(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Milkyway hahaa girl!! I also want girl!!! Lolx my dictionary don't have the min leh. Haha but it looks kinda similar to z's 昱 hahahaha!

Itsy, wonder if #2 is same pattern as Ian? Hahahaa.. Gonna be fun! Lolx
desperate times call for desperate measures!
today outta desperation, i added a tiny bit of soya sauce to cook her food to stir fry broccoli and beef. like half a teaspoon diluted with some water and she finished her dinner like magic! i'm wondering if i shd get brovil or marmite wld that be better? are u all using any seasoning? what do u use? need help n some advise pls!!!
Kiki I'm using marmite in his porridge
I used to eat porridge w marmite too and now I still do that. Actually adding a little bit soya sauce salt should be ok.. But not too much!
<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
Haha u r so cute! Actually the first time I added a drop of soy sauce into Ian's porridge (cos that day not enough liao to cook it so kinda blend), he finished the whole bowl of porridge v quickly too! But then that was the only time I add soy into his porridge.

When I cook porridge and soup, no soy sauce or salt. Only add a little of soy sauce if I fry noodle/bee hoon or if I do meat patties. Even when I steam fish for him, I just add a few shreds of ginger and maybe wolfberries.

If he is taking dinner food with us then bo pian lor, he'll have yummier food with seasoning. But since it's home cooked, not much seasoning and no MSG, should be ok lah.

I don't feed him brovil and marmite cos it's quite salty.. I'm afraid if I let him eat that, he'll refuse to eat plain porridge... as in those we normally cook.

I ever ask Pd if it is necessary to add salt into out toddler's food. Her advice was instead of using salt, add a little soy sauce .
how much marmite do u use ah? u think i can use marmite to marinade meat or not? that time i brought K for 18mth assessment, the doc was quite shock that i'm still feeding mostly porridge! she advise to feed more solid food, rice etc and also increase the variety coz kimberly already got so many teeth!

i was really amazed lor! that little amt of soya sauce and she actually ate up! it shows how sensitive their buds are, coz it tasted like nothing to me! usually when i cook porridge or soup i don't add any soy sauce or salt too. but coz today i wanted to stir fry the broccoli and beef, so has to be cooked fast else the beef will turn to rock! is brovil n marmite v salty? hmm...nextime i go supermkt will take note of the ingredients list.
yep, i also think add soy sauce is better then salt for now. did your pd say soy sauce must use only light or dark also can? how abt other types of sauce?
Soy sauce contains salt, sugar and for some brands, they even add in MSG! Read the label before buying. A little bit of salt/soy sauce is okay. I would rather add salt/soy sauce once in a while so that she doesn't get use and expect a tastier food everyday. Best is still without adding anything, let her enjoy the natural taste of food as long as possible.

Strange the PD said that. Soy sauce is actually highly processed. I would choose to use sea salt than soy sauce for young kids. I only use soy sauce on my son when he was almost 3 yo.
My pd also ask me to use soya sauce instead of salt.

Ur gal don ask for rice when u r having dinner? Mine refuse porridge as dinner many mths back. As u r taking care by urself, u can still control e salt issue, last time my mil kept putting soya sauce to my gal porridge n insist she don wan to eat or no taste how to eat etc. E sauce is not 1 drop lor. No wonder when hb nephew stay wif me my soya sauce can finish within a week.
Now they need to take food w more taste else they won't eat. How to switch back?
my mum ever ask her doc...
doc said that salt u can't predict how salty it will be even if it is a tiny bit...

but with soy sauce u can taste a drop of soy sauce is how salty b4 adding it to the dishes...
really ah! i didn't know that. so how? add salt better then soy sauce?

i'm trying hard to maintain a as 'natural flavour diet' as long as possible, hopefully until 3 yrs old. but nowadays she don't wanna eat so its very headache! my girl don't eat with us at the table. she don't ask for rice but if she ask for something i will give her like a pc of carrot. wow! your hb nephew finishes a bottle of soy sauce within a wk!? thats scary.

feel that using pull up pants is so siong after K when to school. normally we use about 4-5 pcs at home. after he goes school, morning bathe 1, school use 4, then evening bathe 1 then night sleep 1. total 7pcs... that too much.

