(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Interested to go Lower Seletar Reservoir for waterplay tomorrow? Kiki is ok. It's quite near our house. We can share cab. :p

Playdate tomorrow 19 Apr

Venue: Lower Seletar Reservoir
Time: 4.30pm
Activity: Waterplay

Mummies and tods going:
1) joopz + yunze
2) kiki + kimberly

If weather is no good tomorrow, it will be cancelled, unless we have a backup plan.

Rach, sure.. come! Mummies who are free to join us, add your names in!
Joop> ok I'll be tentative... Will see the children's moods, sleep times.. (hard to schedule now with 2... One can affect the other...) if I can make it, I'll buzz Kiki....
okie, hope the weather will be good! rach, ok...hear fr u. itsy, joining us? think princess stays near u too rite? maybe ask if she wanna join? ling, hows jaelle, is she better? wanna join us if she's well? =)

its juz opp orchid park condo and yes, near to yishun stadium too! i think its at the junction of lentor ave and yishun ave 1 if i remember correctly. my hb always drives so i nv really pay attn!
wow playdate again?

cannot join ;(

anw planning to macau this may.

any mommies here know can feed milk on flight(tiger airways)?

another concern is seasick. going HK from macau.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">training pants</font></font>
mummies anyone keen in gettig training pants for our kids now going to potty train??
BP selling 3 for $11...
I can get at 3 for $10..

Designs available: Winnie the pooh, Minnie, Mickey.
Size: 90,95,100

Let me know okie..
Oh, you are concern about "no outside food allowed". That never came across me. I just fed without asking. On our way back, I even brought snack and drinks from the shops and the kids were happily eating/drinking it, no one stopping me leh. Only then i read/heard no outside food allowed :)
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Playdate tomorrow 19 Apr</font></font>

Venue: Lower Seletar Reservoir
Time: 4.30pm
Activity: Waterplay

Mummies and tods going:
1) joopz + yunze
2) kiki + kimberly
3) Itsy + Ian

I need to be home by 6:30pm. Hope can make it. Joopz, I wanna share cab! U going with only YZ?
Wah, so long din log in, playdate! Wanna go, but so far...
Apparently, my boy is sensitive to something, but can't find the cause. :|

<font color="ff6000">rach</font>
How do training pants work?

<font color="ff6000">ling</font>
J is unwell? Oh dear. Btw, have been thinking if you found the earrings...
WAH!!!!!!! i didnt know the pics come out soo big!
lol..... stare at me in the eyes!! lol...

Joli> its a 3 layer underwear kindda thing... supposed to be thicker than panty la....
so when they pee/poo, not so bad.... still will leak... but not as jialat as normal panty la....

Meant for use when trying to potty train them lo...
Btw, Mummies popping soon...
Anyone needs <font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">GINGER?</font></font>
My dad is selling...
$12 a box - 4kg...

No loose purchase.. only by boxes....

I used 1.5boxes during my confinement la...
<font color="ff6000">ling</font>
Hahaha...read about J jump from potty so cute.

I'm too lazy to train him to pee into potty. So far, only put him to poo in potty if I can catch him in time. Cos I don't like to clean poo-butt.

<font color="ff6000">kiki</font>
I should also look for a new water bottle. I got the Magmag, but I find that it accumulates dirt (is it algae) very easily. Like the straw becomes "slippery" very soon.

Hope K's head don't have buaduku.
<font color="119911">Joopz</font>
Ok. u come over my place or I go over to yours? Sms me. I haven't been to there b4. U know the way hor?
You take cab from your house to mine, then we head to Yio Chu Kang road. Ermm.. I think I know the way though I got lost the other time I wanted to bring Yz there. lol. Will sms you.

How's the kids doing? Recovering already? And yourself? Hope your family gets well soon and can join in the playdates. =)
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Lower Seletar Reservoir </font></font>
Mummies who have been there b4. Where should I ask cabby to drop us off? Is it a long walk from drop off point to the water playground? I'm thinking of not bringing my stroller if the walk is not too long.
Hi all, my first time here...
So nice to hear there are playdates/meetups, healthy living for both kids &amp; mummies.. TOo bad that I am a FTWM, otherwise would be nice to join..
Think the cab driver should know if you tell him to go to Lower Seletar Reservior Park? If not, then tell him opposite Yishun Stadium (junction of Yishun Ave 1 and Ave 2). The map Connie provided is correct. No not far to walk from the car park, ask him to drop you off the carpark, it's a short distance to walk, cos the park is narrow and long in shape.

