of it, if they poo definately wld need help with cleaning!
Oh, he has a stool to step on. But he just wants me to help him or to accompany him. Only on rare occasions then he does it all on his own, except the cleaning part. He is already considered those independant kid liao, guess shouldn't push him too hard. He is totally diaperless, day and night for a few months already.

Stir fry veg and cooking soup are good enough for 2 weeks liao what.

Wah, you got 抑扬指 ah??? Cann hold Ian with one finger hahaha

Toilet training

Argh u gals are stressing me now.

Shd we start with poo training or pee training huh?


I only knew how to cook instant noodles before I got married. Can learn from your mum or u can buy those cooking for idiots cook book? I didn't learn from my mum coz.. er.. honestly, her cooking's not nice. And MIL is a lousy teacher. So I'd rather learn from my own.

I learned to make baked rice, chkn stock, veg stock, soup mee sua, stir fried pasta etc from recipes lor. Can one lah. Surely won't starve to death. Maybe just not nice to eat till u improve. Take this as a chance to learn lor.
for mine, i paid close to $1800 for 2 adults + 1 toddler + 1 infant in 2010. so yours is pretty worth it =) quick, quick, go and book!

food for all adults and all children are covered in the cost. activities for all adults and children above 4 years old are covered in the cost. you've gotta fork out S$50 a day if you want to deposit sam in the petit club meant for children younger than 4 years old. if sam is not able to stay in the petit club independently, you can fork out an extra S$10 per hour to get a local babysitter to watch him at the petit club. or you can engage the local babysitter to watch sam when he takes his afternoon nap or when he sleeps in the evening, leaving you and husband free to go for yummy meals. bumming around the beach and pool is free. best thing is that you can bum around while enjoying unlimited drinks (including alcohol) and unlimited snacks at the hotel.

Come to think of it, it's not THAT cheap. Coz I will only have 1 room, where u had 2 leh. Oh I thought the Petit Clubs for above 2s. So if I get a babysitter, he can still go to the Petit Club huh?

I read the T&amp;Cs that I have to sign up for Petit Club for all the days that I'm there. So if he doesn't wanna stay there, I also gotta pay huh?

Oh were the rooms very old? I read reviews that the rooms were tired-looking. And that the snacks are actually quite pathetic, just nuggets &amp; chips? I can't take alcohol lah, The Bun remember?

Hubs hiam-ing that Club Med is expensive *hiaz*
Playdate next Tues 19 Apr
Hi mummies, wanna meet up for a playdate next Tues. Preferably after 3pm when the tots had taken their nap?

Club Med
There is a promotion for UOB and club med members. Adult pay kids price, all inclusive, but you must book a minimum of 5D4N. Club Med Bintan is not included though. Haiz.. but the hubs say too many days for a short trip and ex lor. Maybe some mums here might be interested. =)

Yeah, it's been raining these few days. Really sian to be stucked at home during the weekends.
Me too. instant noodle. When pregnant, cook porridge/noodle n dump in meat, fish, prawn n vege.

Ya, maybe have to download those recipe and try cooking. Ask my maid to teach me how she fried the vege. I don't know how to fry fish n MIL only eat fried stuff.

My son will use potty in the common toilet area so no helping required. In my room, he will use the stool to step up. When u train ur son at night, did he show sign of reducing the pee in the diaper? My son diaper used to be more than a kg in the morning but recently seem to be lighter.
playdate, where? somewhere central?

the stoopid rain n thunder woke kimberly up! she slept less then 1hr!! urgh!!
how old is your son?

cooking is easy, its the preparation thats a pain and the washing up also very sian!

I didn't even cook when preggie. Just eat out lor haha

Fry fish is easy. But very messy &amp; oily. Just heat wok, add oil, then sldie in the fish &amp; pray that it doesn't splatter too much. I hate frying fish.

Your MIL lives with you? Then get her to fry her own fish? hahaha
u try. ask ur hubby to sit on a chair or sofa. u use ur forefinger to push at his forehead. he won't be able to get up.

i like butterfly.
i'm thinking of going bintan for a short trip too... haben start doing any research.. hehe.. okok think i should check out sandwich's blog... u'r looking at club med?

any mummies have any recommendation which resort is gd ?
I am a lucky mum. I don't have to train him leh. His diaper was still heavy on the last day he wore diaper cos he still drinks milk before bedtime. He just agreed that he doesn't need to wear diaper anymore. I reminded him he has to tell me if he wants to pee at night. And that's it. No more diaper from that day onwards, and no accident at all (though i kiasi so I bought the waterproof matress protector :)). And best of all, he only wakes up to pee during midnight once in a while, like once a week thing.

really? Ok I must try this!


I thought of Club med coz have heard quite a few feedback that it's child-frenly. Just that it's not cheap! But for the other cheapr resorts (unless u want Banyan Tree), you have to shell out for food. So maybe the cost will add up to?
i hate frying fish at home. messy and smelly! only eat fried fish outside! =p at home i prefer to steam...easy peasy...juz dump in all the ingredients and cooks fast!

at first i liked butterfly too. then i thought the light pink nicer. then now i see the purple also nice. everytime buy her pink pink pink abit sian liao! they got v cute boys designs too!

i've stayed in bintan angsana and banyantree, both not bad.

reading your post, suddenly i'm wondering if nextime kimberly wants to pee at night how she tell me when she sleeps in her own room. does that mean i'd have to shift her back to my room when the time comes?