Yesterday i bought Huggies dry comfort for him to bring to school, cheaper ma. Walau... he refused to wear diaper this morning... run away and keep shaking head.. till i take out his pull up pants then he guai guai wear
<font color="119911">myfavchoco</font>
Huggies dry comfort very bulky. U may wanna try Pampers active or the one Kiki's girl is using.. forgot what model is that.. also pampers. These are thiner and not as bulky.

Cannot ask school to not change diaper so often?
why in school must use 4 pcs?! u shd maintain the same amt that u previously used at home mah! u mean u bought the tape kind then he refuses to wear? its also v hard for me to put on tape diapers for kimberly! need to keep singing song, get things to distract her then she will guai guai lay on her back to put on diaper and i have to do it in like 5 sec else she will jump up again!
itsy, myfavchoco
i'm using pampers active, pampers cruisers and also nepia. ya, i also dun like huggies diapers except for thei pull ups not too bad. their tape kind like super bulky and gets worse when its v wet!
Itsy, Kiki

He saw the tape one then run away Liao.. I don even have the chance to get ready to tape
he used to wear huggies dry leh, no pro. Probably now too used to pull up Liao.

4pcs in school alot hor? Poo at 9plus, shower at 10plus then 2 pcs. The most 2plus change one more. Dunno y must use 4 pcs...
then u just put 3 in the bag then. teacher say not enough must put 4? why dun u try put the tape ones in the bag let the teacher in school kaotim. keke... =p
I put 3 finish 3. Put 4 finish 4.
Yesterday I also put 4 tapes one in his bag. The teacher settle lor. This morning I attempt to wear it for him but kanna reject. I also Bo chup la, still put the tapes one in his bag. ;pp

I still prefer his mamy poko pull up pants... Easier to wear.. So cute somemore.. Hahaa ;pp
Oh no I start to feel bored... Hahahaha.. Yesterday went sembawang, wed to jurong, thurs to Dempsey.. Today got no program, wanna trim my eye brow at taka. Making a trip down like waste time and money. So can slot in to wed or thurs since plan to go out.. BUT I am jus too bored, finish my YouTube show.. Nothing to do... now on my way to town, be home by 3 to prepare K and our dinner
then u just put 3 lor =p unless the teacher say not enough. then at home u use pull ups lor, school give tape ones then not as siong! now i'm using 4pc - 5pc (if poo twice), still feel its quite siong! cannot imagine now still use 7pcs/day. bankrupt lor!
Think of it another way - it's not the salty taste that she is after, but a different taste! By that, you may be able to achieve by mixing more ingredient together, and introduce new food that she hasn't tried before. At 1.5yo, you add 1 pinch of salt so that she can eat better. At 2yo, you probably have to add 2 pinch of salt and by 3yo, you have to add 3 or 4 pinch of salt?!! RE soy sauce vs salt, you go read the label of your soy sauce bottle, and then decide for your self.

Your doc is even funnier. Why can taste soy sauce but can't taste salt? Not the same tougue tasting soy sauce and salt meh? Just took a bit and taste loh.
no lah...
maybe the doc is trying to say that we can't gauge the precise amount of salt into the food every time...

oh well...my mum just listen and out from the other...wahaha

so far my pd didn't even mention about soysauce or salt...
Itsy> hahah u funny la... I scroll up to See what is #2 &amp; #3... lol... So we'll be expecting good news ba... If u get a girl... I kuasa my ON to u la... I've enough to pass to 2-3mummies I think... They won't have enough bodies to optimize wearing it Lo... Some till now RY only wore 1-2times.. Some still hanging to be worn.. And going to outgrow soon... Lol....
<font color="ff6000">maelyn</font>
Haha..thanks for the tips. But sounds cheem...

Me don't like sour food, jia lat liao...
Will let the hb read and see, haha....
Anyway, if come come la, no come n come lor... me take it easy...hate to think of the 9 months preg!

Oh no...I love meat some more. <font color="ff6000">kiki</font>ok! I go stress out my hb some more, hahaha... poor fella.

<font color="ff6000">paige</font>
Can add me to your private blog too? Reading about US trip....wah, my fingers itchy itchy...

<font color="ff6000">kiki</font>
That time, I also desperado, and added marmite to his porridge. But subsequently, when he regained his appetite, I switch back to no salt diet. But like itsy, if he eats our food, then we boh pian.