Wet weather back up plan can be the Little Ozone @ Orchid Country Club, just next to the LSR park. Little Ozone is charging $8/hour, if I remember correctly.
yep, the map that connie show u is correct. the waterplay area is where the 'little yellow umbrella' is on the map, near the 'water cooler' on the right hand side. u can ask him to stop at yishun stadium, else if u don't wanna cross the road, u can ask him to drive up further where orchid park condo is then do a u-turn...u see the map, u can see the u-turn sign. once he do the u-turn, drive further up a bit and he will see the reservoir carpark (not show in the map but i think its around where the 'footprint' is). u can alight there. that is almost exactly where the waterplay area is. i'm not bringing my stroller too.
red scalp: my son recently got some red red scalp on his head is it the weather hot, he go and scrub - heatiness? is there any thing to lighten or treat?? like powder can??? or is it something else???
<font color="119911">Ann</font>
Hello! *Wave

<font color="119911">Kam and Kiki</font>
Thanks! Then I won't bring my stroller. Hoping for good weather *fingers crossed <font color="119911">Kam</font>, thanks for the backup plan!
Calendula cream? where can i get this? what this for?
Shampoo - i just switch from Mustela (blue bear) brand to sembamed (cos he scratch his back head thats why i change. In school he use the kodomo type.
Calendula cream is an organic product by California Baby brand. You can get this from selected branches of Watson's and Guardian. But we usually order from BP, cheaper.

Kodomo type is probably not doing him good. You can ask your school if you can bring shampoo for him. I use California baby shampoo and body wash for my kids. Other brands like QV and cetaphil is recommended too.
Can anyone just enter the Little Ozone @ Orchid Country Club?

I went to the CCK park last sunday. Does ur gal play with the slide? I didn't let my gal climb the stairs as her grip might not be stable yet.
She still refuse to walk on the sand.

Let me know if its fun for the toddle. Might go over weekend.
Yes, it's open to public. But remember to bring your NTUC card or Passion Card, if you have, cos have discount for that. It's pretty small, the smallest among all the indoor playgrounds that we have been to.

We were at the CCK park too last Saturday!!! What time were you there?? Yes, my gal played with everything. She loves sand.
Nice weather!!

I'm outta house for my pedi...
See the rest at Lower Seletar later!!

4.30pm eh?? I'll prob cab down from Northpoint.. Near near..

So only Kiki, joopz &amp; itsy &amp; me?
Helloe everyone

Guess what? I'm stuck home on MC coz of spotting again! Yawn... So bored being immobile.


Aiyah I still can't go, for other reason than working. Big sigh. Have fun u all!
itsy, joopz, rach,
the weather looks v hot! i tink at 430pm will still be v hot n sunny! pls remember to slap on some sunblock for the toddlers. cya later...i might be a bit late, kimberly still napping, hopefully she wakes up in half hr.
Thanks for the idea! Weather looking good today. =D

Yes! Very sunny! Hmm.. perhaps we can let the tods stay in the sheltered area first? Yz also still napping. Will bring sunblock along.

See yah later!

Please rest and don't do any strenuous chores at home.
Wow, potty training is the discussion topic now? Your toddlers are good! I will have plenty of advice from mummies here when I am ready to potty train mine, which i think not too soon

rest well and take care.

Lower reservoir playdate - enjoy guys!!

My little one is running a fever after we got back on sunday...*sigh* still suffering from jetlag.
Around 930am. My son prefer e playground without sand. after tt we went to lot 1 but e water play side not activated yet. Wat time do they usually on e water? E playground is cleaner compared to imm cos everyone remove shoes.
I turned so orr lu lu after today's playdate.

Rest well!

Ian refuses to walk on sand too. Need Looooonnnnng warm up time b4 he will walk on it.

They keep taking turn to fall sick. Both have been coughing for quite some time. I myself also cough for 2+ weeks already.

Hope can bring Haohao for more play dates to learn to interact with other children...