I read AKarmel's book that marmite as one of the vitamins (I think B1 or something) that is not easily found in other foods. So, I relented.

<font color="ff6000">myfavchoco</font>
K very clever ah!Knows what's best for his bums!
Kiki- I only use marmite for porridge when my porridge got nth much. Whether I put or don't put it doesn't matter much cos he doesn't eat much! Except for today! Usually i cook soup base cos he likes and usually I don't add soy sauce unless I got nth much left to be put into the soup.. Else usually I rotate my soup base daily. Sometimes I use ikan billis sometimes I use pork or chicken or vege lo. Z started trying and taking rice very early.. Cos I complaint to my mom tt he don't like porridge like that.. So she say try rice w soup.. Then awhile ltr he want rice by itself so i started giving him rice not mixed w soup for months already. He likes to eat rice separately then vege n those dishes n soup like how we adults eat. If I cook mashy kind of rice.. He won't eat at all! Fussy eater hur! -.-"

Ytd I was really v happy w z during meal. Noon he finish the usual small portion quick. Then dinner he eat 3/4 munchkin bowl filled w rice vege fish.. 1 full bowl of soup!! In less than half an hour w no spitting at all. He open his mouth eat swallow like most kids... Usually he open small small tk long time to eat. I'm so happy that today he eat so much for dinner. It's like double the usual portion. If all meals are like that, how nice huh! And for once his tummy was soooo huge just now. And it's really first time ever I fed so easily and quickly and not so messy cos no spitting only dripping when drink soup.
Oh regarding names for babies frm FS masters...
My MIL went to calculate for both my girls...
RY was $200++
RL was $168+GST..
According to the masters, the names shouldn't be the same or have the same character cuz both have their own 生程坝址. So different lives and 命...
So technically, the following middle character thing don't work unless they so happen can take the same strokes...

But if u can't be bothered or believe then of cuz any names doesn't matter...
Joli and MEalyn
No no like sour food too.. No wonder I got a boy. LOL Anyway, my diet did change after I was preg with Ian, I found that I like eating meat more!

Kiki and Rach
Last time we tried, also no protection and way more 'active', it took nearly a year. So now I think we can't expect any any news too soon too.

U 'close shop' liao? Wanna pass us your bb clothings?

salt or soy sauce?
I also dunno which is better. I'm using sea salt and I tasted both, I think salt is saltier than soy sauce leh. But like Kam said, soy sauce is more processed. Aiya, best is don't use! No need to think :p
Just to share...

I found that after I changed Ian's FM from Mamil Gold to Enfagrow, now he can drink much more! Maybe Mamil Gold was too sweet and zi lak for him to drink more.
<font color="0000ff">joli</font>
sure, just pm me your email add, then I will add you.

<font color="0000ff">salt vs. soya sauce</font>
Sea salt is good, but just to let mummies know, when you look for soya sauce for your baby, dont buy those with sodium benzoate (preservatives) in it. This chemical is bad if you intend to give soya sauce to your baby every meal.
Bovril has additional flavourings, something like MSG but its a different chemical, so might want to take in moderation too.
I did my "survey" on all these flavourings when Kate fussed about her food a while ago

My conclusion was a little of salt and pepper! I also tried adding paprika and garlic powder (McCormicks's)

Her meals here while on holiday is soooooo bad....fries and more fries, and the food here super salty. Chinese food all have msg, *sigh* I hope she will still want to eat her normal food whern we get back this weekend.

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font>
Nice that Shanis is having a little sister!
More reasons so splash out on pretty clothes!

<font color="0000ff">itsy</font>

Wow, all of you planning for #2?
I had a horrible day with Kate ystrday, she was sooooooo horrible, sitting down in the middle of shopping mall, on five foot way (so unacceptable!) dont want to sit in stroller, run around, nearly run into the road, dont want me to hold her hand, then spotted this coin car ride corner (they had like 6 of them in a cluster) and went and play on it for 30 mins, I wanted to leave and she was still throwing a tantrum wanting to stay there, so I left, I walked away about 50meters and hide and peeped and her, she didn't even look for me!! argh! Then I remembered there kids kidnap case quite prevalent in US,so I walked back...

I tahan until dinner time, she went and sat down on the diner's floor, use her hand to clean the floor, I cannot tahan I smack her in front of all the customers eating dinner, smack until my hand sooo pain!
Tried to tell her she has been naughty, cannot sit on floor, and to my amazement, she knows! She will tell me, 'no,no sit floor, dirty'.
I think the angmos here must be thinking this chinese mother is so violent, must be out of her mind!
Hi Paige, 
Try to multiply your experience by 2 and you will know what I am experiencing. Cannot imagine having 3. My cousin who has 3 kids told me terrible two is not the worse stage. It is the beginning of nightmare. She related to me one o
f her friend's daughter reported her to the police for child abuse becoz she is being made to do homework! 

Your hubby not around yesterday? It helps to have the daddy around during this kind of meltdown time. I usually walk away and leave it to my husband to deal with them. 
Oh yes, Australian Ang mo must be thinking I am crazy mom of twins. 
Seriously, if can choose again. I will be happy with one. Quality time and I can still have a career. But my hubby will probably look for a second wife... Haha... 

Sea salt vs soy sauce
According to my cousin( I trust her alot because she is a bio person n mom of three n used to own a parenting forum. I emailed her to ask for advice) the following is her reply

Salt is considered an additive from a dietary need pt of view as sodium chloride can be found in food and thus unnecessary to be added as part of the diet. For young kids, sodium will load the kidney unnecessary. So do not add unnecessary!!
But If a child is sick, a more savory food will help. Ok my take on sea salt and soy sauce.
Sea salt- unrefined salt. I will use it sparingly. Better alternative to common soy sauce. 
Soy sauce - actually if one can find premium soy sauce without preservatives like sodium benzoate. It is better than sea salt as it a fermented product abd lots of good stuff( won't elaborate here, can explain if u want to know more) the only brand I can find is from japan. But now with radiation risk, I an cutting it out.
To make food more appetizing, I use miso. Yeah got sodium chloride but it also contain probiotics. So lesser of an evil ib the sense better ingredient!! 
Don't use bovril or marmite, contains yeast extract which is msg. 
To cook porridge, I use wakame as a base.. Its amino acid is glutamate which is like msg but it does not fire the "nerves" thus lesser side effects. There is a trick to cooking wakame. I email you another time. Got to run.. Fetch kids.. Plus shop Reno!! "

The above is my cousin reply. Sharing with all of u. Hope it can help. 

<font color="119911">Paige</font>
The ang mos will simply think you r a typical chinese tiger mum :X
Actually i think u r so brave to bring her on holiday on your own. I won't dare to do that cos all that Kate did, Ian does it too and I wouldn't know how to handle him. U take it easy lor LOL enjoy the rest of your trip.

<font color="119911">Kaydenmom</font>
Thanks for the info!
<font color="ff6000">rach</font>
wah, nowadays have GST some more? I thought GST only applicable to business with more than $1mil revenue. Their earnings nowadays so good ah?

<font color="ff6000">itsy</font>
My preferences for drinks change. I used to like drinking water. But during pregnancy, only like sweet drinks, can't stand water. Drank so much gassy drinks.

<font color="ff6000">myfavchoco</font>
Hahaha....he's smart la! I think pulls-up are more comfy right? Clever boy!

<font color="ff6000">paigey</font>
Oh dear...what a day. Hope tomorrow will be better.

Haha....yeah, there was once my nephew was crying lying on the floor throwing a tantrum. I just stood about a metre away, The locals just looked and smiled. Then came a few angmoh, ask my nephew "are you ok? where's your mommy?" My nephew stopped crying and I quickly whisked him away. Very different parenting style.

<font color="ff6000">kaydenmom</font>
Homework? Is that in Aussie or Singapore? I wonder what did the police say. hahaha...

And thanks for the info too. Must go check my stuff. It's a pity that there's radiation risk with Jap food now. Otherwise, their quality is usually good and trustable. Really a pity! but more so the people there la. How to rebuild lives like that...
Hugz! Hope Miss K behaves better for the rest of the trip, and hope your hub can help you.

But hor, kids are kids mah, it's like that lah, it's unavoidable to have melt down, tantrum throwing one loh. Don't be put off of having more kids. See I am a happy mum of 2 (though I still complain of my kids at times :))

Thanks for the info!! It really helps! Miso is indeed a good alternative, esp when making soup or soup base dishes. I heard from my friend (who is very knowledge in natural remedy) that miso is good in boasting immunity too! After having kids, we slowly change our food from common type to premium type, for the sake of their good health, though still haven't gone all the way to organic.

Haha, I wanted to say tiger mum initially :)

Good luck on TTC! Be even more "active", sure strike one day!
Difference in disciplining kids between husband and wife

--My husband get real mad when i smack kids on their bum. But he is not the one facing the kids the whole day. I am strict whereas he is laxed. Is it only my husband?
Thanks kadenmom for sharing... RY been eating our food since dunnoe when...
Last 9mos I suppose... Ever since she turned 1, I laxed Liaoz...
And with me pregnant then.. Too lazy to cook her food...

Itsy> not for time being gonna have another one...
Unless strike toto... Lol... Financially taxing enough...
mentally stressful enough....
Steph, dunno how u manage 4...
Going thru sibling rivalry stage now... Sometimes im so irritated by RY that I feel I hate her..
Bad mummy....
But shes soooo notti and rebellious and stubborn!!!

Very tiao gang... Pek chek!!

And if I ever have #3.. It must be a boy!!!!
So I won't have need of girls clothes...
Either way can still give away my girls clOthes... Lol...
Jolimilk> the GST one is the shifu who does the channel 8 cny interpretation during cny countdown...
Cheaper than RY one but so much more detailed Lo..
RY one more exp but lesser write up and info given...
Hello eevryone

Wah so much discussion... I can only quickly scan thru coz I've been busy at work (&amp; and shopping *oops*)
So quiet today.. M so bored again.. Hahahaha
Went to fetch K yesterday, form teacher say K is learning to talk now, keep repeating words after her
hugz...sigh. our kids can be so cute but so notti at times! lol...ya, the angmos will probably think u're a 'tiger mom'! =p

thanks for sharing that info on salt n soya sauce. regarding hbs, mine also same lah, i can foresee nextime i will be the 'devil' and my hb is the 'angel' in my girl's eyes. he only sees my girl for that brief 1.5-2 hrs when he's back fr work everyday. by then she'd be fed, had her bath so all he does is play with her! he doesn't see the 'bad side' of her when she's notti and always tell me she's very guai like little angel. somehow i think he got difficulty understanding why mommy look so tired n stressed on some days!

straw bottles
what type of straw bottles are your kids using ah? i mean, besides munchkin, any other brands out there? my girl has this tendancy to chew the straw of the munchkin bottles! today, she came back fr school with the straw bitten off! abt 1cm gone! i hope its not in her tummy. =/

thats good news! at least it shows K is learning at school!
food - garlic and cheese
i think my girl takes alot of these. she takes cheese almost everyday and garlic is added into almost all the food i cook for her. any issues with taking small amts of these everyday?
You not looking for job? Thought you said after K settled down in cc, you want to start working again? Or your hub sayang you, ask you to stay home and be tai-tai :)

There are one type of bottles with "hard" straw. Not possible to be bitten off. I got that from Disneyland but I think I saw similar one at Kiddy's Palace before. I have avoided to buy this cos I thought it's difficult to wash and cannot replace straw.

No issue with garlic and cheese.
oh..u mean those hard straws cannot be taken out to wash? then its not so good hor? coz i think their straws must washed properly to prevent bacteria growth! sigh...hope i can find a suitable one later, else tomorrow go school no water bottle!

not napping
some days, kimberly doesn't seem to want to nap in the afternoon. like today, she's been rolling on her bed from 1pm till now still awake! but she never cry. she roll, do somersalt then jump jump jump! then she lay on her back and lift her stuff toy up and talk to it n laugh to herself. why like that?!
The other type my kids are using is with soft straw, can be bitten off, but the straw can be replaced. I wash their bottles once a week (sometimes longer), and replace the straw when there are dirts that can't be removed.

u wash the bottles once a wk?! wow...can ah?! i only put plain water in the bottle but i still wash everyday! not dirty meh? i mean...they makan food then drink water...then sometimes i see the food particles will go into the water bottle leh!

i have so far replaced i think 5 sets of straws liao, at the rate kimberly bites her straw bottles! trying to wean her to use cup but very messy! and go to school definately still need a straw bottle.
